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1h 42m
Three parents try to stop their daughters from having sex on Prom night. (imdb)


1h 42m
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Avg Percentile 39.09% from 632 total ratings

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Rated 10 Apr 2018
I think I saw a boob. That’s the state of the teenage sex comedy, we’ve come a long way baby. A surprising amount of heart in this from unexpected places. Cena is a hoot.
Rated 08 Apr 2018
Blockers is a very funny raunchy sex comedy that is smarter than you'd think, more insightful and balanced than these things usually are, and follows a game cast acting out a strong screenplay. It doesn't drag and most of the jokes land. What more do you want from something like this. It's always going to have something of a capped ceiling. But it does pretty much as well as one could reasonably hope, which will funnily enough exceed most people's expectations.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
For a mainstream comedy, Blockers has a lot of heart. It comes from both the characterization of the parents and the stellar casting of the girls; the chemistry of the latter is especially remarkable considering their lack of previous acting work. There are some flat jokes later in the film as a result of some iffy editing between scenes, but the film's climax is satisfying and heartfelt in a natural, unforced way – a surprising thing for a film of this type.
Rated 09 Mar 2020
I kept watching this and thinking back to Booksmart, a decidedly amoral movie dedicated to moralizing the importance of being open-minded to other people who are rich. Blockers features largely the same ingredients, but manages to make them funny, interesting and, ironically, more emotionally resonant than its Pantsuit Nation counterpart. Cena is a talented comedic performer and Barinholtz's character is amusingly subversive. I watched it on a date and then had sex afterwards. five stars.
Rated 15 Jul 2018
It's American Pie for a more sophisticated era, and with more parental involvement. This was unexpectedly good--dumb-in-the-good-way, and sweet, and lighthearted, and touching--if occasionally false--and the best straight comedy I've seen in years and years. There's humour of every kind in here, so you're bound to get at least a few laughs.
Rated 07 Jul 2018
When talking modern mainstream comedy, Blockers is certainly upper tier. The plot is absolutely stupid, but the six leads navigate it in hilarious and touching ways. All six leads are given time to be funny, even the "teenage" girls who, notoriously, are typically reserved for either the embarrassed-and-againsty character or are there just to show some boob. Instead, everyone is having a good time and the heartfelt moments feel earned and real.
Rated 18 Apr 2018
I can't honestly think of what more I would want from this movie. I was down from the get-go with a 2018 genderbent take on the American Pie trope. It's funny in all the places it needs to be funny (pretty consistent throughout). It's ridiculous but at the same time, hits its heartfelt beats where it has to. It's representative outside of the heteronormative which I think in this case is worth mentioning, because it makes it stand out. But at the end of the day, make me laugh. This did, a lot.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
I had some good fun with this movie but the central concept annoyed me so much that it made it hard to push through at times. I just wanted these idiots to leave their kids alone! Still, enough heart, good gags, and entertaining performances to make it a worthwhile watch. But they all should have listened to John Cena’s wife to begin with! What else have I seen her in? Oh yeah, The Unicorn. That’s an okay show. She was good in it. Sorry, what was I talking about?
Rated 26 Aug 2019
Gender twisting 80's style sex comedy, where now the ladies look to lose their virginity on prom night. John Cena steals the movie.
Rated 20 May 2019
An updated version of American Pie, for the same audience, who now have children of their own. Pretty standard stuff, with some decent laughs here and there, delivered by a game (albeit occasionally cringe'y) cast.
Rated 21 Apr 2019
Do you think Hulk Hogan watches The Rock and John Cena in good films and wonders what could have been?
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Good natured raunch farce is a lumpy brew overall, but has some very funny set pieces, especially anything connected to Cena's rather wonderful and endearing comic performance (though he isn't covering any ground not already staked out by Schwarzenegger, The Rock et. al.) Meanders too much to be a total success, but its characters are more likable than usual for this genre, and has its share of genuinely sweet moments.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
The good news is that this is actually pretty funny, and as good as you would expect a film like this to be. The idea isn't new, but the gender/role reversals bring an interesting aspect to it and the film has enough heart to not make it completely ridiculous. The comedy side is strong too and the cast does a great job. The film never feels like it really drags and whilst it brings no surprises, it plays out pretty well.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
Above-average R-rated comedy. The script and brisk direction keep things interesting enough to make it a worthwhile watch, with enough heart to give it value.
Rated 22 Aug 2018
It has a lot more heart than I was expecting it to have thanks to a wonderful performance by John Cena. He was the funniest of the main leads and the younger cast does a great job as well. The jokes were made easy thanks to the main premise and I did not really find many of them made me laugh out loud. It was enjoyable but not a stand out.
Rated 06 Aug 2018
I was surprised at how funny this was, and didn't rely solely on gross out or sex comedy. I was even more surprised that the heartfelt moments were genuinely earned. It's a solid entry in the R-rated comedy genre, once you look past the horrible title.
