Your probable score


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 0m
As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA 'exfiltration' specialist concocts a risky plan to free six Americans who have found shelter at the home of the Canadian ambassador. (imdb)


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 0m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 56.07% from 7057 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 18 Oct 2012
This film is just like Ben Affleck himself, it possesses a well put together vanilla exterior, says the right things, and does an adequate storytelling job but is still missing something. There's just not enough of a cerebral introspective look at the incident. Affleck successfully adapts straight forward character interaction and footage but gives us nothing new that a documentary wouldn't have done better. It is a well shot and acted piece with entertaining moments but light and too Hollywood.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
The movie was fake. The mission was real. Ben Afleck's worried scowl was fake. His mustache was real. Canada is fake. Celine Dion is real. Wondering how Hollywood (the "we don't have any ideas left, so let's do a remake of Red Dawn" Hollywood) hasn't picked up the rights for the real Argo yet. What I learned from this movie: Jimmy Carter was the best United States president since Cap'n Crunch.
Rated 05 Nov 2012
'Argo' is the most accomplished of Affleck's three great directorial efforts. An excellent example of perfectly tuned suspense (despite the well-known mechanics of viewer manipulation, remarkably effective). It's a masterpiece of balancing different tones: the deadly serious and the comic/satirical, with some doses of gallows humor overlapping the two. It also boasts a staggeringly great ensemble cast - in which Bryan Cranston is the standout. 'Argo' is my favorite film of 2012.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
A darkly comic first act and a nail-bitingly suspenseful third act makes this another respectable effort from Affleck. What keeps Argo from greatness is the decidedly mediocre middle segment and the lack of strong characters and thematic insight.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
ARGO would be a better film if it didn't try so hard to be a comedy or a thriller, and it does show when the film pushes for laughs and suspense; the first act is burdened with some lame humor and the third by some pretty hamfisted ticking-clock devices. But for all that, it manages to be fairly entertaining as a whole; Ben Affleck keeps the story engaging, and the acting is all-around solid--although the hostages are little more than ciphers, which weakens the stakes. No masterpiece, but solid.
Rated 13 Mar 2013
More polished than a 1948 DeSoto slaved over by the Karate Kid. The structure has timelier beats than a TR-808 drum machine. The story is more anatomically correct than any film school teacher's dream girl. The script so smooth, Arkin delivers one-liners to a degree that it's amazing no one was sued for crimes against Arnold Schwarzenegger. All this at the cost of realism. A highly entertaining movie, sure, just not a very interesting one. *SPOILER*: That's Ben Affleck hiding behind that beard.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
Pseudo-realistic: dour, thinly-drawn protagonist; separated from clichéd wife; utterly generic "will they be stopped here?" moments. What this movie really seems to reflect, however, is a very odd wish by Hollywood to project itself into a heroic fantasy: this is confirmed by the ways it departs from the facts; by the pan across the child's action figures at the end; and by the very serious, secret award given to Mendez, fulfilling the dream of receiving an Oscar that actually meant something.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
Very nicely directed and edited. The script is nothing special, nor are the characters. But by far the biggest mistake Ben Affleck did was casting Ben Affleck in the movie.
Rated 18 Oct 2012
Injects the proper amount of humor without undermining the subject and creates a nice amount of tension even if you know what the end result will be. Even though it seems like they Hollywood the end of the escape a bit to add to the tension it's forgivable because the rest of the movie is so solid.
Rated 20 Oct 2013
totally underwhelmed. didn't feel a bit of intrigue, the story was rushed along, the characters were as shallow as could be. the tension of the rescue was completely manipulative film-making, killed my suspension of disbelief. disappointed.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
Dreadful crypto-imperialist Hollywood drivel.
Rated 01 Feb 2013
It has perfect pacing and the suspenseful direction is thoroughly entertaining and technically sound (the first ten or so minutes are excellent); my issues lie within the core of the film. Argo includes little to no character development and is neither the darkly comic thriller nor the developed character drama it could have been since it tries to be both. In the end this is a movie that entertains well but inspires little.
Rated 29 Jan 2013
Such an absurd and bizarre story. Can't believe this wasn't told sooner. Who could've ever predicted Affleck would be one of the most exciting directors to watch 15 years ago? The ending was so out of line with the rest of the film that I had to cut the score a bit. Great casting job. Features some of the worst hair in film since No Country for Old Men
Rated 12 Jan 2013
Reminded me of Hollywood's days of yore. When pressed about the film's bullshit, Affleck used "dramatic license" for justification. But the problem is not so much the distortions of history, as the drama itself and its trite genre flick contrivances. It's also a chauvinistic film, where Iranians are perpetually rendered as a wild mob, Affleck's portrayal caucasianizes an agent Mendez's originally Mexican visage, and other Western powers are purposefully drawn as inept and uncooperative.
