Blue Ruin
Blue Ruin
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Blue Ruin

Blue Ruin

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 30m
A peaceful vagrant finds his quiet life upended by dreadful news and sets off for his childhood home to carry out an act of revenge. (imdb)

Blue Ruin

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 30m
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Avg Percentile 57.44% from 1672 total ratings

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Rated 25 Nov 2014
A revenge movie that strips away everything cool, heroic or satisfying, leaving only an uncomfortably realistic downward spiral. The protagonist is just 'some guy' and it was really refreshing seeing the lead stumble and fumble his way through the movie. We're given just enough information to sympathize but not to forgive the horrible things that happen. Revenge is a game where no one wins, and that fatalism makes this movie so great to watch.
Rated 03 Apr 2017
After my initial disappointment that this wasn't the Smurf movie to end them all (and oh dear God is that one due), I fairly enjoyed this tense, unflinching little ordeal. But the story behind the production really sold it for me: Initially the last hoorah of two childhood friends before giving up on their dreams of having a movie career, this shows just how much you can do with Kickstarter money if you know your shit. Respect.
Rated 12 May 2014
The thinking man's Hobo With a Shotgun.
Rated 09 Feb 2019
A quiet, contemplative revenge movie about a homeless guy going after the family responsible for the deaths of his parents. Instead of being the typical Hollywood badass angel of vengeance spouting one liners and effortlessly dispatching his enemies, the protagonist is a weak and sentimental fool who barely knows how to work a gun. By disassociating the hero with all standard heroic tropes, there's nothing left but raw emotion and buckets of blood. Great lead performance. Fatalistic as hell.
Rated 22 Jul 2015
What I learned from this movie: it's fucking nigh on impossible to pull an arrow from your thigh, no matter how much aspirin and superglue you purchase from the local pharmacy. This, despite what every single movie ever made has taught us about pulling arrows from our thighs. (Though one may have better luck if they took a swig of whiskey and bit down on a handy leather strap before making the tug.)
Rated 13 Aug 2014
More like Teal & Orange Ruin, am I right? You... you guys...? Allright, so apart from the overabundance of t'n'o at the beginning, this really is a first rate movie. It's like if Jeff Nichols did a Charles Bronson flick set in Fuckbucket, Virginia. It manages to be both badass and sad...ass.
Rated 25 Jul 2016
Dwight has spent 10 years living in the car his parents were murdered in, and he can't move. When he's forced to, the fumbling awkwardness doesn't make the situation any less lethal. Much like he'd later do in Green Room, Saulnier manages a brilliant semi-realistic take on how a completely unprepared person would act if caught up in a Death Wish plot, and keeps it tense as hell without having to raise his voice or resort to histrionics.
Rated 26 Sep 2014
The lead has wonderfully expressive eyes. His acting set the tone of the film as much as anything. This is a much more somber and sad revenge film than others that could be put in the genre. It was also beautifully shot and directed. Not perfect or a masterpiece, but a fine film, especially if you are looking for a change of pace in your revenge flick fare.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
I'm struggling to think of much to say about this, which, if I'm totally honest with myself, is indicative of the film's shortcomings. The movie just doesn't pack much of a punch. The acting is fine, the plot is serviceable, but there's just something kind of bland about the whole thing. The intensity of a few individual scenes puts some points on the board, but not enough to make up for the movie's overall slightness.
Rated 19 Dec 2019
Maybe my favorite indie movie ever. Up with cabin in the woods as the best genre deconstructions. A revenge movie with a full sense of reality to it, and the misery and awful incompetence it brings with it. There are no winners or feelings of relief, just a sense of obligation creating a void.
Rated 14 Mar 2017
Clever and subversive take on the much recycled revenge story. Saulnier makes it interesting with believable & relatable main-character, a nice attention to detail & visual storytelling. Doesn't really bring much new to the table in terms of story but it's all enjoyably fresh in the execution. The narrative is so grim, methodical and down to earth it almost develops a kinda absurd or darkly comic undertone. The story is then twisted with several subtle details. Reminded me a bit of Blood Simple.
Rated 12 Oct 2014
A classic revenge plot given a fantastic low-key, realistic makeover, and carried by both atmosphere so heavy you can cut it with a knife and Macon Blair's unlikely but highly likable vigilante.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
For starters, it's really well shot. Not only is it really pretty, but it's also a great example of visual storytelling. What makes it unique to me, though, was the screenplay. The protagonist has no idea how to go about doing what he's trying to do, and fumbles his way through it. Without getting into anything spoilery, some of the expected story beats happen in places you don't expect them to, ensuring that the whole film feels fresh and is full of suspense.
