Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody
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Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody

Drama, Biography
2h 14m
A chronicle of the years leading up to Queen's legendary appearance at the Live Aid (1985) concert.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Drama, Biography
2h 14m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 47.19% from 3060 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Nov 2018
Boring formulaic nonsense your grandparents will choke down happily. Freddie gets told he has AIDS while the Highlander Who wants to Live Forever song plays, baby Another One Bites the Dust would’ve made me feel something.
Rated 07 Nov 2018
I mean, I'm sure they could have included more in the story, but I didn't mind. I am a huge fan of Queen so I liked this. The movie still manages to humanize Mercury a bit, and Malek deserves awards for capturing Freddie so physically and emotionally well. The supporting cast was excellent as well, especially the band members, and the live-aid concert re-enactment was done extremely well. I will definitely be watching this again. A must watch for Queen fans.
Rated 29 Jan 2019
Just a suggestion (if you haven't seen this movie yet): Open and search "live aid queen" and watch that instead of this movie and save 2 hours.
Rated 09 May 2019
I've always liked my music biopics to intensely follow the story of the band, this one shares some of the same extravagances of similar movies, namely, it dwells too heavily on the personal lives of the band members. But Queen was a band with a great deal of technical prowess in instrumentation and composition, so the story just begs to be told in great technical detail, at times "Bohemian Rhapsody" tries this--and when it does it's awesome.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
What level of self-conscious irony was involved in the decision by the filmmakers to have the protagonist declare that "formulas are a complete and utter waste of time"? Beyond that, the handling of Mercury's sexuality is moralistic and inept (to say the least), and the cynical manipulation involved in rewriting history and reordering the events associated with his illness and diagnosis shows contempt for the audience and a callous disregard for the figure supposedly being celebrated. Insulting.
Rated 07 Jan 2020
We turned it off after four hours so this rating is only based on having seen half of it.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
I can't believe they made TV Tropes into a movie.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
So bad it’s unintentionally funny in parts, which is highly unfortunate as Queen is amazing. The only crisis that amounts to any sort of difficulty for Mercury is his sexual orientation. Musically/creatively, apparently he’s a godsend who didn’t have to work hard to arrive at his talents or create any of the band’s best works. Needed more drugs (which is to say - both more honesty and more of an edge). The performances are adequate, so it’s merely a consequence of having an awful scrip
Rated 05 Nov 2018
A lot of things in this film are unconvincing; music is not made in this way, nor could I take this sanitized version of Mercury seriously. The editing is obnoxious; constant cuts are needless and overly frantic in simple scenes where people are just talking, which is to say nothing of the weird and questionable framing of Freddy Mercury's life and career. If you ignore the historical context, it's a by the numbers rock biopic that's heavy handed and obnoxious with laughable framing of artistry.
Rated 25 Oct 2018
Enjoyable enough if you love Queen's music (and what proper person doesn't) but suffers from a severe case of the dreaded ‘generic biopic syndrome' - in that it feels like someone took the subject's wikipedia page and ran it through a basic three act structure generator. Sprinkled with a lot of ‘wink wink notch notch' references. Malek did great though.
Rated 30 May 2019
True Story: My only interaction with Bryan Singer was when he came to a film student college party (uninvited and unannounced) and hit on me and every able-bodied young man to take back to his place for (at that time) one of those infamous twink parties he held. That's a long-winded way to say: if he, directing this movie about a righteous sex icon, showed the same tenacity and perseverance he had trying to get his hand down my undergraduate pants, this would actually be an Oscar-worthy film.
