

2h 23m
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Avg Percentile 34.71% from 2205 total ratings

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Rated 29 Jan 2019
I had a great time with this. It is perhaps a little too long, but I thought the pacing and story were completely fine. Momoa is a lot of fun and the supporting cast is completely solid. James Wan movies always have great visual effects and costuming, so that was all done quite well in my opinion. It's clearly made to feel like a cheesy, ludicrous 80s action movie, but how else are you going to do a good Aquaman movie? Great fighting, action, and villain motivations really helped too.
Rated 04 Mar 2019
DC has a bad track record thus far, so following up Batfleck with an Israeli Wonder Woman, and then the most ridiculed superhero in the cosmos sounds like bad decision after bad decision. But Momo seems like the first great casting choice they've made, he's a manly man in the role of the sissiest comic book hero, counterbalancing my feelings of emasculation by simply purchasing the ticket. Let Momo's Aquaman be a symbol for all male nurses and flight attendants, "We are men too!"
Rated 15 Dec 2018
Well developed story with villains that have clear motivations for their actions all wrapped up with phenomenal visual and fight sequences. Also, very well sets up the story and villain motivations for future installments. Big expectations from potential sequels. Third act easilly tops Wonder Woman and Black Panther, both with visual and fighting scenes.
Rated 15 Dec 2018
The most consistently entertaining of the recent DC movies. Filled with well directed and clearly shot action and fight scenes with standout sequences in the Trench and Sicily that are exceptional. Plenty of stilted overly expositional dialogue along with too many jokes that don't land. Lots of colourful visual effects and bizarre creature designs but by the end the sheer amount of CGI feels overwhelming. Mamoa has fun as Aquaman with the swagger of a rock star performing at a sell-out concert.
Rated 01 Apr 2019
Beautiful special effects Story is fairly good But I mostly saw it for Jason Momoa
Rated 16 Dec 2018
If you're tired of complaining about comic-book cliches, poses, and three-point landings, and can simply accept the superhero cheese, then you have a good chance at liking Aquaman. I always thought Aquaman was kind of dumb, but this film made talking to fishes cool. And he did wear a shirt sometimes. There were groan moments, of course, like when the super-urgent-stopping-the-battle dialogue had to pause for the smooching while people die in the background. But then there's Dolph Lundgren.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Come hell or high water, I was gonna make it to this movie, coz I knew it was gonna blow all the others out of the water. But with all the work I had, I was dead in the water, so I made up a lame excuse to leave early but it did not hold water. With my boss pouring cold water on my plans, I felt like a fish out of water. Somehow I managed to slip out but I think he's onto me, and I'll be in hot water when he finds out. Looking forward to the future when this will all be water under the bridge.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
I finally figured out the difference between the MCU and DCEU: the MCU is comic books that sound like humans, and the DCEU is humans who sound like comic books. The style is hard enough as it is, but harder when it stars toddler Thor in some deformed bastard child of 20,000 Leagues Under the Lord of the Rings and Tron. Currently third best DCEU movie. Bronze medal.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Pickle_Man once wrote, "Aquaman is the most gloriously, unabashedly retarded, maximalist clusterfuck of CGI vomited on to the blockbuster screen in a long time. Go see it." I agree with the first part.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
The cinematic definition of "all flash, no substance." It plays out like a videogame, a myriad of quests piling up on top of one another, one boss to conquer after the other. All the while littered with cliches, tropes, and cheesy, eye-rolling dialogue. It's saturated stylishness does help paint the idea of epic grandiose, however surface level it feels. The visuals do make it the strongest entry of the DC universe; but I'm not sure that's saying much. Momoa tries his best to carry a poor script
Rated 23 Dec 2018
Wow. I hate most of the post-Nolan DC, but this one worked for me way better than it had any right to. James Wan took this silly franchise (usually taking itself too seriously), with its lack of creativity and uninspired overload of CGI, and made it just a beautiful fun ride. With an ancient octopus playing drums!
Rated 26 Jan 2019
From the moment Aquaman shrugged off a grenade-launcher blast to the face with a mere 'Ouch' the movie lost all tension (who fires those things in close quarters on navy ships anyway?!?). Simply no real threat to the main character, and I had no interest in seeing anyone succeed because I couldn't relate to anyone. And then they played a DJ Pitbull song that sampled Toto's Africa unironically, AND I GOT SO ANGRY.
