Baby Driver
Baby Driver
Baby Driver

Baby Driver

1h 53m
After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail. (imdb)
Your probable score

Baby Driver

1h 53m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 57.51% from 5280 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 Jun 2017
Honestly just as well made as Wrights previous work. Just picture a heist/crime caper in the style of Edgar Wright then you've got this, because he has not lost his style at all. It's well acted, and I particularly liked Hamm. The story isn't too predictable and I thought it was a dream come true seeing everything and everyone in the movie moving to Baby's music. I'd recommend it.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
Drive without autism
Rated 30 Aug 2017
The 1st 30 mins set up an amazing action movie but the rest fails to fulfill its promise on almost every level. Characters remain undeveloped, story loses focus, tone conflicts itself & action degenerates into bland mediocrity. The strong musical element turns into somewhat of a gimmick, the passive love-interest feels weird alongside the nihilistic crooks & the ecstatic finale I expected never came. It's good fun but I loved the initial concept too much to not lament its missed potential.
Rated 01 Nov 2017
What's surprising is not that so much effort can be expended for so little result, but that all that effort can still come off as being so very lazy. All Wright's problems are present: mechanical scripts and characters designed to please a crowd while presenting the thinnest veneer of something different so as to garner critical approval. Increasingly difficult to avoid the conclusion he's a climber who's desperate to be liked by everyone: in short, a fake and a conformist. Brody got it right.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
Largely appreciated for it's stylish presence and meticulous editing, integrating music and film into one. So, as a film-making exercise, there's a great deal of craft shown in this movie. But that does not a great movie make. I can't help but feel that Baby felt generic and boring, like Wright wrote in a couple quirks here and there to make him seem less one dimensional than he is. The truth is that every other character outshined Baby by leagues, especially Spacey, and that's a major problem.
Rated 28 Jun 2017
You know when you're walking down the street listening to Midnight Train to Georgia on your headphones and the world, all on its own, seems to swing in step to Gladys' groove? That's this movie, almost all the time. It's a sound and visual editing tour de force - a two-hour dance number with cars and guns and practical effects. Importantly, when everything is grooving to perfection and the action starts, the tension feels legitimate, and deserved - a rarity.
Rated 19 Jun 2019
Really very enjoyable, and it was great to see Wright step outside of his excellent "Cornetto trilogy" with such capability. The cast (which doesn't recycle any of the normal Wright stalwarts) is terrific, and it's clear that a huge amount of attention to detail went into this, in particular the interplay between the music and the editing. I'll nitpick and say I wasn't wholly captivated by the overall plot and the romance element, but this was fun, and well worth a look.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
An out of this world romp spearheaded by the never-failing Edgar Wright, and headlined by perhaps the most talented cast I've seen in years. All of the characters are interesting, and their relationships believable. This, all meshing into an unpredictable story with great direction and editing, and a solid conclusion. A film fan's dream come true.
Rated 07 Jul 2017
Baby Driver is to Death Proof what Zombieland was to Planet Terror. Tone it down, don't lose any of the fun, love the source inspirations and keep it moving. Ultimately, I think both surpassed their Grindhouse comparisons. The only Grindhouse comparison I've surpassed is I've been exploited slightly more online.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
BD has this resonant idea that music is the only thing keeping a lingering, omnipresent artifact of trauma, physical & emotional, at a distance. It speaks to an ambivalence: pop culture as necessary salve & impediment to catharsis. In its concern for how we use pop culture, see echoes of Scott Pilgrim. But there pop culture provides access to Scott's headspace, reimagining his romantic rivals as a pantheon of supervillains. Here, it's mostly the backdrop to a set of admittedly cool action scenes
Rated 05 Jan 2018
wright's always been a pandering, masturbatory motherfucker without pegg's human touch, and he reaches a career nadir with this bumbling collision of edgy, pseudo-QT subversion and laughably retrograde sentiment. everything is a pose, everything is strained, even the action deevolves into spatially murky chaos after the neat opening. i'm 30 this year and yeesh, i'm really starting to feel (& sound) like it, but until the fun police stop sleeping on PREMIUM RUSH they can suck it.
