American Honey
American Honey
Your probable score
American Honey

American Honey

Comedy, Drama
2h 43m
A teenage girl with nothing to lose joins a traveling magazine sales crew, and gets caught up in a whirlwind of hard partying, law bending and young love as she criss-crosses the Midwest with a band of misfits. (imdb)

American Honey

Comedy, Drama
2h 43m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.33% from 1030 total ratings

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Rated 28 Oct 2016
If I had to describe this I'd say it's like BADLANDS by way of Harmony Korine. The story itself is very loose, which probably explains why it didn't have the emotional impact Arnold's previous film FISH TANK had on me, but it's a great effort nonetheless. It's a road film submerged in poverty, riff raff, drugs, liquor, and uncomfortable sexual situations. There's this feeling that the youth in the film are free, but only within the hard limits of economic disenfranchisement.
Rated 16 Dec 2016
Andrea Arnold outdoes herself with this neatly shot, neatly played, almost three-hour long road trip devoid of missteps and riveting throughout. Her heroine Star lives on the edge, as a destitute teen would, but Arnold bestows her with the bravado and luck to persevere in the face of many dark feelings, memories and dangers. Think Wenders meets Korine.
Rated 18 Oct 2016
Many things all at once: an examination of youth, love, the illusion of possession, and the inevitability of nature's influence. A demonstration of authenticity on all fronts - the acting, direction, sound design, always spot-on diegetic music. No score. Andrea's intent is to observe the shifting emotions and sensations of the characters. But, most of all, this is a portrait. Of a young woman who is lost and, in the fullest sense of the word, free. And thereby a portrait of America itself.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
Viewed October 11, 2016. Likely the magnum opus of the "teenage American dream" movie that has popped up in the last five years, but if there's decadence, it's on a budget. Any movie that turns the piano line of "U Guessed It" into the height of despair is all right by me; likewise the way she views an open road dotted with suburbs, motels, convenience stores, K-Mart all in the same golden glow. If there's anyone to root for, it's America itself. Dream baby dream.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
Life-affirming coming-of-age road story with a documentary-like traversing of America in which the ugliness and poverty is narrated poetically creating a cinema of great sensory-experience. In line with the tradition from Bonnie&Clyde to Badlands and to Korine, Arnold narrates a measureless story of youthful excess with a feminine touch creating a tactile power of imagery. A well calculated measurelessnes pertaining even to its almost 3 hours length. One of the best films of the decade.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
Superb, sprawling depiction of the seedy, listless experience of disaffected teenagers; Woodstock it ain't, but Arnold manages to capture the depressing, distressing ambience of generational poverty, and a society without the ability (or having been taught the necessary skills) to cope in the 'adult world.' Consistently surprises at every turn, even when you are sure (or dread) where situations are heading, and anchored by Lane and LaBeouf's forceful and empathetic performances.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
Plucks the beauty from these characters / scenarios with humanity and poignancy. It effortlessly flows through its gaudy runtime and leaves an impression despite being a little inconclusive. "American Honey" is a patient and observant film that I'll be sure to be in the mood for again.
Rated 03 Dec 2016
This movie has some strong sides, but it was just toooo loooong. Could have worked better as a mini series, I would love to learn more about the other dudes in the van.
Rated 04 Nov 2016
A road trip well worth taking. Even though the film is virtually plotless, I was immersed in and held transfixed by the world of this teenage girl for every single one of its 163 minutes. It's probably the best glimpse into the lives of fucked up young people since Larry Clark's masterpiece 'Bully'.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
This is the film that doesn't end Yes, it goes on and on my friend Some people started watching it not knowing what it was And they'll continue watching it forever just because... our main protagonist goes thru the motions of a coming of age story but doesn't actually learn anything from this overlong overbearing rat tail of a story. She's nice to bees and the soundtrack is fun, that's about it.
Rated 09 May 2020
The editing could have been more tight and left out a couple of unnecessary scenes, but other than that this is a thought-provoking, well acted and - in terms of toying with audience expectations - pretty original film. LaBeouf is magnificent.
Rated 16 Dec 2019
Way too overlong meandering road trip film. It does succeed in portraying that feeling of searching for possible freedom, but it doesn't do anything with it. It's mostly gross people being gross for what feels like 7 hours at times. Worth seeing for the moments it does succeed in and for a pretty raw but convincing turn from Lane.
