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Avg Percentile 57.26% from 2588 total ratings

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Rated 11 Aug 2018
If you voted for Trump kill yourself but don’t forget to Star this first.
Rated 16 Aug 2018
Teeters on being a mess, paints in broad strokes, at times feels unbelievable, escalates from heavyhanded to downright blunt statement, and yet... it's reigned in, more subtle upon closer examination, and timely beyond comprehension. The angriest absurdist comedy this year, if not the most important.
Rated 11 Nov 2018
Jesus, that script had more holes than swiss cheese.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Neither clever or outrageous enough to work as satire or farce, it is caught in no man's land, delivering utterly predictable social commentary that is too comfortable conforming to the current reductive mindset about race and class. Despite the promising alignment of Afro-American and Jewish concerns, no real chances are taken, and the Klan members are presented as bumbling stereotypes. The news footage connecting Trump to recent tragic events is also tacky and manipulative.
Rated 18 Aug 2018
About as broad, blunt, and poorly-paced as I was expecting, but the unforgivable sin is Lee burying the lede by not focusing on the phone conversations. There's a crazy thrill to watching Washington spouting Klan-speak to David Duke and there could have been a cool, tense procedural about him smooth-talking his way into their trust. Instead it's just generic movie cops with the self-indulgent bloat and melodrama of Spike Lee, typically awful Terence Blanchard score included.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
Dear Spike, I like you. I like your grit, but most importantly, I like your honesty. I tend to be honest myself, which probably explains why I don't have many friends. And let's face it, it's not like Clint Eastwood will call you anytime soon for a friendly get-together. But that's ok, because you remain true to yourself and don't shy away from the truth. This takes courage and integrity, qualities you've demonstrated during your entire career, and in this day and age, this is hard to come by.
Rated 25 Feb 2020
Probably lower rating than it deserves but the trailer had me hoping for a modern masterpiece. Easily the most excited I was for a film that year and even now it hasn't really grown on me at all. I'd like to believe it's not because I'm a bad person, but a more probable cause may be that I'm not a good person. Or I just didn't like a movie. Pitchfork's for some, shoulder shrugs for others.
Rated 16 May 2018
Lee's political fervor is still on fire, as witnessed by Harry Belafonte's cameo retelling of an exceptionally brutal lynching. Contrasted with a Klan ritual, the outrage is both soulful and full of scorn towards America. A coda contextualizes the contemporary importance of the story with footage from the Charlottesville attack. The film plays like a historian's warning while its actual jokey drama, though always entertaining/populist, is somewhat minor and commonplace.
Rated 18 Aug 2018
Secretly Lee is an activist and a preacher combined. Wait, that's no secret at all and yet again it's all spread out nice and thick, Spike Lee style. Honestly, BKKK is a bit of a mess, does the guy even have his own style? All I see is a washed up director copying tons of others. Oh wait, is that racist too? Well allow me to retort, alright pun intended. In the end it's a little too black and white for my liking. Ha, gotcha. Decent film, not more.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
I liked Lee's politics; he finally admits that emancipation can only come as result of inter-racial solidarity w/o being anti-institutional. A black man's voice combined with a Jew's body is a good idea. Yet I don't like his expressive soap opera aesthetics and his sketchy plots with unconvincing characters and events. I also didn't like his portrayal of KKK members. They aren't idiots, they just stick to a backwards ideology for various reasons that are in need to be analyzed, not mocked.
Rated 12 Aug 2018
Mostly historically accurate in it's portrayal of the infiltration of the Colorado Springs Klan, but the events involving the real troublemaker there isn't, and much of the dialogue is over the top. I think Lee tries really hard, in his own mind, to be even-handed, but he chokes completely with the out-of-context news footage at the end. These stories need to be told, but as lessons from the past.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
A somewhat unsymmetrical balance of entertainment and politics, though Lee's storytelling is almost consistently on-point, revving up the tension, displaying a successfully audacious style, and featuring some superb acting, particularly from the invigorating, yet entirely unsympathetic Klan crew. Not quite as complex an inspection on race relations as it thinks it is, as evidenced from the jarring doco coda that artificially inflates the film's social importance.