Rated 14 Jul 2017
If you can make it through the first 30 minutes of watching some wanker lip-syncing to pop music, all you get is a tired, off-the-shelf heist movie with characters so empty you never give a shit what happens to any of them. The script is bland, action scenes poor, and the whole thing comes across not as cool, but cringeworthy. I had no idea about the hype around this film until after I'd seen it, and it baffles me. I thought this wannabe-Tarantino rubbish was done with by the late '90s.
Rated 14 Sep 2017
Usually films like this fall apart once the plot takes over. This one dissolves when the plot fails to arrive.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
Kind of like an aptly-named crazy little brother of Refn's "Drive". "Baby Driver" is a masterclass in sound and editing, propelled by Elgort who clearly has fun with the role. My gripe with the film comes solely from its ridiculously over-conclusive ending. Its clear that Wright missed the mark with some of the writing, but the fun and charm that the movie carries makes it all forgiven by me.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
Underneath all the (super-rad) driving and the all the (smoking-hot) babbys, Babby Driver is essentially a mixtape CD shoved by an aspiring artiste into the hands of unsuspecting passersby strolling down the Sunset Strip. Luckily this one didn't upload malware onto my PC, but reconfirmed the fact that my taste in music is shite and I should be ashamed of not spending more of my 20s in the murky recesses of Soho record shops.
Rated 05 Nov 2018
On a pure entertainment level, Baby Driver had me hooked and along for the ride. (Rides?) I wanted a slick, not specifically deep crime heist betrayal one-last-score kinda thingy with a nice soundtrack. That's what I got, and I ain't complainin'. Every time guns were blasting to the beat, I smiled. Not even Spacey could ruin this, which was unexpected. "Wa- wa- was he slow?"
Rated 29 Jun 2017
Edgar Wright's latest film after his "Ant-Man"(2015) departure is a brilliant action packed car-chase-musical/soundtrack movie. The fantastic editing between the visual action beats and the music creates a harmony that powers a thrilling momentum driving the movie forward through every twist and turn. Wright's style and direction combined with this fantastic cast of supporting characters take a familiar feeling story and turns it into a unique instant classic.
Rated 28 Jun 2017
How could anyone argue that Edgar Wright isn't the most talented director today? He puts on a masterclass of editing, sound editing, camera work, and pacing. Often when directors put their stamp on a movie it feels so put on that it takes me out of the movie. With Wright I notice and am still absorbed in the world because of how natural it is. It makes Guardians of the Galaxy look like amateur hour with the use of music within a film.
Rated 25 Jul 2017
The auteur theory gone awry. What Mark Kermode said about Tarantino being like that jacket-wearing uncle at a wedding showing off his record collection applies to Wright here -- there's a great degree of posing, showing off, and trying to be cool. When it's trying to be enjoyable and high-octane, it succeeds, though it's a really stupid and predictable kind of enjoyable. Hamm, Foxx, and Spacey do fairly well, though all the characters are lifelessly mashed together in the laziest fashion.
Rated 01 Oct 2018
What a lame story! What was all the hype about?
Rated 01 Jul 2017
Very clever and lots of fun.
Rated 05 Jul 2017
I don't get the hype. This movie severely lacks any kind of forward momentum, with many scenes portraying a "we're going to do this and that" kind of situation. Just do the thing already! Syncing action sequences to music sounds like a fun idea, but in practice it adds surprisingly little to the experience. Most crucially; the action scene set to Hocus Pocus is only marginally better than the one from the Robocop remake, which means I'm still waiting for a great scene to go with this great song.
Rated 02 Jul 2017
The first 45 minutes are great, but Wright mistakes his choreographed-driving-film for a semi-tragic romance and takes the plot away from the action. The middle of the film lacks momentum - the time is devoted to character, but a dead mother is an incredibly hackneyed backstory and more character is given to Jamie Foxx than the love interest; Debora is basically a well-acted prop. The climax too forgoes the musical-styling of the earlier action scenes and the films endings feel like an epilogue.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
I don't get it. it's a pretty lousy crime plot with some music over it. a massive disappointment coming from Edgar Wright, who is maybe the best editor working today. I thought the music would play a more significant plot but it's just Guardians of the Galaxy's character arc played by a guy with zero charm. Jamie Foxx's character is fucking dumb and hackneyed and they all kind of are. I'd probably give this an even lower score if I wasn't a coward
Rated 18 Dec 2017
Masturbatory macho fantasy bullshit complete with a nonsense hero, the mandatory physically impossible action scenes, and a dehumanizing portrayal of women, and so trite the cliches fell asleep (yes, it actually makes "Drive" look original by comparison).