Rated 02 Jan 2013
It's a tightly made, gripping flick, but it's also pretty by-the-numbers in terms of how it creates tension, making it feel a bit generic. The characters are somewhat underdeveloped, while some subplots could have been cut.
Rated 17 Dec 2012
For a 2-hour movie that wastes no time setting things in motion, the plan that forms the backbone of the movie's plot sure seems to move along quickly. That's likely a credit to how entertaining and lean Argo is, never dawdling too long on any one scene or subplot and balancing drama and comedy to great effect. It's very old-school Hollywood in that regard, wearing its crowd-pleasing aspirations on its sleeve. It doesn't run very deep, but it's a lot of fun.
Rated 20 Nov 2012
I guess some people probably won't call this an Academy Award worthy film, but I think it's definitely well-made from left to right. The pacing didn't drag at all for me, the writing was good, the acting was mostly superb, and this may be Afflecks finest directing. I may have to go look into the source material because I loved this.
Rated 09 Nov 2012
The tense parts were tense I'll give Argo that. Ironically enough though, it ended up being far too cliche Hollywood blockbuster - superficial and glitzy while trying to deliver seriousness and historical accuracy. Too much cheese. Too many corny one liners (You're a fucking spy agency for christ sake! Find him!). They really tried to make a full length feature out of something that wasn't even as good as its 2 minute preview. In the end I think I'd rather see the actual Argo than this one.
Rated 03 Nov 2012
I'll say two things about the film: 1) Everything you need from the film you can get in the trailer; 2) this would be better as a documentary--or better yet, a segment of a documentary. (Psi:70)
Rated 28 Oct 2012
It was clear that liberties were taken in creating the tension of this story, but I was not aware of exactly how many falsehoods were portrayed until I read this: . This is American propaganda much like Zero Dark Thirty, and although you may glean some entertainment from watching this, its corruption of history is inexcusable.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
The suspense is rather formulaic and the humor waters down much of the tension. It's also rather sappy and features a superfluous romantic subplot that only muddles things further. The characters are flat, but at least the acting is good: "Brace yourself, it's like talking to the two old fucks from the muppets."
Rated 27 Sep 2017
good movie
Rated 07 Dec 2013
Argo is a film made by human beings designed to be watched by other human beings for the purpose of generating revenue. The movie is slightly over two hours long. In it, things happen, some of which are good and some of which are bad. Argo won the 2012 Academy Award for Best Picture.
Rated 05 Apr 2013
Despite the damnedest attempts to make you feel tense, I was just bored. Could you tell me one thing about any of the hostages besides that one guy who had to be won over? The Affleck divorce/sad son story was sloppily inserted to say SOMETHING about him. It's made worse by finding out some of the story is fabricated (check Zealot185's review). Argo is vacuous fluff on the same level as Spy Game, telling you nothing about Iran despite being set in one of its most critical periods.
Rated 01 Apr 2013
Probably the most tension-filled film since "No Country for Old Men". Can't wait for Affleck to keep pumping out solid films, and it was great to see Bryan Cranston in a supporting role. 'Murica.
Rated 28 Mar 2013
Cliched and awkward but most notably a vehicle for a steaming pile of propaganda. As US president at the time Jimmy Carter felt the need to point out, none of it beyond the hostage taking actually happened. Riding on the trendy vilification of Iran, the movie depicts Iranians as primitive apes that have miraculously developed speech. The Iranian revolution happened because the Shah suddenly tried to import magical Western Values? Go fuck yourself.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Napoleon Dynamite's brother felt brazenly dropped in, purely for group conflict. In fact all the character development stuck out like a lost American. With the dual wars dying down there's no better time to ramp out some full blooded anti-Iranian propaganda. We have a perfect storm of events coincide with the take off of the Swiss flight complete with hill-billy pick-up truck chase. Laughably, it all ends with red, white and blue tears as the Iranian border is crossed.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
Exciting thriller that works well enough within its self constructed confines. I think sometimes Affleck pushes his flair for the dramatic too far (the cop chase at the end is idiotic and unnecessary), but for the most part he gets things just right, from a cinematic perspective, raising stakes without overburdening the script and keeping enough things in play to keep the viewer interested without becoming either overwhelming or tedious.
