Blow Out
Blow Out
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Blow Out

Blow Out

Suspense/Thriller, Mystery
1h 48m
A soundman accidentally records the evidence that proves a car "accident" was murder, and consequently finds himself in danger. (imdb)

Blow Out

Suspense/Thriller, Mystery
1h 48m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 65.84% from 2002 total ratings

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Rated 01 Jan 2015
De Palma movies come from some cinematic blender with all the right ingredients put in and he knows when to shut the thing off and get that perfect, silky consistency until 2000's De Palma emerged and forgot how the hell to work the damn thing.
Rated 12 Dec 2008
Amazing trademark De Palma visuals and one of the few good Travolta acting jobs combine for an allusion to the similar (but superior) "Blow-Up". Regardless, it is effectively told in an unorthodox way and one the best films Brian De Palma has made. It also uses authentic Philadelphia locations effectively to create a menacing environment.
Rated 18 Jan 2019
The script is great, De Palma might just be in top form here, and my man Vilmos crushes it with his cinematography. Nancy Allen seems to be playing her character as at least slightly mentally challenged. If that was the intention, then it makes the way every man in the entire film uses her all the more disturbing.
Rated 23 Sep 2018
Opens strongly, and holds the attenstion throughout, even if the ending left an odd taste in the mouth. Terrific use of the camera, sound and colour, the score seems like it is from another era. Feels like an homage to countless other films; Hitchcockian and noir elements featuring highly. Travolta does well in the lead, and the assembly of interesting character actors add flavour; Allen grates a bit, though, Worth seeing - maybe De Palma's best.
Rated 21 Jan 2014
De Palma steals from pretty much everyone, and it mostly works. The beginning is great and Travolta gives a pretty strong performance. Sadly, the middle meanders into a bloated climax that only exists because every character is stupid. I'm not sure if Nancy Allen just gave a terrible performance or De Palma thinks all women are stupid whores. Both? Not sure. Still, ultimately worth watching for the striking use of color.
Rated 14 May 2011
De Palma is a great visual director, but an awful storyteller. There are so many amazing moments in this film, which makes the awful acting from everyone outside of Travolta and Lithgow, the convoluted, clumsy storytelling, and the cheesy music all that much more frustrating.
Rated 31 Jan 2016
Watching Travolta interact with the audio equipment was honestly more intriguing than anything else this movie had to offer after the first 20 minutes. The ending made up for what was a disappointingly tedious watch that lacked any real suspense or mystery.
Rated 23 Apr 2015
A noir-y thriller about a man in search for the perfect scream. De Palma's response to post-Watergate America, filled with lush colours (red, blue, and white, baby!), and a great performance from Johnny T (and a sleazy appearance by Franz). Allen's Sally resembles a femme fatale, but she lacks the power and knowing of the archetype, and is instead used by each man she comes across for their gain (which makes the last scene in the film that much more heartbreaking).
Rated 27 Oct 2012
Starts out promising, but eventually descends into tedious nonsense. The climax and ending are particularly awful.
Rated 24 Nov 2011
Every time I think back to this film the more and more I love it.
Rated 17 Nov 2008
Starts on a high note, ends on a high note, but drags in the middle section. Striking visuals and similarly inspired use of sounds both diegetic and non-diegetic keeps the mind alert. One of De Palma's best, almost reaching the level of The Untouchables, Carrie, Carlito's Way - and Sisters.
Rated 07 Dec 2023
A superb, taut conspiracy thriller with excellent filmmaking and one of the best endings I’ve ever seen. Easily my favourite De Palma to date.
Rated 29 Dec 2022
It's good, but I thought it'd be better. It has some really good and interesting shots, and that's what I liked the most about it. The plot and script were fine, but i was expecting more.
Rated 04 Nov 2022
This was very good. Probably one of the best thrillers I’ve seen in a long while. I think it was plotted really well, never letting the tension go even after the viewer has perhaps figured everything out. I don’t think it feels very dated either, which is a miracle. It’s a shame this may have ended Travolta’s relatively successful career at the time. He was very good, as were Allen and Lithgow. Also probably one of the best last acts I’ve seen in awhile, and an ending for the ages.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
A blown-up conversation
Rated 17 Dec 2013
I would have ranked this in the eighties but I watched Berberian Sound Studio last night. Now this is in the nineties.
Rated 17 Mar 2013
Starts out good, but kind of goes downhill from there.
Rated 04 Mar 2013
Starts off as a very intriguing thriller along the lines of "The Conversation" or "Blow-Up" but loses its way with the introduction of Lithgow's absurd character. Also, Nancy Allen is awful. Travolta is mesmerizing however.
