Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast at Tiffany's
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Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Romance, Comedy
1h 55m
A young New York socialite becomes interested in a young man who has moved into her apartment building. (imdb)

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Romance, Comedy
1h 55m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 59.15% from 4752 total ratings

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Rated 26 Nov 2011
A romantic film that also includes animal cruelty, rampant alcoholism, shoplifting, racism, a child bride and man-whoring. Peppard is terribly dull as the protagonist. The only decent performance is from Hepburn, but her annoying character is the kind of pretty girl that hangs around you and wants your attention because "you're so sweet and funny" only to never have sex with you but she will talk about her plans to bang this hot guy and that rich guy. Ugh. Maybe I have issues.
Rated 15 Dec 2022
I'm more of a Dinner at Big Lots kinda guy.
Rated 17 Dec 2008
Iconic romantic comedy with moments of charm, but very little depth. Despite Hepburn's solid performance with nice character touches and some witty dialogue, I had trouble feeling drawn into the story. Peppard was dull, providing very little chemistry, and you just have to try ignore Rooney. The soundtrack was prominent, especially Hepburn's rendition of 'Moon River', but overall it felt like a collection of scenes rather than a complete film.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
Audrey Hepburn isn't enough to over shadow what is ultimately a shallow celebration of 60's hedonism, with a thin veneer of a plot, a disturbingly racist portrayal of an Asian man and enough obligatory quirkiness to choke on. There's a thin thread of a dark past for character depth, but next to zero development and little chemistry between the romantic leads. In spite of all of this, part of me really wanted to like this film but I just never felt invested in any of the characters.
Rated 02 Jun 2018
The story of a woman so dazzling nobody notices that she's very obviously running a high-profile narcotics ring and only Mickey Rooney in yellowface can put an end to it.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
Oh man, why is this movie so beloved? Hepburn's acting is passable but her character is atrocious. She's like a version of Scarlett O'Hara that we're actually supposed to like. George Peppard is a cardboard cutout, the "comedy" is out of place and unfunny, and the dynamic between the leads is snooze-inducing. To top it off, the movie has what can only be described as the most offensively unfunny Chinese impersonation in human history. I'll give the movie a few points for the pretty colors.
Rated 28 Apr 2008
Why does everyone love Holly Golightly? She's awful.
Rated 02 Jan 2008
Turning a novella of unfulfilled platonic longing into standardised Hollywood lovestory crap is regrettable. What's much worse, however, is that the comedy parts are terribly unfunny and the "Japanese" neighbour is an utter and complete disgrace ("everyone else was doing it" is NOT an excuse). Sure, Audrey Hepburn is cute as always, but that doesn't help much.
Rated 30 Dec 2006
Luckily Cat was rescued at the end.
Rated 02 Apr 2015
This movie is not for me. Every character except for the cat annoyed me.
Rated 09 Jul 2013
Ridiculously overrated. I swear half the celebration of this movie is just for Audrey in that outfit. It's a silly plot, and Mickey Rooney's character is so offensive he not only ruins the movie, he takes it out and pisses on it.
Rated 20 Feb 2012
I really enjoyed Hepburn's performance, but she seemed like a smoldering supernova among co-starring bags of sand. Nothing happened that captivated me and there's not much of a cohesive narrative. I suppose this could be a jabbing comment on the New York lifestyle in general, but it doesn't leave me wanting to see it again anytime soon. Positives include the soundtrack and some of the camera work, but it's easy to see why Audrey's iconic debutante image is the only lasting cultural influence.
Rated 05 Nov 2010
While I understand the appeal of Audrey Hepburn, I've never understood why people love this movie. The script barely resembles the source material, the ending doesn't work, George Peppard is more wooden than Pinocchio and don't even get me started on Mickey Rooney. If it weren't for Hepburn's stellar performance and charm, this movie would have been forgotten long ago.
Rated 26 Aug 2009
Well, it's shallow, and the film has certainly forsaken fond memory, but it's worth watching solely for the exemplary quality of set design, costumes, and props (in that order). I love how rain levels the playing field in life. Everyone's equal when your clothes are wet and your hair's stuck to your face. Oh, and Cat.
Rated 10 May 2007
Cute and funny. Hepburn is great but my good Lord the portrayal of the Japanese neighbor upstairs is exceedingly racist by today's standards.
Rated 08 Jan 2020
Didn't do much for me. Maybe I shouldn't have been waiting the whole movie for Audrey Hepburn to drive out into the countryside, sneak into a farmhouse, and murder a family in their sleep.