Rated 02 Sep 2017
Did I watch the same film as everyone else??
Rated 02 Jul 2017
The only real significant flaw that I can point out with this is -- and it may come as a surprise with the glowing casting praise this is getting -- the miscasting (to me) of Foxx and Bernthal. I would have much preferred their roles be reversed. Hamm and Spacey both deliver. It's not Edgar Wright at his best or most stylish -- possibly attributed to this being his first mostly-US-made film -- but it's more than enough of what I expected to keep this at a really high level of enjoyment for me.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Edgar Wright conquers Hollywood. The car chases were impressive, as were the choreography in the 'Harlem Shuffle' sequence. Though there are fewer jokes than we're used to from Wright, there are a few doozies for sure (the Austin Powers masks and the 'Monsters, Inc.' thing). I'm not sold on Ansel Elgort, but Lily James nails her part, and the rest of the supporting cast is really fun.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
It's unfair that movies can be this flawlessly orchestrated, but it's also why we love the medium. Wright's elegant direction pumps the film's action scenes with well-earned adrenaline and the quieter moments brim with endearing character moments and humor. I honestly don't have much else I can squeeze into a mini-review other than to say my score for this may continue to rise on retrospection. One of the best of the year, no question.
Rated 20 May 2018
Undeniably well crafted and thoroughly enjoyable heist caper, but it also can't be denied that the movie has several character problems. Not just in the blank-sheet lead (or the colorful yet bizarrely inconsistent supporting roster) but also the film itself; for all its slick editing and groovy music, lacks personality. Surprising - considering the director.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
Will add 2 more points if this film is responsible for reviving the iPod Classic
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Baby Driver is the movie equivalent of driving on the highway with your windows down, music blasting. It's about as tacky as a Denny's dinner entree but as exciting as receiving that first paycheck. More than anything else, it's a healthy reminder that movies can be fun. For those interested in music, this is essentially a musical, with every beat and step synced to the soundtrack.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
Engaging in the tense action set-pieces, but forgettable in the spaces in between. Take a heist film and put it through a broadway-o-matic and here you go.
Rated 25 Jun 2019
Another music video masquerading as an action film. This time though it's a quality job. All style before substance, but the style is first class.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
While drive was boring and slow, this was deliberate. The devil is in the details I suppose, and this is a movie done right. To say it's actually fun without being pandering is something I rarely get to say but here we are.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
This is definitely on the level of Wright's previous work. Baby Driver is one of the more unique movies I've ever seen. From a rather interesting backstory and unique character in Baby (Ansel Elgort) to amazing performances of Jamie Foxx, John Hamm, and Kevin Spacey, Baby Driver nearly does everything right, aside from a few pacing issues and first half I found more interesting than the second, this is a movie that everyone should see. This only helps certify Wright as one of the best today.
Rated 16 Sep 2017
Original, inventive, Fun. HAD I seen it uninformed I would have come out raving 4 it. Sadly, Brits love 4 Edgar Wright & justified sympathy (Ant-Man debacle) -> maybe just a TAD over-hype + OTT goodwill for EW's passion project. So, I expected 1 of best films of my viewing life & it wasn't that Eg. I'd cut 5m of JH as T-800 & -> improve hugely pace, realism + remove tiny section of drag I felt @ that point. Otherwise, great! 5* film, superb just not quite Holy Grail hyped
Rated 19 Aug 2017
I feel like I have something very similar to Edgar Wright where sometimes I'll hear a song and a perfect movie scene plays out in my head. I feel I'm also dis-similar in the sense that I don't have the talent, motivation, or connections to turn those ideas into something watchable. Also, Radar Love may be the best driving song ever and I'm really glad it was included on this soundtrack.
