Blair Witch
Blair Witch
Blair Witch

Blair Witch

1h 29m
After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his sister's experiences in the demonic woods of the Blair Witch, James and a group of friends head to the forest in search of his lost sibling. (imdb)
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Blair Witch

1h 29m
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Avg Percentile 22.44% from 582 total ratings

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Rated 23 Sep 2016
I was very naive. I am so so sorry for everything that has happened. Because in spite of what Wingard does now, it is my fault. Because it was my money and I insisted. I insisted on everything. I insisted that I get popcorn. I insisted that we skip Sully. I insisted that we watch Blair Witch. Everything had to be my way. And this is where we've ended up and it's all because of me that we're here now - annoyed, disappointed, and bored.
Rated 13 Jul 2017
The divisive first film (I liked it, by the way) was quite fresh and effective at the time. This effort riffs on the story and style of its predecessor, but feels reheated and lacking in any surprises. Poor decision-making by the characters is punctuated with pointless jump scares, and I found myself getting less engaged as it went on. A shame, as it seemed to get its act together up in the final segment which had some tense moments. Plenty of talent on show, but didn't really work for me.
Rated 24 Mar 2017
After discovering the first Blair Witch Project didn't actually have a Blair Witch in it, the Blair Witch Unproject seeks to improve upon the Blair Witch Project by making the exact same project, only this time adding a Blair Witch to the project. And a drone, because 2016. Project.
Rated 17 Jun 2017
For a soft reboot of a horror franchise, ehhh, it could be worse. There's a few decent moments in-between the bog standard (sorry, forest standard) setup and predictable scares. There is a maddening amount of 'people walking up to their friend but not verbally confirming they are doing so' scenes but the worst sin is that it completely foregoes (sorry, forestgoes) the sense of exhaustion and fear that made the original so effective.
Rated 22 Sep 2016
The novelty is gone and that's ok. They do a good job of not showing you nothing (which just wouldn't cut it after the original) but not showing too much. There's a scene where a girl is being chased and she decides to climb a tree to try to get a hold of a fallen drone. When she gets close enough there's a shot of her from third person view, which makes you stop and say, "Oh, that's the drone camera." Say that out loud once. C'mon, try it. Done? Ok, remember she was being chased? Me neither.
Rated 05 Aug 2018
If there is one statement I detest more than anything, it's the ‘Please, this is *Insert current year*. How is *a thing that the person doesn't like* still a thing?'… But how the hell can kids of today still have a need to check if the camera is on?
Rated 24 Sep 2016
Essentially a sequel-by-way-of-remake (think The Force Awakens to A New Hope) of the 1999 original, only slicker, with more polished visuals and pacing that more resembles something shaped by a professional screenwriter. Problem is that those layers of Hollywood artifice rob the Blair Witch formula of everything that made it gripping, leaving the horror movie equivalent of that "fixed" Jesus painting:
Rated 17 Sep 2016
Not as subtle as the original, and not inventive enough in its scares to justify the remake (you will get sick of the jump scares), 'Blair Witch' walks a thin line between just acceptable and tedious, despite the occasional strike of inspired thrills that hit home in the climax.
Rated 15 May 2017
The original felt like found footage, and Blair Witch feels like a found footage movie. That's an important distinction. The video glitches, incessant droning, and stereotypically spooky antagonists make for a completely average experience with none of the original's authenticity.
Rated 07 Dec 2016
Wingard and Barrett are a standout duo of horror filmmakers in their generation, but they dropped the ball on this one. It's not the total garbage that was Joe Berlinger's "Book of Shadows", but its attempt to recreate the style of the original "Blair Witch Project" involves more cliches, drab characters, and an incoherent plot, and is mostly just unpleasant where its source of inspiration was genuinely creepy.
Rated 29 Dec 2016
This is NOT a sequel - it's a remake. I'm annoyed that they tried to pretend otherwise. And as a sequel/remake, it sucks. It loses the ambiguity that the original had. There's a lot more jump scares, sure, but there's almost no atmosphere, which I find far less scary. Unlike the original, this does not feel like genuine found footage. As a movie on its own, away from the context of the original, it's not too bad! The climax especially was quite good, for what it was. But it still sucks
Rated 11 Jan 2017
This abomination of a film should 've been aborted at the conception of it. It's like a blueprint of the original but cannot even try and touch it. BW ('99) is one of my favorite horror films, due to its masterful marketing, low key approach, good acting and extremely effective use of suggestion. This watered down "effort" shows exactly zero care, nothing but a money grab through previous success. Go and watch the original, or The Shining for the 237th time or something. Thank me later.