Rated 17 Aug 2018
"Black Klansman" is a powder keg of a film, an explosive, righteously angry movie that amuses just as often as it infuriates, and a bombastic joint that's just on the verge of combustion from beginning to end. Every performance, be it Washington's richly characterised turn as Ron Stallworth or Grace's fascinating portrayal of David Duke, is flawless, every scene engaging, hilarious, or haunting (often all at once), and Lee's direction has never been better. Words just can't do it justice.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
C - Amazing. A big part of me thinks this should be shown in schools. Great story, played really well. Does a superb job of showing how racists dance around their racism. Really interesting how Adam Driver's character has to think about things that previously were, and should be, irrelevant to him. The stinger at the end with modern footage is stunningly effective. It's worth mentioning here that the film is hilariously funny at times.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
With subject matter that's very difficult to watch at many points, and a political stance that's as a subtle as, well, the KKK, this is probably the best film of the year. Spike Lee is a film-maker who's always been best when angry, and he's funneled all of his rage about the current state of American politics into a powerful polemic, that's not just politically important, but aesthetically impressive as well, with great technical work and some surprisingly effective stylistic choices throughout
Rated 31 Oct 2018
Driven by a visceral and unusual mix of anger and humor, polarizingly and jarringly jumping back and forth between the two. Unabashedly preachy with a clear agenda, which would be fine should it not have portrayed itself as unbiased. Expect classic Lee, and an ending which undoes any subtlety with a selection of news clips designed to unease and agitate. A cheap way to drive home the points Lee had been building towards making throughout the whole movie.
Rated 26 Aug 2018
Jarringly constructed but-often as a result-always compelling: Great soundtrack and creative cinematography in tow, both director and protagonist "infiltrate hate," at times with deathly seriousness and scathing condemnation and at others simply laughing in its face. True to its rollercoaster form, the devastating coda makes it clear that the undercover mission's far from over (and possibly casts doubt on its effectiveness) but the gorgeous early dance scene provides a vision of a happy ending.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
Lots to like here, even if tonally it felt a wee bit uneven for me. Will definitely want to revisit this one. And there still remains quite a few Lee films I need to see. Definitely worth a look.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Weak and unlikeable.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
I very much enjoyed this movie. It has Lee's typical social commentary and while most is effective the nearly direct references to Trump were a lame (and I'm not saying this because I like Trump because I don't). End credit scenes that showed the Charlottesville incident felt out of place. The movie did a fine job of getting it's message across so it's a disservice to add this stuff to the end as if the audience thought racism was over or was blissfully unaware of the current strife in America
Rated 28 Feb 2019
Good movie But honestly I felt like it was overhyped
Rated 13 Nov 2018
Powerful. Completely accessible with multiple highlights. Stylish and at the same time makes you shake your head. Spike Lee's best in quite some time and John David Washington needs to be in a hell of a lot more things.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Spike Lee's masterpiece of the decade. The soundtrack and cinematography are fantastic and powerful. It's as funny as it is gripping and thrilling. There's nothing subtle about it, but that's where it gets its power.
Rated 08 Feb 2019
Fuck the KKK, David Duke and Trump.
Rated 02 Sep 2018
A messy yet powerful film. The strongest scene is the juxtaposition of the black power meeting with the Klan meeting, which does show that while both purport to be about a form of racial power, there is something more insidious with one (I'll let you figure out which one that is ;)). The ending is...beyond words. Especially with the final few moments of silence.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
Not a bad movie by any means, it's incisive and timely, with Spike Lee's target firmly within its crosshairs. The persistence of racism is covered quite nicely by linking the story's undated setting to the past (D.W. Griffith and the lynching of Jesse Washington) and present. Yet much of the movie consists of easily digestible, crowd-pleasing cop drama that's creatively unsatisfying in the face of not only recent entrants like Get Out, but also Lee's other works.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
Superior confidence and commitment from all involved. The music is the beautifully souped-up and bombastic update of blaxploitation funk I never knew I wanted. Boots Riley's complaints about the film's pro-cop sentiment are salient but politically I liked the film connecting the words of David Duke to the mainstream Republican rhetoric of today; it might put the right ideas in the heads of liberal/centrist dummies still in denial. Ditto the tacked-on postscript, recalling DTRT's parting words.
Rated 20 Aug 2018
It was pretty fun, but obviously making police look so good is bad(it's sus that there's only one really bad apple, instead of it being a systematic thing). It has better politics than something like Black Panther, but it's still disappointing coming from a man that made Do the Right Thing. I'm also not sure the kind of "both sides" thing works that well in this one. I think Spike sees himself as more of a Ron Stallworth than a Patrice. Formally Spike Lee still knows how to shoot a movie, damn.