Rated 13 Mar 2018
Intricately constructed, well performed, very stylish and plenty of fun. Personally I felt a little disconnected from the characters and thought it slowly declined after the first coffee dance, but I enjoyed it an awful lot.
Rated 02 Jul 2017
The reviews were rave for this one but I found it underwhelming. Make no mistake though. It is a decent movie but keep your expectations in check. I can see why the critics liked it. It has quite of that stuff that makes a movie classic. The car chase scenes reminded me of the game MFS Most Wanted on a couple of occasions.
Rated 13 Nov 2017
My favorite (as of now) movie of 2017. The soundtrack is amazing, the action scenes are amazing, the characters are amazing. The way Wright integrated the soundtrack into the film was amazing. And I can't get Golden Earring's Radar Love out of my head. Which is amazing because it's been 4 months, and the song is amazing!
Rated 04 Dec 2017
Baby Driver is a well-constructed film that pairs an energetic soundtrack with exhilarating chase scenes. The dialogue is snappy, which aids in maintaining a pace that matches the driving. The acting is good, but all the characters lack depth and adhere too closely to stereotypes. The worst example of this is Spacey's final scene. Thrilling and fun, but the film lacks any deeper substance.
Rated 21 Jan 2018
Oozing with style and a lot of fun. Obviously the highlight is the music and how well it syncs with everything on screen. Wright's direction was characteristically light-hearted, which was great at parts but also conflicted with the tension of some of the scenes.
Rated 12 Jul 2017
Shockingly placid by Wright's standards, 'BD' is essentially nothing more than a few set pieces loosely connected by paper-thin narrative and characterization. Ironically, by taking a more self-serious route and losing much of Wright's former tongue-in-cheek sensibilities, the film ultimately feels as if it has far less heart, fun, and cinematic magic to it -- even though it works harder to imbue heart than anything Wright's yet done. Still fun with some smart editing, but underwhelming.
Rated 12 Oct 2017
This is the movie equivalent of nailing that perfect playlist for that girl you haven't told you like yet. Dissected, it's got paper thin characters and seemingly cartoonish caricatures, but as a whole, the joyful experience of bopping along in perfect harmony overwhelms the senses at times. It's sort of hipster and goofy, but a little bit gangster at the same time. Truly an experience.
Rated 12 Sep 2018
First half of the movie was a total blast! Second half though had almost lost me because of some narrative choices... Still i like it very much!
Rated 10 Jul 2017
So much hype for this film and it mostly delivered for me which is a rare treat. It's so stylish and meticulous with its editing and musicality and I love how we are all transported to Baby's world of choreographed movements. Loved it - probably the next big cult film.
Rated 21 Jun 2017
Very inventive with a terrific soundtrack where the score is matched to action beats. All the secondary characters give good perfomances but the standouts are Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm playing against type to great effect. Unfortunately the few times the film slows down and focuses on the main character Baby and love interest Deborah it almost stalls out. Thankfully the rest of the movie is exceptional.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Stylish as hell, this is sure to be the coolest movie of the summer. The killer soundtrack works so well with the characters and action on screen that it that it feels as if Wright wrote the movie around the music. A ton of fun and excellent performances all around.
Rated 05 Jul 2017
Presumably the past 40+ years of music videos never occurred given all the love this is getting for Wright's decision to build an entire film around matching visuals to songs he really likes. While the ending does manage to surprise, it's hard not to notice early on that this is little more than a string of well-shot car chases strung together by paper-thin stock characters & dialogue that tries to ape Tarantino's criminal chit-chat, but fails to be anywhere near as amusing.
Rated 10 Jul 2017
Good movie. The first 20 minutes we're masterful, and I can't help but feel things got progressively lazy after the coffee dance.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
Foxx is underrated as always, fantastic in this role. Kevin Spacey delivers his signature fast talking deadpan character which once again fits him remarkably well. The rest of the cast is excellent, with the exceptions of Baby and Debora. Their romance was forced, had no chemistry and comes out of nowhere. No emotional investment. The 'musical' scenes (i.e. getting coffee) were laugh out loud, cringe worthy, high school film project level b-a-d. Nothing exceptional, but entertaining.
