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2h 0m
After the earth-shattering revelations of Insurgent, Tris must escape with Four beyond the wall that encircles Chicago to finally discover the shocking truth of what lies behind it. (imdb)
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2h 0m
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Avg Percentile 21.2% from 645 total ratings

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Rated 07 Jul 2016
There was much to like. Shailene Woodley is adorable. There is some very good action & performances. However, the dialog & plot is flimsy & poorly written. It's mostly interesting, has plenty of good CGI, good pacing, but it also has many plot holes & roll your eyes moments. The story is overbearing, heavy handed & has far too much crazy logic. Music was a bit too heavy. Naomi Watts & Jeff Daniels were poorly used. Mostly interesting, but ultimately disappointing.
Rated 18 Jun 2016
You know what you're getting with this series. These Divergent films are not very good but I keep watching knowing this. I'll probably watch the next one, round out the fourth film in the trilogy. (Edit: Now that the final film is being turned into a TV movie this will stand as the last Divergent movie theatrically released, a poor note to end on).
Rated 21 Mar 2016
Allegiant continues the series' trend of diminishing returns, with its main sin being just how boring it is, even while depicting the future's futuristic technology. While writing this, I learned the novel in question has been split into the trilogy's still-to-come fourth movie. Sad, but not surprising, given that this is a completely generic imitation of a hit YA sci-fi phenomenon.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
My wife suggested calling the next installment of this series Detergent, 'cause that's what needed to clean this mess up! I kind of liked the first film, but this series keep getting worse. A lot worse.
Rated 19 Mar 2016
This has got to be the most average series that I keep following. I'm already knee deep though so I might as well. It's mediocre on all fronts, but not especially bad. There are a couple moments where it strives for more, but those are few and far between. There are also some silly moments to counterbalance those. Mildly entertaining but forgettable.
Rated 21 Mar 2016
I adored Divergent, and put up with Insurgent for that reason despite the cracks it was starting to show. No doubt any more though; This has fully jumped the shark and just become a mess. I spent the first half trying to tell it apart from Maze Runner et al and the rest lamenting how far away from the solid first film this franchise has gone. Add to it the dullest performance of Daniels' career. Watchable at best, my score is probably still artificially inflated because I really want to like it.
Rated 18 Mar 2016
The Divergent series has never been particularly good - or even interesting; it's about as bland as these things go. Allegiant is more of the same, but with the bonus of it being predominantly building to something that you don't get to see pay off within its confines. It's like being told you're getting a cat for Christmas, but then when the big day comes around, all you get is a card that says your parents meant next Christmas, not this one.
Rated 08 Apr 2016
Trying to cover up nonsense with special effects only takes you so far, and none of the performances can liven up this boring, illogical mess.
Rated 23 Mar 2016
With a racist bad guy who built a giant wall that did no good and incited a civil war amongst his base, you'da thought this film would've been more timely. No "yuge" showmanship, thug supporters, or bad hairpieces?! It obviously drops the ball as a sci-fi flick. But a lack of commentary on the Chicago scenery, child rebel soldiers (made moot after Beasts of No Nation), drones or surveillance state is unforgivable. It is too pedestrian & unmotivated as a movie or parable for young people. Pass.
Rated 23 Mar 2016
* Is this series getting worse by the minute or is it just me? It was just a plain awful movie. Really really bad.. Acting was awful, script was godawful, camera use was plain shit.. Just horrible overall..
Rated 02 Apr 2016
The scenes in the fringe look hilariously bad. I'm not exactly sure what message this is trying to portray? Everything is fine as long as you know you're being played and you're back at home? Weird. Not that I really liked this series to begin with but this was abysmal.
Rated 22 Sep 2016
Some of the motivations could have been developed a little better, and not everything is explained comprehensibly, but then a sequel was intended. Series does succeed in reconfiguring the techno-political questions it raises differently in each episode, in a fairly interesting way. Romantic aspects are passable. The consensus of critics and audiences that this group of movies is somehow worse than other blockbusters or Hollywood movies is anti-girl and a pure demonstration of the herd effect.
Rated 27 Jun 2016
best out of the divergent movies
Rated 28 Aug 2016
The firs movie was original and brought something new to the genre. The 2nd was just barely watchable. This one was not. A complete load of horseshit. I hope this was the last one. I won't be watching the fourth, if any.
Rated 26 Mar 2016
Not as good as Insurgent, but better than Divergent. There are some parts I was really annoyed by, these are mostly things that just don't make any sense and only happen to advance the plot. The film itself ranges from watchable to entertaining. What I liked best about this is the sci-fi feel it has. The soundtrack in particular really helps in giving a sci-fi vibe, especially when combined with the visuals. The script is the weakest part here, being fairly predictable. Good acting from Woodley.