Rated 25 Oct 2019
One of the biggest cinematic double downs in recent memory, taking the brooding, desaturated SnyderVerse reimagined AquaBro and going "Oh, Fuck No" deep diving head first into the most outrageous, colorfull and completely over-the-top high fantasy tale - and doing so completly unironically. It's by no means high art, but it's wonderful dumb fun and occasionally goddamn beautiful to look at.
Rated 15 Aug 2019
Another subpar DC performance. Momoa is perfect for the role, yet still we have a bland by the books story with a lackluster baddie. Also some of the costume and choreography makes it seem like an overproduced Power Rangers episode. This universe is basically dead.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Great underwater visuals combined with the maximum number of the worst cliches of the most cliched genre in a terrible script that wastes its actors.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
Jason Momoa has an undeniable alpha swagger that I can appreciate and there is some cool moments and mythology in the film, and an ending I mostly found satisfying. There’s also a CRAAAZY overload of action in it, like, holy shit, every three minutes another blast of fighting and chasing and battles and explosions and CGI. It became numbing after a while, like I was watching a film made for the ADHD afflicted. I feel like I don’t need to see another action scene for like six months now.
Rated 30 Jan 2019
This movie is so full of Hollywood CGI nonsense that it becomes incredibly tedious. A good example of how bad things get where there are too many writers and too many animators on a project. Almost every single aspect of it was ruined by overblown, overdone graphics and hyper-velocity animations. Some of the concepts could have been good, but the execution of this is just awful. Logic holes galore and far too much roll-your-eyes nonsense. Amber Heard was awesome. Extra points for the acting.
Rated 19 Aug 2019
Do you like movies? Good. But, do you like the MOST movie? Yeah it's this. There are like 40 different locations, eye lasers, Avatar colors, 10 million dollars spent on wavy hair CGI, Nicole Kidman trident-fucking storm troopers, and a Sigur Ros needle drop. The script is awful but all extra stuff' makes for a decent two hour romp. Oh, it's almost 2.5 hours? Christ...
Rated 26 Oct 2019
It has an octopus playing drums, and Dolph Lundgren is in there, but I'm making this sound so much better than it actually is. Man, at this point I'm just so tired of superheroes that I can't for the life of me understand why I don't just part ways with the sub-genre altogether. Hey, 'The Boys' and 'Watchmen' look good... I should check those two shows out, and *then* I'm making a clean break.
Rated 21 Mar 2019
Aquaman is a lot of fun and it is does not take itself seriously whatsoever. Tonally this is such a shift for DC but it works and James Wan does a fine job of bringing this colourful and vibrant world to life. Jason Mamoa brings so much charisma and energy to a role that he is perfect for and the supporting cast is solid. It is too long, there is some awful dialogue and the constant CGI can be overwhelming. But there are so many thoroughly enjoyable set pieces throughout and I welcome a sequel.
Rated 20 Dec 2018
The visuals were something else. This movie was so beautiful, it made up for the dull parts of the plot. And actually, the plot was pretty decent for a movie I didn't care about in the first place, made me care about the character and that's good enough. However, the pacing of the movie was plain weird at times, and some things just stick out as weird, like that random Pitbull cover of Africa or that random octopus playing drums for some reason.
Rated 25 Dec 2018
Aquaman is presented similarly to David Lynch's Dune (+ quips), which may appeal to you. It's an odd movie in many ways, and that's the only way I can stand any cape movie. I wonder what they're smoking over there at DC.
Rated 26 Dec 2018
James Wan's "Aquaman" is, if nothing else, deeply ambitious. There's an admirable charm to the world and characters he creates, with visuals that prove beyond stunning and set pieces that, for the most part, truly shine. What the might of Atlantis can't overcome, however, is a script consisting of paper-thin motivations and shamelessly awful dialogue, saved only by its passionate, straight-faced delivery. A kaleidoscopic diversion, and a good-natured one at that, but lacking depth.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
If not for the blizzards of up-to-date CGI, everything else about this - esp the script, dialogue & acting by the 2 leads - feels like a superhero film of the past - the kind created when "comic book movie" still meant alot of dopeyness & camp. The pacing is quick, but it still feels long esp when the 2 leads start bantering in egregiously cliched & eye-rolling ways. It's the kind of movie where the hero LITERALLY lies back w/out a care after nearly dying & knowing his world is still in danger
Rated 31 Dec 2018
This movie is DEFINITELY going to make a splash.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
My PSI nailed this one, in so much as, I know I don't like this as much as Wonder Woman, and I realize the ways that this narrative is flawed and kind of hackneyed, but, I still had an undeniable bunch of fun with Jason Momoa yucking it up. I'm sure that will get old someday, but that day ain't today. Visually this flick gets an A+ -- it's shot well, the CGI looks great (difficult to do with water), and ultimately the movie gave me exactly what I went in there looking for: entertainment.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
The camerawork was pretty nice. The VFX was ok too.