Rated 17 Feb 2019
22nd least the Live Aid sequence was great. The rest of Bohemian Rhapsody alters between average biopic and bland revisionist history of Queen. This script is terribly wooden as well, and despite Malek's admittedly good performance, the film fails to develop its characters any further than Queen's Wikipedia article does -- and in many cases, it doesn't even get that deep.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
The conventional script and Malek's performance I could take or leave, but Lee is great (and so is the music, obviously), and when the band is together I found the movie enjoyable enough to forgive its shortcomings.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
A deep dive into the creative and extravagant life of Freddie Mercury and the meteoric rise of the rock band Queen. The movie was engaging and interesting from start to finish. It was nice to see backstories and follow the band as they gained popularity and success. It was frequently fun and mesmerizing. They did an excellent job of showing some of the highlights of their success. Rami Malek was really good. Entirely worth watching, especially if you have ever been a fan of Queen's music.
Rated 20 Nov 2018
Malek nails Mercury's mannerisms, everyone is spot on with all of the band members really. There were some weak cgi moments, slow pacing. The real disappointments will be to Queen fans. Come to hear the music? They only play one song through, with 15-20 seconds of teasers for the others. Want to know HOW they created their unique sound? They just did, in a montage, right from the start. The whole thing is more of a montage than a movie.
Rated 02 Nov 2018
The problem with rock star bios is that their lives are so similar that narratives about them tend to feel familiar & predictable. This has that problem but it's fortunately about something else: the loneliness & disconnection felt by gay men who weren't permitted the familial connections the rest of us take for granted. Mercury seems to have been shamed into fleeing so much of who he really was, that only the performer was left. The film's best moments illuminate that in heartfelt & moving ways
Rated 17 Jan 2019
Everything works. The story is strong - well paced and constructed, and admirably shot as well. Rami Malek's performance is phenomenal - nuanced, aching, and powerful - and all around him hold up their ends. And, perhaps as a matter of course, the music, and the staggeringly emotional recreation of the Live Aid performance especially, is magnificent. A fantastic, expansive, and intimate portrait of a very compelling character.
Rated 17 Jan 2019
Feels like a sketch that makes a parody out of music biopics. The circlejerk is totally hilarious. The sleazy studio boss that doesn't believe in the band, the touring with overimposed names of cities, the whacky recording sessions and band members that follow each other like ducklings completely void of any character and stripped of any involvement in the creative process. Mercury's sexuality which I'd say is a driving force behind his estethic is dealt with like it was written by mormons
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Has only about half-an-hour worth of story, and replaces the remaining runtime with highly accurate recreations of Queen's greatest hits. However, considering how great their music is, that is in no way a negative.
Rated 01 Mar 2019
If something can be so bad that it's good, this can be so average that it's bad. Also hilarious to include a short diatribe about breaking formulas when nearly every beat of this film aligns with biopic syndrome. Literally nothing is explored with any depth, blink and you'll miss the band's beginnings and be treated to a PG retelling of Freddy's sexuality. The deepest moment is him hugging his dad and I'm not even sure why because his dad isn't even really part of the film.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
Man, Petyr Baelish simply can not catch a break. And what's up with Irish Ricky Schroder? A fascinating movie, even if it takes several liberties with the story.
Rated 21 Jan 2019
Hardly strays from the generic biopic formula for the first half, hitting all the major notes in Queen's rise to fame with plenty of concert montages (and in contrast, little substantial conflict). That said, the fact that I teared up at the redemptive reunion and final performance shows that that the character work is done extremely well along the way (Malek is great): Freddie is a fascinating, flawed character and his journey to find himself and his family (also well drawn) is a touching one.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
"We're not like other bands," the movie insists as it shuffles through endless biopic clichés. It's a tedious circlejerk, a movie that never stops saying how great Queen is, for people who already think Queen is great, all so fans can congratulate themselves and surviving band members can revise history so that Freddie was the sole source of strife in the band. It's a movie to make you feel good for liking Queen, even though it completely falsifies their legacy. Is that really worth celebrating
Rated 27 Dec 2018
The robust woman next to me responded to comical moments, not with laughter, but by smiling and lightly clapping her hands. Every time. What an odd person. The movie was a standard biopic.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
The crowd-pleasing BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY is top-shelf celebrity cosplay: a larger-than-life tale rendered in the soothing, familiar notes of a Hollywood biopic. It's weird to see Queen's colorful history drawn in such simplistic fashion, but the movie boasts a game-changer in Rami Malek, who perfectly pantomimes Freddie Mercury's onstage antics. His commitment reflects the priorities of a film dedicated to nostalgic minutiae at the expense of ingenuity and good taste.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
In terms of storytelling it's very mediocre and completely relies on Queen's music beeing great. Since I'm ok with that, it was quite enjoyable and the final concert was spectacular.