Rated 26 Aug 2018
Has its roots in films like BADLANDS and STROSZEK but, forty years later, just as it has now become mandatory for the disenfranchised protagonists to have tattoos, dreads and piercings, so too it seems compulsory for the dialogue and narrative to include superficial and obvious elements, such as discussion of the characters' "dreams for the future" and other moments that have the whiff of being "sociological" lessons concocted for the edification of a middle-class audience. Not too bad though.
Rated 23 Dec 2016
Nothing new.
Rated 05 Nov 2016
And again, Andrea Arnold looks deep into life without exploiting it. From the amazing casting to the music and the repetitive structure (witch a lot of people don't get, which ... it is not everything a Spielberg, you ignorants!). AH is always empathetic but never naive. Every scene is playing with the expectations of the viewers and characters alike. And yet, everything turns out to be problematic but not horrifying. Stressful but never traumatic.What a way to look a (American) life!
Rated 19 Oct 2016
Thrilling, exciting, gorgeous and memorable. I was slightly worried about its time, thinking it would feel dragged out, but that's not the case. Sasha Lane is phenomenal. The fascination of road movies.. Arnold's Britishness comes through and through - it's a foreigner's look in the best sense of the word, being extremely aware of the class and gender politics involved in this story. American Honey deserves the hype and celebration around it; it really does.
Rated 15 Oct 2016
If you're going to be a simple movie don't be 3 hours, and if you're going to be 3 hours long then give us something more. Overall a decent and well-acted movie that just feels like it should've been cut down a bit.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
this is overflowing with a vibe and energy that flows so vibrantly and freely. a lot of it emanates from Shia and Sasha. I don't fully love it as a whole, but I respect the hell out of it.
Rated 08 Oct 2017
Takes a somewhat subversive look at the losers and dead end existance of the shiftless younger generation of Americans. This portrayal of America as a somewhat soulless pop culture infused world of paycheck to paycheck hustling existance is as real as it gets on film. Shia Lebeouf puts in a bizarre but interesting performance. His relationship with Riley Keough and Sasha Lane is altogether exploitative but strangely endearing at the same time.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
The kids try to take their place in the world with the means of making money which they see is the way all the other people get through their lives. But still they are not really allowed to play along because of their social backgrounds. They live a bizarrely shaped form of the American dream. Outside of the system where another system is quickly formed and established. I wonder if Jakes love was real. I think it was but it didn't have a place here.
Rated 10 Feb 2017
A refreshingly authentic slice of teenage Americana, utterly compelling in its portrayal of a neglected youth living on the edge of the American Dream - an ideal not measured in terms of fame and fortune, but one that emphasizes community and independence gained by standing on one's own two feet. The whole time, though, I kept waiting for that one all-encapsulating scene that would seal the deal for me, which luckily arrived by the film's ending. Loved the cast, and that soundtrack was dope!
Rated 04 Feb 2017
How can a movie this long feel this reductive?
Rated 21 Jan 2017
I keep wondering why I didn't like -- and it's not just because it wasn't directed by Linklater, Clark or Van Sant. Despite having such a keen eye of depicting these misfits exploring the heart of America trying to find some gold and having a party while doing it, Andrea can't make any of the dramatic decisions believable -- from Shia's mutations to Sasha buying stuff for a white trash family, for example. Also, why make it almost 3 hours when you don't know how to end it properly?
Rated 07 Jan 2017
It's a testament to Arnold's greatness that even the bits that drag - and in three hours, she allows herself a few of those - feel deliberate, as if to underscore the aimlessness of its characters and the world they're told is theirs, but they're struggling to hold on to. (The sheer empty promise of the freedom to sell magazines, ffs.) Like in Fishtank, she builds it all around a first-time actor who burns through the screen.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
the authenticity is more style than substance, which somehow feels more like a crime when the subjects are poor kids. still a compelling experience.
Rated 23 Dec 2016
Shame on me for having high expectations of this one. There are way better films that explore American youth & it's understanding of being (or the lack of it) and on a way deeper level too. At least the soundtrack wasn't a 100% what you'd think it would be. Just 80%.
Rated 23 Dec 2016
Almost 3 hours long and what would you cut from it? Not that its concise, but that it actually meanders beautifully. Specialish fo sho.
Rated 22 Dec 2016
I thought it started well but just went on forever without really going anywhere. It's an easy chill watch but you're not missing out if you pass on this one.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
The American version of the 2014 French movie Girlhood shows you that 21st century USA life prospect for the young/poor is exactly the same as in F.Hollande's France. It starts nowhere, it leads nowhere regardless of how hard you try. The only hope for escape is if you're lucky enough to meet someone worth falling in love with. I'm not so sure in this case. Even though most probably you're just a middleclass couchpotato, thanks to the brilliant acting and camera work you feel you're one of them.