Rated 07 Oct 2017
Book of Shadows was terrible too, but at least it was terrible on its own terms.
Rated 13 May 2017
Honestly, most of this movie is comprised of characters yelling the name of other characters in poorly-lit conditions. It's the same as the first movie, just that the characters now have digital cameras, and even less happens. Just as an idea: the movie would've been much better if it was about the origins of the Blair Witch, maybe interspersed with shots of those stupid 2D teenagers, as a way to contextualize the story more.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
* One of the most awfully shot films I've seen in a while.. It's ok to want to create and atmosphere of panic and stress, but not at the sake of understanding. Half the time we don't even understand what to be scared from. The jump scares were so useless, there's so much opportunity to create meaningful thrills but they just go for the cheap scares.. Apart from a few good scenes, itw as just an awful film.
Rated 17 Oct 2016
It's like a horror house remake of the Blair Witch Project, throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you (probably to deflect the main criticism of the original "nothing happens"). The last act and the build up to it feels rushed, rather than allowing a sense of dread to develop. There are a few concepts that could have been explored more in order for this to happen (the neverending night etc.), but are discarded to amp up the intensity once the cabin appears.
Rated 16 Sep 2016
Does for The Blair Witch Project what Interstellar did for Cosmos.
Rated 10 Oct 2016
I don't know whether to laugh at or feel sorry for a bunch of idiots stumbling through the dark, lost and out of ideas while desperately trying to figure out the sorcery behind it all. It's their own fault, they could've accepted that this was beyond them and went on doing something else. But nooooo, Wingard, Barrett, Calder, Lee and Schneider just had to join the film business.
Rated 20 Sep 2016
There's a good possibility I'll like this less the more I think about it; there doesn't seem to be any "method" to the way things occur, it's a freaky free-for-all that retreads a lot of the original film and it's less engaging. I can't lie, though, a lot of it kept me on edge.
Rated 24 Sep 2016
cheap jump scares, weak acting, weak script, logical holes, do I need to say more?
Rated 26 Sep 2016
Probably liked it more than the original but still a let down considering I loved Wingard's last movie more than I felt I would. The ending of this movie is pure panic attack shit. Had to close my eyes at the beginning cuz I was getting a tad dizzy.
Rated 06 Oct 2016
I can't believe this is WORSE than Book of Shadows. I just can't believe it.
Rated 22 Dec 2021
I haven't seen the first one
Rated 14 Jan 2017
I liked the spooky part
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Much like The Forest, i found the extended hiking bits much more captivating than anything else. I like hiking. Spoilery: if there was more flying tents swooping in at ppl i would have given more points
Rated 29 Apr 2017
Tepid rehash of the memorably unsettling PROJECT spends the first hour labouring on a series of 'shock' scenes, involving the characters perpetually startling themselves to an absurd degree. The final half hour has some well-directed moments (including an almost unwatchably claustrophobic sequence) but by then, it's hard to find any of it genuinely scary because of the weak set-up. The actors create likable and engaging characters, it's just a pity they were written so wilfully stupid!
Rated 16 Jun 2018
Beware of SPOILERZZZ: Pretty OK run-of-the-mill 2016 horror film. The ending was kinda lame, though. The house at the end looked really cool, but the whole setpiece was kinda boring. And considering him actually thinking his sister has been living in an abandoned house in the woods for the last 20 years is beyond retarded, so that didn't help either.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
This was terrible. While Blair Witch 2 was worse, at least that had the distinction of being fun bad. This just ambles along and does *LOUD NOISE* oh, did I scar *ANOTHER LOUD NOISE* oh, hi.
Rated 09 May 2021
'What if Blair Witch, but stuff actually happens?' A lot of jump scares, and that idiotic 'put the fucking camera down, man' scene that these kinds of things looooove (if it were a thing in real life, documentaries would all be twenty minutes long...People kind of forget they're being filmed, even under stressful conditions). Some clever camera shenanigans and a neat looking set piece at the end don't necessarily make this a recommend, but you won't be bored.
Rated 21 Oct 2020
Unlike The Blair Witch Project, Blair Witch has a three act structure. First you are bored. Second, noise starts happening and you get annoyed. Third, you want it end when you realize this is worse than Book of Shadows.
Rated 15 Sep 2016
Blair Witch feels like a real sequel to The Blair Witch Project, and does pretty much exactly what I'd want from one. It takes all the elements from the original, makes little changes and some improvements, and repackages it into a less annoying movie where things actually happen and, for the most part, you can see what those things are. It builds atmosphere for a long time before unleashing all that pent-up energy in its final third, and is often creepy and suspenseful.