Rated 17 Feb 2019
Holly Golightly vacillates between intriguing and horrible but Aubrey Hepburn is sublime. Honestly might have enjoyed this even more if it weren’t for Mickey Rooney’s shockingly racist landlord butting in at inappropriate times for comedic relief.
Rated 30 Oct 2014
Ridiculously overpraised film that is surely more of a pop culture classic than a genuine film one. Occasionally 'elitist' categories of differentiation serve a vital function: they allow us to separate the wheat from the chaff. Unless you have a crush on Hepburn or love Edwards, this film is pretty much a waste of time. Rooney's Japanese caricature is also outrageously offensive, especially by today's standards.
Rated 04 Sep 2013
Incredibly, I know women who claim they want to be like Audrey Hepburn's Holly Golightly. I'm guessing that, like me, they were aware of the film without ever actually having sat down and watched it before. I found that watching it was like watching a Marilyn Monroe flick - you're left utterly stunned that pap like this is still getting pushed as "iconic" and "classic". Worth comparing to Pretty Woman for the frightening ease with which male filmmakers romanticise and celebrate prostitution.
Rated 22 May 2013
I watched this movie right after reading the novella it was based on, so I had very definite expectations. The book isn't very deep, and the movie even less so. Hepburn is radiant, but she's too cute compared to the original character. Racism in this film is quite shocking. Considering how much influence on pop culture this film has I was expecting something better.
Rated 14 Apr 2012
There's a lot of potential here but the end result is shallow. Most of the characters are bland, the ending is boring, and the racial caricature disgusting. But what still manages to propel it along is Hepburn - what a great actress, she brings her all here and really makes her character work. And a few scenes do really work quite well, like the party and wandering around New York. Shame about the rest of it.
Rated 08 Jan 2012
Audrey plays this just like how I imagined Holly in the book, insufferably lost yet utterly charming. Peppard was so handsome when he was younger that it almost makes me nauseous, and I had/have the biggest crush on him. The movie doesn't necessarily match the graceful aimlessness of story all the time, but I think enough of the core is there to make it so memorable. 10 points off for Rooney's incredibly offensive and unnecessary performance. I want to hate the end but I can't, I just love this.
Rated 28 Jan 2011
Between Audrey's looks, the romantic 'Moon River' theme song and a director of Edwards' caliber, this could really have been something special. Two things ruin it: the writing (Holly is too much of a bitch) and Rooney's somewhat disgraceful and 100% unfunny character.
Rated 25 Nov 2010
Beautiful film for Audrey Hepburn and New York, but I've seen better romantic plots in Mastercard adverts.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Breezy and fun, especially when Hepburn and Peppard are playfully exploring NYC. Rooney's caricature is an unfortunate distraction, but my main issue is that Holly is a very flighty and unsympathetic character - a lot of fun in moments of frivolity, but when the film tries to explain her backstory or lack of attachment one wonders why Peppard so deeply loves this rather superficial and at times downright cruel woman.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Great performance of A.Hepburn, lovely, beautiful comedian and romantic movie. The party and the last scene were the highlights for me. Also great music in this movie.
Rated 11 Jun 2008
I found Hepburn's character to be an insufferable, materialistic asshole. Hopefully I never see this again. I really need to delete old criticker reviews.
Rated 09 Jun 2008
Totally unbelievable but it captures New York in a very beautiful way. The colors are magnificent and Hepburn is radiant. Full of a lot of romance and comedy and it's nice to see New York look this open and inviting.
Rated 23 Mar 2008
Cute enough until you ready the story its based on. Maybe the makers of the movie should have done that too.
Rated 03 Jan 2008
A stylish and sophisticated film but always a little over rated for my taste. Certainly beautiful to look at both in terms of Audrey Hepburn and the classy cinematography but it has some quirky features that let it down. Mickey Rooney's landlord is tasteless by modern standards and probably misjudged even in the sixties. Slow in parts and somewhere between a romantic comedy and self-help documentary.
Rated 20 Oct 2007
Hasn't anyone else noticed that Holly Golightly is a dangerous sociopath?
Rated 03 Sep 2007
I don't get it.
Rated 13 Jul 2007
Some great scenes and a good performance from Hepburn. A bit cliched, though, and the blatant racism of Mickey Rooney's character put me off.
Rated 10 Dec 2006
It's Hepburn's show. Nothing else.