Rated 20 Aug 2018
Tonally messy and thematically unsettled. Well performed and entertaining but somehow more problematic than problem-solving.
Rated 24 Aug 2018
Lee's film surprises in its subtle critique of the black power movement (that mirroring moment near the end is a fascinating sequence). It's not that Lee is equivocating between the two "power" groups, but rather that he seems to be lauding a moment in history where the good guys changed an institution in favor of the oppressed group. Formally sharp, the film is edited in a way that brings energy to this procedural drama, even as the film's tone is sometimes tough to pin down.
Rated 25 Aug 2018
Spike Lee being Spike Lee. The topic could have made for a much better movie if it wasn't so obsessed with simultaneously being a 2018 period piece and a retelling of a late 70s true-ish story. The parallel between the KKK meeting and the Jesse Washington events were the only bit of the movie where the correct message actually went through, this is how Lee should have done the parallels with current events, not as a bunch of flashbacks at the end. Good intentions, poor execution.
Rated 25 Aug 2018
A masterfully crafted blend of the horrific and hilarious ("blend", here used, more like that of tea and water than an ice cream swirl, since every comedic moment is steeped in provocative references to history and the present). Remarkably kind to both audience and characters, this film plays with perceptions of hope and hopelessness as it does with comedy and horror, leaving it all in a rich cup of flavours to be slowly parsed and discussed. Adam Driver gives an excellent performance.
Rated 02 Sep 2018
Writing the review weeks after seeing the film, because it overwhelmed me in the best way. This is a combination of a visual essay and a more classic period piece/biopic story. You start out laughing a lot and as racism becomes more and more maddening, you feel rage under the lols. There are stunningly beautiful set pieces, the music and the vibe are top notch and the performances absolutely excellent. Wanna see again.
Rated 17 Sep 2018
It's incredibly on-the-nose and structurally kind of a mess. Lee preaches to the choir here but as I happen to be in this particular choir, I had fun.
Rated 26 Sep 2018
Very powerful speeches in this movie. I recommend it
Rated 09 Oct 2018
It's tempting to say that Spike Lee wields the camera like a weapon, but it's not true; it's the film medium itself he wields. Lures us in with all the trappings of the Period Movie (70s outfits, slang, cars, soundtrack, overacting villains, blatant racism, all placing us safely in The Past) and then dropping us from a height. It's an obvious point to make, but it seems nothing can be too obvious to be ignored these days.
Rated 08 Jan 2019
a misfire. it's amusing enough, but the movie buries itself in cliches and plot contrivances. the last act of the movie is downright absurd, culminating in wish fulfillment on the part of both the filmmakers and the audience. the final moments of real life footage only, if anything, undermine the idea that police are anything other than responsible for enabling and abetting white supremacy. it's a pretty fun popcorn movie. as a political statement, it's a disaster.
Rated 12 Sep 2020
With a humorous premise, this movie doesn't really play up the laughs enough for a feature length. The end result is a moderately amusing movie that felt like it had been lifted from a few paragraph article in a magazine. There's only so much gas you can get out of playing the oh-I'm-a-black-cop-infiltrating-the-kkk-isn't-that-hilarious card.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
Lee wastes a pretty good story with his terrible pacing on this one. Driver and Washington are quite good, the subject matter is very pertinent to contemporary issues, but the overall messiness of the script detract from the whole experience.
Rated 23 Oct 2018
Mostly fictionalized, kind of pulpy, bluntly didactic and still quite fun, but never veers into total fantasy like a Tarantino film would, I found a lot to like here. As a Jew I especially liked Lee's handling of the Jewish subject, though I disliked the whitewashing (for lack of a better word) of Stokely Carmichael, who in reality was every bit an antisemite as David Duke.
Rated 24 Oct 2018
Masterful, harrowing (and oftentimes extremely funny) portrait of race relations is as intelligent and insightful as you would expect from a Spike Lee Joint; taking a multi-pronged, multi-angled approach to his subject matter, Lee presents a complex portrait of 'both sides' - there may not be 'good people' on both sides, but Lee refuses to make his villains into simplistic caricatures. Stunning performances all round, with Grace and Driver revelatory; finale is the perfect angry sigh of sadness.
Rated 29 Oct 2018
This weak film does not merit that powerful Charlottesville montage sequence at the end.