Rated 27 Aug 2016
I really, really, really hate these fucking Divergent movies. This seriously has to be one of the most narratively and dramatically incompetent series in the history of cinema. Just a bunch of bland YA-friendly ciphers sleepwalking through one of the lamest worlds in all of sci-fi engaging in boring action. I'm not the world's most hardcore fan of Harry Potter or Hunger Games or anything, but watching this and seeing how bad YA can get they start to look an awful lot like Citizen Kane.
Rated 16 Mar 2019
Shailene Woodley seems to get worse with each movie I see her in which isn't good since I found her mediocre from the beginning. The movie is completely half assed with lots of bullshit thrown at the audience to hide the fact that this was a lame pile of bullshit.
Rated 01 Jun 2016
Rated 03 Apr 2016
Buddy take the hint Tris doesn't give a shit about you.
Rated 30 Jun 2016
For a franchise with a weak premise and infamous for prioritising style over substance, Allegiant pushes boundaries showcasing what a film is like with a poor screenplay and terrible direction. This movie makes John Carter look Oscar worthy. There are no stakes, no suspense and now no interesting characters, but at least it's pretty (even if it's all just CG).
Rated 28 Nov 2016
The wheels officially fly off the bus in this barely holding on franchise. Its boring and predictable and mostly just silly.
Rated 18 Mar 2016
I was rooting for this franchise. I dug INSURGENT; it was well-paced and crisply plotted and didn't need any of that world-building that bogged down DIVERGENT. But now...this one's as bad as the worst of the TWILIGHT movies. Incompetent and incoherent hackwork, with a cast full of talented actors who are gritting their teeth for the paycheck and/or utterly clueless about what's going on around them. Sloppy, grungy, mopey nonsense. And we've still got another one to sit through...
Rated 18 Mar 2016
I'll say this -- it is definitely the best of these three movies, hopping over a relatively-low-hanging bar. At the end of the day, I really could not get into these movies on a consistent enough basis to really recommend them. Woodley gives her best performance but still feels useless to the plot at times. I kept waiting for random romances to start getting shoe-horned in; luckily it didn't happen. Bottom line, these movies SHOULD be better, and aren't. But you've come this far. Finish it up.
Rated 25 Mar 2016
Divergent was telatively good.. Insurgent still good but not as good... Allegiant was terrible... badically I watched it for Woodley
Rated 27 Jun 2016
I moderately enjoyed this third installment of the Divergent series. Yes, it was messy and ended halfway through providing the ending and probably could have finished the story in one movie... but it was at least somewhat enjoyably told and continued the story.
Rated 24 Apr 2016
But what we're actually left with is a jumbled collection of heavyweight special effects and flyweight characters carrying out a sci-fi war that seems more about showing off Four's fantastic nunchuck skills and Tris' defiant charm than making any kind of meaningful philosophic or spiritual stand. (
Rated 04 May 2021
Rated 27 Mar 2021
Just don't
Rated 28 Feb 2021
What is this rubbish? How to waste a sort of original good story 101?
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Yeah, this one is pretty abysmal. There remains a degree to which these films are unconventional, I think, and regarding this I applaud the bold approach to setting and overall design, even though it does not win me over. I believe the series would have been better off in the hands of the first director, being engaged with films in the vein of Limitless, rather than Red and Flightplan.
Rated 20 Dec 2021
YA blandness!
Rated 18 Apr 2020
Welp, i guess we'll never see this saga end.
Rated 16 Dec 2019
Not much good left in this franchise. One understands why they cancelled the last parts.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
In a feat of superhuman endurance, our hero (me) set out to conquer a trilogy so devoid of depth and entertainment that its mere existence aught to be an insult to movie lovers, and here we are at the end of this horrible franchise. And while it was a boring, detestable ride, I can now say that I am one of the few to see three movies in a row where Kate Winslet keeps all her clothes on, a deed as noble as it is regretful.
Rated 12 Jan 2023
Looks like I gave Divergent 40. This has to be worse due to ending the series on a cliffhanger (by being so bad) so 30 it is. But really, plot is stupid and drags on, CGI was noticeable when it should not have been, characters are idiots and so on...
Rated 13 Aug 2018
The first two movies of this trilogy were REALLY GOOD because they followed the guidelines the book series set. This film completely broke away from the boundaries. It's completely unlike the book, and I wish that at least Tris DIED like SHE DID IN THE BOOK!
