All About Eve
All About Eve
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All About Eve

All About Eve

2h 18m
An ingenue insinuates herself in to the company of an established but aging stage actress and her circle of theater friends. (imdb)

All About Eve

2h 18m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 76.03% from 2936 total ratings

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Rated 18 Dec 2007
This is one of the best scripts ever written; it's of such high quality that every actor and actress comes across like Olivier, which is not to deny the excellence of their performances in their own right, just that every line from their mouths is pretty much absolutely perfect. It may be the best acting I've ever seen by an entire cast. The movie is unremarkable in some of its other aspects, and it isn't the most rewatchable movie, but you should definitely see it once.
Rated 30 May 2010
One of the best dialogue films of all time. Yes it's about an aging actress, but she does so with style even if it is at an oblique angle, and she doesn't resort to denial. Her love relationship is not really believable, but the dialogue between them makes up for it. George Sanders is absolutely perfect with his glib zingers and droll observations, and Marilyn Monroe solidified the dumb blond archetype with this role. It is indeed a bumpy, enjoyable (ride). 6 Oscars including Best Picture.
Rated 08 Mar 2008
One of the few Best Picture winners that really deserved it - a great story with a fabulous script and talented cast. The film's at its most entertaining on repeat viewings when the audience can pick up on extremely subtle sexual subtexts.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Bullshit, it's all about Margo. Eve is great too, of course, but I actually thought some parts of her character arc were among the less successful parts of the movie. Didn't her change from humble servant to conniving bitch seem a bit abrupt? Her lying about her background early on shows that she had that in her all along, but she brought it all out without much warning. Her rise to fame after a single major performance seemed a bit abrupt too. I won't let any of that ruin the movie though.
Rated 07 Feb 2007
As entertaining as it gets, this film amazes by its brilliance: awesome performances by the whole cast (with Davis in top form), an amazing script and excellent directing. Go see it now.
Rated 16 Jan 2020
Gosh, what can be said about this that hasn't already? When a great cast collides with an excellent script it doesn't matter how bland or uninspiring Mankiewicz's directorial style is; With Dialogue this sharp and witty, and with characters this charismatic, complex, and multi-dimensional, I could've watched these characters intrique, blackmail and backstab each other for another 2 hours.
Rated 22 Feb 2011
Bette Davis delivers a convincing performance as Margo Channing.That's about all I liked about this film.I thought the dialogue was long winded and pretentious, the acting was over-dramatic and the film itself was overlong, slow and most of the time boring.
Rated 06 Jun 2010
All three leading female actresses are magnificent - particularly Davis. The script is also masterful - it completely nails both the humor and the drama. A well-told story with highly memorable and synergistic acting performances.
Rated 27 Jan 2010
Very talky indeed, but what magnificent talk!
Rated 14 Oct 2009
Wicked and witty. What a showcase of text and performance.
Rated 13 Jun 2009
Masterpiece of cinema. Bette Davis is simply superb and Celeste Holm, Goerge Sanders and Anne Baxter are wonderful. Mankiewicz is a creative and original writer that is very underrated and not talked about today. This film is definatley one of the most quoatable films of all time.
Rated 07 Mar 2008
Bette Davis gives a fantastic performance as Margo Channing in an extremely memorable role. Anne Baxter is fantastic as well. All About Eve is really entertaining and has a fantastic script to back things up with extremely memorable performances.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Great film, but probably not one I would bother to watch again. Good cast, good acting, good story, just not the kind of movie that I generally go for. Nitpicky comment: there's one scene with some of the worst rear projection I've ever seen.
Rated 19 Mar 2007
All About Eve is a great movie that is led by women. As strange as that may sound, and also as sexist as that may sound, there really aren't a lot of amazing movies that don't have some male lead to them. This is one heck of a drama; intense, brutal, and honest. It's one of the best acted films I've ever seen.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
Great mix of authentic drama and campy melodrama with a noir feeling to it and a sardonic touch. Great writing. Great acting. I don't buy all the homosexual subtext people try to force onto the movie. It's seriously far-fetched and for every "clue" there is a much better explanation anyone's common sense should pick up on. If one paid attention and wasn't looking for such things in the first place. This movie isn't about homosexuality. It's about men and women and the entertainment business.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
A good film, but it never reaches that next level for me. Like, everything about this is good. What do you want me to say? Bette Davis is an absolute delight.