Rated 02 Jan 2013
At the risk of souding like I'd gladly go fuck myself - I've known Affleck was a brilliant director ever since "Gone Baby Gone". And he really outdoes himself here. Utilizing the tools of film with the same ease that any of us utilize a computer keyboard and balancing comedy and drama with an elegance that I can't remember having seen in a long time. I never hated Actor-Affleck but this movie alone would make me forgive him for any transgression, overly Bay-ish ending or not.
Rated 26 Nov 2012
There aren't many problems with the film itself: casting is good, cinematography is average, and the premise is definitely interesting. However, the issues it possesses are hard to ignore. The script could not be more mediocre; it was not funny (Ar-go fuck yourself, really?) and did not address the film within a film enough. Affleck is unable to create any suspense; watching the phone scene, what was obviously supposed to be the most nail-biting scene, I just wanted to leave. Big disappointment.
Rated 16 Nov 2012
This is a huge improvement over The Town and if Affleck can keep this up he has a chance to be a very good director. As a time-piece the story was very rich in details. The acting and pacing were superb and the ability to make a movie with a known ending, but in the meantime making it so tense is no small feat. The time-piece I enjoyed the most since "Good Night and Good Luck".
Rated 06 Nov 2012
Affleck seems a bit detached from his Clint-Eastwoodian obsessions that were clearly seen in Gone Baby Gone and The Town, and shoots a spy flick that is much more friendly to George Clooney's agenda of political topics than to macho issues of morality. It's a well-informed, satisfying but overrated take on an historical event. Overall, it's another piece of patriotism packed as intelligent entertainment.
Rated 02 Nov 2012
huge improvement from ben affleck, but who gives a shit. decent entertaining movie
Rated 17 Oct 2012
NEEDED MORE GOODMAN. John Goodman is in everything this year and there wasn't enough John Goodman in this.
Rated 15 Oct 2012
A rock-solid, unapologetically political thriller refreshingly aimed at an an adult audience. The characters are all a little flat and there's a workmanlike structure to the "heist" itself (the characters tell us what they're going to do, then do exactly that), but it's just so well-staged and suspenseful, loaded with terrific character actors, and knows exactly when to tap the tension release valve with an unexpected touch of humor.
Rated 19 May 2020
Arog ile aynı puanı verdim.
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Competent on all fronts. And that's about it. Interestingly I found the Affleck's performance the least convincing element of the whole mosaic.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
I'm surprised how much I liked this. It would have been my Oscar pick as well. the story somehow feels perfect for Hollywood - there is that sense of love of movies. I think the script was strong enough so even Affleck couldn't have had possibly ruined it. Also it's really tense. Even though I knew that they will escape I still was 'omg move already, plane!!!!1'. I liked how one of the first things said in the movie is that CIA fuckd Iranians first and are responsible for what happened.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
I don't have a bone to pick with this movie's debatable chauvinism; its greater offense is that it's boring as shit. Even grossly exaggerated the story is so uneventful it invites questioning why it needed to be told. And somehow despite an interminable two-hour runtime it found no time at all to characterize the six escapees the story revolves around. This movie can argo forced catchphrase.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
While it told a good story two hours was just too long.
Rated 13 Jan 2015
Incredibly decent. The Oscar should've gone to Django Unchained.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
Hollywood; so great it can make jokes at it's own expense. Canadians; so rubbish people around the world don't want to murder them -and they'll take any glory they can. Iranians; can't even be civilised -and white- like our man Mendez here, even if they did read to their son in bed there'd just be shelves full of Korans instead of toys or something. Points are for the really well done period setting and fair direction.
Rated 23 Oct 2014
An incredible opening sequence and nail-biting momentum held throughout. Alan Arkin plays angry old man again. Meh. Aside from that a good movie. Of course it won Best Picture--it's the only movie I've ever seen where Hollywood is the hero.
Rated 19 Dec 2013
It was argood :)
Rated 09 Oct 2013
The story of those who were actually held captive might have been more interesting. The manufactured "just in time" suspense was too much for everything to feel authentic.
Rated 04 Aug 2013
Very good.
Rated 29 Jul 2013
Interesting story, well-directed, decent script, and a perfectly enjoyable film... but for some reason it's still no more than 'decent'. Perhaps it's the artistic licence that's been taken with the source material, but Argo fails to grip you in the way you'd expect from this true story, the knowledge that everything turns out okay for the six never escaping your consciousness. Affleck puts in another passable performance, but you feel it'd be better if he kept to his off-screen talents.