Rated 20 Nov 2017
Someone needs to give Edgar Wright a big budget movie because he's a real craftsman
Rated 28 Jun 2017
Somewhat reminiscent of Pulp Fiction-era Tarantino in tone, it's a sharply edited movie with Wright's signature visual gimmicks and flourish, a great soundtrack, and a cast of larger-than-life characters butting heads with one another. Of course, it's not the most sophisticated movie you'll see this year, but it offers more substance than Scott Pilgrim (which I wasn't a fan of).
Rated 16 Jul 2017
Good action, but the in-between is so dweeby I felt embarrassed.
Rated 29 Jul 2018
it was really nice to see kevin spacey get run over with a car at the end of this film
Rated 29 Jul 2017
The snarky, bubble-gum chewing kid brother to Drive, but with far more comedic punch and lots of flair. This film has all the makings of becoming a cult classic, and Edgar Wright's idiosyncratic editing and style makes this pop off the screen with all the pulpiness and grit of a good graphic novel. The music truly propels this film forward, used in a multifaceted manner that seamlessly blends with plot beats, and always effectively sets the tone. The ending is rocky, but what a fun film!
Rated 11 Aug 2017
"Shop, let's talk it." Even though the ending is a bit touch-and-go to my taste, the rest of this caper careers along at a break-neck pace to the fantastic soundtrack. The way the visuals blend in with the music is superbly executed. Enjoyable to the max. Elgort is very good, Spacey is dependable as ever, Hamm and Foxx are stand-out. The writing is right on the money.
Rated 05 Aug 2017
Having loved all of Edgar Wright's prior movies, I'm surprised at how under-whelmed I was at this one. While he nails the kinetic action scenes, I could not connect to the story or characters - perhaps too much time was spent in the editing room and not enough time on the script.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
Really really fun and well-made but Wright should never script solo
Rated 13 Jul 2017
Terrible lead actor ruins the film. The writing is not good and the action editing is way too fast, likely to hide poor choreography and lack of budget. However the supporting cast is so good this film should have been awesome anyway. Bernthal, Foxx, Hamm and Spacey are all fantastic; too bad they have so little screen time compared to the abysmal, miscast lead. The soundtrack is mostly a loud, grating distraction as well, but with more carsploitation/chases the film could have worked.
Rated 14 Sep 2017
hard to rate on grounds of "classical" filmmaking, which it obviously isn't aiming for. it feels more like a feature film length trailer, due to the on beat choreography/editing and unrelenting pace. let's just say it's stylish as shit, thankfully self-aware of when it's in danger of getting tiresome. better forget about anything besides style, though, because coherency or character clearly took the back seat here.
Rated 15 Jan 2021
Hampered by a weak plot and having like five good endings where it doesn't end, Baby Driver is fun and serves as a great example of Wright's talent for editing. Detractor's claims that this film is an example of pretension fails a basic sniff test.
Rated 02 Jul 2018
Fast paced, fun, and well edited, Baby Driver is one of the more enjoyable heist films out there
Rated 14 Oct 2017
Baby Driver is a fantastic, engaging, toe-tapping, chase-tastic crime movie. I nearly broke a rib at the Michael Myers bit.
Rated 11 Jul 2017
For a movie based on car chases, music and pure energy (even directed by Edgar Wright) very little works as one could expect. The protagonist being a smug idiot doesn't help either.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
I wouldn't say that this movie is necessarily original in the obvious sense, lots of reused tropes. I will say that its execution is original, everything makes sense, the action is solid, the relationship feels genuine, the conclusion is satisfying. The music used works throughout the film and amplifies every scene. Edgar Wright just keeps showing off why he is one of the most competent directors working today.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
It's like a perfect action comedy and a stylish music video had a baby and that baby grew up in a crazy neighborhood. Delivers on all fronts, with incredible choreography, stunts, acting and editing from all the accomplices. Beautiful!
Rated 01 Jul 2017
There's a lot to admire here: a particular scene later on when shit hits the fan is amazing, the way the events move to the music is lovely, the soundtrack is pretty good, and Spacey is doing it real good as usual. But this didn't hit me real hard... there's a huge lull at one point, I think the acting is sold but not exceptional, I didn't laugh much, and stylistically this comes across as mostly more normal than previous Wright material. Still good but I'm underwhelmed.