Rated 30 Oct 2018
A verdade é que ainda estou sensível pela tragédia do último domingo brasileiro, assim passei o filme com certo aperto no peito, pois o Spike Lee foi especialmente brilhante em colocar frases da atualidade no desenrolar da narrativa para ficar ainda mais óbvio o paralelo que estava fazendo, toda a construção de BlacKkKlansman foi muito parecida com o que o Alex Cox fez em Walker, o que dá uma legitimidade acima da média à sua qualidade. WEBRip YTS
Rated 04 Nov 2018
A bit too subtle for my taste, I had to read a Buzzfeed article about the film explaining the meaning. Also the synopsis which I heard over and over is misleading to say the least - it wasn't the black police officer who actually went undercover
Rated 05 Nov 2018
I really want to believe this was a true story. It was so ironic and fun to watch. The ignorant militants were tedious, but the cat and mouse action was fun. Adam Driver was good, as was John David Washington. Topher Grace was a poor choice. There were many humorous moments and situations. Reasonably good production quality. It has a few awkward moments, but overall it was fun to watch.
Rated 25 May 2020
It was a bit slow, especially towards the beginning, and had some weird shots, but all the acting is great and the story effectively goes back and forth from being serious to funny.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
Great story, poorly told.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
The mix of hilarity and poignancy are what make BlacKkKlansman an enjoyable buddy-cop comedy. The white supremacists are portrayed as bumbling dolts, while the black power activists are portrayed as angry, ineffectual, and self-destructive. The juxtaposition of both self-isolated movements is great cinematically and as a way of expressing the societal decay on both sides. I had a few issues with pacing and the clip-show the film ends on but Washington, Driver and the soundtrack make up for this.
Rated 04 Jan 2019
Looking forward to watching this again already. Never seen a Spike film like this. Thought it might be an overly stylised purely political effort during the early Corey Hawkins speech, but it's far more balanced. When things do get obviously political, it does so by shining a direct blaring light on the modern day political situation which makes it entirely justified. Driver and JDH carry the film brilliantly but are-eh supported well by a fantastic ensemble. Very powerful closing scenes.
Rated 17 Jan 2019
Big, tacky, jolly parade of stupid and manipulations galore. As expected.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
Lee gives his trademark well shot and well acted piece of work that is a sign of the times. He does this with an exciting narrative that sneaks in poignant messages without being heavy-handed. Driver and Washington are fantastic blending comedy with harsh reality. The cross-cutting sequence between the two meetings is absolutely gorgeous and one of the best scenes of 2018.
Rated 16 Apr 2019
Another safe, establishment propaganda piece made with the kind of dim-witted heavy-handedness that encapsulates all mainstream attempts to tackle racial politics in the current era. Spike Lee has never been noted for his subtlety, but tying this story to Charlottesville is bad even by his standards and gives away how out of touch he is. Spike and people who think like him are the KKK of our era, funded and legitimized by all corridors of power and turned against average peaceful white people.
Rated 30 Apr 2019
heavy handed to the point of cartoonishness, but also mostly without humor. main character was two dimensional and had barely any personality.
Rated 23 Jul 2019
Best Spike Lee joint for quite some time, but I'm a bit surprised by all the praise. Period setting was beautifully created and soundtrack didn't resort to the most cliched songs. Cast of mostly lesser seen faces did a good job. I enjoyed the style for most parts, but some scenes (like the cross-cut Klan and Panther meetings) felt too preachy and were at odds with the rest of the film. I also believe the viewers would have made the connections between past & present without actual news footage.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
Very atmospheric. Feels a bit shallow though...the infiltration happened quickly and everything was too nicely tied up. I have mixed feelings about Ron's relationships with other people on the police force. On the one hand it's a trope to have white cops not get along with black cops. On the other hand (almost) everyone here just loved Ron and there's no further discussion of that.
Rated 24 Feb 2019
It's very hard to make a movie about racism that isn't either immoral or banal. I think this is the later. I'm all for African-American's claiming (back) their culture but, man, Lee literally throws album covers at his audience. What I can say for sure: I don't like that cops get a weird pass here, that irony had to be a storytelling device and that felt as cheap as throwing Trump in at the end. But then again, Charlottesville actually happened! Maybe banal is what we deserve/need.
Rated 20 Aug 2018
An amazing and harrowing tale about a true legend.
Rated 23 Aug 2018
I don't like Spike Lee very much. But credit where it's due, despite some typical ridiculous choices (weird floating heads sequence, I'm looking at you) this is great, surprisingly funny and a solid wake up punch for everyone. Occasionally has the subtlety of Michael Moore, but it works.
