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Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 45m
A young man comforts his older brother's wife and children after he goes missing in Afghanistan.


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 45m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.09% from 1509 total ratings

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Rated 10 Dec 2009
A good film that could have been great if the director had grown a set of balls and finished what he started, the last scene should have been Maguire blowing his brains out at the meltdown part if this film were to have any realism.I have not seen the original but will do soon enough.
Rated 25 Mar 2010
This is a horror movie based on the nightmares of war. Maguire was great showing how war can change a man beyond control. The downfall is the kids dialog written for them by people who know nothing about kids. And they could have ended better than that.
Rated 29 Dec 2009
Sheridan's latest effort evoked a rather melodramatic mania compared to Bier's absorbing documentarian approach. Gyllenhaal is once again miscast and Portman hasn't wowed me since "Léon". Maguire, who injected a much needed heart into this disappointing remake with his rousing evocative performance, is the film's redeeming quality. Words I never thought I'd use in the same sentence. Save this one for later... Best movie of the year ? Ooh, lay off the doobie Richard Roeper.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
I really like this film, because it tackles a 'real issue' well. Whilst I still cant get my head around Natalie Portman fancying Maguire, everyones performance in this film was strong, and the two two young girls are simply terrific. They have a crucial role in bringing the reality of the situation home, and they do it in the most endearing, touching and believeable way. The script is a little wooden and heavy handed with the lighter moments working better than the more emotional scenes.
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Competent drama that had some pacing issues. Maguire carried the weight a bit especially as the scenes in Iraq are the most interesting.
Rated 29 May 2010
I'm finding it really difficult to rate this. It's an extremely emotionally engaging film that covers real, important and relevant themes. It's so hard hitting, in fact, that it's uncomfortable to watch. The acting here is superb all around, but it's Maguire's outstanding performance in the latter half of the film that really deserves merit. It has some flaws, like a dull score and not much coverage on Sam's war, and some slightly forced sub plots, but overall this is a solid effort by Sheridan.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
A bit too melodramatic and clichéd for it's own good, Brothers relies on strong performances in all the key roles. Even Tobey Maguire steps up his game as the Irak veteran whose past keeps haunting him.
Rated 24 Mar 2010
Tension is high in this story of a soldier's struggle to re-introduce himself into life with his family after returning from war. Upon coming home, he finds that his estranged brother has taken an interest in his wife and little girls. Though the storyline sounds simple, it's actually rather complex, as the film examines the soldier's coming home from several angles and viewpoints--from soldier himself, to wife, to brother, to grandparents, to kids. Surprisingly riveting movie. Recommended.
Rated 19 Mar 2010
About as ineffectual and bland as the original, this time extra schmaltzy. As overwrought as the melodrama genre demands, it's not that the acting is bad but the performers are definitely doing just that (the kids excluded - they were solid). What brings the movie down, though, is the script's reliance on cliché in both the portrayal of relationships (the stereotyped father will make a lot of eyes roll) and its age-old premise. But, really, what were you expecting from the writer of 'Wolverine'?
Rated 12 Mar 2010
Why Jim Sheridan and not Michael Bay? Brothers is like a brother to The Hurt Locker, equally disgusting and worse on script. And i did not like acting because i don't think crying solves all performance problems. Have not we watched enough Vietnam Syndrome?
Rated 15 Jan 2010
What was supposed to be a taut thriller about the horrors of war becomes a meandering bromance gone astray in this watered down Americanized film. Gyllenhaal is fantastic, given what he's working with, but Maguire barely keeps his head above the water and it's clear he's forcing his actions, rather than feeling them.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
I liked it but it really could've been something special had Sheridan ended it in a different way. He should've also cast Mulligan in the lead instead of Portman, I mean she was literally right there. The most interesting stuff was everything in Afghanistan, that alone would've made for a compelling movie. Overall it was good but that ending ruined it for me.