Rated 09 Dec 2012
Meh, don't get the love for this one
Rated 26 Aug 2012
Fantastic, consistently intriguing film from De Palma, who makes a strong case on the indispensable marriage of image and sound while toying with viewer's expectations. Jack Terry's obsessive devotion to uncovering the truth and subsequent exploits are traits I tend to be irresistibly attracted to and Travolta's underplayed performance makes it really easy to root for him. All in all, a cool as heck movie and essential viewing for any filmlover.
Rated 20 Apr 2012
John Travoltas best performance. One of De Palma's best films. Music's great. The ending will stay with you...'Good scream, good scream.'
Rated 25 Jul 2011
"Blow Out" is another De Palma film that fits the description "overblown, but entertaining". This thriller works as partly self-aware camp and greatly benefits from De Palma's gimmicky but sharp visual style as there is an abundunce of terrific shots. The acting and writing are middlebrow, but the suspenseful, Hitchcock-esque atmosphere makes this loopy, corny endeavor quite fun.
Rated 10 Jun 2011
An engaging genre film, generally well-crafted but not without flaws, such as the tacky music and the drab acting. I found myself by turns thrilled and annoyed, but on the whole it's an enjoyable flick.
Rated 08 May 2011
Completely unoriginal, stealing from Coppola, Carpenter and Hitchcock, to name a few, but still a satisfying movie that is well paced and has a great premise. John Lithgow was basically born to play a serial killer. Between this and Dexter I think he perfected the role. The ending was pretty solid as well. John Travolta gives it a lot of life.
Rated 06 May 2011
De Palma manages to rip off Hitchcock AND Antonioni en route to showcasing "his" best work. The visuals are there and Travolta gives a surprisingly good performance but the soundtrack really bogs this one down, which is a big nono in a film dedicated to sound.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
A poor man's Hitchcock even if you hate De Palma this is still a pretty good thriller. Lithgow is great as usual.
Rated 08 Jan 2010
Sub-par thriller fare, with no mystery at all--John Travolta doesn't impress, and Nancy Allen is obnoxious. De Palma could have done much better, had he let someone else write this. The score sounds more like this is an 80's drama than a thriller, and that's a bad thing.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
One of De Palma's best works. Sort of like a cross between political paranoia thrillers (The Parallax View or Three Days of the Condor), Coppola's The Conversation and Antonioni's Blowup. Hitchcock's influence on De Palma is as strong as ever. The plot may be a bit lacking in the believability department, but the film is so nicely written and engaging that it doesn't matter. Blow Out is just serious enough and not too serious, and really feels juicy and bubbling throughout.
Rated 25 May 2009
A tight film with a wobbly narrative focus. De Palma almost seems to be restraining his own sensibilities, trying to construct a more conventional, relatively lean thriller. He can't quite do it, and the film teeters on that indecision. John Travolta gives a solid, engaging performance in the lead role, although it becomes clear as the film proceeds that the character is too thinly conceived. By the end, he has little more to do that play variations on a man becoming slowly unhinged.
Rated 02 Feb 2008
Now I know what Harlan Ellison means when he talks about how there are times when you choke on the word "hommage" and end up exclaiming, "THIEF!" as De Palma steals not only from Hitchcock this time but Antonioni as well. I also know what he means when he describes De Palma's work as "sick". I knew he was a misogynist before, but this movie is so much so that I felt a little ill afterwards
Rated 03 Jun 2024
Clever premise that builds tension and stakes until the explosive third act. Full of great performances from the supporting cast. Franz is comically sleazy and Lithgow is about as psychopathic as it can get. The third act, conclusion and denouement are gripping, startling and a little sickening. Really enjoyed it.
Rated 01 May 2024
it was a very good movie actually for my taste .. specialy some scenes was very original and now a days they're be used in sort of .. B.De Palma is and was ahead of his time of filmmaking great Director good Movie .. ! I expected a happy ending but at least the end was one of a kind ..!
Rated 16 Mar 2024
Gut, aber kein so gelungenes Ende.
Rated 23 Oct 2023
The beginning made me believe that I was going to like this a lot more than I did. It started as an interesting thriller with a cool premise/set-up, but the mystery wasn't really there, and it became pretty standard. Sure, it's shot and acted well, but it doesn't really make you feel anything. The ending is... interesting. I like it but I'm not sure if it's supposed to make me feel for Jack or think he's fucked up. It almost makes him a villain in the final hour.
Rated 19 Oct 2023
Technically impressive, the shot compositions are well done, and the use of real locations adds to the film's creative vision, but that's about it for this movie. The score is all over the place, it is overacted and the writing barely holds the film together. Really peculiar movie.