Rated 18 Aug 2024
some movies, you just see at the right time. a stupid, messy bitch (me) balancing financial precarity, the feminine urge to self-destruct, & a chance at the imperfection of a semblance of stability in life probably needs to see this film. and as much as I tend to be obnoxiously slavish to books, having two diametrically opposed endings each unsatisfying yet proper to choose from feels right. I'd save (read: never toss) the cat, so I guess that tells me what I need to know. ditch the racism, tho
Rated 21 Feb 2024
A pretty good movie besides the wild amount of racism.
Rated 19 May 2022
A nerve wracking story which walks a fine line dodging important questions until the answer is finally revealed at the end, when the water washes all away then you can finally see through the murkiness what you truly want
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Hepburn creates a character of unparalleled intrigue, joy, and tragedy -- and this picture allows her to revel in the role for at least a good hour straight. If you can look past the egregious yellowface and cheesy Hollywood finale, and I can't blame you if you can't, you're left with a breathlessly fun and transportive midcentury rom-com.
Rated 03 Nov 2017
Fairly insipid Hepburn vehicle, and by no means deserving of the decades of praise lavished on it. Hepburn does a decent job but her character is a selfish bore who we're somehow meant to fall in love with. If dinner dresses and window displays amount to romance, you're dead inside. Truly a product of its times. I spent my teens watching Sex and the City. I like my New York socialites to be savvy and progressive. By comparison, Breakfast at Tiffany's is just dated, offensive old junk.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Oh that this weren't the movie most people picture when thinking of Audrey Hepburn. She has much better ones.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
Shows its age with male attitudes on dating and its unfunny and unnecessary racism. But Holly the character will probably remain timeless. Holly might be very flawed and not the most likable character, but as her agent said, she's very real.
Rated 15 Feb 2015
Mickey Rooney..............
Rated 30 Apr 2013
well made hollywood feelgood flick that is surprisingly frank about prostitution and alcohol comsumption. would have liked a darker and more anxiety-filled version of it, to be honest, but still I was mightily impressed by hepburns performance. weak ending to top it all, unfortunately.
Rated 19 Feb 2013
Just so god damned charming...minus the blatant racism, of course.
Rated 15 Jul 2012
Misses out on a few keypoints in the character build (refering to the way capote sketched her), the original Holly is much more complex than Hepburn`s character. Instead, the film covers it all up in romancey chitchat and 60s orchestration. Such a pitty!
Rated 20 Mar 2012
Would be a lot stronger if the main guy wasn't so bland. Hepburn is obviously at the top of her game here and leaves him miles behind in the dust. The party scene was great though, and of course there's Rooney who could have easily been cut without losing anything.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
I started watching it pre-hating, with very low expectations (nearly forced by the myth), but I finally liked it as it can be more than it looks. There are still several elements I don't like, for example the awful asian character. Also the ending is horrible and doesn't fit with the complex aspect of the story, but the superficial and simple one. I would prefer them to have chosen wisely in that aspect, and considering it wasn't that way in the book, being faithful to that better ending.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
I hated Holly Golightly. She never really changes her gold digging ways until except MAYBE the end. But that bitch still dumped Cat in the streets of New York. I would have raged SO HARD if something happened to Cat, the best character in the film. But still. As much as I hate Holly, I love this film. And I actually really like Paul. Though, the whole subplot with her ex-husband coming back was dumb.
Rated 06 Mar 2011
(Holly) Go-Lightly on the ledge babe, go-lightly on the ground. It is as if Dylan's iconic song is spun from the web that is Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Stupid, Silly & Pretentious movie. A lot of the side characters are caricatures and I am not even talking about Mickey Rooney.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
Like Audrey Hepburn's character, the movie's classy but not all that substantive. I still enjoyed it, though. It's easy to see how it achieved its iconic status, and why it's still so popular among women today.
Rated 09 May 2010
A delightful comedy full of beautiful urban backgrounds that is hopelessly tarnished by a ridiculously offensive performance by Mickey Rooney.
Rated 28 Jul 2009
I had hard time seeing why it's such a favorite until I reached Paul's little speech at the end. Then it was instant love.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
I don't know why everyone loves this movie so much, it's pretty typical for 60s romance.
Rated 18 Jun 2009
Did I miss something here? This is not a romantic comedy but rather a cautionary tale about letting your kids move to the city. I think. Whatever the case, I found myself routing for the furniture cause I couldn't stand the actors enough.
Rated 01 Jan 2009
Most of this is incessant and inane chatter, which made it difficult to stay focused. Adorable cat makes repeated appearances, but racist characterization of an Asian person cranks that karma down again.