Rated 27 Jul 2018
Mindless comedy with a few genuinely funny gags
Rated 17 Jul 2018
Not as funny as I expected, but amusing throughout. Not much was believable and the characters were mostly unconvincing.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
not so good
Rated 04 Jul 2018
Am I watching the same movie as everyone else who gave it a ton of praise? It wasn't the worst movie ever, but I couldn't relate to any of the characters, every plot point felt predictable, the heartwarming moments felt forced, and the jokes fell flat.
Rated 26 Jun 2018
Yet again, another dumb idiotic c-nt of a movie in 2018. I'm beginning to think the writers strike has affected most movies from that period onwards. Annoying characters, annoying actors and a shit storyline, what more do you want? Hurray.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
Fun comedy, does well with a premise that could easily have been really terrible - bonus points for lesbians.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
Blockers is decent comedy that is 80% ludacris plot through physical comedy and about 20% heartfelt moments. Surprisingly, Cena carries this film, while Barinholtz provides the emotional depth. Viswanathan is the funniest of the girls. I laughed quite a bit, and from a film like this that's a pretty good outcome.
Rated 20 Jun 2018
A slightly raunchy but surprisingly heartfelt comedy with good casting and funny jokes.
Rated 01 May 2018
Surprisingly heartfelt and fun but just not all that funny.
Rated 22 Apr 2018
Scored 13 because I want my $13 back that I spent to watch this in the theater.....really weak imo.
Rated 18 Apr 2018
A comedy movie that's actually focused on comedy is rare in an age where your comedies have to either be these high concept films or even worse, action comedies. There's a lot of hilarious moments and Hannibal will never not make me laugh. One complaint I have is john cena just doesn't have any comedy chops, seems like a role made for The Rock.
Rated 15 Jun 2024
Surprisingly underrated.
Rated 29 May 2024
I had heard surprisingly good things about Blockers, and being a fan of Viswanathan I decided to give it a chance...and it's exactly what you'd expect. The cast is good, especially Cena, and they do a lot to try and elevate the material, but the screenplay is just so uneven. I like how it tries to flip the average teen sex comedy on it's head, but it mostly just vacillates between being try hard and cliche. That said it's still likable enough to be a breezy somewhat entertaining movie.
Rated 18 Dec 2021
Funny, but I enjoyed the first half more than the second.
Rated 25 Aug 2021
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Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 28 Nov 2020
A far more interesting spin-off of your average teen sex comedy, Blockers consistently produces hearty laughs thanks to an excellent screenplay and hilariously competent performances.
Rated 30 Sep 2020
Hey, this was good! I took it as a woman-directed commentary on that joke, you know that joke about fathers and daughters and how they're supposed to protect their virginity. Well, they subverted that in cool ways, from having a mom as well, to the girls obviously having agency and also respectful, consent-minded dates that they didn't need rescue from (as the trope usually goes ugh). John Cena rocks as a sensitive man. And his wife in the film was THE BEST.
Rated 22 Feb 2020
Blockers is an astoundingly average comedy with a few laughs and a few really stupid moments
Rated 22 Dec 2019
Much better than expected
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Ebeveynler çocuklarını ilk sevişmeden kurtarmak isterse. Son zamanların seks komedisi olarak izlediğimiz, oyuncuların iyi olduğu bir şamata. Lise sonda mezuniyet balosundan sonra, cinsel ilişkiye girmek isteyen 3 kız, anne ve babaları tarafından öğrenince, kötü yola düşmemesi için engellemeye başlar. Eğlenceli, edepsiz, komik ve öğretici. Filmin sonunda, hem gençler hem de ebeveynler doğru yolu buluyorlar. Seni kokunla bulurum.
Rated 23 Oct 2019
Remarkably hilarious (a rarity with many modern comedies, I find). But the real treat is how damn heartwarming it is by the end.
Rated 16 Jun 2019
This is a funnier movie than I expected it to be. The cast works well together in this movie. Not every joke works but there enough funny moments to recommend this film.
Rated 29 Mar 2019
I was stupid and a lot of the jokes fell flat but the ones that landed were funny as hell and kept everything fun.