Rated 06 Dec 2018
There is a lot of confusing chronological issues with songs. Who wants to live forever played when Freddie get ready for 1985 Live Aid but WWtLF is song from 1988. Under Pressure played when it wasnt even released yet ! Also there was some bad choice of cgı and make-ups that make the movie a bit worse. Also there is some movie additions and exclutions on the real story of course. But most of 'em are understandable. Strongest part of the movie is acting and the whole story behind live aid co
Rated 26 Nov 2018
This might be the worst screenplay I've been subjected to all year. Mike Myers essentially stares into the camera when he says nobody will ever listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. Ha ha ha. This spoonfed, made-for-TV nonsense infests the film and dampens everything but Malek's whirlwind performance. The only award this film should receive is for him. Otherwise, this is my new baseline for mediocrity. Read my full review here:
Rated 31 Oct 2018
Too polite and traditional to really shine but also highly entertaining and moving in parts. Mike Meyers is a riot, Gwilym Lee nails it as Brian May.
Rated 30 Oct 2018
For a biopic about Freddie Mercury it wasn't very fun. Instead it was a bit doom and gloom, repressed, sanitised, poorly written with no real energy or excitement apart from the live aid recreation at the end. But even that wasn't enough to save a bad film.
Rated 27 Oct 2018
Enjoyable if formulaic biopic.
Rated 14 Jul 2019
A completely vapid biopic which seems to be specifically made for the purpose of participatory sing-a-long screenings (what the fuck is the use of recreating the Live Aid performance almost in its entirety, besides allowing aging Queen fans to yawp and warble along with it). Nauseating.
Rated 11 Jun 2019
an absolute mess, and I'm not sure it's just because the pedophile directing it decided to skip town. the film is entirely dedicated to delivering rudimentary knowledge of Queen, but it also takes liberties with anything that would be known to anyone who knows anything about the band. the non-diegetic music choices, in particular, make no sense given the chronology presented in the movie. Malek is awful. Nick Mullen is great as the villain.
Rated 22 Feb 2019
Is it entirely accurate? Probably not. Is it super deep? Not really. But, as someone who hasn't followed Queen's career, I can't really speak to that. For me, judging this purely as a movie that stands on its own, it's very, very good. Rami Malek gives another strong performance & fills Mercury's shoes well. Lucy Boynton is also great as Mary, and the other three band members all have good things to offer. Solid acting, solid music, solid everything. Very worth a watch.
Rated 19 Feb 2019
I can see why this has become one of the most successful non-scifi/fantasy box office hits since Titanic - it’s a total crowdpleaser. You could argue that’s because it’s softened and formulaic and sanitized, but it’s what makes it quite enjoyable and easy to watch all the same. Great performances and of course the key fuel in the engine is some of the greatest rock and roll songs of all time. It’s all been seen before but I was into it the whole time.
Rated 21 Jan 2019
Entertaining especially if you love the Queen discography, however it's sort of lacking in anything really memorable - it plays as a sort of vanilla reimagining of history and it never really touches on anything that I felt was authentic or riveting. Like how truth is stranger than fiction, an average writer inventing a story just tells a very bland one. Also not much on the musical process (just a repetitive "here I just thought of an idea for Song X. [montage performing Song X]" sequence).
Rated 20 Jan 2019
worth a watch
Rated 19 Jan 2019
Good stuff, Rami Malek is really good. Mike Myers!