Rated 24 May 2013
Apart from what movie tries to express, the way of telling the story is a bit flat IMO.
Rated 14 Apr 2013
This is the best movie of the year, and we are like a bunch of morons to the academy. This is not art.
Rated 31 Mar 2013
I wanted to like Argo, and it started off really well, but from the first 'Argo fuck yourself' it took a nosedive into cliche and cheesiness, eventually becoming just plain ridiculous with that over the top silly cliff-hanger ending.
Rated 28 Mar 2013
The film is terrible at its portrayal of Iranian people. It's quite sad many people don't seem to realize it. The way the film glorifies USA is quite sickening and of course Affleck had to cast himself as the "hero". Then again, what else can you expect from him. Occasionally the film manages to be exciting, if you set aside all the historical inaccuracies. Still, giving an Oscar to this, is just wrong.
Rated 17 Mar 2013
A slick, well made and compelling movie, which is becoming something of an Affleck directorial trademark. The movies pacing is perhaps is strongest asset, as Affleck builds tension slowly, but still manages to give the movie a feeling of briskness. There could have been more relationship building throughout the whole movie, with Affleck's relationship with the "six" particuarly unexplored, and Affleck's bolted-on domestic woes somewhat pointless. Even so, a story well told.
Rated 16 Mar 2013
Over-hyped and over-rewarded in my opinion.
Rated 09 Mar 2013
The Hollywood scenes are amusing and believable, and the suspense is effective, but Affleck doesn't make us care about the hostages, and the ending--with Iranian cop cars chasing the plane and Affleck raising his eyes to heaven in relief--are slick bits of action-film cliche that call attention to the film's manipulative artificiality.
Rated 05 Mar 2013
Some of the suspense-moments are a bit obvious and forced, but all in all Argo is interesting throughout with a few standout performances (mostly Arkin). It is a bit awkward that it seems to lean so much on the 'people from the Middle-East are frightening' mentality though.
Rated 28 Feb 2013
This political thriller directed by Ben Aflleck is efficiently constructed for maximum ideological impact. It never misses its marks. So much so that it's the kind of film I wish no non-American would ever see and judge us for it.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
A very well-written, well-crafted nail biter. Affleck directs with precision and the script fills the plot with tons of little details that help keep us involved. The result is a thoroughly immersive ride that leads to one hell of an intense climax. Exciting when it needs to be and funny when it needs to be, this is quite an impressive film.
Rated 25 Feb 2013
While I am not sure it is a best picture, Affleck has proven he is a talented and intelligent director as well as a capable actor.
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Full of Hollywood orientalism and historical manupulation, but as an enternaining political thriller, this is well crafted.
Rated 15 Feb 2013
interesting story though full of hollywood cliches with a pro-american point of view.
Rated 23 Jan 2013
Looks like Academy found another average thriller to give Oscars to. It was fun, though.
Rated 22 Jan 2013
a well done yet too biased film, as expected. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Rated 17 Jan 2013
useful, i suppose, in clarifying everything that's wrong with hollywood and the country fawning over its products...
Rated 16 Jan 2013
On paper there really isn't anything wrong with this. Good cast, good cinematography, great soundtrack, but it just doesn't mix as well as it should. John Goodman and Alan Arkin carry the first half of the movie with their shenanigans (although the Argo fuck yourself joke gets too much), but the movie quickly shifts and becomes serious and very rushed. They try to cram as much suspense into as little space as possible and it just feels rushed. Not bad, but it could have been done better.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
Cheap, poorly manufactured tension. This felt like the season finale of a TV show more than a best picture nom. Not sure where all the love for Affleck is coming from -- he makes safe, unadventurous, unmemorable movies. After three films I think it's safe to say that that's his forte.
Rated 23 Dec 2012
Dude, Affleck knows what he's doing. This is one of the most well-paced movies of the year, clipping along nicely and never getting boring. The script has just the right mix of silliness and real drama, reveling in the stupidity of the concept while never forgetting the gravity of the situation. One of the best casts of the year. This is the kind of movie Hollywood used to bring out more often - not massively deep or meaningful, but well-made, intelligent, and a blast to watch. Argofuckyourself
Rated 13 Dec 2012
About as sympathetic to the Iranians as actual American foreign policy tends to be. As a thriller, though, it's quite good, especially the airport sequence. A beard does wonders for Affleck's acting. For all we know he could be expressing emotions under there.