Rated 30 Jul 2017
Would have been a great shot film, but as a feature the "car musical" style get tedious. Also, the dialogue is simply not good enough for a film that relies heavily on being Tarantino style cool.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Not since The Guardians of the Galaxy have I seen a movie avoid a script by having its soundtrack do all its emotional heavy lifting. What's worse is that it is a basic Mo'Wax/Funk 45 Spotify playlist--from 15 years ago. Additionally the morals of the film are appalling as there're no repercussions to the violence and motivations of some characters. All that could be forgiven if the film didn't have a complete lack of joy and escapism. Avoid at all costs. My least favorite film of the year.
Rated 24 Aug 2017
Edgar Wright strikes back and he's on fire! "Baby Driver" is two relentless hours of action and music, music and action: phenomenal chases, great soundtrack, very good cast (Jamie Foxx steals the show) and, as always, perfect sound and editing. It does not avoid certain clichés, with the love story especially being a little too fairytale-y for its own good, but remains a thrilling ride, particularly notable for marrying jaw-dropping action and feel-good musical vibes in a rare, organic way.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
"Debora, always look like a Zeh-bora" - instant classic. The film is a breath of very fresh air, filled with thrill rides (literally), great, great soundtrack, solid and on-par performances and casting - especially Ansel Elgort - and overflowing with energy and charm. The action/dance/music sequences are memorable and beg to be rewatched. Edgar Wright is a man who loves what he's doing and we love him for it. Class. /c Empire London Haymarket
Rated 16 Sep 2017
Funnier Drive. Great characters and performances make up for (deliberately, I assume) derivative genre plot.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Which fast and furious movie was this? Only thing this had going for it was the music syncing with the action which is a gimmick that played out real quick and wasn't all too impressive to begin with. Lazy plot with every Hollywood stereotype crammed into it (including the "we're crazy in love after knowing each other for a week"-arc). Characters were dull and predictable having questionable motifs just to keep the movie going. At least Jamie gave me a couple of laughs
Rated 15 Mar 2018
This was a really fun movie. I thought that the use of sound and music was top notch and really pulled me into the film from the opening sequence. The characters kept me engaged and wanting to see what ultimately would happen to them.
Rated 03 Sep 2017
If this movie were a pimped out race car, its titular character would be the classic rock radio station blasting from its speakers, while the audience would be its unsuspecting passengers, unwittingly subjected to one hell of a ride. More than just a sublime rush of adrenaline, it is also a visual and vivid reminder of a bygone era when films this eccentric, daring and original were anything but unexpected. Good times guaranteed.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
docking points for the missed opportunity to lace an action scene with music from legendary Atlanta outfit, Outkast. Aside from that, Wright has constructed a finely tuned, high-spirited heist film with this generation's greatest car setpieces to date. It has personality, humor, thrills, romance, sweet sweet music, and I just saved 15% on car insurance by switching to Geico.
Rated 26 Jun 2017
Edgar Wright has an OCD-like obsession with tying up loose ends. This is the source of the film's greatest strengths, but also what steers it into sentimentality at times. But all the characters are fresh and funny - especially Foxx and Don fucking Draper. Figures, it took a Brit to demonstrate the enigmatic presence of Hamm in cinematic form. And the chase scenes - top notch. The amount of cerebral sweat required by Wright cannot be understated. Not his best, but masterful nonetheless.
Rated 22 Jul 2019
Wow. This was boring. And the last act was super... corny and lazy and stupid... I'm lost for words.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
Edgar Wright takes a step forward as a director and delivers a fantastic getaway SLASH musical. A film that I wanted to immediately go buy another ticket for when the credits started rolling.
Rated 09 Sep 2018
The car chase scenes were pretty awesome but the Romance sequences left a lot to be desired. Ansel Elgort was really the only questionable actor in a film that I'd say has pretty solid acting. The first half is definitely better than the second.
Rated 11 Jul 2017
Fast and the Furious 30.0 - and maybe the best car-driven movie ever. Every single turn of the wheels seems well-planned and on beat, and my guess is its following will only grow in the years to come.