Rated 18 Jan 2019
Muddled chronicle of the formation of Queen is really a showcase for Malek's uncanny incarnation; it's a brilliant performance lost at sea in a film that can never decide what it wants to be: 'The Freddie Story' or 'The Queen Story' and never really satisfies as either. The faithful recreations of live performances and recording sessions are highlights, but they beg the question - why wouldn't you just watch/listen to the real thing? (especially the fun but ultimately pointless LIVE AID climax).
Rated 15 Jan 2019
Despite being reasonably enjoyable as entertainment, it looks too much as caricature of reality.
Rated 14 Jan 2019
It's dedicated fan service, so naturally I'm left out of the celebration. As an officially sanctioned biography it's also not complex drama, but it hints in this direction in the last hour. Malek takes account of Mercury's overbearing and tender sides, and even though this campy band does little for me, I was glad to have the man back in shape and glory, motioning his mike stand at the Live Aid audience. But it also recreated the horror of standing in a crowd during "We are the Champions".
Rated 12 Jan 2019
Jumps around all over the place for quite a long time, and many of the music cues are too on the nose. The criticisms of it being too sanitized also ring true. That being said, both the emotional buildup to, and the actual recreation of the Live Aid concert itself, are quite enjoyable. Even if it's not quite the story Freddie should have, it's still very respectful to the man himself. Malek is great, though I'm left wondering how Cohen would have done.
Rated 10 Jan 2019
This is just an awful film. I know that everyone is talking about how great Rami Malek is, but I don't think he was very good. He always seemed to be going for that Oscar instead of giving a real performance. I never bought him as Freddie Mercury. The entire film is cringe inducing and not worth time or effort. The entire time I felt like I was watching a made for tv movie that somehow got a theatrical release. This is the worst film of 2018.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
It's a run through the history, with a bunch of rough edges sanded off. But Rami Malek is great (and the rest of the band not far behind) and the music is wonderful.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
It was fine for what it was. The trailer portrayed it perfectly. While in no way exceptional and at times a bit corny, it was enjoyable.
Rated 20 Dec 2018
A divine, earth-shattering experience. Magnetic lead performance, great characters and actors, nice story progression, some really extraordinary shots. By all means, watch in the cinema.
Rated 18 Dec 2018
There are a lot of reviews on the film that seemed dissatisfied that this film didn't tell the story from the angle that they'd have liked it to- and after having read a bunch of those I realize, having seen the film, that's a silly criticism. I learned a lot about Freddie Mercury's life, about Queen, and it dealt with the important aspects of his life and identity without falling into the trap of just doting over one aspect alone. Decently acted, great music naturally. Liked it.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
I was not Queen fan. Now I am.
Rated 11 Dec 2018
The film itself, for what it's worth and what it wants to convey, is worthy of my '3' rating. Now, Sascha, if you please. Bring Freddie's somewhat darker side to the silver screen. A guy can hope. Freddie's worth it.
Rated 10 Dec 2018
I expected it to be, maybe, "Love & Mercy" bad. Not THIS bad. The first ten minutes are cringe-worthy already and set the tone for the rest of it, a combination of the fakest, tritest imaginable drama, and a complete and utter ignorance of how music is created, produced and recorded (random pro tips: your teeth don't affect your vocal range, and nobody introduces his bandmates to the basic structure of his rock epic during a recording session). Blasphemous.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
A life of a man you will remember for the rest of your life... It may not be factually correct in places, but it works as a great movie.