Rated 11 Dec 2012
10 Aralik 2012 & Argo'nun gerçekçi olmaya çalışırken kendi ideolojisini dayatması durumundan özellikle filmin sonlarına doğru son derece rahatsız oldum. Lâkin Ben Affleck'in yönetmenliği, gerilimi dinamik tutuşu ve kurgusu tahminimin ötesinde başarılı.
Rated 06 Dec 2012
The story is pretty straight-forward, so it's never that much of a surprise as to what happens next. That being said, it still manages to build plenty of tension, while having a hilarious script, all buoyed by fantastic performances (Arkin, Goodman, and Cranston are standouts even among the strong cast). As good as James Bond has been lately, this, along with Tinker Tailor last year, make me think I could get used to these tense but bloodless spy films.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
slightly over-hyped , but still good .
Rated 29 Nov 2012
This movie is very well directed and Affleck deserves a lot of credit for his ever-improving directorial work. The opening scenes are very well done and the look of the whole movie really captures the 70s. Despite being a really cool chunk of history it doesn't quite sustain a full-length movie and Affleck goes a little far to stretch the tension at the end. Really enjoyable and has piqued my interest enough to do some follow-up research.
Rated 27 Nov 2012
Solid, if anything, and even Ben Affleck's acting is alright. But the downside is the extremely conventional use of suspense - and of course the Affleck'esqe ending that is of course nauseating (although not nearly as lame as in The Town!)...
Rated 23 Nov 2012
"Argo Fuck Yourself"! Simply impossible not to like - historically fascinating, thrillingly tense and surprisingly funny. Affleck, prepare your Oscar-speech.
Rated 20 Nov 2012
A lot of great actors with very little to do. Affleck's character is the only one with any depth whatsoever, and even that is more in what is inferred rather than explicitly shown. Still, there are a few very tense sequences, including the opening of the film-- a height that is never reached again. The movie-making angle feels as if it comes from nowhere, and though it does provide some lightheartedness, parts of the film come off as flippant and non-serious as a result. A solid film, but empty.
Rated 17 Nov 2012
The suspense was at times perfect, but at others forced. Great performances all around.
Rated 16 Nov 2012
I expected to witness a good, suspenseful thriller with added comic relief from Arkin and Goodman. The kind that has you on the edge of your seat throughout the third act. An I got that. But I witness so much more than that. I witnessed something that will change "film" not unlike the way "photography" has changed during these past years. I witnessed the opening credits. I witnessed what I guess will henceforth be known as the instagramming of films. Complete with dust-scracthes and all...
Rated 12 Nov 2012
Apart from the ending, a very solid thriller.
Rated 12 Nov 2012
It's a sign of great writing and directing when a story that you know the ending to already is still able to keep you on the edge of your seat. Affleck clearly knows how to handle a tense final act from the director's chair. It is just a shame that he cast himself in the lead role. Countering Affleck's bland lead, the supporting cast is fantastic (especially Goodman and Arkin, as the comic relief Hollywood-types).
Rated 11 Nov 2012
A thriller in the finest sense of the word; one that keeps you engaged, on tenterhooks, without resorting to anything close to cliched setpieces or eye-rolling "twists". Affleck's direction is assured, the movie absolutely looks the part, performances from Cranston and Affleck rate among the year's best, and the screenplay is wonderful, deftly blending dramatic intensity with sharp, intelligent humour.
Rated 11 Nov 2012
As an ardent film lover, my appreciation for this film not only stems from watching a dynamic political thriller, but from watching it play out so well; Having established his strengths as both a capable actor and a talented director, the creative freedom Affleck has been granted should've allowed him to flesh out a more satisfying conclusion, a minor quibble which I expect him to work on as his new career progresses.
Rated 08 Nov 2012
Rated 08 Nov 2012
Yeah it was well-made, and the story is incredible, but somehow this didn't do it for me all that much. Plenty of lines irked me as trying too hard and the faux tension got a bit too ridiculous at times. It's clear by now that Affleck knows what he's doing, though.
Rated 05 Nov 2012
Ben Affleck is superb in this true story told with a lot of detail and tense exciting action. Excellent acting all around, and also some great story telling. I loved the bureaucratic dimwits idiotic cover to get agricultural personnel out using bicycles in the snow. That was almost as smart as the government buffoons who pulled the plug on the operation after everything had been set into motion. Also loved the "Argo fuck yourself" tag phrase coined by Arkin's character.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
argo fuck yourself!