Rated 20 Dec 2016
American Fish Tank.
Rated 18 Dec 2016
Ok, I'm just in the middle of this movie, but I feel like I should tell someone about this movie. So here it goes: it's awesome.
Rated 15 Dec 2016
The best movie about sales since GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS.
Rated 15 Dec 2016
Not really a fan of american troubled youth as a theme, but masterfully done, nonetheless. If the director could've traded in Mr. LaBeouf for a more charismatic and interesting performer, we might have witnessed something truly remarkable. This tiny rant aside, just sit back and enjoy, this one really grips you.
Rated 17 Nov 2016
AMERICAN HONEY has the veneer of a coming-of-age road trip, but more accurately resembles a Dickensian tale of underclass struggle and societal neglect. These characters embrace nihilism by night but are committed (if shady) capitalists by day, hustling their magazine subscriptions in between booze-soaked parties. Andrea Arnold shows us that the kids, as always, are restless, but she does it with a sense of empathy that points out how all are susceptible to accepting the way things are.
Rated 23 Sep 2024
A great vibes movie. Feels a bit empty these days as a critique or an examination of America, but the vibes were impeccable.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Along with Spring Breakers, this is a definitive statement about contemporary youth culture. It does owe something to Korine stylistically, but is its own film (and probably a better one, though I prefer Spring Breakers). Perhaps it could have been honed down in the lengthy main body of the film, but it doesn't get boring at all. The final scene is just exquisite in every way.
Rated 13 May 2022
Brilliant Filming!!!
Rated 14 Feb 2022
I'm conflicted about this movie. It's not the type I usually watch (teenage drama stuffs), but also it's beautifully shot and the character of Star is realistic with all her faults and appreciation for small moments and having compassion for others due to her own experiences. It is way too long, though, so while I can appreciate building up the mood and the journey takes time, I think you could have probably made it work by keeping it at two hours max. Some beautiful shots here, anyway!
Rated 04 Mar 2021
Rated 20 Dec 2020
eng; [american honey]; ein mädchen aus der amerikanischen unterschicht hat nichts zu verlieren und schliesst sich einer drückerkolonne für magazine an - parties, junge liebe und gesetzesbrüche inklusive.; (langer portraitierender gesellschaftsfilm);
Rated 05 Dec 2020
big time trashiness tourism vibes like florida project or a harmony korine film. this was really a ride, but I was a little let down by the ending. the whole film has such a slow building sense of dread. the entire time you keep telling yourself that this check they're writing is going to eventually come due, and sure there are some close calls, but it never fully pays off, you never see the train derail and explode into the fireball you're expecting.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
American feel, american real. Not a thing can go wrong?
Rated 12 Jun 2020
A stunning piece of Americana. Can we ever truly find happiness in capitalism.
Rated 24 Sep 2019
As if somebody tried to make a "respectable" Harmony Korine film, but don't take that as a bad thing. What it shares most in common with his films is an empathy for the lower class (often the criminal class), casting an unjudgmental eye on youths who spend their days carousing, fighting, fucking, and stealing to feel alive. The "We Found Love" meet-cute in the grocery store is one of the best character introductions in years.
Rated 31 Jul 2019
Rated 30 Jul 2019
a moving film that painfully exposes what lost youths look like.
Rated 06 Jan 2019
January 6, 2019 / Good.
Rated 12 Nov 2018
I love how Arnold shows teenagers making teenage decisions rather than either the childish or wise-for-their-years ones common in mainstream cinema. This movie doesn't lead you by the hand with an opinion, instead there's lots to consider here and a nice amount of space in which to do so. Kind of fizzles out at the end but if you want realism then you can't really complain about that!
Rated 24 Oct 2018
Everyone's talking about how this movie is a look at neglected youth, but let's not forget its indictment of middle America. The adults let the kids down.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Some scenes are very compelling, but ultimately American Honey goes nowhere and most secondary characters are rather unlikable
Rated 27 Feb 2018
There's a lot of fat that can be trimmed but enjoyable nonetheless. Good performances, great cinematography, but the material doesn't justify the runtime
Rated 26 Feb 2018
27.02.2018, Istanbul
Rated 27 Aug 2017
Romanesco. Signo: Áries. Espiritualidade: adolescente de ressaca pensando pela primeira vez no assunto.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
It's a shame the plot is stretched out so thin by having inserts of them driving while a song is playing every fucking 10 minutes. Not only is it seriously fucking redundant as a stylistic element it's also lazy, cheap and makes the movie more boring than it needs to be. The plot is okay, the basic idea is cool, but the characters are all "generic American teenager" and behave randomly throughout the entire thing. It's more an excercise in style than a story.