Rated 15 Aug 2017
Every other movie that comes out in 2017 should start with a title card that reads "Sorry We're Not Baby Driver, Please Enjoy the Show"
Rated 02 Jul 2017
Baby driver oozes cool from every corner. Edgar Wright channels his best Soderbergh and creates a literal and figurative two hour dance on the screen. Wonderfully shot and probably the best time spent in the theater in 2017.
Rated 15 Aug 2017
A slick, comic-book fantasy which is sure to be loved by today's younger demographic. As usual, Edgar Wright is both technically strong and inventive behind the camera, this time round ditching the video game overlays of Scott Pilgrim to focus on music and beats to define a new cinematic language. This language is underused - a shame since the other elements mainly rehash some tired Hollywood tropes. Good casting and visuals, but ultimately a disposable melée of cartoon characters and plotlines
Rated 16 Jan 2018
Baby Driver was a fresh, new way to shoot Drive. This time there was a lot of music to rhythm the story. The mood and output was very different than in Drive. The first half was a baby version of the latter part. Baby grew up to the adult world. Lily James was a new, young Mädchen Amick. The others were mainly in supporting roles.
Rated 12 Aug 2017
Completely uninspired music choices. All you need is a killer track, too bad this doesn't have one. It's fine but I was disappointed.
Rated 01 Jul 2017
I found this to be tonally all over the place and the dialogue to be really hit and miss. Didn't buy the main actor either (a mix of Taron Egerton and Michael Cera). John Hamm was solid though. Overall a fun ride, with some nice chase scenes.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
Edgar Wright serves up another dish of enjoyable entertainment. The cast is colorful, charismatic and the story has its very clever moments just like his previous works of art. Right away you will detect that the soundtrack really drives this film and you'll feel the rhythm as everything unfolds. This crime thriller is one you don't want to miss. Plug in your earbuds and enjoy the ride! 4 STARS
Rated 01 Jul 2017
Watch: Theater not required, but not one to miss. | You remember in Shaun of the Dead where Queen was playing on the jukebox and the whole scene was choreographed to it and it was fun and awesome? That's all of Baby Driver. Heist movie where every gunshot, footstep, alarm, and breath is synchronized to the soundtrack backed by strong characters and an expert eye behind the camera. One to watch more than once.
Rated 02 Jul 2017
Cute, fun, action-packed... a nice summer fantasy with a great soundtrack.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
Nice first 45 minutes but it loses momentum about halfway through with some crappy as hell storytelling and the action scenes losing the initial coolness of music-based action. Oh well.
Rated 09 Oct 2017
An interesting stylistic exercise intertwining action, drama, and making music a central character in the story. Ansel Elgort is perfectly likeable as the lead and the dialogue is quite funny. However, scene after scene of stylized over the top action does get exhausting. It seems the adhd nature of this film is designed to keep people entranced like some kind of pop culture strobe light. I also question the last third of the film and Hamm's relevance and miscasting in this type of role.
Rated 10 Jul 2017
way, way overrated. it tries hard to be a "feel good" movie but the plot is skin deep, the execution favor the style over content way too much. the overuse is of soundtrack is cringeworthy. how they got to cast all these a-listers is beyond me. you could put them in a room and shoot their random banters, and it'd still be an interesting show. it wouldn't have car chases, but then again, fuck car chases.
Rated 30 Jun 2017
Some fun to be had. But I didn't think it lived up to the critics' hype. It reminded me a bit of "Pulp Fiction", but with the dark edges of that one rounded and smoothed, with more of a light, comic feel. I wouldn't call it great, as I don't think any of the characters were very memorable, but I'd gladly see it again. Maybe my expectations were just set too high.
Rated 26 Jul 2017
You know in a few years time when this come son TV, you will watch it every time. Pacing perfection, has the popcorn moments, the boy, the girl and the music you buy the vinyl for. It's an absolute blast, don't miss it!
Rated 03 Jul 2017
Worth it only to see Kevin Spacey say "Bananas".
Rated 14 Dec 2018
So I guess Wright read Ishmael Reed for the first time and decided to make a musical-cum-car-commercial to mesmerize all the retro-cool hipsters with well-orchestrated high-end music-video cinematography. Guess it worked.
Rated 25 Sep 2017
I mean, it's no BABY BULLITT...


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