Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
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Bad Boys for Life

Bad Boys for Life

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
2h 4m
The Bad Boys Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are back together for one last ride in the highly anticipated Bad Boys for Life.

Bad Boys for Life

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
2h 4m
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Avg Percentile 33.65% from 629 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 Mar 2020
Can’t believe this and Sonic will be fighting it out for best picture of 2020 at the Oscars. Martin Lawrence rocking that Big Momma’s House body.
Rated 18 May 2020
These two directors wanted to be Michael Bay so hard that they went full retard! The action and style of the film is dead on Bay, but the writing is dumber than any of the Transformers flicks. Suspending your disbelief is one thing, but the filmmakers asked me to completely leave logic and common sense out of the equation as I watched. That fucking 180 they pull here. Huh? Why? How? Where's the reasoning? A terrible nonsensical plot twist. Give me M. Night any day!
Rated 29 Jun 2020
Typical cop / buddy formula NOTHING overly spectacular but I did like the special effects
Rated 30 Mar 2020
Under Quarantine Film Reviews #16: This shit was ASS, and not like DAMN, THAT ASS, just ASS. Will Smith has incredible plot armor and for the first half, it should have been called Bad Boy. It was halfway through that they remembered Martin Lawrence was also a lead. The new additions were so laughably bland that I was hoping they would get killed off. Also, say what you will about Michael Bay, he would have at least made it entertaining.
Rated 28 Mar 2020
Last of type saw = H & Shaw. Next 2 THAT this looks maybe in SOME way bound 2 physics, physiology & general reality, but not very tight! •Shot as music video/advert + amber tint 70% of film. Entertaining enough, inoffensive •Most jokes landed: some V well & others not! Best comedy: parallel morning routines, oh happy day & airplane. Best action: motorbikes. Villain plot contrived but valid-ish & not 2 milked •Her heart Mex City hideout: absurd but cinematic Pls stop @ 3, End well
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Upon entering the movie and realizing that this was just over TWO HOURS LONG (seriously Hollywood, this needs to stop), I was met with the terribly dreadful thought that this movie would suck. Honestly, on pure popcorn, don't-think-too-much entertainment, I'm here for the Bad Boys. I certainly don't feel any compulsion to sit and pick it apart, and based on that at least, this was fine for what it was. Maybe it wanted to say a little more than I felt it did, but it wasn't a failure by any means.
Rated 12 Apr 2020
Well at least the action was better this time. Bad Boys for Life is still a disappointing entry in a disappointing franchise. The plot is ridiculous and shares unfortunate similarities to Smith's Gemini Man that was released 3 moths earlier. The new characters added nothing of consequence and the film-makers have a weird fixation on fire but keep forgetting it's hot. At least there was less ingrained racism in this one.
Rated 07 Apr 2020
Well this movie limped its way to the cinemas 17 years after the release of the sequal because Will Smith wants you to know that HE still is number one black action hero. Gemini Man and this prove otherwise. The good : Martin Lawrence had some funny lines. The Bad: like any Michael Bay- wannabe (read; Peter Berg, McG) directors Adil and Bilall copy the Bayhem without understanding why it worked for him in the nineties. Bad telenovela plotting turned this script into a bad joke of film. Hot Trash
Rated 26 Jan 2020
A few funny bits, but mostly boring, repetitive gunplay. Watching Martin Lawrence try to act in serious dramatic scenes was painful. Also, the villain seemed like something dreamed up in a focus group committee "Let's make the villain a latina drug boss' wife...and a witch!" I'm surprised they didn't make her a zombie while they were at it. "Zombies are hot right now, can we make her a latina zombie witch?"
Rated 20 Jan 2020
worth a watch
Rated 19 Jan 2020
My only real issues with this overall are the fact it feels more like Smith's movie than Lawrence and just how "by the numbers" it feels. However, the movie does well on its comedic elements and the twist to it gives this the best villain in the whole franchise. It does just enough on its formula, and while not as big in spectacle to the Bay ones, it provides solid enough action. If I had a dollar for every time Lawrence said "oh shit" in this...I'm going back again to do a count.
Rated 22 Mar 2022
A reasonably enjoyable throwback style buddy cop action flick gets a lethal injection in the final act when it has to introduce some family melodrama soap opera twist bullshit. I hated that shit in Spectre and I hate it here
Rated 04 Feb 2021
Pure Trash Boys
Rated 16 Dec 2020
Surprisingly solid and good-looking old school action flick, that parties like it's still 1999 and the Willennium hasn't happened yet. It's asinine sure, but more endearingly so that the Michael Bay ones.
Rated 15 Oct 2020
Rita and Dorn were welcome additions. The film could've been worse, but while the plot is incredibly silly, I didn't think that neither the actors nor their lines were funny enough. The best joke was probably the one about the glasses.