Rated 20 Sep 2016
In spite of a few decent spooks, never manages to get into the slow burn of creepiness like the original.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
Blair Witch is wasted potential. It's a solid companion to the original, in that its far superior to Book of Shadows, but its definitely not great. I think Wingard had some serious ideas for this film that just didn't come through the right way. And showing the witch? What were you thinking man? Though I have to say, it hits the right notes in tone, and the movie slams by with suspense. I just wish they cut the jump scares.
Rated 12 Oct 2016
Since then, however, the found-footage film ship has sailed into theaters many, many, many times. There's nothing novel about this storytelling gimmick anymore. So even though Blair Witch returns to its cinematic witchcraft roots, adds a plethora of "you are there" filming techniques, cranks up the caterwauling cacophony, then stabs an adrenaline needle of cash into its heart, this sequel still feels like we've been-there-and-flinched-at-that before. (
Rated 19 Oct 2020
boy would i not want to run into this witch in a dark forest let me tell you! (i have x-ray eyes in my buttcheeks)
Rated 22 Dec 2016
When the scares work, they only emphasize how much this is the same movie over again, except with some new technical gimmicks (none of which add anything), more wasted ideas (endless night and time shenanigans that never matter), worse pacing, and even more LISA! PETER! JAMES! ASHLEY! LISA! ASHLEY! JAMES! PETER! ASHLEY! LISA! ASHLEY! PETER! PETER! JAMES! LISA! HEATHER! LISA! JAMES! ASHLEY! PETER! JAMES! LISA! ASHLEY! PETER! LISA! JAMES! ASHLEY! PETER! ASHLEY! LISA! Wingard can do so much better.
Rated 11 Jul 2024
Good until they decided to add that bullshit about looking at the monster indirectly like some knockoff scp-096
Rated 01 Nov 2020
Rated 20 Aug 2017
Ironically, the quality of filming devalued the quality of the film. The temporary fear that I felt plateaued and never really took me anywhere other than to the end of the film/sequel/remake mess that this was.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
It milks its own legend by becoming a remake with more explicit scenes considering the witch and more shaky cameras, more unknown voices and screams with a completely contingent and silly logic. Its one thing to have metaphysical happenings (which is smthing I like) with a consistent inner-logic and one thing to be completely arbitrary, using jump scare all the time. For the Anglo-American horror fans, please check "Dabbe 4: Cin Çarpması", it's a gem and hidden masterpiece.
Rated 07 Feb 2024
The final scene still makes me freaked out whenever I think about it. The rest of the film is trash, however.
Rated 28 Oct 2022
The original came out as a gimmick, an extremely low budget cash grab designed to feign the shaky camcorder actions of a real scared shitless person. And it came out at a time when you could claim a movie was real "found footage" and nobody could just Google it. Now that facade is gone, this remake is just a run-of-the-mill jump scare machine that has no depth, no gore, and no genuine scares, but at least it wasn't made for less than the cost of a mid-sized sedan.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
just bad, not even funny to watch bad
Rated 22 Oct 2021
Lacks the creepiness of the original movie, and the craziness of the Book of Shadows sequel. This is not fun, and it's not technically or stylistically commendable, so what is there to recommend about it? Nothing. I think I would prefer to stare into the distance for the runtime of this movie rather than watch Blair Witch again.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Another unnecessary sequel that adds nothing at all.
Rated 31 Oct 2019
Just as dumb as the Blair Witch Project.
Rated 22 Oct 2019
Maybe the best recent example of a sequel absolutely nobody asked for, it's a rushed & poorly executed cash grab that, despite a few ambitious ideas, fails to live up to the original in any way & doesn't make much of its own mark. Lackluster & annoying characters, all of whom are pretty hard to like, an awful "Witch", & an ending that makes very little sense all combine to make an underwhelming final product. There are a few cool moments, but there aren't enough to make it work. Very meh.
Rated 04 Feb 2017
The continuation of the Blair Witch (2016) franchise got old quick with them only scaring themselves the first hour. The rest was a dizzy experience. Meh...
Rated 08 May 2021
I thought the 2 was bad. But this one, it's just the original in worse. Half was just cheap noise jumpscares. The evil manifestations (before the end) made it seem more like some invisible big monster was stalking them, something more alien than witchy. And that was dumb; it takes you out of it like the aliens in Indiana Jones 4 did. Also, showing the witch at all? The pointless running around at the end? It didn't help at all.
Rated 01 Aug 2018
Not bad at all, but as it happens with sequels, this only makes clear what the original did so well and how well judged it was.