Rated 03 Feb 2019
In many ways this is absolute garbage, but the longer it went on the more I loved it. It's a great example of a high budget B-movie, and they even got Dolph Lundgren in there. It's full throttle dumb and camp but it also has some good world-building and great action. Best DC film to date and textbook guilty pleasure.
Rated 07 Feb 2019
This is either an unintentional trash masterpiece or - what I want it to be - some kind of self-parody à la Flash Gordon. It's so ridiculously bad - it just has to be be on purpose. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a film. Highly recomended while beeing stoned! Trashscore multiplicator: 2,5
Rated 10 Feb 2019
DC basically made a Marvel phase one movie, and it's fine
Rated 16 Aug 2019
This film is silly at times and not everything works in it. However there are a number of entertaining scenes, moments and fun action sequences. Jason Momoa is clearly having fun with the lead role in this comic book film. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 25 Feb 2019
Giving this score for Jason Momoa and the fishes. Script is cheap and tacky except for some of Momoa's. Actors are mostly excellent n fun especially Momoa. CGI is cool. At least much better than the Chris Nolan and Zack Snyder depressing crap.
Rated 21 Jun 2021
Loud, colourful and fun, if a bit empty. Likeable cast. I'm not convinced I need to see any more superhero films for a while. Was this what James Cameron was making in Entourage? I don't think I finished watching that series. Where was I? Oh yeah, this is alright.
Rated 24 Mar 2019
Standard blockbuster CGI paint-by-numbers.. but Aquaman has some interesting music choices and a likable lead. Normal.
Rated 14 Jun 2019
Much better than anticipated. There are things that don't necessarily make sense and all of the twists are obvious, but it is still very enjoyable. The movie has a likable cast, amazing visuals and well-explained backstory of the motivation behind the villains. Definitely a good edition to the DC franchise.
Rated 26 Mar 2019
There’s an octopus playing a bunch of bongos, the king of Atlantis is called the “Ocean Master”, and Julie Andrews plays a racist kraken so why almost every actor is playing this like it’s their most serious role ever I have no idea. Aquaman can’t be that badass if he needs a magic fork just to avoid being beaten up by Nite Owl from Watchmen.
Rated 26 Dec 2018
It's let down by a painfully formulaic script. It's nonetheless very entertaining and cleverly directed.
Rated 08 May 2019
• I want a fan edit that removes the prologue so I can just start the movie with aquaman kicking ass without the bad taste in my mouth • This movie is so 2003. So is its cgi • Armor sharks vs sea horse dragons with bad cgi. Aquaman is a syfy original. • Willem Dafoe riding a hammerhead shark is my favorite Dafoe role since streets of fire • Aquaman LOOKS like a movie if that makes sense. Like it's constant spectacle like you're watching a Disney stage show
Rated 16 Apr 2019
The first half, to be quite honest, didn't do much for me. I felt that parts of Arthur's backstory scenes were cheesy, Mera's introduction was sloppy, the entire beginning leading up to the big "incident" was very rushed, and the whole thing just felt a bit off. But, it picked up eventually once Arthur & Mera started their quest. Still not amazing, but it's solid for what it's trying to be- an effects-heavy, action heavy origin story. Plus, the cast does a great job, particularly Heard & Momoa.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
The Sicily part and the evil Trench attack were the gems of the action and execution. I did not like much of the war scenes and laser guns and gun shooting inside of submarine. The story was a fairytale with a hunky hero.
Rated 31 Dec 2018
okay movie
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Didn't like it too much in the beginning, but it became quite infectious after a while. I wonder how all these actors kept a straight face saying all their lines. As long as you can shut down your brain for 2 hours you're in for a fun ride.
Rated 14 Dec 2018
The tone shifts nicely between wonderfully silly (like the Roy Orbinson moment) and pretentious comic book galore.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
The good thing is that editor knew how much this movie lacks in acting and dialogs, so they cleverly spaced all the breathtaking scenes to keep you entertained.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
Fun, lots of action. Does get bogged down in exposition dumps, but better than the dour DC films that preceded it. Aquaman's many tasks reminded me of Hercules' labours. James Wan's horror background shone in the scene on the boat with the fishmen, which tied into the Lovecraft shoutout at the beginning. They threw so many creatures at the screen and so many huge battles that I'm not sure what they could do in a sequel?