Rated 02 Dec 2018
Good portrayal of the band's story. I'm feeling the impression that they sanitized a lot the younger days of the group. Not bad.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
This is a very entertaining movie with great music. Rami Malek is great in the lead role of this film. The rest of the cast also does a good job. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
Bohemian Rhapsody serves more as a Queen greatest hits experience as apposed to a detailed Freddie Mercury biopic. After such a troubled production I had my reservations but overall I had a lot of fun. And whilst the story does feel shoehorned in amongst the back catalogue of classic songs, you can only applaud the scale of the performances and the attention to detail. Each of the band members are well cast but Remi Malek is a revelation. And the Live Aid finale is both fitting and spectacular.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
I'm torn - as a huge Queen fan, I had a great time, but from a movie perspective, I thought it was a little lacking. Rami Malek is brilliant as Freddie Mercury, and they certainly nailed the musical aspect of the film, but in a lot of ways the movie is very by-the-numbers, not sanitized but not illuminating either, making it play too much like a "greatest hits" reel when its subject is a lot more interesting than that. Still recommended viewing for fans, for the spectacular Live Aid scene alone.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Malik does a great job in bringing FM to the screen, in what must have been a daunting task. The other band members are absolutely spot on; superb casting. If, like me, you remember getting a copy of that iconic first album, and instantly falling in love with Queen, you will have a tear in your eye as the brilliant soundtrack unfolds, and whilst Live Aid was well before he was diagnosed with AIDS, the brilliant integration of sound & vision more than make up for any small factual inaccuracies
Rated 06 Nov 2018
Every raunchy nightclub, rowdy party, and man's ass is an ominous sign of Mercury's sliding descent to a hedonistic hell and eventual death. Mercury's salvation comes from his supposedly level-headed bandmates and a chaste and respectable lover (his "family," as they're repeatedly called). I've got a feeling that this film has pretty questionable ideas about queerness. But, let's say we disregard all this-- is the film any good? Not really, unless you love the Walmart bargain bin
Rated 05 Nov 2018
Were it about any of the 99.9% of bands/musicians that don't match Queen's opus, it'd be outright boring; it owes everything to the music. Malek's performance is pretty good, however.
Rated 26 Apr 2023
I really don't get it. Just watch the Live Aid footage on Youtube.
Rated 01 Oct 2022
If the prep was like this, they succeeded their goal: Fletcher: 'Rami, do you know how Freddy was like?' Rami: 'please tell me.' Fletcher: 'Well, he was a repulsive, histrionic, vituose musician, who felt better than others and got the energy for his performance by feeling mascular and powerful. But foremost: repulsive. Be as repulsive as you can. Can you pull that off?' Rami: 'Sure man.' 'Oh and don't express too much fun while acting live.’ 'Ok'
Rated 09 Feb 2020
Carried by the songs. Film in itself was for me nothing special
Rated 09 Jan 2020
Rated 24 Jul 2019
It's quite a feat to turn Queen into such a bland biopic. I could have just read Wikipedia while playing their greatest hits and saved myself some time.
Rated 03 May 2019
Every actor in this movie had me feeling some type of way. It does kind of lose it's effect once you realize the last 3rd of the movie isn't accurate. Nonetheless, Rami Malek was pretty amazing along with the whole cast of the band. Definitely worth a watch.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
I don't think it's a biography. It's more like a music career of Freddie Mercury. Most people say there's no emotion but there is if only you have a connection with those songs. Neutral look of all those events leads a deep enthusiasm. There are two things bothered me. Late climax with a short duration and most importantly; Rami Malek's Elliot role from Mr. Robot. He made a great job but I'm not sure if he deserved the award. Yet; I can't think anyone better for this role.
Rated 16 Mar 2019
The story is weak and inaccurate, but Malek is phenomenal as Mercury and the songs are as fantastic as ever
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Rami Malek's RuPaul's Drag Race audition tape which is 2 hours of him lipsyncing to just Queen tracks.
Rated 03 Mar 2019
Malek won Best Actor in a ghoulish performance of plastic teeth. I watched the actual Live Aid performance afterwards, and the film would have been better if they just showed that.
Rated 02 Mar 2019
It speaks to the greatness of Queen and Freddy Mercury that their music and past performances carry this painful mediocrity of a movie to new moneymaking hights. The filmmaking - outside of the reenactment of Live Aid - is Lifetime level stuff. The script is unaware cliched rubbish. "People like formulas" is an utterance in the movie, meant to show what a hack the person saying it is; congratulations Bohemian Rhapsody, you played yourself.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
For what is essentially a silly commercial this was surprisingly enjoyable. What really works against the self-imposed outcast narrative is that there is zero obstacles in the first half of the movie, depicting the early days of the band and their rise to fame. They get ideas out of the blue, each of which works well and immediately and catches on with great success. Fortunately, though, at some point we see Freddy as a human being and his struggle with loneliness through some heartfelt moments.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
This is one of those movies you could make a nice graph out of.