Rated 05 Oct 2016
Pro tip: When your white friends ask you to go check out an old haunted forest tell them to fuck off.
Rated 16 Sep 2016
Starts out kinda clumsily, but the final act is one of the most harrowing things I've seen in modern horror. Adam Wingard fucking rules at ending his movies.
Rated 31 Dec 2016
A good companion piece to the original, and much better than that "other" one (looking at you, Book of Shadows), the film is pretty nerve wracking once it gets going. I'm not a fan of jump scares, but they work well here, seeing as most of the visuals are of the first person variety, in the dark woods. Despite what others say, even though this film takes major liberties with the Blair Witch mythos, it doesn't hurt the original at all.
Rated 31 Jul 2017
Blair Witch's potential is squandered by ineffective jump scares that originate from seemingly random places, as well as a chaotic final act.
Rated 22 Feb 2017
Turned it off after the 3rd pointless gross out. Boring, unlikable characters follow a creatively bankrupt path into the woods and get lost doing absolutely nothing of note for the first hour of the movie. What a disappointment.
Rated 28 Sep 2016
Well, at least it wasn't Book of Shadows. And even if that is the best that can be said about Blair Witch, it's still something worth saying. The characters didn't annoy me as some horror characters do. The justification for "always camera", while cheesy, is forgivably so. The story is as solid as could be expected. They were never going to catch lightning in a bottle a second time, but what they did do was produce the watchable, above-average sequel that The Blair Witch Project always deserved.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
Every attempt at fright lands with a deadening thud. For shock value, Wingard and cowriter Simon Barrett simply repeat stuff from the original film, only this time louder, lamer, duller and stupider. Scarier? That got lost in the woods with whatever you spent for a movie ticket.
Rated 27 Sep 2016
I thought this movie was scary and carried on in the same spirit as The Blair Witch Project. The sound design was great, the characters were tolerable, and though this movie was missing a lot with respect to the themes fear of isolation that was present in The Blair Witch Project, it does explore themes of over-reliance on technology and its fallibility. The rewatachability factor of this movie is low since the original is a better version of this story.
Rated 15 Sep 2016
More of a remake than a sequel, doesn't bring anything new to the genre or the franchise.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
A fantastic scary movie that follows the same story beats as the first movie, but by the 2nd half becomes unpredictable in its scares. The characters have personality, humor, and quality acting. the final act is some of the most nerve wracking moments I've seen in recent horror. A major problem this film has is the plot armor is easily apparent from the first 5 minutes. Also a lot of the deaths are caused by stupid actions.
Rated 23 Jun 2017
90 minutes of teenagers running through the woods, yelling one another's name in the dark. Watch the first one instead.
Rated 09 Feb 2017
Exactly like the original movie, but with better filming equipment. Sure, sudden loud noises and shit jumping out of dark is scary, but that's cheap scares.
Rated 25 Dec 2016
Blair Witch has its moments, but they are few and far between. Several segments are direct knockoffs of the original film, and most of the scares take the opposite approach (i.e. jump scares) of what made the first film so effective. If you were a fan of the original, don't waste your time.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
I'd been looking forward to this ever since I heard about it. Oh well, I'm an idiot
Rated 21 Sep 2016
One too many characters isn't a huge problem... unless everyone gets a camera. Make that two characters... AKA who invited the drone?
Rated 03 Oct 2016
Makes a hash out of a pretty spare mythology (now including body horror elements, body snatchers, voodoo dolls, fleshy monsters, and disruptions in the spacetime continuum), with the obviously supernatural elements dominating more primal fears: noises whose source can't be placed, signs whose origins are unknown, getting lost, being alone. The end suggests it's the looking that kills you -- an interesting idea but one that doesn't easily fit with the hour and half of material preceding it.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
The temporal anomaly stuff was a great idea and the cave shot is extremely uncomfortable. This was actually doing pretty well until the fucking stupid monster reveal.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
Book of Shadows was better...
Rated 26 Dec 2016
I dont know why but it freaks me out!
Rated 09 Sep 2016
Video review:
Rated 08 Jun 2017
Rated 16 Jul 2017
I wasn't nearly drunk enough for this. Crawling in tight corridors is my phobia, though, so points for that.
Rated 25 Mar 2017
This movie starts very, very slowly with building up tension and 3/4 of the movie is relatively boring hand-filmed footage of people talking, sadly it's not as mysterious or intriguing as they think it is. The ending comes on super fast but has some pretty good scenes and scares that built a lot of tension fast. Just should've started sooner with that.


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