Rated 23 Apr 2023
De Palma's reinterpretation of Antonioni's "Blow-Up" (going so far as to give it a title so similar I confused the two for years), transposing the medium from image (a fashion photographer inadvertently filming a murder) to sound. But it's infinitely more engaging and entertaining than Blow-Up...where Antiononi seems intent on confused social commentary, De Palma just tells a great story with style, a dash of humor, and a healthy sense of camp. Pauline Kael, rightly, calls it "a great movie".
Rated 22 Jan 2023
Fun but somewhat overrated De Palma thriller. Has a lot of good aspects that are vintage De Palma, but I found Nancy Allen's character and performance annoying. The final set piece, with the parade and fireworks, is good enough to make up for the massive continuity error that's required to make it work (the fact that it suddenly goes from day to night). The ending is maybe needlessly bleak and twisted in a way that made me think less of the protagonist, but it's compelling. Good but flawed.
Rated 29 Dec 2022
Once the killer revealed themselves about halfway through, the mystery aspect died and I started losing interest. Fortunately that last scene was the perfect ending for the film.
Rated 07 Dec 2022
Poor taste, Jack. Real poor.
Rated 09 Aug 2022
There are some big plot holes, especially with the ending. Those things aside, visually its a great movie. It has that neo-noir vibe I love. All of the lead roles all just really nail it, especially Travolta. The ending is a bit abrupt (which I normally kinda like tbh) and it's pretty fucking sad. Really enjoyed this one. The pacing was nail biting and twisty til the end. I read afterward that De Palma was on his Hitchcock shit in this one and I can totally see it.
Rated 30 Jul 2022
A fantastic movie. Beautifully and creatively shot, with some undeniably stunning images. The characters are well written and genuine. They feel familiar, without being cliched. The use of sound and images together is central both to the plot of the film, and the film itself. The plot is slowly unravels as a mystery, with a poignant and emotional finale. Above all else, the film is very deliberately made, with a keen eye for detail.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
It's got a solid plot and I loved how the work that the main character puts his knowledge with sound editing and movies into use in order to figure out the true story behind the incident he unwittingly becomes part of. I do have a lot of trouble just seeing Lithgow as a bad guy and he didn't really convince me here. Has some great scenes and moods, but in the end I thought it was just ok.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
Rated 07 May 2022
"Blow Out"..."blows". *pause for applause*. It felt like I was watching a cheap made-for-TV movie. By the time the climax rolled around I had zero interest in anything that would happen next and surfed online until the credits rolled.
Rated 25 Jul 2021
The first quarter hour or so was good, but it's not worth staying for the rest of the movie after they leave the hospital. Or once you see John cut a movie out of a magazine, and hear him add the soundtrack, if you just want the best bit. The rest : Travolta before he was cool, and movies like this were why he wasn't cool. And the script is shite.
Rated 06 Jul 2021
Rated 17 Feb 2021
Score could have been better if Sally wasn't so dumb. Good movie though.
Rated 02 Feb 2021
A clear homage to Antonioni's Blow-Up. The title makes it certain in case you do not get it. Good flick, does justice to the source it was inspired. Watch Blow-Up.
Rated 30 Jan 2021
While watching, I couldn't help but notice the many nods to prior films. Each time I thought it was going to go in one direction, it wound up heading in another ... which was fine throughout, but in the end, it felt like too many plot strands were started yet not enough finished. It's a good 70s-style nihilistic thriller; there are times when things come together well, but there are too many other times where it feels haphazardly cobbled together.
Rated 14 Sep 2020
Certainly De Palma during his best years. The camera is consistently doing work to ramp tension and invoke paranoia. Slow zooms, frantic smash cuts, split diopter. The script starts strong (hell, the whole film starts off wonderfully), but begins to feel a little frazzled as it continues. Luckily the passion involved is so dedicated to making this work that it's hardly an issue.
Rated 11 Aug 2020
As good as the premise is, and as much as Travolta and Lithgow want this movie to work it's just ends up being meh. The supporting characters are shallow cliches and the acting does nothing to help. The whole movie is ridiculously over the top, which is a shame because it has some good visual touches. The parts with the sound equipment are great. Really it's the ending that incapsulates this review. It has some stylish cinematography while everything else is laughably over the top.
Rated 03 Aug 2020
Serviceable as a thriller and I love how this film doesn't just use sound tech as a plot point, but instead thoroughly integrates it into the film's identity. However, I was put off by the writing for Allen's character and I found that although the film has a great set-up and is well directed, it ultimately fails to develop into a particularly meaningful experience.