Rated 28 Dec 2009
I take slight issue with the assertion that this film involves three of the greatest actors of our generation. Jake's in the discussion, Natalie, no doubt (at least with actresses), but I just don't feel the same about Tobey. I don't think he's done enough to deserve that title. The Good German, Spiderman and Seabiscuit? Fine films, not enough. Anyways, this was a good effort, and the story was quite good. I didn't necessarily "buy" the two as brothers, their dynamic wasn't great. Up and down.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
The Revolutionary Road of 2009. And that is not a good thing. This overacted, miscast melodrama is a poor man's oscar movie. It even has the necessary throw-shit-around-the-house scene. That being said some of the subject matter is still engaging and thought provoking and it makes an interesting companion piece to The Hurt Locker - which is a more effective war film. Also, this is not what the trailers would lead one to believe.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
The film starts out very promisingly. However, after a while, while the acting excels, the filmmaking goes downhill. It's affected by shoddy editing, along with awkward musical choices. While the director attempts to create sufficient mood, but story cohesion is a myth. Sam Shepard's character is a bit stereotyped and underdeveloped. An incomplete film. Some really good scenes though. Tobey Maguire is beliveable for the first time in an adult role and the two children are FANTASTIC.
Rated 11 Dec 2009
A demonstrative and effusive film that deals with a fragile yet relevant theme. Sheridan captures the throbbing, stinging reality of war while also applying the anguish and tribulation it has on everybody. Maguire's pain and torment is doubled by his touching performance. Gyllenhaal is just as good and Portman shows she can hold the film all on her own. The film still has flaws however. The ending didn't seem to conspire and coordinate with the rest of the film. Still really good.
Rated 10 Dec 2009
Sheridan's Hollywood do-over of Susanne Bier's Danish original, is a wartime soap opera served up as kitchen-sink realism, photographed by Frederick Elmes with a clear and cold albeit clichéd eye for Middle American mundanity.
Rated 07 Dec 2009
It was good. It didn't tug at me like the movieobviously wanted to but it was still pretty sad, with great peformances all around. Still, there were some really wonky parts amongst the great parts and the very last scene was a little uninspired (the scene before it was great though)
Rated 15 Sep 2024
jake gyllenhaal'un olduğu bir filmde onun önüne geçen tek performans bu galiba, tobey maguire harika.
Rated 29 Jul 2021
Should have had a different ending. But the tension is jesus christ. The use of silence is astounding. Truly nerve wracking
Rated 27 Feb 2020
Decent actors could not redeem a dumbed-down script and tepid direction. It feels like someone felt the need to simplify a lot complex and fraught situations, thereby robbing them of any real impact. In completely different hands, this might have been something powerful.
Rated 30 Aug 2019
I didn't find the script convincing, and this kind of movie pretty much exclusively succeeds or fails on that basis alone, so this is a failure.
Rated 24 Jun 2017
i have made recording of the very few part that were nice, left the rest, was not an enjoying or motivating movie, it totally felt a waste of time
Rated 06 Apr 2017
We watched this movie in my freshman film analysis class several years ago. As that course taught, whether or not a film "does it for you" is the most worthless question in film analysis, so I won't say whether or not I liked it. I will, however, say that this film's flaws lie squarely on the director's shoulders. After all, these are good actors, the script is there. Who else is left? But since so much is on point, I can't say it's a bad movie. A disappointing movie, sure, but not a bad one.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
I enjoyed this more than the consensus but I seem to have a blindspot for anything with Jake G
Rated 04 Sep 2016
It was just bad.
Rated 16 Jun 2015
#14#, story, cast
Rated 13 Jan 2015
a very uneven movie. parts of it are very moving, while other things fall flat. would like to see the original, perhaps even prior to this.
Rated 14 Aug 2014
Quite disturbing and because of that it's impossible to stop watching. This story is strong, emotional and shows us a side of war that's often forgotten or not given thought.
Rated 13 Mar 2014
Unfortunately, tin story and mediocre director did not follow great acting performances of Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal. Movie is ok, but it is no masterpeice.
Rated 24 Dec 2013
sad and disturbing - great acting by toby maguire ... he's creepy as fuck.
Rated 15 Dec 2013
Small-scale drama of considerable watchability, with yet another fine performance by the oft-excellent Tobey Maguire.
Rated 22 Oct 2013
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Portman doesn't overact or underact; she just stands around with whatever the appropriate expression for the scene seems to be on her sweet, pretty, childlike face. If there's something going on behind that face, I neither know nor care what it is, which means that long stretches of Brothers involving her character's interiority struck me as dramatically inert.