Rated 29 Jun 2014
A revenge masterpiece. The last time I found a character so recognizably human was Ash from Alien. You see, Ash is an android in the movie Alien. Wow, ever wake up and realize all your jokes are getting outdated.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
Surely destined to become a key reference point in the revenge film genre. The first act is electric. Just the simplest form of first-person film-making - a man, a car, a gun, a plan - but so effective. I feel that the close camerawork and bold sound design only enhance the tension. This continues for a good hour. The plot twists that follow bring a necessary complexity to the story. Saulnier and Blair have cut right to the heart of suspense film-making and given the world a masterclass in it.
Rated 04 Jun 2014
The average Joe's revenge story without stylized violence, hip one liners, or indie quirkiness to convolute the mezmerising but brutal tale. Revenge is a well worn theme but it never gets old. It's predictable but the backwater USA location, tension, and great acting by Macon Blair makes this a stand out. Blair really looks like a weird homeless bum and sells the role as a not too bright guy heading straight into oblivion. Props to the fat gun nut friend too.
Rated 28 May 2014
An impressive feat of visual storytelling. Much of its slow-burning narrative is carefully constructed as Saulnier's story unfolds in a most unpredictable fashion, allowing the film's nerve wracking tension to be kept at a fever pitch. And Macon Blair is equally impressive in an exquisitely multilayered and nuanced performance. It's a thing of beauty, really.
Rated 17 Mar 2015
The huge success of Blue Ruin is that its fuckwit protagonist is so relatable. Because revenge is portrayed realistically in this film; it isn't sweet, or served cold, or any of that crap. It is just the tragic obsession of a guy who has squandered his life waiting for it and still hasn't thought it all the way through. Macon Blair renders him so humanly, that it's just impossible not to love him despite the fact that he's so catastrophically wrong. (this is way better than Shotgun Stories).
Rated 31 Aug 2014
I love a good thriller that manages to suck me in and make me curl up in a ball from the overbearing tension or make embarrassing noises from quick but grim visuals. Who doesn't? But they're hard to come by, for me anyway. So I'm ecstatic over this film. It's so reserved and quiet, it almost doesn't care if it has the audience's attention, and wastes no time holding hands or shying from what it wants to do. Consistently nail-bitingly tense, well-acted, and potent stuff. Happily surprised.
Rated 30 Aug 2014
The simplicity of this revenge thriller/procedural is what makes it so compelling. It is dirty, well acted, and convincingly goes from bad to worse. And, man, does it go bad.
Rated 29 Jul 2014
The sort of "visually great" folk revenge story adored by critics, but mainly just a well-executed visual exploration of a recurrent theme (and also ways to shoot arid, cold-hearted and grim American landscapes) in recent indie cinema -- Frozen River, Winter's Bone, Mud, Out of the Furnace, Joe and even its teen (and also art-house successful) variations like Martha Marcy May Marlene and Beasts of the Southern Wild. Better stick to Shotgun Stories and, yep, No Country for Old Men.
Rated 24 Jul 2014
Occasionally overreaches with some hokey dramatic monologues, and is a bit thin, but it's a well-crafted and appropriately messy tale of vengeance.
Rated 20 Jun 2014
Here's my kind of revenge flick. It's as lean, precise, and powerful as thrillers come, but it's also an effective depiction of the tragic and dehumanizing nature of vengeance. Macon Blair is superb as our damaged hero; he's grimly determined, and oftentimes quite capable, but there's an aura of sadness, loss and simply being completely unsuited to this stuff that lends the proceedings an air of tragedy and undercuts all the violence.
Rated 30 Apr 2014
A starkly beautiful revenge movie. I love the thematic elements - the cycles of violence, the desire to show the mechanics of the story to emphasise the physical, psychlogical and social toll of our lead character's actions on both himself and others. It's a gripping central story, too, that feels exciting but never dishonest, and Macon Blair, who I've not seen in anything before, offers a powerful performance, dark, earnest and pained yet still laced with some degree of self-effacing humour.
Rated 15 Apr 2014
Low-key and almost analogue-ish revenge flick without any real subtext or depth, but nonetheless entertaining and intense in stints..
Rated 08 Oct 2017
A nice surprise, realistic and exciting. Turns out, you don't have to be a macho killing machine to be the protagonist in a great revenge flick.