Rated 09 Jul 2014
i'm getting increasingly cynical of classic hollywood, but try as i might it's hard to ignore such outstanding dialogue in this film about ambition. the elliptical narrative was a wee bit cheeky, but i'll let that go. rather difficult to ignore comparison to sunset blvd, released in the same year.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
i was expecting a light-hearted comedy and instead got a rather sinister drama about the filthiest inner workings of fame, wealth and unbridled ambition. it was a bit simplistic at times, but still rather dark. the script was structurally air-tight. some of tropes felt outdated, but i didn't mind given the release date. my biggest concern was with the naivete of the celebrities at allowing strange fans into their lives. maybe that was the norm then, but watching it in 2014 felt implausible.
Rated 13 Mar 2014
A great start that peters off to a pretty good finish. The script is excellent but meanders and changes focus of characters a little too loosely for my tastes. Also, every man in the film looks like every other man in the film.
Rated 14 Jun 2012
This ended up being one of the few times I've gone into a movie having no idea what it was about. I had only heard it was good but knew nothing of the story. Imagine my (pleasant) surprise on how dark it ended up being. For whatever reason I never expect things like that out of older movies. Definitely worth a watch.
Rated 06 Jul 2011
All About Eve with intriguing plot, well balanced story pace, smart dialogues and terrific performance from the whole cast team, looks more like a theatrical play, sometimes even too much, which you can watch without paying for the theater ticket. Perfect example of the movie where actors' performance stands on the first place. And Eve, what a nasty evil in flash. 18th line in AFI's villains list - 100% deserved.
Rated 08 Mar 2011
Watch enough modern films and it's easy to forget how wonderfully witty the scripts could be in this period of moviemaking. The dialogue crackles off the pages and the actors deliver it with the right amount of flair and glee. The story as a whole didn't really affect me that much, the running time seems a tad too long and Eve's revelations were a bit hard to swallow. Still, it's a stylish look at fame and the devious ways in which some people try to achieve it.
Rated 18 Oct 2010
Sublime script where every single line is pretty much perfect. The only problem is the rest of the movie is very average and not at all re-watchable.
Rated 02 Jul 2010
Can a script be TOO perfect? True, these characters are aristocratic theater socialites, but the dialog from every single character is just too consistently clever and intelligent. But that's not really a major gripe, just more of an observation. The script truly is good, and the performances to back it up are great as well. Bette Davis of course steals the show as the aging actress. She comes across so genuine. Despite my small nitpick, this is a very good movie.
Rated 21 Jun 2010
The cynicism of this movie is something I found very appealing. I was very satisfied with what became of the seemingly innocent, idealistic Eve.
Rated 26 May 2010
It's one of those movies that seem boring if you're not really into it. But the dialogue and writing is consistently superb, which kept my interest.
Rated 13 Apr 2010
Doesn't have much of a rewatch value, but still the script is excellent.
Rated 03 Sep 2009
One of the wittiest (and most cynical) flicks of all time. Satirical, darkly funny view of the theatre world features exceptional work by Davis, Sanders, and Ritter.
Rated 04 Mar 2009
Overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's decent; the acting, the story, the dialogue, all are good although I do disagree that the script is phenomenal, it never reaches the heights of Billy Wilder or Tennessee Williams, just merely rises above average. The direction is very boring though and keeps the story from being very compelling.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
I detest cheap sentiment, and I love this movie.
Rated 03 Nov 2008
One of the best ensemble cast I've seen - Holm, Davis, & Sanders are the stand-outs but there's not a part even slightly miscast. Rarely disappoints and has a wild pace for a movie of its length. The turn for Eve is played out much better then expected, and made the first part more acceptable in retrospect. [lmao at that rear projection shot FFD pointed out]
Rated 27 Apr 2008
utterly astounding writing and acting. George Sanders acted the hell out of Addison DeWitt.
Rated 07 Apr 2008
To be sure, this movie was a 'comeback' vehicle of sorts for Davis, and it served her well. The writing was excellent, the performances were were even better. Who knew Anne Baxter could be such a bitch? Who knew Bette Davis could be so cool? Who knew Marilyn Monroe would become...well...MARILYN MONROE from her bit part in this movie? I guess my only complaint is that I would've liked to see a bit more bite from Davis' character when Eve's motives were revealed, but fuck it. Watch this flick!