Rated 26 Sep 2012
Natalie Portman is awesome, Jake Gyllenhaal also excellent as the screw-up brother. Tobey Maguire's veteran character was really hard to understand, as is PTSD. I guess that's the point of the movie, people get messed up when they get captured by the enemy. It has several very tense situations that puts you on the edge of your seat. It was riveting in places. Surprise good performance from Bailee Madison. Cameo from Carey Mulligan. A hard subject for a good movie. This was acceptable.
Rated 26 Aug 2012
could've went somewhere, didn't.
Rated 16 Feb 2012
Slightly above average acting doesn't manage to elevate the movie from being a 100 minute soap opera.
Rated 05 Jan 2012
Tobey Maguire delivers an outstanding performance. It portrays the struggle of a soldier regaining its freedom and still not being free. very well made!
Rated 15 Dec 2011
Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman are all in fine form in this movie. The story was interesting the entire way and you really do care for the characters. I highly recommend this drama.
Rated 27 Oct 2011
"Sheridan's intense consideration of his characters' impossible plights resounds throughout." - Nick Schager
Rated 16 May 2011
Rated 09 May 2011
a fairly good drama that just fails to tug on the right heartstrings and thus only slumps into a decent category. of course, this movie is nothing to scoff at, yet there are key aspects which separate it's current status with its potential as a great movie.
Rated 05 Apr 2011
What could have been an intriguing psychological character study instead becomes a war commentary on the effect an extreme and abnormal situation has on a returning soldier. Jake Gyllenhaal continues his string of great performances alongside Natalie Portman, but Tobey Maguire brings the film down with a part lacking on paper and even more on screen.
Rated 25 Mar 2011
This feels like a slightly above average Lifetime Movie Channel movie. The acting is all fine, and the premise of the story had potential, but the way the story was told was not emotionally compelling like it should have been. The last fifteen minutes were decent, but the rest felt lifeless and uninteresting.
Rated 01 Feb 2011
It is full of emotional power and tension, even though it doesn't completely connect on every scene.
Rated 17 Jan 2011
Rated 02 Jan 2011
Pretty good movie showing the intense transformation a soldier goes through after war. Good acting.
Rated 30 Dec 2010
Good, and could have been great ... the Afghanistan scenes were gut-wrenching.
Rated 25 Dec 2010
Brothers is a film that I can say will stick with you. It features good actors playing interesting and deep characters well, telling an interesting and engaging story. The writing is believable, the acting is great and the story will keep you fascinated. You will become emotionally invested in its characters, and you will want to see them make it through to the end. Brothers balances emotional highs and lows properly, and is a rewarding viewing experience.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Sheridan declines the dissociative artiness and blame that hipster filmmakers use to exempt themselves from today's wars.
Rated 22 Dec 2010
Gyllenhaal plays his typical wise ass douche character, Maguire goes for insane rather than traumatized, and Jim Sheridan brings his stock shit. Then, Bailee Madison shows up and makes everyone involved look stupid. See this for a rare exhibition in exceptional child acting.
Rated 15 Nov 2010
This movie was a heart-wrenching drama about the reality and the repercussions of war, but the trailer made it out to be a horror version of Pearl Harbor. It doesn't seek to judge the war, only show that man was not meant to kill man for any reason, and there are always consequences. It is the story of a man who lost himself in war and his struggle to live with himself and his family at home again. Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal were great, but 10-year-old Bailee Madison stole the show.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
Here is a cliche for you: Watch the original
Rated 05 Oct 2010
Fine performances including a particularly intense one from Tobey Maguire make this melodramatic and almost emotionally manipulative film worth seeing. Otherwise, it's nothing special.
Rated 12 Jul 2010
Does a better job portraying the two brothers than the Danish original did. Tobey Maguire is oustanding, while Jake Gyllenhaal seems to have been left with very little to build his character on.
Rated 22 Jun 2010
I liked this movie quite a bit, but the voice-over at the end was so awful that I had to say "yuck" as soon as the credits rolled. The entire last scene is kind of unrealistic, and unearned. My other criticism may be kind of unfair, but here it is. I watched The Deer Hunter recently, and in that movie I really believed that I was watching those characters suffer psychological damage on screen. This movie needs that, but it doesn't have it. But otherwise it's very good.
Rated 13 Jun 2010
It was a decient movie but nothing great Tobey Maguire was ok as a messed up Marine. and I also think it had nothing to do with the realtionship with the wife but more the bond the brother got with the kids.