Rated 07 Mar 2019
John Cena is the best and I wish he was my dad.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
Rated 20 Jan 2019
I found this movie just entertaining enough to get through. Sometimes the parents are so insane it's distracting. I got annoyed that they kept doing the joke where the big guy would cry, I didn't think that joke was creative. I laughed out loud more than a few times at other jokes though. It has some gross out humor that didn't bother me too much but I strongly dislike gross out humor so I wish it had been left out.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
PITCH PERFECT scribe Kay Cannon makes a solid directorial debut with BLOCKERS, earning points for thinking outside the gender-normative box with an inclusive and sex-positive message that's almost daring for a mainstream Hollywood raunchfest. It also has a ton of empathy for its characters, which means even its most cringeworthy moments--like the vast majority of its film--can be oddly sweet and satisfying.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
When this came out, I think it got a lot of critical credit for not being a complete piece of shit. To be fair, it manages to take a potentially awful premise and make it with a lot of heart. But at the end of the day, it doesn't rise much above the typical raunch teen coming-of-age movie.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
cast is fine and the scenarios funny and within a believable realm of reason. Some moments, like a butt chugging beer challenge, stick out as trying too hard, but on the whole it's enjoyable. But really, see Blockers for John Cena. He turns not being able to act at all into comedic genius, a pure, high octane dose of hilarity comes whenever he speaks. I'm down for at least three more movies with him like this before I get sick of it
Rated 24 Aug 2018
I don't have a lot to say about this one. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. It had a couple of funny moments, but nothing hilarious. It also had some emotional moments, but yeah, nothing special. I liked some of the ideas in there, but it's not elevated by the characters. The adults didn't do much for me, but some of the younger characters were kinda fun and entertaining. A nice enough movie, but not something I'd recommend especially.
Rated 20 Aug 2018
watched this after my younger brother's fifth request to do so. not as bad as i expected, nice. could totally pass as a fun film to watch with acquaintances at a party where you don't want to present an offensive, yet "cool," personality at. kill me
Rated 11 Aug 2018
About half the jokes land, many others induce more cringing than laughs. The more “emotional” scenes as the film gets towards the end are unconvincing and awkward. I can’t agree with the American Pie comparisons - Pie has a lot more creative and outrageous comedic set pieces than this film, which never really gets wilder than beer in a butthole.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
Typical comedy of today. Bad story, bad jokes and bad dialogue. I like Leslie Mann so that's the only reason I didn't turn it off.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
Pretty damn funny, actually. It's mostly the adults' show, although Geraldine Viswanathan grabs her scenes by the balls (as it were) and makes an impression. John Cena is starting to come into his own as a comic actor. Leslie Mann's character is such an irritating, needy hole that it's often difficult to appreciate her work. I totally [heart] Ike Barinholtz!
Rated 02 Jul 2018
I enjoyed this more than I should. Nothing original but I think the film strikes the tone perfectly. It is a bit too PC for its own good but I think that will just be the new norm in our age, so nothing bad there. Don't expect much and you'll have fun.
Rated 26 Jun 2018
rvw. half studio, half good comedy. some great. but the story and connections bruh. and sam is bae
Rated 23 Jun 2018
Refreshing twist on the teen sex comedy that suffers a bit from being way too focused on the parents, who are mostly stuck trying to inject comedy into lines that often aren't very funny, rather than the kids the story is ostensibly about.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
Good chemistry between everybody, Cena puts in great work again (he's really making a name for himself in the film world I think). It set the stage earlier with a great beginning and while it didn't always maintain that level of humour it had enough quality jokes, heartfelt moments and surprising amount of depth to make it maybe not one of the fantastic comedies of all-time... but certainly a great one.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
John Cena is worth Cena-in.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
Suprisingly sweet. God bless John Cena.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
This is the best existing comedy portraying prom. Mind you, it's nothing special on its own, it's just better when you compare it. The movie has a few loud laughs, some dumb unnecessary moments, adorableness and a lot of John Cena being silly and funny. There is a certain niche for actors who have grown past the roles of wild youngsters, so they emerge into parents having a mid life crisis. Too much examples in the recent years... My point, "Blockers" is the best among the rubble.
Rated 01 Jun 2018
Riotously funny and with a surprising amount of character depth, "Blockers" is a dirty comedy full of heart.
Rated 23 Apr 2018
I had fun with it. But to be fair this type of comedy is a personal fav so some might not get the same amount of enjoyment out of it. Wish more comedies would focus on this where jokes lead you where you want to go. The emotional core is there obviously but it's not the forefront.
Rated 18 Apr 2018
A few good moments but mostly just silly, and oh yeah, the cheesy obligatory gay ambush thread that wasn't included in the preview.
Rated 16 Apr 2018
A strange mix of outrageous comedy and emotional parent moments. Entertaining overall.
Rated 15 Apr 2018
Really funny with a few nice moments of heartfelt reflection.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
The comedy Millennials deserve. No really, I like Millennials. Ask Billy Joel. They didn't start the fire.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
While it had some clever ideas and decent message, I didn't find this comedy funny enough.
Rated 08 Apr 2018
A shaggy, silly and funny comedy that's surprisingly wholesome and accepting, even considering the crass setpieces.
Rated 06 Apr 2018
As hard as John Cena tries to save this movie is as hard as Ike Barinholtz is to not want to stab repeatedly with a baseball bat. The directorial debut from the writer of Pitch Perfect, so that pretty much sums it up.
Rated 06 Apr 2018
A teen sex comedy for adults? I laughed a couple of times but this was boring. It seems like a movie made for folks who watched Porkys or American Pie when they were teenagers. I thought everything involving the actual prom was off kilter. Who has prom on a school day or has a backyard bbq beforehand? The teens aren't cliches, but they have no personality.


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