Before the Flood
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Before the Flood

1h 36m
A look at how climate change affects our environment and what society can do prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native communities across the planet.
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Before the Flood

1h 36m
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Avg Percentile 55.6% from 190 total ratings

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Rated 02 Nov 2016
everything you need to know is in the last sentences: "we know we polluted the planet by making this movie, but we paid a voluntary tax." it's well executed hypocrisy. bullshitters among themselves, lamenting a system they're seamlessly part of. come to think of it, this way the movie indeliberately manages to point out the real issue: everyone already knows what's what, it's just that no one is willing to make the necessary concessions as long as they can point their finger at someone else.
Rated 01 Nov 2016
DiCaprio meets famous people in a somber lecture concerning everything you already knew about global climate change. To be fair he does so for free. I agree with the overall message, but once again we're tiptoeing around the real elephant in the room: Before the UN imposes a one child policy in the world, we're not serious, in which case I couldn't be arsed to give up my meat, despite everything that's at steak. (There. That should leave you wondering whether I can spell or not.)
Rated 29 Sep 2016
Fisher continues to show his adeptness at having an appeal to viewer emotion rooted in objective reality by showing climate change's effects as both personal and global crisis. To be frank, there probably isn't much here that environmentalists don't already know; at the risk of undermining the film's efforts, I might refer to this as a more star-studded 'An Inconvenient Truth.' Regardless, DiCaprio's charming dedication is guided by Fisher's experience in crafting a timely ecodocumentary.
Rated 31 Oct 2016
The subject matter is compelling, but as a documentary this has many flaws. DiCaprio's narrative feels cold and emotionless (especially considering his passion for the subject). From frame one it already knows what it wants to say so there is no unraveling and no journey for us to go through as an audience...instead simply a lecture.
Rated 31 Oct 2016
Respect to Leo for both making his passion project and putting it out there for free. The result, though, is more a one-sided lecture than a truly engaging movie experience.
Rated 01 Nov 2016
It does contain a nice overview of climate change, though at the same time, it lacks depth because of this. Some nice images, and DiCaprio is a good person to spearhead it, despite what people may say. The main reason I was interested in seeing this was the soundtrack. I enjoyed it very much. I thought it accented the images and information very well. Yeah, it did a good enough job with what it wanted to achieve, but purely as a film, I'd say it's nothing special.
Rated 03 Nov 2016
When I watch such material, it is no longer about the quality or the cinematic experience offered by the video. It's absolutely about the dangerous impending issue at hand, and this rating is indicative of the support to the important message the documentary tries to spread. I must also thank another user hear whose review informed me about Years of Living Dangerously-truly exceptional!
Rated 04 Nov 2016
Not a bad documentary. Good that it's available for free and hopefully it will have an impact on its audience. It could have been more cohesive and concrete. DiCaprio comes off as a bit lifeless and apathetic. Maybe because he is so pessimistic about the subject, but that doesn't help his cause. The whole thing feels fairly artificial rather than a project of passion. Still I watched the whole thing even though I was already quite aware about the things portrayed in the documentary.
Rated 06 Nov 2016
This documentary does an important job of spreading awareness about a grave issue. Has managed to reach far reaching corners of the world where this issue remains unnoticed and unaware among the people. While not as thorough and exceptional as Years of Living Dangerously, important nonetheless.
Rated 06 Nov 2016
While not an effective and moving documentary, it does has some nice introductory messages and visuals into the problems and causation of climate change. Leo is charismatic and a good choice, it just needs more.
Rated 16 Nov 2016
Before the Flood is a hard-hitting, albeit one-sided, call for action that benefits tremendously from its broad geographical perspective.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
As far as preachy call to action docs go this one's pretty decent, with a mix of hope and despair and some scattered worthwhile information. It still falls into the trap of expecting a wholly sympathetic audience and has more interest in being flashy than being thorough, and it plays more like a doc about DiCaprio musing about climate change than a doc about climate change with DiCaprio as a host.
Rated 26 Apr 2017
Apparently they were talking about something important, but I think the worlds most powerful people where too star struck to remember what was said since they got to meet LEONARDO FREAKIN' DICAPRIO!!! Obama was so intimidated by his star presence that he could barely look DiCaprio in the eyes.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
I'm giving it some extra points for hopefully appealing to at least some deniers, since that's what it's clearly trying to do. Decent but nothing new for us sane ones.
Rated 31 Aug 2019
the very american climate crisis documentary which promotes technical solutionism via mega solarpanel factories and has a very condescending look on the energy crisis in india, yet it still promotes the very important message
Rated 03 Mar 2021
gerçek bir farkındalık belgeseliydi. hatta çok fazla konuya ve yere değinememiş ki hangi birine el atsın adam. filmde bizden çok büyük karbon salınımı yapan mega şirketlerin etkisi altındaki insanları ve medyayı yeşil bölgeye çekebilmek. ne olduğunu bilen ama bunları içselleştiremeyen insanların izlemesi gereken bir film. ne kadar görmezsek o kadar önemsemeyiz.


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