Big Game
Big Game
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Big Game

Big Game

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 50m
A young teenager camping in the woods helps rescue the President of the United States when Air Force One is shot down near his campsite. (imdb)

Big Game

Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 50m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 27.82% from 264 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 01 Dec 2016
When Air Force One is attacked over Finland, the President's escape pod lands in the remote woods and he gets saved from terrorists by a 13 year old hunter. Meh. Dumb script and overuse of cheap looking CGI. Jim Broadbent is OK but Jackson and Stevenson really mail it in here. Some pretty nice scenery, though.
Rated 25 Jun 2022
It's like if "Olympus Has Fallen" was made for eight-year-old Finnish boys, which is kind of awesome, but also kind of cheesy as hell. This one might not be nearly as good as Helander's first feature, but there is a kind of juvenile exploitative DNA to his work that I am a huge fan of so far.
Rated 13 Aug 2015
Far too many cheesy moments for an eighty-something minute long film. It says on the poster <-- "Hugely Entertaining (that you watched this crap)" and "A Total Blast (-off is what you'll feel like doing to your head after you've watched this crap)" Disclaimer: Text in parenthesis added by me.
Rated 01 Jul 2015
I guess it's meant to be ridiculous and fun... Well, it is ridiculous.
Rated 09 Apr 2015
Helander has taken most of what made his earlier "Rare Exports" successful and amped it up a notch. He puts the ~10 mill. budget into good use, but relies a bit too much on CGI, especially towards the ending when things get too over the top. Tommila is more believable than most child actors, and Sam Jackson shows a more vulnerable side to him than usually. Plot is largely recycled from Cliffhanger, E.T and Temple of Doom and while the result is nothing new, it still makes an enjoyable 90 mins.
Rated 09 Jun 2023
Base-level entertaining actioner is a little too sedate and pensive for the brawny Norris/Bronson actioner that it wants to be, establishing a silly and outlandish premise which it never has much fun with. Has its moments: Jackson is surprisingly solid here, and an underused support cast in the war room are at least fun to have around (though given the (bizarre) way the Garber-Broadbent rivalry is resolved, it might have made more sense for the men to swap characters). Passable but unmemorable.
Rated 12 Apr 2018
The premise is as cheesy as it gets, but that would be fine if you know what you're going into. My biggest gripe with this is: Who the FUCK thought it would be a good idea to film a movie that's supposed to be set in Northern Finland in the fucking ALPS? Northern Finland is beautiful in its own right, but looks nothing like what it's portrayed like in this movie. That just completely ruined any suspense of disbelief right off the bat right at the start of this movie for me.
Rated 24 Dec 2017
Great concept and some great cartoonish characters - particularly the Finnish boy hero. This film is unashamed silly action, played exactly the way it should be. Okay, it has flaws: the baddies are phoned in, the action portion is too short, and it has a couple of 'WTF?' moments. Still very much enjoyable for its tongue-in-cheek tone, solid set pieces, and wilderness setting. Bringing terrorism and celebrity to remote locations is a breath-of-fresh-air formula.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
I liked the kid. He wasn't bad but I am tried of seeing SLJ in everything. Dude take a break!
Rated 31 May 2016
original idea. well executed. funny. what the fuck more do you want
Rated 07 Apr 2016
This film has a bad script with some bad lines and scenes. There are a couple of exciting scenes but not near enough to make this film worth watching. The actors try their best with this weak material. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 07 Mar 2016
#16#, exp2, rw2, popcorn, story, actors
Rated 17 Jan 2016
Pretty bad script. A couple of decent scenes and that's about it. My score is perhaps a bit generous because Finland.
Rated 13 Jan 2016
This movie is pretty ridiculous. Scant backstory makes for shallow caricatures. The CGI isn't bad for a low budget film but it's overused and not enough to prop it up, even for a short run time.
Rated 09 Jan 2016
I admire the self-confidence of the Finnish to make a movie where a 13-year-old child saves the President of the United States from terrorists. That said, I don't quite understand the appeal of this one. A little too cheesy for my tastes.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
Onni Tommila, as the kid Oskari, is--by a lot--the most engaging presence on the screen.
Rated 30 Nov 2015
Credibility is the least of the problems. Idiotic dramatics & cheesy plot makes it at times feel like an insult to our intelligence. Bad dialog & story. A lot of time & money went into making this, but the theatrics are almost unbearable, especially the overbearing music. The numerous WTF moments wear on you until nothing is left to satisfy. As a movie made for children & young teens it is effective, but not satisfying for adult viewers except to mock it.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
Bad acting and ridiculous writing. Has its moments, but they don't come around too often.
Rated 26 Jul 2015
The trailer looked a lot better... Tommila suprised from the beginning, he acts really well. Jackson I found annoying. The story appeared somehow more childish then expected, and it most certainly isn't anything new. I mean, exactly how many movies have we seen before where the president of the United States is in trouble and under attack?? 35/100.
Rated 17 Jul 2015
Mind you, I thought this was utter crap. Perhaps others really like this kind of stuff. A teen surely would. For me it was absolutely ridiculous. Perhaps I'm too serious :) My opinion here :
Rated 27 Jun 2015
Big Game is stupid, cheesy, and feels like something straight out of the 1980s. It's not awful. It's a throwback actioner that knows it's not the smartest fish in the sea, and therefore doesn't try to be. It plays to its strengths, which are its sense of humor, its silliness, and Samuel L. Jackson. Some will hate it because of what it is, while others will absolutely love it for the same reasons. It's the type of late-night movie you watch with friends and have a good time poking fun at it.
Rated 24 Jun 2015
"Well, it can't be any worse than Rare Exports!" I said to myself as the film began. How wrong I was. How very, very wrong.
Rated 20 Jun 2015
'Big Game's' tongue-in-cheek premise and touted acclaim labels it as an exciting throwback to action films of the 80's and 90's, and while it's a harmless and brief piece of escapist entertainment, it also fails to leave as big of an impression as one would expect.
Rated 27 May 2015
Not bad, could have had a better ending and maybe something different in the middle but the start was good.
Rated 25 May 2015
Rangerrrrr! This was an absolute GAS. I LOVED it. You'll LOVE it. Action fans will LOVE it. It comes off like an 80's action/adventure throwback conceived and written by a hyperactive, hyper-imaginative middle schooler. It RULES. Rangerrrrr!
Rated 05 May 2015
Squandered premise.


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