Rated 23 Dec 2018
It picked up a little around the middle, but overall, flat as a pancake, essentially lame humor if at all, unimaginative & formulaic. Casting was way off except for Momoa and maybe Amber Heard. It's an appropriate setting for the genre to jump the shark, what with Marvel going to the well way too often. Recipe for a clean break: Finish the Avengers and then cut everybody off but Guardians of the Galaxy, which doesn't take itself soooo serioussssly.
Rated 23 Dec 2018
I liked the part where the kraken was really lonely and then aquaman slid into its dms to cheer it up.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
It was visually pleasing but the core of Aquaman is making us believe in the heart of the sea and it succeeds in doing that thanks to Jason Momoa and Amber Heard. Arthur and Mera and how they grow together through out the film is the reason this film has a heart to begin with. Among that story are characters and lore that is given the proper motive and design to help guide the film to the most ambitious action sequences so far in the DCEU. The end result is the first complete package product.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
This is actually almost like a video game. It is pretty cliche, pretty straight forward story arch, and a lot of CGI. The movie is self aware, which is nice for DC, but I there are a lot of bizarre sequences that kinda just don't make sense, and it felt like every time it was bulding towards something story driven, action sequences come literally out of nowhere and detract from it. James Wan is a great director, and he made a entertaining movie, but coherently good might be a stretch.
Rated 25 Dec 2018
Great story with amazing visuals. But, alas... there was a magical MacGuffin and the film just felt so LONG. It was still great regardless.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
Lowest-common-denominator schlock, this movie appeals to everything I find disappointing about humanity.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Go back in time and describe the movie to anyone and they would laugh at you. Literally, just the fact that an Aquaman movie exists is ridiculous. Every time they're underwater, there is a weird shimmering visual effect and an echo over all dialogue. We get it. They're underwater. And yet, Atlantis looks like Coruscant instead of merpeopletown. Also, the idea of a movie where Nicole Kidman AND Dolph Lundgren are side characters is ludicrous. But the movie is somehow fun. Fucking weird, but fun.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
It's competently made, edited properly and I understand who the hero is and what he's about. Lessons learned from Wonder Woman and not repeating previous mistakes. Hopefully DC can build on this.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
James Wan is one of my favourite directors. He knows his stuff, delivers yet another good movie. The movie looks a bit artificial cause of all the cgi, but the story telling and the visuals are top notch.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
Aquaman is the most gloriously, unabashedly retarded, maximalist clusterfuck of CGI vomited on to the blockbuster screen in a long time. Go see it.
Rated 31 Dec 2018
Aquaman is caught between two worlds. On one hand he's a big lovable beefcake like Thor, on the other hand, angsty and brooding about responsibility and the loss of a parent like the majority of the DCEU. Look, I very much enjoyed this version of Black Panther reimaged from Killmonger's perspective, but there are sooo many plot holes and I don't think I've ever been as confused about something as I was about how royal succession works in the underwater realms.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
Rated 03 Jan 2019
Probably the best movie I've ever seen
Rated 05 Jan 2019
The dialogue may be copy-and-paste. The acting may be subpar. The conflict may be ridiculous. But damn it, if James Wan didn't create the most exciting and visually stunning DC film in perhaps ages. If this is the future of the DCEU, so be it.
Rated 09 Jan 2019
(Rewatch: it's stupid but not as bad as it could've been.) The whole idea of Aquaman is absurd. That said, the creators asked themselves what if? Aquaman is easily the most ambitious DCEU film to date, especially compared to the earlier mediocre showings. Great decision to pair him with an equal partner. Underwater scenes look either cluttered or bad while boat scenes don't even resemble reality. Fav scene: the entire Italian battle from the rooftop chase to the defeat of Manta.
Rated 10 Jan 2019
Dumb Fun. Emphasis on the "dumb"
Rated 23 Jan 2019
Despite a mediocre script and a middling plot, I enjoyed Aquaman - more than I did Wonder Woman - simply for its exuberant spectacle. Momoa is Aquaman, carrying this film on his shoulders. Wan's direction works well, making a movie heavily focused on action scenes engaging with his pan-and-cut technique. The plot is alright, though it flows like video-game quests. The "epic battle" finale is also a tad generic as if hastily written. RGW's score is good and works magic to give each scene emotion.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Never has the Hero's Tale been told with such spectacular and hilarious campness. Like all the teenagers who loved Heavy Metal (1981) never grew up and finally got some cash.