Rated 27 Aug 2018
Very good film with excellent acting and casting. Interesting story that I wasn't aware of before this film. I wish they'd put more tie-in with the real-life characters at the end or during the credits, to show what everyone actually looked like, and what ended up happening to all these people.
Rated 31 Aug 2018
*SPOILERS* Black Panthers vs. KKK. Some good doses of humour and fun along the way. Enjoyable. And then the ending is like a punch to the gut. Too bad a lot of it is Hollywood fiction. For example: in reality there was no Jewish partner, no black power girlfriend, no Nazis at his door, no lie detector, no gunshots, no bombs, no explosions, no arrests, no final revealing call to rub it in Davey Duke's face. This is a really, reeeally fictionalized movie.
Rated 02 Sep 2018
The first half hour is quite slow, but get through that and BlacKkKlansman morphs into an interesting and, at times, quite humorous adventure
Rated 02 Sep 2018
In comparison to Lee's masterworks this is a political mess.
Rated 04 Sep 2018
Spike Lee on absolute top form. Takes an absolutely gut-wrenching subject matter, and makes it both hard-hitting and extremely watchable and enjoyable.
Rated 06 Sep 2018
The bookends were effective, hitting the notes that Lee wanted. As a statement I appreciate the militant approach, and I think art needs more of that, but as a movie? It dragged really hard. Scenes went on too long, while trying to draw parallels he sometimes lost momentum. But Driver and Washington were compelling, it was even sometimes funny, and the dialogue was written well in general. But sometimes he took the easy way out in developing characters, such as the KKK. Liked, didn't love.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
This movie is so many movies rolled into one. From Chris Rock-style monologues to action to buddy cop to political commentary and more. I've wanted to say this is an important movie and a powerful one, though I'm certain it'll only prove to solidify beliefs on both sides of the issue. Perhaps it's more important for people outside the US who don't know that White Nationalism is such a large problem in America. Either way, this movie is very well done--even if you ignore the political overtones.
Rated 09 Sep 2018
If you're just looking for a fun time with a smart and interesting story then this certainly has you covered. Say what you want about the message I thought the tone was handled perfectly the way it uses humor to alleviate the tension of the subject matter. Also Washington took me by surprise. He was really quite perfect for this role. I will say that despite the unusual subject matter the film occasionally dipped into more generic crime/investigation waters, but when its on point it's excellent.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
W4E1P2S1M0V1A2R2. Very funny, at times uncomfortable and moving, and very important. But a little slow given the fertile ground for suspense and intrigue, like it couldn't quite balance the humor with the stakes. And the music was just bizarre, and took me out of it every time the main theme blared.
Rated 12 Sep 2018
Nice how Lee can use a pretty mainstream formula movie plot to make a more provoking movie about racism, that's also still fun and thrillin. But I wasn't really blown away by it. The the characters were a bit too one-dimensional.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Powerful and moving.
Rated 20 Sep 2018
A little too silly and uneven at times until that angry-hardcore-perfect ending.
Rated 23 Sep 2018
Very full of shit, way too easy on the police. Read Bootsy Collins' essay on this movie, he sums it up better than I could.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
This is mostly fantastic. Washington and Driver both give great performances for their well-developed characters. There are moments that are truly powerful and the film definitely hits its message. But there's also some extremely jarring tonal issues that really handicapped it. (And note that the final climax is fiction, not based on the true story (but that doesn't bother me too much)).
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Best movie spike lee has made in a long while. Sharp, funny, angry, important and poignant.
Rated 05 Oct 2018
As of this writing, the best film of 2018.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
It is brilliant; getting out of the grit of the big city and shooting something slightly more rural brought out some hidden qualities of Lee as a director. It is well acted, well written with a strong political message. The original score is great. I wish that it were funnier but it can't be as the problem is still there. The struggle of US with racism is really frustrating; I wish that they got over it one day. The world is a better place when you don't care about other people's skin color.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
One of the funniest, most thought-provoking films I've seen in years. Lee uses the broadest brush he could find to get his points through, and that is when the film is weakest.
Rated 25 Oct 2018
Hatred is woven into almost every frame; this is a very skillfully made movie that is impactful and funny alternatively, and sometimes simultaneously.
Rated 26 Oct 2018
Spike Lee molds a stranger-than-fiction story into a groovy tall tale that doubles as a window onto contemporary racial politics. BLACKKKLANSMAN is a giddy pantsing of American ignorance that also contains surprisingly lush moments of romance and nostalgia, while also managing to convey a sense of righteous indignation.