Rated 14 May 2020
I just can't get into these films.
Rated 05 Apr 2020
This kinda surpasses my expectations, even though they were low. Will Smith drags a fat middle age drunk (either Lawrence or us) around to watch him do action stuff -and the police department closely resembles the one from Last Action Hero.
Rated 01 Apr 2020
Bad Boys - Bad Movie.
Rated 28 Mar 2020
Far away from the old days. Old faces have still great chemistry, new ones not so much. That makes me kinda worrying about future films. New kids on the block are paper-thin as far as their characters go. By phasing out the old crew for great tits and ass I feel really sad since they can't me make laugh as much as great performance. The end was also kinda bummer.
Rated 06 Feb 2020
Entertaining and I like who the villain ends up being. Lawrence and Smith still have chemistry, there's a few good jokes and the action is decent. It's an okay example of the action genre but doesn't reach any higher than that.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Its worth watching but it wasn't great. The film was comprised of equal parts things that worked and things that fell flat. I was entertained through most of it even though it dragged occasionally. None of the characters/actors were really bad but all felt underdeveloped. I'd say if you're at all interested see it, its forgettable fun.
Rated 29 Jan 2020
It's passable. Its plot is convoluted, at times downright ridiculous, but it's entertaining and funny when it needs to be. Mostly.
Rated 27 Jan 2020
it's a telenovela
Rated 04 Sep 2024
Unnecessary sequel. It's not bad, it's just dated boomer humor. The "wife bad" joke is getting old. Secret kid storylines miss most of the time, this one is no exception. The villain didn't even get to finish her story arc, she straight up died.
Rated 30 Jun 2024
Who keeps asking for these? These guys aren't even interesting caricatures and the actors are starting to age out of believability during all of the action. At times it can be mindlessly watchable but this episode starts feeling like a generic comic book where the writers are completely out of ideas: coming back from death, secret murderous children? No more, I beg you!
Rated 13 Jun 2024
Really disliked this one. Tone felt weird and insane amounts of cringe not found in the others.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
A surprisingly strong emotional through-line and jokes that are actually funny for a change
Rated 08 Jun 2024
Solid, but not as good as the 2nd one
Rated 20 Apr 2024
well made and surprisingly moving in places (pantoliano4lyf), it's a humane corrective for the vacuously, gleefully repulsive BB2, directed by a belgian-moroccan duo who reject bay's US fetishism. it's also more... ordinary. less funny and less awe-inspiring, certainly lamer. it's what always happens when you suppress that lizard brain and settle down, grow a lil maturity and humanity: it's dad shit. smith sarcastically sings "good men good men, whatcha gonna do?" at one point, and you feel it.
Rated 16 Jun 2022
The only movie ever I watched 20 minutes off and could predict the entire plot.
Rated 04 Jan 2022
Nobody asked for this, but that doesn't mean it isn't a solid action flick in and off itself. It just works. The emotional connection felt a little much at times but the gags and shootout were in character for the franchise. If there only weren't a sequel hook. Why does everything need a sequel hook?!?
Rated 13 Aug 2021
At least on par with the second one. Arbi and Fallah do a decent Bay impersonation (meant in the best way). Smith and Lawrence still have great chemistry and the jokes, which of course heavily are about their advanced aged, are still fun.
Rated 27 Jun 2021
The jokes don't really work like they used to, so that while it's a decent action movie and not as bad as I imagined, it remains just kind of mediocre. Also, can we have more of that orange/blue contrast, maybe? It wasn't entirely in every scene yet.
Rated 22 Jun 2021
had to turn it off after 5 min. Pure garbage.
Rated 26 May 2021
I hated the ridiculous plot, and found very little enjoyment here.
Rated 10 May 2021
My expectations were low and yet somehow I was still disappointed. It's Bad Boys 3. It is what is.
Rated 09 May 2021
Ha, you would have never guessed Michael Bay was no longer directing these. Also, holy, Martin Lawrence got fat. The latest installment has the expected "I'm gettin' too old for this shit" jokes, the million dollar explosions & shoot outs, and of course, the bubble gum plot. But bottom line: It's entertaining. You know what you're getting into with this one: a comedy action blockbuster, and it delivers just that. Just put this one on in the background and do what you need to do (AKA "chill")
Rated 05 Mar 2021
Sequel accepted. Still a good sense of humor and good action. As I said: Sequel accepted. *Recommendable.
Rated 04 Jan 2021
Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are still with the Miami Police Department. While Marcus is already thinking about retirement, to finally enjoy his family and new grandchild, his partner Mike plans to chase the crooks until his hundredth. Inadvertently, they must both take action when a violent serial killer puts Mike at the top of his kill list. They get help from a newly established police unit full of young dogs, who use the most modern technical gadgets.
Rated 03 Jan 2021