Rated 07 Feb 2019
Aquaman has some great action scenes, particularly towards the end, but its mediocre dialogue and merely average story keep it from being anything more special
Rated 13 Feb 2019
Overlong, leaden superhero movie is at least well performed by its eclectic cast, and Wan does indulge in some clever ideas (bonus points for the casting of Andrews as sinister henchwoman). It can't overcome the basic problem that Aquaman is such a dull and uninteresting character, with such limited, specialised powers, that his reason for being really remains elusive. A bit of a soggy, water-logged mess.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
I have loved the source material and character Aquaman since I was a swimmer as a young boy. I love the water, A superhero character whose world is underwater could offer the level of new & interesting story-building material that fantasy space epics have due to the nature of making the environment 'believable' alone. I had hope when Momoa was announced but that was ripped away during justice league. Expectations were muted, and still found it overwhelmingly cliche, predictable, and stereotyped.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
Good but generic
Rated 28 Feb 2019
Mostly ridiculously comic-book extravagance, although there were a few conversations that tried to take themselves very seriously and didn't quite seem believable (they felt pasted-in). Definitely one of the 2 good DC universe movies.
Rated 07 Mar 2019
It may be a little cheesy at times. Even a little overstuffed. That being said, Aquaman is a true comic book film. In look and tone. Wan's incredible direction permeates every single frame. Particularly the astounding actions scenes. The performances and CGI effects are flawless. Aquaman is the most fun someone could possibly have in the DCEU so far.
Rated 29 Sep 2019
Solid, fun superhero/adventure movie. The runtime is a bit too long thanks to the macguffin storyline and some expository scenes that, while helpful to building up the lore, sometimes fall a little flat. Mamoa is very clearly in his element, transitioning very well from Justice League to his solo movie, the visuals are sometimes too busy but never bad, the action is great, and I especially loved Black Manta's story. I'd be down to see an Aquaman 2.
Rated 18 Aug 2019
Kind of like Xena meets the Little Mermaid...but with a dude. I thought it was fun.
Rated 07 Dec 2022
If you ever see me about to watch another DC or marvel flick you have my permission to shoot me. Yes, Aquaman looks beautiful, if has some good actors in it, but that is it; it is complete dross. Whilst it started out reasonably, the story arc just became more and more ridiculous, with the whole sea bed resembled the battle scenes from Starship Troopers, the bottom of the ocean fully lit somehow, and Nicole Kidman not aging at all despite no skin care products. Have I said it is complete dross?
Rated 09 Dec 2020
This movie isn't kind of bad ... it's goddamned terrible.
Rated 06 Aug 2019
Plot doesn't make much sense and has one completely unnecessary villain but Momoa is pretty awesome and like made for the role, and there are some well crafted action scenes.
Rated 09 Apr 2019
I found this super dull, super silly. Other than a few creative long-take action scenes, this movie felt like a long episode of 1990s Power Rangers.
Rated 05 Apr 2019
The writing is deplorable and the story is an uninspired mess, but as a vehicle to get from one action sequence to the next it's sufficient, and the action is entertaining. So, a fun movie, but not a good one.
Rated 16 Jan 2019
aquaman's apparent shunning of the DCEU works in its favor, but still, it's a very run of the mill affair. A lot of the charm comes from Momoa's charisma, but his efforts don't negate the fact that this movie has a meandering hodge-podge of a story that borrows heavily from other similar movies. a step up from the justice league, somewhat worse than wonder woman, aquaman unfortunately wallows in tepid waters.
Rated 15 Aug 2019
It's an okay movie balancing an '80s comicbook feel with mostly "Marvel" sensibilities. There is a lot of really bad CGI and dialogue and its really way too long but it still entertained.
Rated 21 Dec 2018
Aquaman is a'ight. Production design is good. Costume design is great. Per an apparent Snyderverse mandate there is tonal dissonance and although the big fight set pieces continue to be huge, visually impressive, and frenetic they still manage to be the least engaging parts of the whole thing. I dunno man — it's the second best DCEU movie, I guess, but that doesn't really mean much. It's fine. It's forgettable but it's big and loud and pretty and will make you laugh a couple of times.