Rated 13 Mar 2017
Near perfection. Occasionally, I couldn't help but mutter things like "wow" or "amazing". The whole film is a sequence of masterful compositions.
Rated 15 Oct 2016
There's a thin line between inevitability and predictability, and this movie tends towards the latter. The inevitable, predictable end failed to satisfy. That said, this movie does have some truly thrilling sequences, with a main character who's relatable and a situation that's more or less believable (except for the fact that this seems to be a world where nobody locks their cars). This is a movie that depicts rather than transcends, which makes it engaging, but not satisfying or memorable.
Rated 11 Jul 2016
One of the better "revenge is bad" films I've seen.
Rated 01 Oct 2015
Almost switched this off after 10 minutes but Saulnier has a sharp, low-key visual sensibility (especially with lighting) that kept me from completely zoning out. Once the movie hits its anti-Death Wish stride, I was fully on board. Dwight is such a geek--smearing blood all over the place and fucking up in the one specific way his buddy warned him not to. I enjoyed his laughable attempt to stitch himself up, too. Ending landed with a bit of a thud for me, but its heart was in the right place.
Rated 14 Jul 2015
Well put together, tense revenge thriller.
Rated 11 Jan 2015
A fine enough movie, but there's not much to elevate it above standard revenge stories. The main character's reluctance (at least, post-temple stabbing) is an interesting angle.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
Taut, grisly and utterly engaging from its open moments, Blue Ruin is a revenge film done right. More than merely showing a lot of brutal violence, Jeremy Saulnier explores the reasons for it, extending those reasons into a critique of a society which prides itself on the concepts of violence and revenge.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
You couldn't ask for a less likely vindicator than the unqualified protagonist of this, which is exactly why it's substantially more involving than the usual revenge film. In his eyes you can see him grappling hopelessly with himself. Writer-director Saulnier makes superb use of quiet and sober visual storytelling, letting the anticipation smolder until our questions are answered naturally and the bloodletting is imminent.
Rated 05 Dec 2014
Though it features some lovely cinematography and a good balance of exposition to less verbal storytelling, I can't help but feel this is a less funny Coens film, or maybe a less intense Peckinpah. It tries to tell a simple revenge story where the revenge could be entirely empty, but the pacing kills it, and the depiction of the characters often strays from being ambiguous enough to keep the attention, and goes way too good vs evil in the last act.
Rated 22 Oct 2014
Refreshing take on the revenge genre. It didn't glorify revenge like a lot of films do & instead offered a more realistic and practical look at it. I really liked that the main character wasn't badass or even really competent, making lots of mistakes. I thought the beginning of the film was really strong - great direction, with lots of nice, moody shots. But I don't think they maintained this in the second half. It's definitely worth watching, but probably not one that will stay in my mind.
Rated 19 Oct 2014
It's incredible how attached I got to the lead when I knew little to nothing about him for most of the first act. The writing draws attention to the revenge movie cliches and takes only the simplest but most compelling route.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
A film about violence and revenge which (thankfully) glorifies neither.
Rated 04 Oct 2014
A decent and well put-together thriller drama. Blair is solid, minimalist, and committed. His performance alone is worth the time, but it'll regrettably go unrecognized for a while. (Actual vomiting is a realistic and interesting touch.)
Rated 28 Sep 2014
Great stuff. Manages to subtly subvert and comment on the now-prevalent revenge sub-genre without feeling deliberately designed to do so. A shining example of how a low budget and be put to great use.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
An interesting indie with questionable acting and some great ideas here and there.
Rated 07 Aug 2014
A revenge film that subverts a lot of tropes. A great illustration of how violence only begets more violence, and the pointlessness of vengeance.
Rated 28 Jul 2014
Very basic and fast (once it gets going, anyway), but Blue Ruin feels a bit different than garden variety revenge flicks. There are little touches of humor here and there, but surprisingly they're all effective, and don't take away from the atmosphere at all. Macon Blair impressed the hell out of me here, and I thought the small amount of time he and Devin Ratray had together was really good.
Rated 10 Jul 2014
completely believable, with its faulty, washed up characters, the silent narrative style and that omnipresent sense of impending doom around every corner. could be compared to the more serious coen movies like no country, although not quite as memorable.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
Invigoratingly badass. This is to the revenge thriller what RESERVOIR DOGS was to the heist flick--sure, its basic storyline is familiar, but its attitude is so unique and explosive, its point of view so enraged, and its characterization so pinpoint that it rejuvenates the proceedings. This is a genuinely great genre picture, as potent, exciting, and horrifying as anything I've seen in years. Can't wait to see what else this filmmaker has in store for us.