Rated 24 Apr 2008
50 of my 60 points are for that wonderful song "Moon River" by Henry Mancini, that lifts an otherwise very ordinary film. 10 points are for Audrey Hepburn looking elegant and beautiful, as always. 6 points are for the cat, called Cat. No points for forgettable George Peppard or wincingly racist Mickey Rooney depiction. Summary describes the ridiculously named Holly Golightly as a "socialite." *snicker* Try "call girl." Yeah, terribly romantic, not.
Rated 13 Mar 2008
Rated 20 Oct 2007
A lot of whining and self-pity. I didn't enjoy the character at all. Appealing as an actress, but didn't like this movie at all. Not even a little.
Rated 31 Aug 2007
Life of a high-class hooker, although you couldn't say that word back then. The clues are all there though. Simply racist oriental depiction by Mickey Rooney though. C'mon, I know Pearl Harbor was less than 20 years prior, but seriously. Way to make fun of an entire race, including about 2-3 times the population of the U.S. at the time.
Rated 21 May 2007
Hepburn is great and the story is pretty interesting for a romantic comedy, but some parts feel incredibly cliche and the physical comedy bits seem out of place.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Not my cup of tea.
Rated 11 Feb 2007
First impression years ago said this was a shallow movie. After becoming for familiar with Miss Hepburn's life in WWII, her movie career and finally her UNICEF days, I have to say that this role truly becomes her. The final scene strikes such a personal chord in me that it's almost haunting. Here we have this small girl in a big world who finally finds herself. Although the end differs from the book, it is well done nonetheless! Outstanding!
Rated 22 Sep 2024
Incredibly depressing and Rooney is jarring even for the time period but damn this couple is attractive as hell
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Hepburn is very good... playing a flawed character in all sorts of questionable circumstances. There are scattered moments of brilliance, perhaps the best being the mask gag. Ultimately, the film is too enamoured with kitschy sentimentality, and its crass materialism should seem brazenly myopic to anyone who lives in society.
Rated 13 Aug 2023
Really enjoyable and pretty smart. Mickey Rooney's character is pretty terrible though.
Rated 21 Jul 2023
For the sake of this review I will petend to have seen a version without Mickey Rooney’s amazingly racist and entirely inconsequential for the plot caricature and just state that Hepburn is great here
Rated 14 Mar 2023
It's amazing how light it is overall, given how dark it could be with some slight tweaks. Hepburn fits this role like a hand in a glove. I feel it's central theme of reinvention as escape could be re-visted today.
Rated 27 Feb 2023
Cat deserved better.
Rated 24 Oct 2022
so much more than just a poster (yes i do have the poster) or a halloween costume. holly golightly is one of the best characters of the 20th century.
Rated 22 Sep 2022
Certainly dated (racism, white knighting, etc) but endearing. Two grifters finally grow up a little and decide to commit to something more than self gratification.
Rated 22 Aug 2022
I quite liked it in a way that you can't actually look too hard at it because there is some sus ass shit (landlord)
Rated 25 May 2022
The Rooney character is completely misplaced and ads nothing but annoyance, would've been a 4 without it since I surprisingly liked this very much.
Rated 26 Feb 2022
Audrey Hepburn steals the show to the point that apart from her there's nothing else to appreciate in this avant guard (for the 60s tho) rom-com. Like drinking a rather expensive but dull cup of tea
Rated 26 Feb 2022
Hepburn is charming enough but this movie is so inane I have a hard time taking any of it seriously or caring. Hepburn's relationships are absurd; I don't buy into this idea that she would be so saccharine about a man she married when she was 14, not to mention this plot beat really didn't have much of a purpose. I also don't buy how a flighty, non-trusting girl could fall for someone as bland as Peppard, especially as the chemistry between to two is often awkward and unhealthy.
Rated 18 Jan 2022
I think George Peppard is miscast. If the male lead was meant to be some form of wooden statuary, he'd have been perfect. It's a bit tricky holding the book being adapted against a movie, and often that's a mistake. Here I don't think it is. I don't really understand what turning this story into a romantic comedy is supposed to accomplish. It seems to remove it's reason for existing at all.
Rated 09 Jan 2022
Flawed in more ways than a racist caricature, but the two main characters work well enough that I still found it to be very good.
Rated 10 Dec 2021
eng; [Breakfast at Tiffany's]; eine junge frau ist interessiert an einem jungen mann, der in eine wohnung über ihr einzieht - doch die unterscheidung zwischen romantik und liebe fällt schwer.; (romantisch, entspannt, witzig, einfühlsam);
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Moon River???????????????????????????????????????????