Rated 23 Jun 2018
#18#, exp2, rw2, popcorn, prequels, cast.
Rated 19 May 2016
Yeah this one was pretty bad, but come on, you guys really end the series this way?
Rated 04 Nov 2016
eng; [Die Bestimmung - Allegiant; The Divergent Series: Allegiant]; als die menschen mit tris der großen mauer entkommen, finden sie heraus dass eine weitere macht existiert die hinter allem steckt.;
Rated 17 Oct 2016
This one continues the downhill trend. The beginning just deals with the fallout of the last one, and then it's just one cliché after another. I certainly had a few laughs, but they were just because of how lame, stupid and self-serious the movie was. Nothing even happened? Or maybe it did, but I wasn't paying attention. Nothing of consequence though, right? Just a filler movie. Whatever. I don't know. It's a shambles.
Rated 26 Jun 2016
Serinin zayıf gibi görünen fakat bütün konunun açıklığa kavuşması sebebiyle benim en ilgimi çeken filmi. Oyuncular zaten bildiğimiz gibi, aksiyon sahneleri ve tempo da her zamanki gibi yüksek ve başarılı sadece tek kitabı ikiye bölmeleri zaman zaman bir tempo düşüşü yaratıyor haliyle.
Rated 16 Jan 2017
A great soundtrack makes things sound epic right from the tense first scene; unfortunately, it never gets substantiated by a story riddled with predictable (and sometimes confounding-see their premature celebration on top of the wall; letting Peter go at the end) characters (you knew David had a bad side), far-fetched revelations (see the genetic experiment) and technology (see the seemingly unlimited surveillance system), and contrived exposition (see the dialogue; Bureau entrance video).
Rated 04 Sep 2016
The too-reliant on CGI action sequences are passable but nowhere near as impressive as before & the heroine is too easily duped early on. The biggest problem however is the series' dystopia metaphor meant to illustrate the importance of diversity - already straining to be anything resembling a plausible narrative or rationally-driven backstory - is explained away as an experiment. Unfortunately that only exacerbates the feeling that every choice the bad guys make only sort of, kinda makes sense.
Rated 16 Jul 2016
3 out of 4. End this horrendous excuse of a quadrilogy already! *Bad
Rated 02 Aug 2016
It's got the bravado of the CGI but no backbone to support it. It moves at a pretty sluggish pace too and when it tries to get going, it's still pretty flat.
Rated 13 Jan 2017
This has a steep decline in quality. The plot is as weak as Mad Max - Go one way, then back. Not much happens and the film is boring.
Rated 23 Jul 2016
A slippery slope the Divergent series is. This last installment is still entertaining, but the story is stretched pretty thin. There is a lot of action in the movie, but the story seems to be getting nowhere. Woodley is great still, but even she can't help me feeling a little disappointed. Both the characters of Watts and Daniels should have been more or less to make a point. 58/100.
Rated 06 Jan 2017
The Divergent Series: Allegiant is another one of those cynical Hollywood cash grabs that takes the third book in bestselling juvie-lit trilogy and stretches that last book into two movies so audiences are tricked into paying twice for egregiously padded piffle. So the screenwriters actually invent stuff of their own. If only their stuff had a spark of life it might be forgivable, but Allegiant plods along like a franchise on its last legs.
Rated 17 Mar 2017
Dreadful film in an already worn-out franchise sqanders its good-will on dull plotting, and Woodley's cardboard lead which has had all the interesting corners knocked off her. Character relationships and motivations make no sense (especially Woodley's inexplicable and creepy fascination with Daniels' vaguely unsavoury power broker). A great shame that the promising first chapter of this series should lead to this unpleasant, borderline unwatchable mess.
Rated 18 Sep 2017
It is such a weird universe that makes absolutely no sense. And I haven't really figured out what the bad people are trying to accomplish. Despite of a semi lame attempt to create something exciting, I'm still entertained at times... *Okay
Rated 09 Aug 2016
Johanna proves to be relevant character by standing up to injustice. Peter continues to struggle with his identity in a movie positive way as he's never fully on either side. Evelyn makes tough decisions that have high cost. Four is forced into a corner when he is made to bee a private soldier. Tris keeps struggle for the greater good first by wandering outside the city walls and then by going back to the city to save it. Overall much better than "Insurgent", but isn't as good as "Divergent".
Rated 18 Sep 2016
Most be one of the most disappointing chapters in a filmseries I've ever seen. This just made no sense whatsoever.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
The stupid story that didn't actually need to be told continues shambling along in yet another trite chapter.
Rated 30 Jul 2016


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