Rated 18 Oct 2024
Operates as a negative hero's journey; call to adventure, supernatural mentor, crossing the threshold, apotheosis, etc. Dwight is not building for his eventual ascension into a hero or king, he destroys his past and his self when he realizes he has crossed the line of no return. Great Shakespearean ending. Brilliant take on the revenge thriller.
Rated 04 Aug 2024
I liked what it had to say about the cycle of revenge. But it could've said it a lot better.
Rated 01 Dec 2023
Strange, taught, and wonderful.
Rated 23 Oct 2023
I rather liked the movie "Blue Ruin" which is an indie thriller. A killer gets let loose from prison and the family of the killer conspires to get rid of him, and end a circle of retribution. Acting was not bad, and script was also not too bad. Photography was really good, as was the pacing. Somebody really knew what they were doing when they shot it.
Rated 17 Oct 2023
Good revenge movie, always call on the fat metalhead when in trouble
Rated 20 Dec 2022
some major plot points don't make sense (what? nobody in that place called after that mess?), so I DNF
Rated 17 Nov 2021
Both subdued as well as explosive when the situation calls for it, it's a very solid and beautiful revenge story. The main character is no super lucky, extremely skilled killer, either, which makes it feel realistic as things plummet into a downwards spiral. The brakes come unhinged as things get progressively worst and we are reminded that behind every story there is a very real person, even if the story is sometimes ugly and violent.
Rated 09 May 2021
Stripped down, no fuss, solid 'thriller'. Imagine a Tarantino revenge film, except a lot less stylized and with 80% less dialogue . . . okay, I guess it wouldn't be a QT film then but the sentence made sense when I started typing it. Seriously though, great film, I can't say anything bad about it.
Rated 19 Aug 2020
Unsettling, slow burning atmosphere, and a good analysis of actions. I really liked the execution and acting of this one. Saulnier definitely has his style, and it shows.
Rated 10 Aug 2020
This taut, violent thriller is a very refreshing take on the revenge thriller. Blair never becomes a fighting machine. He's an average guy who's way out of his depth, who's despair is not sated by violence.
Rated 05 Jun 2020
perhaps only those who have lived for a time in Virginia can fully appreciate the dark humor in the fact that these assholes are coming after him with crossbows.
Rated 25 May 2020
Perfect Huntard movie
Rated 04 Apr 2020
Gripping, but maybe a little too sparing in its approach.
Rated 29 Jul 2019
The lack of coolness here was quite powerful.
Rated 05 Jul 2019
cool story bro, but in the end i felt an opportunity was missed - the plot was naturally linear - suited the film but needed a little kick that it missed
Rated 13 Apr 2019
Rated 07 Apr 2019
This is not a suspense/thriller, it's a horror film.
Rated 19 Jul 2018
is it the same music bar (Ben's place) with the one in Green Room?
Rated 30 Jan 2018
A grounded revenge film with some memorable outbursts of violence.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
Jeremy Saulnier delivers a beautifully shot film that explores the idea of revenge in a way that feels more honest. A man who acts with a purpose but has no idea what to expect, only to find the emptiness and dark void left with revenge. Definitely some disturbing scenes that helped carry the movie, and kept the thrill of the journey from the beginning.
Rated 27 Dec 2016
Gripping revenge thriller somewhat let down by the ending.
Rated 10 Dec 2016
How that one uncharacteristically bad cut (a few minutes before the credits) made it into the final product is beyond me, because it's otherwise super well put together and just altogether a very sensible, visceral film. Had I had a smidge more emotional connection with it, Blue Ruin would've been a 90+ for sure, but either way, pretty amazing flick.
Rated 02 Dec 2016
An excellent movie that stays interesting till the very end. Great acting and plot, even better execution. I love how 'normal' the main character is, feels more real.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
pretty good, though dark, little movie
Rated 20 Nov 2016
[MMWTM3K#12] Nothing new or original here, but it's a well directed, tightly told story. But it certainly makes me want to check more from Saulnier, you can sense some promising potential from him here.
Rated 29 May 2016
A great, lean thriller made all the more compelling by its unlikely protagonist
Rated 25 May 2016
The scene in his sister's house with the crossbows is one of the tensest ever. Also, the pharmacy scene is funny as fuck.
Rated 05 May 2016
A nice variation on the revenge story. It was equally thrilling and amusing.
Rated 14 Mar 2016
Very good.