Rated 15 Oct 2020
it's offensive in tons and tons of ways but... well it still melts me down into a puddle, despite being immensely stupid. there is a dead-eye to it where both of the leads are horrible, but then, so are americans
Rated 28 Aug 2020
Opinión personal: 6,5 Actores: 7 Planos: 8 Guión: 7 BSO: 7,5 FX: - Total: 72
Rated 28 Aug 2020
I don't think Holly is any sort of icon for female empowerment. I think she is vapid, disturbed and an appalling pet owner. And she also treats Paul as a pet with the added benefit of shitting on his heart.
Rated 05 Aug 2020
Hepburn and Peppard are both fabulous, making the film an intoxicating viewing experience in many ways. While Rooney as I. Y. Yunioshi is not only an abrupt and unnecessarily intrusive presence in the film, but also highly offensive (it's nothing but caricature and hence racist).
Rated 23 Jul 2020
Rated 22 Jul 2020
Rated 18 Jul 2020
It's not the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not the worst I've seen this week. But it's not even the best movie with "Breakfast" in the title. I'm not entirely sure why this is categorized as a "comedy"? Serious question: Where was I supposed to laugh?
Rated 29 Jan 2020
Hem maddi hem de manevi bir arayışta olan bir kadınla ona karşı duygusal hissiyatlar besleyen bir adamın hikayesinin anlatıldığı Breakfast at Tiffany’s benim için Audrey Hepburn ve Henry Mancini ile bütünleşmiş bir film.Birinin oyunculuğu diğerinin de müzikleri filmi özel kılmayı başarıyor.Ayrıca filmdeki kediye de ayrı parantez açmak lazım.Oscar adaylığı alacak kadar iyiydi. Günümüz popüler kültür üzerine de birtakım etkiler bırakan bu film,Hollywood’
Rated 02 Jan 2020
The movie I fell in love with Hepburn! Sure the character is not exactly marriage material, but stellar performance and lightheartedness really make the movie. Any racism, shallowness, bigotry, sexism has to be ignored, of course. This is old school Hollywood. Also, Rooney's Japanese character is even more pathetic than that Chinese character in Hangover movies.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
It's classic Audrey Hepburn, who manages to carry this on the weight of her presence alone. The plot is nothing special, and while the love story is endearing, the supporting cast don't do much supporting, and are instead propped up themselves by Hepburn. Forever immortalized in the Deep Blue Something song, which I almost like more than the movie. I, personally, love the racism, because fuck political correctness.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Watched right after reading the novella. What I liked about the novella is that the narrator is no more than a genuine observer. Obviously, for film this won't work, and that works a bit alienating. Hepburn however manages to give Holly even more character, even though some nuances are obviously lost in the film. I was looking forward to the horse-riding scene straight through traffic, unfortunately that didn't make the film :P
Rated 06 Nov 2018
Paul Varjak: "You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself."
Rated 30 Sep 2018
I am not a big fan of this movie, but I really love Hepburn as Holly Golightly, this is the main reason for me to watch it from time to time. The movie itself have some great moments (like the ending), as well as some awful ones (like every scene with the Asian neighbor). The pluses outweigh the minuses, however, at least, in my opinion.
Rated 15 Jul 2018
Terrible acting, insufferable characters, bad script. 114 minutes of trite garbage. I don't blame the era - this came out AFTER Psycho (1960). I felt exactly like the cat at the end, who is glaring out from between them, pissed-off and wet, squished between these two characters I don't care about.
Rated 08 Apr 2018
1000th film i've rated!
Rated 18 Jan 2018
Stylish but boring. It makes the same mistake many romantic comedies do: To make a 2 hour movie, fill it with irrelevant scenes and characters. This movie is supposed to be about Paul and Holly's relationship but it develops just in the first and the last 20 minutes of the movie. So why did I watch it for 2 hours?
Rated 07 Jan 2018
Delightfully meandering and aimless. The ending was a bit of a cop out though.
Rated 31 Jan 2017
Yeah, this is like bearable at times. The rest is either racist or just painfully unfunny. Dunno how you could get any feeling for the characters at the end. Look this girl who wants to do her own thing(as shit as she acts) now has to be married to this guy who talks about owning her.
Rated 26 Jan 2017
Mickey Rooney looks like Brent Butt
Rated 26 Jan 2017
Surprised I never heard how horribly racist this movie was. Her putting on the ring got me though.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
I didn't really get what the big deal was with this movie. I mean, what was the point? Why did people like it?


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