Rated 24 May 2010
No suspense, no thrill, and practically no war. Just a simple drama about human survival, relationships, and love.
Rated 18 May 2010
wasn't bailey madison great in this? :)
Rated 14 May 2010
If previews could ruin movies, this would be exhibit A. But, it still turned out to be a pretty good movie.
Rated 25 Apr 2010
i enjoyed watching this well made film. it features fine acting and a storyline that some may be surprised by. the overall presentation is done in a very realistic fashion and as a result the characters become very believable. sheridan also manages to develop the tension throughout without compromising the film. recommended.
Rated 25 Apr 2010
Like someone else on Criticker said, it's an interesting companion piece to the Hurt Locker because of the stark similarities between Maguire and Renner's characters. But whereas Hurt Locker is ironic in its tone, Brothers goes for straight-up melodrama. It would have been a failure based on the script alone, but the performances from the three leads (and the kids) make it a war film worth watching.
Rated 23 Apr 2010
I was really bothered by the casting choices. For some reason all I saw was Donnie Darko, Padme, and extra-creepy Spiderman. Story is relevant, but very heavy-handed. It tries so hard to get some emotional response from the viewer, but like with the most of 'crying movies' my response was exactly the opposite.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
Too boring.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Jake and Tobey have always been compared as far as looks are concerned, both were in the mix with Spiderman and now here we are and they are playing Brothers in a war film. Their chemistry is great and their relationship goes up and down, and they actually begin to switch roles when you think about it. Tommy starts out rough and disconnected, Sam loving and nuturing to his young girls, and in the end it is Uncle Tommy that Sam's two daughters want around. Tobey and Jake were believeable.
Rated 30 Mar 2010
Maguire's performance is awesome. I enjoyed Gyllenhaal as well. Although I have a hollywood crush on Natalie Portman, she seemed to be a miscast to me, always perfect makeup and hair. Good movie.
Rated 26 Mar 2010
The movie is overall very good. The downfalls came mostly at the end with the line that leads into the best scene (Maguire's freak-out) not feeling right coming out of the little girl's mouth, and the ending losing so much of it's potential impact because of a ball-less decision to not end the movie on a down note. All scenes with Maguire are great and when he gets home the intensity is real. It's not a film for everyone as it could make some people uncomfortable, but I'd suggest it to most.
Rated 22 Mar 2010
Despite having the feeling of being incomplete , it feels wrong to give this a lesser score. I was thoroughly engaged with the plot, and found it to be surprisingly impacting. Maguire is nothing short of stellar; Oh and those two kids...damn.
Rated 18 Mar 2010
This movie is why Hollywood shouldn't do remakes of foreign movies. Gyllenhaal and Maguire are somewhat believable as brothers and Portman is sweet as always and tries pu carry the movie alone, but the movie never reaches the high level of intensity the original has. The acting is never truly believable. I sencirely hope that everybody chooses to watch the danish original from 2004 if they want to see how the story ought to be told and how real actors act! Please!
Rated 07 Mar 2010
The music was extraordinary, minimal but yet powerful. and i think that's all.
Rated 25 Jan 2010
"Brothers" often times feels like talented actors and a handful of tense scenes piled on an average "been there, done that" story mixed in with a big anti-war message. We've seen many 'coming home' films about the impact of combat and the destructive power it has on its soldiers. Some of these movies hit, some miss, and this one definitely works very well in its moments. If for no other reason, the film should be seen for Maguire's performance and those moments here that are effective.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
'Brothers' isn't the movie the trailer sells you. You expect it to be about a relationship blooming in the absense of another, but it's really a movie about grief and expectations in all relationships. Nearly every character is attempting to impose their will on the next, with some relenting and others collapsing under the pressure. You get invested in these relationships and as the stakes change, so do your allegiances. Every situation feels real and organic, though the father is a cliche.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
The movie drags on and you can pretty much figure it out.
Rated 07 Jan 2010
About the life-long aftershocks of war and a family at war with itself. Never quite gets it self completely together though, and sort of has a half-finished feel to it.
Rated 07 Jan 2010
This is not exactly an anti-war film, but it is a very moving film. Well acted, especially by Tobey Maguire. I liked all the psychological tension of the film.
Rated 09 Dec 2009
An excellent rendition of a profoundly disturbing story. One of those glad I went to see it but I won't be watching it again, movies.


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