Rated 13 Jun 2020
De Palma's kinetic formalism and directorial flair can't overcome his insipid writing: what begins as an enthralling first 20 minutes, with some devilishly clever sound mixing and cinematography, soon descends into narrative lunacy, replete with ham-fisted romance and character motivations hinging on that of mental deficiency (Travolta driving through the Liberty Day parade... give me a fucking break). The ending rules but, like the rest of the film, cannot overcome the sum of its parts.
Rated 13 Apr 2020
De Palma pays a great homage to "The Conversation" and, above all, to the power and potential of the cinematic medium itself. To put it simply: without sound and image, there is no story.
Rated 14 Mar 2020
Seen: 2. This isn't the classic some claim it to be. It's too rough around the edges, and so convoluted with its cover ups upon cover ups that it becomes laughable. Lithgow plays another cartoon character. Travolta's search for vindication and the truth is what makes Blow Out succeed, but it's only half of the movie. The final act is very silly and sappy, but at the very end it hits an effective sad, regretful note.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
Travolta's best
Rated 17 Jan 2020
De Palma bu filminde dönemin yozlaşmış siyasetine ve emniyet teşkilatına oldukça sert göndermeler yapıyor.Senaryosundaki önemli politik göndermelere karşın film,çoğu De Palma yapımında olduğu gibi asıl tarzıyla ön plana çıkıyor.Yönetmenin alışık olduğumuz ekranı ikiye bölge tekniğinden,oyuncuları takip eden kamera ve gerilim anlarındaki ağır çekimler filme oldukça artistik bir hava katıyor.De Palma kamerayı nereye koyacağını çok iyi biliyor.
Rated 18 May 2019
Jack Terry: "It's a good scream."
Rated 05 Apr 2019
The beginning of the good De Palma.
Rated 08 Feb 2019
I'm sorry, John Travolta can not act...
Rated 16 Jan 2019
Between this and Dexter I'm convinced that John Lithgow is actually a murderous psychopath.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
Rated 12 Apr 2018
idk, it did everything it was trying to do extremely well, but still, all the stuff it did felt pretty standard bread and butter, nothing really engaged me
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Good thriller, I guess. John Travolta is very good here.
Rated 12 Nov 2017
(Viewed on 28/11/11): Comparisons to Blow Up and The Conversation are common, but B.O is not in the same class. There are a countless number of media signposts, but the film has no intellectual ambition. Even as a post-Watergate exercise in genre paranoia it probably isn't as good as The Parallax View. Nonetheless, it's a gripping thriller held together by Travolta's surprisingly strong performance and De Palma's visual fireworks which culminate in a brilliantly executed final chase sequence.
Rated 17 Jun 2017
De Palma works best when his tendencies toward pastiche are focused on specific ideas, his hyper-stylized romanticism and obsession with sexual perversion interact more dynamically, and his skill with suspense takes center stage; luckily, that's exactly where Blow Out finds him. After watching, it's even clearer that he's the quintessential American director of the '80s: dreamy, dark, hip, and stylish beyond measure.
Rated 22 May 2017
An unbelievably bad character and performance by the female lead almost undoes a good film
Rated 14 Feb 2016
A bit uneven in places, but a pleasant surprise.
Rated 01 May 2015
Blow Out is a taught conspiracy thriller with great direction and a great performance from John Travolta. John lithgow does a good turn as the main villain and the film has an ending that'll have you talking well after the credits roll. It's one of De Palma's best films and is just a really entertaining thrill ride, see it.
Rated 09 Apr 2015
The ending really got to me
Rated 20 Dec 2014
one of my favorite endings in film history.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Fantastic first half, and the entire film is directed quite masterfully. Unfortunately it slowly falls apart towards the final act with some sub par acting and numerous flaws. Also the ending is kind of awful...
Rated 12 Feb 2014
It really makes me wonder how odd this movie will seem to future generations, since half the movie is showing analog media. Between that and John Travolta's mullet, this might be lost to time.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
it's an okay, often tense thriller/mystery, but not much left behind. reminiscent of 'the conversation' and not nearly as well-crafted, but still a suspenseful ride.
Rated 18 Sep 2013
Rated 01 Sep 2013
Subliminal 80's film-noir that doesn't pander to the audience's desire for things to turn out well for the main players in the story. Solid acting from Travolta, Allen and Lithgow, but the real highlight is the exceptional sound design, essential to the plot as well as creating mood.