Rated 11 Nov 2007
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." Funny & a little scary. Anne Baxter is amazing as a ruthless, ruthless person.
Rated 31 Aug 2007
I've known several "Eve's" in the theater - they turn up even in summer stock!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Brilliant writing and great acting. A true favorite, and infinitely rewatchable.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Simply perfect. Bette Davis in the role of a lifetime as Margo Channing, the aging star of the stage. I could watch this entertaining masterpiece over and over!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Simply a masterpiece. One of the best film writings ever, full of memorable quotes, with Bette Davis, Sanders and Baxter making their best.
Rated 26 Mar 2007
Now this is a chick flick. The strongest characters are all women except for Addison deWitt, and only because he can fling vitriol even better than they can. The fur flies. A good time is guaranteed for all.
Rated 26 May 2024
DAMN it really is that good. Deserves every ounce of praise it has received, especially for the dialogue. I wasn’t at all expecting the writing to be so savage and fierce, but it is also a surprisingly solid account of true friendship and loyalty. The movie’s takes on the industry’s hierarchy is still relevant decades later, and its treatment of aging women, but I was especially in love with Margo and her arc. Crazy that Eve isn’t even the best character. Still a fantastic movie.
Rated 30 Aug 2023
My Introduction to Bette Davis, and what an introduction! The rest of the cast is great too. The movie has a few weaker scene but is well worth the watch thanks to its well-written characters.
Rated 11 Aug 2023
Really, really good. Script and performances marry up brilliantly. The "turn" in characters is handled excellently.
Rated 11 Mar 2023
Obra maestra de Mankiewicz sobre los entresijos y miserias del mundo del teatro.Especialmente recordada por el brillante guión y las interpretaciones de Bette Davis y Anne Baxter cuyo trabajo le valió un Oscar.Nunca una aspirante a estrella fue tan ambiciosa y rastrera.Irrepetible.
Rated 17 Dec 2022
Rated 28 Oct 2022
Some elements are kind of unremarkable, but the brilliant script and Davis’ intense, wounded performance mean it still holds up nicely.
Rated 17 Sep 2022
okay movie
Rated 16 Jun 2022
The brilliant, depressive and predatory cycle of showbiz in the shape of Bette Davis to Anne Baxter to... Barbara Bates. Might not always be the most sensational of stories, but it's so superbly acted! It's like the actors know what they're communicating because they've lived it.
Rated 14 May 2022
Seems to me like All About Eve could almost serve as a prequel to Sunset Blvd with Margo Channing becoming Norma Desmond between pictures. Mostly excellent but has one moment that I seriously don't like, which is when Thelma Ritter's character spells out the main theme and the entire plot for the audience near the beginning. Snip that moment out and my score rises 5 or 10 points
Rated 10 May 2022
girlboss. the supporting cast is FANTASTIC. and obviouslt bette davis and anne baxter were incredible. a cinematic masterpiece.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
First and foremost, this is an incredibly well-written movie. Not every writer has the ability to make every scene of a movie interesting and connected. Even more, there are a lot of memorable lines. Showing the ending in the first scene -well, part of the ending- helps build and increase the tension in every scene. Bette Davis gives an amazing theatrical performance as a star of the theatre.
Rated 23 Jan 2022
eve really girlbossed her way through the theatre industry huh
Rated 31 Oct 2021
A very captivating black-and-white movie. It was really fun observing the characters their motives. A good movie portraying people in their facade slowly turning to their real colors.
Rated 02 Sep 2021
Excellent, but improved upon in the Verhoeven remake.
Rated 10 Jun 2021
Quite plodding. Some clever lines, but the narrative is uninteresting, the acting uneven; and the direction uninteresting.
Rated 04 Feb 2021
Rated 26 Jan 2021
Can a movie be timeless? Yes, it certainly can. And this is one of them. Do watch.
Rated 31 Oct 2020
Ersatz art of a very high grade, and one of the most enjoyable movies ever made... The scriptwriterdirector Joseph L. Mankiewicz's bad taste, exhibited with verve, is more fun than careful, mousy, dehydrated good taste. His nonsense about "theatre" is saved by one performance that is the real thing: Bette Davis is at her most instinctive and assured.
