Câinele Japonez
Câinele Japonez
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Câinele Japonez

Câinele Japonez

1h 26m
This simple tale of father and son is Romanian director Tudor Cristian Jurgiu's debut feature which premiered at San Sebastian Film Festival. The proud and independent life of Costache is abruptly devastated when a recent flood kills his wife and his dog, and destroys his home. His estranged son Ticu, whom he hasn't seen for 20 years returns from Japan with his wife. Their arrival will force Costache to make a decision towards selling or keeping his land which is given by the state, while father

Câinele Japonez

1h 26m
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Avg Percentile 34.61% from 6 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Apr 2018
This drama centered on conflicts, between generations, between urban and rural, is filled with warmth and compassion for all of the characters. Warmth and optimism is a rara avis in Romanian cinema, so of course I'll take it. Serban Pavlu might be my fav Romanian actor, and Victor Rebengiuc is a legend. They go great together.


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