Rated 20 Aug 2019
We see Aquaman's origin story. I really liked the quieter moments with interaction and dialogue. As I suspected, too much CGI and fantasy in the undersea moments for me. Also, a little too long for it's own good. However, some good supporting actors and battle sequences. Overall, still a fun time a the movies.
Rated 27 Dec 2018
The miiddle of the movie felt like Jason Momoa replaced Brendan Fraser in The Mummy and that's honestly a good thing. Dry land fight scenes were great and the atlantean visuals are a blast to see but even thosd can't cover up the slog this was.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Hotpot of all Tron, Superman, cgi. And with a few comedy bits!
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Entertaining. Watched: 31-Dec-18
Rated 06 Jan 2019
My expectations were so low that i sorta liked it for what it was. It was a paint by numbers action hero movie. Music told me when to feel excited or filled with wonder. Jason mamoa is still playing Ronan from Stargate Atlantis.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
Well its long, its tiring, it has very bad acting scenes and some cgı effects and constructs are not beliviable. And it has tons of cliches of the genre. But, It fullfil its purpose and there is very good chemistry with underwater theme. Obvious and predictable origin story and very similar to movies like Thor, Black Panther, etc. But still this movie has the best effects, choreography and best pacing. I went to see with very but very low expectations but ı've returned as satisfied.
Rated 07 Jan 2019
* I don't think there's a single frame without CGI. This might be one of the most comic booky comic book film I've ever seen. Very cliché and and unsurprising, hero rhetoric, people being alive and so much big emotion floating all around. Makes a lot of sense in comic books, not much on film. But still one of the best in recent DC efforts. I did have fun.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
The perfect visual show and a huge CG work. But the scenario for 012 Benetton.
Rated 16 Jan 2019
"Extremely average"...were the first two words out of my mouth after seeing this film and I stand by that. The story is incredibly boring, overdrawn and predictable, with some plot points thrown in for the sake of plot points. The performances were a mixed bag and I'm not entirely sure the chemistry was there either. Look, it's not all bad. The CGI and the underwater scene actually looked pretty good, but it definitely isn't enough to make this film any better.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
You will never be Ocean Master! This movie is a lot of fun, but there are a lot of times that I laughed when I know I wasn't supposed to. It's a very cool movie with lots of cool creatures and fish people. There are also dinosaurs and crab people. I wish there were more movies like this that just brought you into a crazy world and let you enjoy the ride.
Rated 21 Sep 2019
Good fun. The anti-thesis of Batman v Superman.
Rated 20 Jan 2019
Jason Momoa? Check Mosasaurs? Check Stupid plot and dialog? Check Falling in love with Jason Momoa (again)? Check
Rated 06 Aug 2019
My favourite moment was when the bell rang
Rated 18 Feb 2019
Just awful lol
Rated 15 Apr 2019
So...only Atlantian royalty can breathe above water? And Willem Dafoe? This movie wants to be so retro even the secondary villain gets a 80s montage. :D Has its weaknesses and structural problems. But at least as many good moments. Good casting choices were made and the score is nice. Could've done without the meet-cutes. Or touch-cutes. Or drop-cutes. And could've used more action scenes like the one in Italy. Also Amber's hairpiece looked stupid. And the underwater voices were pretty silly.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Standard storyline, but very well told, well-paced and visually satisfying.
Rated 12 Jul 2019
Entertainment: 3.5/4. Spirituality: 1/3. Sustainability: 1/3. Family: 1/1
Rated 09 Mar 2019
Jason Momoa is excellent in this part. Supporting cast is pretty good. Fun to watch, lots of action, some cool ships washed up on the beach. Enjoyable!
Rated 24 Apr 2019
I actually had a good time with this. It's incredibly silly, but it commits so fully to that ridiculousness, that you can just go along for the ride. It really helps that James Wan is an excellent director. Cool action scenes and mostly good visual effects. The plot is hugely convoluted. There's a whole lot of mythology and other exposition and it's all a bit much at points. So, yeah, while I wouldn't necessarily call it a good movie, I did like it.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
A little long, a lot formulaic, humans who won't die, a tiresome epic battle, weird logic and transitions (how the hell did you get out of the Sahara?), characters breathing air that shouldn't be able to breathe air, too little of an otherwise excellent back story, total cheese. Best DC movie so far. Turn off your brain for two hours and go see it!
Rated 27 Mar 2019
I had low expectations, but the opening story including music from Sigur Rós intrigued me. From there on it simply grew on me and became quite enjoyable. Not even Amber Heard ruined it for me. *Good


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