Rated 24 Feb 2019
people wanna talk about the eyes in Alita: Battle Angel (2019) as if they hold a candle to the teeth in this movie. anyways, this runs on biopic-autopilot - a jukebox journey with no attachment to anyone except Freddie (barely).
Rated 18 Feb 2019
It just hit so many cliché biopic points, with such obvious dialogue and editing and song arrangement. There were a handful of good scenes throughout, but a lot of it felt simultaneously rushed and like a slog. The final Live Aid scene was great though. Rami Malek did a good job overall - he nailed Mercury's physicality. They played everything very safe though. I thought it was alright overall, but Queen and Mercury deserved a lot better.
Rated 15 Feb 2019
Solid direction and acting (especially Malek), but I feel like there’s certain things I’d like to have seen more of (like the other band member’s personal lives, the recording of their music, the start of their career, etc.). They surprisingly showed more of Freddie’s personally life than I expected, although I thought they had a few more scenes than necessary of him partying or being with Mary. Overall it’s good, and very entertaining (especially during the first half).
Rated 07 Feb 2019
A sanitized, cliched biopic more interested in rattling off Queen's hits rather than any exploration of Mercury or anyone else in the band. Malek does a killer impersonation but is hobbled by the script, which includes a record executive repeatedly mispronouncing "Rhapsody" and blurting "NO ONE WILL KNOW THE NAME OF QUEEN!" Needed 1000% more coke-fueled decadence, someone doing an equally ridiculous Bowie for Under Pressure, the famous Sid Vicious encounter, along with an actual character study.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
Malek's performance is all that it's cracked up to be, but everything else was pretty paint-by-the-numbers. All of the supporting characters (save for Mary) felt pretty thin, too, so it was hard to care about anything other than Freddie.
Rated 30 Jan 2019
The first 2/3 of the run time exists solely to deliver Queen's greatest hits in movie form and because of that it's a largely unfocused mess of different plot lines which largely go nowhere. The final third is good but gets overlong by the end. If you like Queen you'll at least get some enjoyment but otherwise it's largely a mess and quite forgettable.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
A fan movie, for the fans, quite unremarkable except for some production detail (editing, sound). Good soundtrack, well of course. Must be a lot of Queen fans at the Academy...
Rated 27 Jan 2019
Malek is amazing, and there's some decent cinematography. But, the script is stupidly heavy on exposition, and the direction is flimsy at best. There are ways to make a clean Queen movie, but not with these filmmakers. It loses points for that.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
They should create a Best Casting Oscar for this one but otherwise a mediocre movie
Rated 17 Jan 2019
It is a very cliched rise to stardom story and like almost every biopic it does play with the truth a bit to make for a tighter compact story. But a movie that somehow can make me tear up because a band plays Radio Gaga in front of thousands of people does something correct in my book. Malek is impressive in channeling Freddy Mercury's charisma, especially onstage.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
Could be better. Rami Malek well did but you can't feel the 70s soul. The producer didn't spend enough effort.
Rated 09 Jan 2019
It's a movie where any edge has been throughly dulled. From the story to the direction. It definitely feels like a film where too many hands were involved. There's an obvious reason for this because of Singer being a shitbag but yeah. the scene with the cross fades set to another one bites the dust was $$. Like VH1's Def Leppard made for TV movie but with better production.
Rated 25 Dec 2018
I don't think this at all accurately captures the life of Freddie Mercury. It was interesting seeing all the songs and getting a bit of the backstory on the songs and this movie shone when it kept going back to playing more iconic Queen songs, but I think the time would have been better spent watching music videos or old performances of Queen.