Rated 26 Aug 2013
After watching this film you can clearly see why DePalma was one of the biggest directors of the 80's. Excellent directing and pacing combined with a Saturday-night-fever looking travolta ( who plays a sound recorder for movies, which was genius since it adds so much to the tension) and a good support cast make for a very entertaining watch, though unfortunately not much happens the entire movie, its almost all build up. Still, Depalma was called the master of suspense for a reason..
Rated 14 Aug 2013
Michelangelo Antonioni - Blowup (1966) Francis Ford Coppola - The Conversation (1974)
Rated 06 Jun 2013
brilliantly directed with perfect camera work and sound fx. must see.
Rated 30 May 2013
An impressive and attentive (and with a keen awareness for film-making, specifically sound design) thriller with some startlingly great cinematography. However, there's a large disparity between the characters -- Travolta does a very good job with his engaging lead performance, but he's up against Allen's ditzy shoe-horned romantic side-kick. More disappointment follows as the film focuses more on its negative aspects (wide contrivances, unsatisfying plot conclusions) in the last third.
Rated 19 May 2013
Better as a metacommentary on thrillers than an actual thriller, proving yet again that de Palma is better as a Hitchcock-for-hire than as a writer, and with a slightly disturbing fetish for heroes watching women get gruesomely murdered without being able to stop it. OK, "New York Ripper" it ain't, but it only wishes it were "The Conversation". But it's stylish, and how great is John Lithgow as a psychopath, hmmm?
Rated 06 May 2013
There is sort of a film within a film in this private investigation held by this guy who tries to put together video and audio in order to make a conspiracy looks undeniably real -- just like a director who tries to make his film look undeniably real. There is no better camera placement or tracking shots or pan shots (the office one, wow!) or split-screens than the ones De Palma uses here. Its bitter finale during the Liberty Day -- full of flashy and loud fireworks -- is pure beauty.
Rated 22 Apr 2013
This is a good film, that unfortunately lacks some key elements. There's a bit too much of a "the b-version of The Conversation"-sensation about this, most severely though it suffers from Nancy Allens talentless acting. Which is a real shame as I actually think Travolta is doing a very good job, to my surprise. The merits resembles those of the great political thrillers of the 70's, like the paranoia, good story and the long distance photography which gives it an unique surveillance feel.
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Wow, I really do not understand the widespread love for this. Nancy Allen is incredibly annoying, Travolta is thouroughly meh leaving me uninterested in his character (or maybe that's the script's fault), the plot gets progressively more absurd eventually reaching a final act that is intensely dumb, the music is overblown and mawkish and the visuals were garish. Also, to me the film's presentation of women seemed to be if not misogynistic then at the very least exploitative and in bad taste.
Rated 25 Jun 2012
Not really very good, but better than 'Blow-up'.
Rated 03 May 2012
Rated 24 Feb 2012
suikast, politik suikast, cinayet, ses teknisyeni, telekulak, ses kayit (baslangicta cok müstehcen, Finali olaganüstü, hikaye sürükleyici)
Rated 27 Jan 2012
6- pretty good, decent
Rated 16 Dec 2011
Blow Out is a 1981 thriller film, written and directed by Brian De Palma. The film stars John Travolta as Jack Terry, a movie sound effects technician from Philadelphia who, while recording sounds for a low-budget horror film, serendipitously captures audio evidence of an assassination involving a presidential hopeful. Nancy Allen stars as Sally Bedina, the young woman Jack rescues during the crime. The supporting cast includes John Lithgow and Dennis Franz. While in post-production on a low-
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Tense and the ending is dark and painful.
Rated 09 Oct 2011
watched: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2020
Rated 10 Sep 2011
"Now, THAT'S a scream!"
Rated 29 Aug 2011
If it weren't for the last scene...
Rated 01 Aug 2011
Blow-Up was a huge influence on the conception of New Hollywood auteurism, so it makes sense that De Palma's worthy homage to that film come right at the end of the New Hollywood Era. One of his best.
Rated 21 Jul 2011
So much about this movie is so good the shortcomings hurt all the more. Love travolta, love nancy allen. The scene with lithgow and the prostitute in the train station is incredible, but to me the ending is just horrendous. Tonally wrong, colossally misjudged, and in very bad taste.
Rated 08 Jun 2011
On the surface this is a silly conspiracy movie, but it is actually really sad, really subversive, and really awesome.
Rated 21 Apr 2011
I really wish this movie had a better score.
Rated 25 Feb 2011
Execução brilhante, desfecho anticlimático. A câmera lenta e o chroma key no salvamento de Nancy Allen são patéticos. Que escorregão... De Palma tinha uma obra-prima em mãos!
Rated 10 Jan 2011
Good Movie


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