Rated 25 Oct 2012
Entertaining? Sure. A waste of a lot of great actors? definitely. Also, Affleck is starting to develop the Keanu Reeves thousand yard stoner stare.
Rated 24 Oct 2012
Rating wise it's below Gone Baby Gone and above The Town, all 3 of which prove that Affleck is a legit director. It's nice to see him take on a big issue, and he handles it with subtlety and finesse. Everything gels, from the tight script which is smart (yet comedic at times), to the actors (including himself). It moves along at a good pace. It doesn't hit me emotionally like GBG, but I was still involved.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Solid. Affleck has now given us three films that demonstrate his ability to give a very satisfying narrative along side great film making. This is no masterpiece, but it is fully entertaining. The authenticity and the suspense that Affleck achieves is noteworthy.
Rated 15 Oct 2012
Affleck has crafted a first-rate thriller, smartly keeping the tension high by often cutting back to the situation in Iran to remind us how much is at stake. The story speaks for itself, as it is fascinating and mostly true - but Affleck's talent behind (and in front of) the camera really hones this potential. There is also some fun movie-in-a-movie commentary by the characters of Arkin and Goodman, and the film hits every note that it aims for.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
I really hate saying it, but Argo, for me at least, is one of those movies that objectively, you know is a damn fine movie. Great supporting roles, great writing, fascinating subject matter and a wonderfully tense third act. And yet, on an intuitive level, it didn't do much for me. Maybe it failed to engage me emotionally. And I hate this feeling because I really DO want to like it, but it's not doing it for me. YMMV. Score is not a grade.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
The suspense is a little overwrought, the "ar-go fuck yourself" gag a little overused, and the sappy ending a little out of place, but it's so enjoyable overall I hardly mind--I'll even forgive the couple cheesily heroic lines like "I think my story's the only thing between you and a gun to your head". There's a fair bit of fiction in this flick, so if you're interested in a truer telling, the excellent article that inspired the screenplay can be found at:
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Argofuckyourself. Great movie.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
Ben Affleck's best directorial effort to date. A biographical account on the Iranian hostage situation in 1979 that works as a thriller as well as a hollywood satire. Through superb direction and editing the film builds tension building to a satisfying climax that had my on the edge of my seat. Acting is also great all around, with standouts being Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin and John Goodman.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
Despite its flaws, "Argo" is an entertaining and thrilling film that manages to spin multiple narratives into one cohesive story. The combination of genres and tones may not work for everyone, but it's a testament to Ben Affleck's talent as a writer, actor, and director that he was able to pull it off.
Rated 16 Feb 2023
This is a very good thriller movie and it is carried further by a solid cast of very varied actors and actresses. It touches an interesting part of history that I've just been learning more about. Some beautiful shots and a pace that feels even and fitting for the plot. I did not entirely love it, but as a thriller with politics + espionage, it works very well. A recommended watch which does not shy away from all those 70's moods, including a whole lot of Star Wars.
Rated 13 Aug 2022
Opinión personal: 7 Actores: 6 Guión: 7,5 Planos/técnicas: 7 BSO: 5 Otros:9 Iluminación:- FX:- Director:8,5 Humor:- Vestuario:10 Metraje:9 Total: 69
Rated 02 May 2022
There's a bit much Hollywood flair at the start, but anyone wanting the real suspense and climactic fulfillment of a strong historical drama won't be let down by the third act.
Rated 07 Mar 2022
It's a fun movie and especially the third act is really intense. I love the storytelling and writing, and it all feels very cohesive. On the other hand, I feel like the first two acts were slow and I was just waiting for the mission to happen.
Rated 15 Feb 2022
Not only remarkably tense right until the exhilarating finale but also surprisingly funny at times, "Argo" is a captivating thrill ride, shot and directed with notable vigor and featuring immaculate and utterly enjoyable performances from Arkin, Cranston and Goodman. Nevertheless, it's denied greatness via a couple of forced attempts to squeeze in some character insight in a film that's clearly not about the characters, and mostly by the distorted, historically inaccurate Americentric viewpoint.
Rated 03 Dec 2021
Rated 16 Nov 2021
sinema dili anlamında tam bir USA filmi. iranda mısır usulu sunni ezanı ve 109884834 km uzaktan ortadoğuya bakmayı es geçtim. dev produsküyonlu ama dar araştırmacı USA militarizmi kolpa film. ammmaa sinema dili anlamında güzel


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