Rated 06 Dec 2018
Feels like a made for TV movie followed by a recreation of the entire Live Aid performance. Rami Malek did an amazing job. I can't see myself watching this again rather than listen to the songs themselves.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
This is as by the numbers as a music biopic can get. Flying through the bands history by only highlighting what presents Mercury's legacy in a positive light. Rise, fall, drama, reunion. His AIDS diagnosis is somewhere in there, even though it apparently didn't happen during the time span the movie captures. But Rami Malek's energetic performance together with a "Best of Queen" soundtrack make for an entertaining yet not very educational or memorable evening.
Rated 02 Dec 2018
Malek was great and the music, of course, rocked. Aside from the musical numbers though, it was a fairly standard/formulaic "behind the music" story. Mercury's relationship with his wife/ex was a highlight, while the story lines involving his family (dad's acceptance, etc) and new partner were lacking substance and depth.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
Basically a long advert for a Queen "Greatest Hits" album. Professionally put together, but the personal drama fails to engage and what will remain from this film is the impressive, if at times too obviously digitally recreated, 20 minute run through the Live Aid concert (where Queen apparently saved the starving African children by rocking so hard).
Rated 27 Nov 2018
They did everything by the book. Rearanged some stuff for the emotional outcome and this movie is really the straightest way possible. It catched me nonseless with every emotion it wanted to. It's not the best biopic but don't judge me. I love Queen and Freddy Mercury. Rami Malek was the best possible choice and damn did he deliver.
Rated 25 Nov 2018
Sacha Baron Cohen would have done Freddie far better than the Rami Malek super gay performance.
Rated 22 Nov 2018
So many lost chances for this movie to be great.
Rated 21 Nov 2018
Uncanny acting on Rami Malek's part, he was Freddie Mercury for the film. There were a few imperfections in the film making but its pretty f'in fantastic. Fantastic 8/10
Rated 18 Nov 2018
It's a completely by-the-numbers biopic that is incredibly enjoyable for two main factors; the music and the performances. As a film, it's not special at all, but you just don't realise the number of songs that Queen made that you didn't know they made. Malek's performance, in particular, is wonderful. Initially his prosthetics is a little over-the-top and distracting but eventually, he melts into the role and completely embodies Freddie Mercury.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
I grew up in the "Wayne's World" era, and I've lived my life listening to almost exclusively classic rock, so Queen has a special place in my heart. Actually one of my favourite memories was while teaching in China, myself and another American teacher spontaneously started singing Bohemian Rhapsody a capella from memory while running and jumping down the street like maniacs, to the befuddlement of our Chinese friends. Sometimes, you just need some Queen. I held back tears at the Live Aid finale.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Good. Rami was good!
Rated 13 Nov 2018
Uplifting (celebrate life) and is over 2 hours of Queen music. No complaints here. Its brisk, stylized and has Malek absolutely kill it as the leading man. Could watch again which is always extra points.
Rated 13 Nov 2018
A worthy behind the scenes musical anthology, that corrects a lot of lore, while revealing a man with genuine integrity. Some will judge the ending to be cheesy, but they'd be the ones who wrote those pompously negative reviews of the title song--while being clobbered with a superlative lesson in how to steal the show. Biggest negative, only one song from "Innuendo", and that was played second/last during the credits.
Rated 11 Nov 2018
[Stream it] As someone who enjoys Queen and has never really looked into the history of the group, this was fun! I enjoy Malek and seeing how well he nailed Freddy's mannerisms was a pleasant surprise! I'm also happy that they didn't seem to create drama-for-drama-purposes. A fun movie all around.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Rami Malek did an incredible job in this film. Seriously, incredible. However, the first act is incredibly rushed and then the gay thing gets focused on way too much. I wish I knew more about Queen's history to accurately critique this part. The musical parts of this film are top-notch, though, and adds to making this an incredibly entertaining, if flawed, film
Rated 07 Nov 2018
Not without its problems, but Rami Malek lip-syncing Freddie Mercury's Live Aid performance is worth the price of admission alone.


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