Rated 02 Mar 2016
Great execution of generic story is still pretty great.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
A fantastic take on the revenge story. Very suspenseful, the movie knows which scenes to linger on and which to quickly get on with.
Rated 30 Oct 2015
Well that escalated quickly
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Seen 2x
Rated 20 Aug 2015
I have no regrets for watching this film. This was an excellent story of revenge. It has some slow parts and the movie doesn't rely on star power, in fact I only recognized one actor in this and he was a guest star on the show Supernatural. I liked the main character played by Macon Blair. He starts off as this sad homeless man digging through the trash to becoming a vengeful killer who takes out the trash...
Rated 14 Aug 2015
Really powerful, bleak, and gorgeous-looking for something that cost peanuts.
Rated 14 Aug 2015
Great revenge story. Macon Blair was pretty damn awesome.
Rated 14 Jul 2015
The beginning would make for an awesome shortie, but the feature length version isn't bad either. Nice atmosphere.
Rated 11 Jun 2015
An atypical revenge movie, not compliant with the topoi of the genre, that accomplish to show how violence create violence. Interesting, but not overwhelming.
Rated 19 Apr 2015
Some beautiful photography and tense filled moments make this interesting twist on reveng stories an enjoyable ride, albeit shallow. There's hints of a stronger core concept but it remains subdued and cooled as much as the sterile color pallete.
Rated 06 Apr 2015
Simple and effective.
Rated 05 Apr 2015
That is one interesting and good looking poster. The film itself didn't entirely live up to it, it's different than your typical revenge film for sure but I'm not sure that's enough of a reason to watch it. In the end I would say it's a decent film with a bit of an indie vibe, but not a must watch. The acting, cinematography, twists, they are all fine but nothing truly stands out. Worth a watch if you're in the mood for a slightly more realistic and intelligent revenge film.
Rated 27 Mar 2015
Not really enough to grab onto aesthetically or narratively, but the violence is well-done, I suppose.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
An incredibly real revenge flick, this tense thriller makes you empathize with both the victim and the victor. A rare film that shows you how a real revenge story would most likely play out, this one is not to be missed. Beautifully shot, from the opening pan to the final shootout, every frame is an image in and of itself. And given a $38,000 budget? I'm excited to see what Jeremy Saulnier does next.
Rated 24 Jan 2015
No, this just wasn't it. Lead character plays the role really well, but the role was just awful. Horrible script, bad story. Just doesn't make any sense. 34/100.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
nathan lane doppelganger
Rated 12 Jan 2015
I wanted to give this a rewatch before I submitted my thoughts on it. It holds up very well upon a second viewing, its a very gritty revenge flick. Suspense enough to fill buckets. I just really like the main actor here, something about him, he was also in Green Room by the same director which I just now found out about. Jeremy Saulnier just went onto my directors to watch list! These movies are solid pieces of gory filmmaking with very realistic feeling scenarios. highly recommend
Rated 08 Jan 2015
The idea of an understated revenge thriller was curious, but it lacked in execution. Saulnier keeps the audience at a distance--a touch too far, I'd say. I was left wanting to care a lot more about what was happening than I actually did.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
Wonderful cinematography nearly outweighs any lack of story or character development. Not a bad film at all if you're looking for a change of pace.
Rated 20 Dec 2014
I loved the tone of the movie and it was a refreshing entry into the revenge flick genre. First 10 minutes are phenomenal and it doesn't get much worse after that. Subtle little story about characters stuck in a spiral of violence.
Rated 13 Dec 2014
I was surprised how tense and suspenseful it turned out to be. The movie's full of horrible people doing horrible things, and even the protagonist's cause is morally questionable throughout. I know some people don't get into a movie very much if they don't "identify" with any of the characters, but I didn't find that detracting from my engagement at all.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
Has the right idea. And the right ingredients. For an awesome thriller that is. But...I don't know...
Rated 04 Dec 2014
Somehow manages to feel exciting and original despite having a rather generic, indie premise. Still, it's a bit one-key, missing the flourish of its superior peers such as the nihilistic ferocity of No Country for Old Men or the tense, rural poeticism of Shotgun Stories. Definitely worth a watch though if you're a fan of either of those two movies, the suspense Saulnier creates at times is outstanding.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
Buzz McCallister!
Rated 17 Nov 2014
"The keys are in the car"
Rated 26 Oct 2014
Has a loose, indie vibe, with an uncharacteristically human protagonist, but it's just not as interesting as it thinks it is. The plot is paper-thin with really no developments that elevate it above the thousands of other revenge dramas out there.


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