Rated 25 May 2020
Pretty funny and entertaining at times with a clumsy delivery of the political message.
Rated 01 Nov 2018
Quite funny and with a great cast. The tonal shifts and the tendency to drop any subtlety to drive its points home won't work for everyone, but in this case I didn't mind at all.
Rated 04 Nov 2018
It's a good job there is humour in the rest of the film, as the coda is as serious as it gets. Very tense and timely
Rated 24 Jan 2019
It was ok for what it was. Light-hearted and all. Around the end it became too cheesy. I can only handle so much. Pretty heavy handed to the point of cringe. There were some pretty good moments, though. The speeches and stories told in the black movement were pretty powerful.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Furiously funny without ever losing its necessary punch. Spike Lee manages to use this film as a political platform while spinning out a ridiculous and thrilling story at the same time.
Rated 12 Nov 2018
It's no Sorry to Bother You, but it's still alarming.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Parts of it were quite good, but I had my problems with the extreme tonal shifts between wacky comedy, serious drama and straight up documentary.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
It's fun, it's sharp, it's abrasive. Great watch
Rated 21 Jan 2019
Given Spike Lee's track record one might expect this to be another angry tirade against institutionalised racism in favour of the white man, but this is much lighter fare. The bizarre circumstances here wouldn't be out of place in a sitcom, and it is pretty funny, but there's also some none too subtle social commentary and a smattering of tense drama thrown into the mix, so even though John David Washington and Adam Driver both bring a lot to the table the film as a whole feels quite disjointed.
Rated 18 Apr 2019
A good film that does feel like it loses its pacing but does pick up well every time. Spike Lee is not one for subtly sometimes.
Rated 14 Jun 2019
The usual race-baiting trash from Spike Lee.
Rated 23 Feb 2019
This movie is not funny on one hand, but also doesn't make any sense on the other hand.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Overrated. Much of the film acts as a glimpse into the early 70s KKK, but for any American older than 30, none of it - especially a centerpiece sequence alternating between a KKK initiation ritual & Belafonte recounting an atrocity - should come as a shock or be particularly interesting. Lee also preaches to the choir by reminding us that racism is still alive. However, the conflicted pre-PC hero is interesting, as is Lee's ability to palpably convey collective joy (the dance club) to the viewer
Rated 10 Mar 2019
It's not 100 percent accurate, but since when has that ever stopped Hollywood? It's engaging and entertaining thanks to Washington and Driver. Some of the abrupt transitions into near surrealism seem out of place but still don't drag it down too much.
Rated 20 May 2023
Loved it! Well, most of it.
Rated 31 May 2024
Part mediocre police procedural, part 101-level film history, part cri de coeur from the darkest days of the Trump era. I understand it is important for people to learn this history, and it is shameful how historically and culturally illiterate many Americans are. That said, the script doesn't really leave space for complexity or subtext.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
I tend to dislike revisionist history films, much less ones that heroicize police, much less to the odd degree that this film does. It's ALMOST like Lee got paid $200k to be a shill for police everywhere! That aside, Lee has written a decent story, but one that it is quite different from the memoir it's based on. I think the original story is a bit more interesting, if not just for the fact that it isn't as unnecessarily zany and insincere. The casting of Topher Grace doesn't help.
Rated 08 Jul 2021
A clusterfuck symphony of tonal missteps.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
Verdiği polisiye tarzı filmi seyirci sorgulasa da, ABD halkının tarikatlara karşı uyarıyor. Uyarmasına bıraktım. Bildiğiniz tokatı suratınıza çarpıyor. Aptal olmayın. Uyanık olun. Böyle bir senaryo da ancak bu kadar iyi işlenebilirdi. Teşekkürler Spike Lee.
Rated 23 Nov 2018
It doubles down both as great, slick, 70s cool entertainment -- nice comedy bits, the entire spy craft works as well as its "untold story" essence -- and though-provoking piece about dark times, past and present, the importance of picking your fight and understanding intolerance through everlasting images (Fleming, Griffith, Charlottesville).
Rated 12 Jan 2019
It has its relevant social message for american society, and, technically, it has qualities. But for me it looks just like an avarage looking movie with decent production, direction, with a few moments that are very good and others that are not good - the social message certainly inflated the acknowledgment of the movie. It's much more of an entertainment movie than a political one.
Rated 24 Aug 2019


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