Rated 19 Mar 2017
There are many good things about it; the acting, the writing, the cinematography. But what keeps it from being really good is that it's a perfect example of a modern movie being way too long; we really don't need to see them dancing around in the van to a rap song for the umpteenth time.
Rated 18 Mar 2017
2017-03-17 Meandering without reaching any ocean.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Sasha Line i huvudrollen imponerar och filmen visar bade den amerikanska naturens storslagenhet och landets ojamlikhet och kulturella fattigdom. Men om man skall gora en film som ar drygt 2,5h lang sa skall man helst ha en historia att beratta. Vad vi far se ar en en serie upprepningar, dag ut och dag in samma sak och riktigt sa kul ar det inte att se ett gang white trash "festa" utan att ha det sarskilt festligt. Aven en roadmovie behover presentera nagon slags forandring eller atminstone karak
Rated 18 Feb 2017
beautifully directed; solid screenplay; the scenes that try to show the life of poor american families are technically majestic; Shia LaBeouf delivers a great performance, with good performances by the other actors as well; Andrea Arnold best movie so far.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
It gives pretty nice insight into the lives of the different social groups in the US society, but besides that is a big let-down compared to "Fish Tank"
Rated 30 Jan 2017
Not enough here to justify the nearly three hour run time. There were some scenes and characters that truly engaged, but I felt like it took too much work on my part to maintain interest. For the record, I loved Shia's performance.
Rated 16 Jan 2017
Go with the flow! Floats a little too much, but it keeps it real. Sasha Lane a instant star!
Rated 06 Jan 2017
uzun süresine rağmen akıp gidiyor, gözlem yapmayıp fırsatını sunuyor american honey. olur ya, finalde her şeyi sarpa sarıp böylesine akan doğal anlatıyı bozacak diye çekindim, ama yakışan bir bağla(ma)yışla da sonlandı. insanın içinde bir duman bırakıyor, orası kesin.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
Nice depiction of the "unseen" american teenage life, atmospheric enough but lacking actual substance.
Rated 26 Dec 2016
The most authentic slice of American youth since Larry Clark's Kids but with much more optimism. Plus, I'm a sucker for a road movie.
Rated 24 Dec 2016
From the adapted score down to the script-less vernacular makes AH the most 2015 film of 2016. Nails the tone it set out to achieve, most effectively through the overuse/use of cigarettes, cheap booze and the illusions/delusions attached to cash. Thin plot overall, but the senses are blasted with scene beats & loose cinematography to fill the gaps. Sasha Lane could pull off a young Snoop Dogg, if he ever has a biopic.
Rated 11 Dec 2016
Escaping her dead-end life in small-town Oklahoma, Star (Sasha Lane) joins a magazine-subscription sales group and crosses the Midwest, trying to come to terms with what the world asks of her. An attempt at a modern epic (at 163 minutes, it's got the size of one), let down a bit by a messy script and too many one-dimensional characters, but bolstered by gorgeous cinematography, Andrea Arnold's solid direction, and Lane's affecting performance - her first ever.
Rated 28 Nov 2016
A beautiful disappointment. As a champion of Andrea Arnold, I found this unfocused and bloated. LaBeouf is a fascinating character, but Sasha Lane (Star) is a passive observer. She wants to get away from her home life, but why is this the opportunity she's been waiting for? Arnold successfully makes us care for a dozen random people and puts us smack dab in the middle of their world. But that's only half of her job - the rest is to make us care, tell us a story and teach us something.
Rated 09 Nov 2016
Boring, longwinded, the plot didn't make much sense. Whatever point it was trying to make about poverty wasn't well made.
Rated 17 Oct 2016
15. Filmekimi - Rexx.
Rated 14 Oct 2016
Interesting story starts at the beginning of the film but it goes nowhere in nearly 3 hours. So you are starting to feel every one of minutes you watch tihs movie in your seat.
Rated 14 Jul 2016
Exhausting but often brilliant. The scene with Bruce Springsteen's version of Dream Baby Dream could be the best in any American film this decade.


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