Lighter and more charming than its predecessors, and much of this is to be laid at the feet of Lawrence and Smith, who use their advancing years as an excuse to mellow out these iconic "cock of the walk" characters (Bay's absence behind the camera no doubt helps as well). Silly plot and action scenes are enjoyably reminiscent of 90s pot-boilers and the new additions to the cast do nothing to help or hurt the existing recipe.
Rated 14 Dec 2020
If you cut out the crappy beginning and end you're left with a mindless action flick without any surprises, with 1 or 2 laughs. Hopefully this is the end of this franchise
Rated 08 Dec 2020
Rated 22 Nov 2020
Impossible task trying to follow the majestic cinematic experience that is Bad Boys 2. If Michael Bay came back he would have cut out all the new characters and dumb long lost son subplot and just replaced it with explosions. Bad Boys could have been the secret best trilogy.
Rated 12 Nov 2020
Well and truly past its use-by date. Both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence do a good job to carry this film, playing up the "old" jokes as much as possible, but it is definitely time to move on. Pretty good action and still funny in parts but it certainly ain't what it used to be.
Rated 07 Nov 2020
Rated 31 Oct 2020
It's been so long since I saw the first in this franchise as a kid, but I'm assuming this has just about captured the same energy, charisma, and explosive and over-done action. Whatever can be said about this particular film, it has ended up being the most 2020 film we'll get -- it's got black cops in the leads!
Rated 17 Oct 2020
This really felt like stale leftovers reheated. The action lacked the panache and crispness of the first two movies. The jokes fell flat too. The "twist" felt too forced and the back-story just there for the sake of it. Even the soundtrack felt like it was a wanna-be revival of the epic scores in some 90ies action flicks such as The Rock. Even the end-credit scene was no surprise and felt very much like a forced intro to a sequel a la fast-and-furious.
Rated 14 Oct 2020
I think I watched this.
Rated 29 Sep 2020
I enjoyed watching it with my 14 year old son, but I would not have on my own.
Rated 01 Sep 2020
[bloated Martin Lawrence puke face]
Rated 12 Aug 2020
Okay, so this was actually not that bad. I felt like it was a mix of the first two installments. A little less goofy/funny than #2 and a little more crazy action than #1. The story is a little stretched, but if accepted, this is fine saturday night entertainment. *Okay
Rated 15 Jul 2020
Feels weird to be watching a pro-cop movie in 2020.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Bad Boys for Life is forgettable, mediocre at best. I didn't hate it, but I saw no reason for its existence.
Rated 07 Jul 2020
Both Smith and Lawrence are both likeable and that is the sole reason this is watchable
Rated 23 Apr 2020
The Departed + Gemini Man = kinda dumb. They've always made family a plot element so I don't mind its inclusion here. I have a reaction to Adil & Bilall but the film was filmed and edited well. Of all the ways unknown directors with an established franchise could bomb the 3rd entry, they managed to stick the landing. Colors at night were very good. I could listen to Smith and Lawrence trade jabs all day. Fav scene: bike & sidecar chase scene with a pacifist Lawrence.
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Exactly what you would expect: A shoot-em' up comedy/action with middle aged brothas. There are a few shocking moments and the movie gets better as it nears the end.
Rated 03 Apr 2020
Will Smith might be too old for this shit, but I'd rather he do this than the other shit he's been doing lately!
Rated 01 Apr 2020
Buddy-Cop filmlerine her zaman bayılmışımdır.Bad Boys serisi de bunun güzel örneklerinden,ilk 2 filmi severim bu film 1.filmden kötü 2.filmden ise 1 tık iyi olmuş diyebilirim yani tam ortaya yerleşecek bir film olmuş bana göre. Will Smith ve Martin Lawrence'ın enerjisi zaten harika bazı diyaloglar sıkıcı olsa da komik bol argolu ve keyifli diyaloglar da yine bolca mevcut. Aksiyon sahneleri tatminkar.Senaryo bayağı klişe.Türü sevenler kesinlikle zevk alacaktır.
Rated 29 Mar 2020
Decent pop-corn sequel.
Rated 25 Feb 2020
This exceeded expectations for me. It solidifies the true life long friendship these two partners have. Tons of action (some quite violent), drama and of course comedy.
Rated 20 Feb 2020
Forgettable movie
Rated 13 Feb 2020
Will Smith ve Martin Lawrence'dan eğlenceli polisiye devam filmi. Çılgın polislerin başı intikam için uyuşturucu kartel mamasıyla başı dertte. Hızlı aksiyon sahneleriyle ve cinsel espriler ile film izleniyor. Arkadaşlık bağlantısı çok sağlam. Filmin sonunda, Will Smith oğlunu döverek kavuşuyor. Oğlum sende bir gün benim gibi Bad Boys olacaksın yavrum.
Rated 30 Jan 2020
It's fun. In some ways it feels like no time has passed, but in other ways, the time passed has brought down our heroes a bit too much. That being said, once it gets going, it's still a ton of fun, and nearly as good as the originals. Does lack a bit of that Michael Bay flare, but it gets close.
Rated 20 Jan 2020
Awesome movie..I liked the main guys, the girl cop and the bad girl boss...Basically this girl boss wants specific people dead in this movie including Mike Lowrey.. Mike & Marcus have to stop her...They get help from this female cop and another female with 2 other guys on the team...
Rated 19 Jan 2020
Solid entertainment. Shame about the final reel.
Rated 18 Jan 2020
In a word, silly.


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