Rated 06 May 2020
All About That Green Screen
Rated 01 Sep 2019
Impressive cast of characters working on a project that sometimes feels a bit too "inside baseball" (inside theatre?). I thought this was a comedy going in, but it's a witty drama that really asks the question, "Who's the most evil person of this group?" even when everyone has their own secrets and ambitions.
Rated 10 May 2019
It's alright. An above average theater story that moves on and on, but it never quite satisfied me with great setpieces, acting or camerawork. The dialogue tries too hard, but all around i liked Bette Davis' performance. She played excellent. And I can't say no to that suave way of talking from George Sanders. That's all I can say for it though.
Rated 28 Apr 2019
great film. would've been more effective if i saw this one before 'the clouds of sils maria' which is about the same subject.
Rated 11 Apr 2019
2 and a half hours of theatre-cliche-ridden-dialogue. I can't think of any movie I've ever seen where less happens.
Rated 15 Mar 2019
Rated 29 Aug 2018
A darkly funny tale of backstabbing and intrigue in the theater world, with an all-time great script and fantastic performances across the board.
Rated 21 May 2018
Searing, hilarious, dark, and beautifully written, directed, and performed. A classic for a reason.
Rated 09 Mar 2018
Margo: "Nice speech, Eve. But I wouldn't worry too much about your heart. You can always put that award where your heart ought to be."
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Flawlessly acted and impeccably written, All About Eve is one of the most entertaining films to come out of the 1950s.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Såg om filmen på stor utomhusskärm och oj så den lyfter!! Det är en intelligent om än cynisk historia om manipulation och makt. Den här gången utspelar den sig i teatervärlden, men vi har många gånger sett motsvarande i maffa- eller kungamakarkontext. Det som gör den här filmen bättre än de flesta är replikernas bett (teatern är förstås en bra scen för sarkasm) och Bette Davis som dominerar varenda scen hon är med i.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
Impressively well structured drama with sophisticated but sharp dialogue and superb performances. -- Outstanding in any regard.
Rated 25 Sep 2016
Another Old Hollwood classic wth snarky dialogue. Awesome.
Rated 12 Jun 2016
All About Eve is exceptionally clever, putting its relateable characters to pitch-perfect use with the help of a stellar screenplay built around flawless performances from Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, and Celeste Holm.
Rated 31 Mar 2016
Good acting... *Very good
Rated 21 Mar 2016
No better screenplay has ever been written; no better performance has ever been given than Bette Davis's. Add to that a handful of other great performances, economical camerawork that is telling and bold when it needs to be, and the film's unshakable sense of confidence about what it wants to be, and you have what is simply one of the best movies ever made. (And I have to say it because the opposite is said so often - this is a far, far superior film to Sunset Boulevard.)
Rated 26 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★
Rated 07 Feb 2016
It's well done, but it's just a theatre melodrama and I can't say I cared about anything that was happening here.
Rated 07 Dec 2015
Truly unforgettable performances in this one.
Rated 29 Nov 2015
My feelings towards this movie are complex. Much of the time, I'm not sure whether it criticizes unfair gender standards or enforces them. Are we to pity Eve, or simply assume that whatever emptiness she feels in the end is her own fault? It's enormously well-acted, that's for sure, and well-directed (check out the subtle but intense glances from Eve, here and there). Bette Davis gets a lot of good lines, and makes a lot of good points - but then she gets married, and disappears. I don't know.
Rated 02 Oct 2015
Brilliant script with great dialogue. Eve is a terrible person in all the right ways, and Baxter knocks it out of the park. Not that Davis and Sanders are any bad, mind you. Probably a bit long but it more than makes up for it.
Rated 31 Aug 2015
You can't stand a great film just on dialogue.
Rated 10 May 2015
This is an interesting drama with a number of very good performances. Bette Davis and Anne Baxter are both great in this film. The scrip is good with some good lines and an interesting story. Overall I would recommend this drama.
Rated 13 Feb 2015
Bette Davis gjør en fantastisk rolle som den stadig mer paranoide divaen denne filmen handler om. Ikke spesielt original, men sterke skuespillerprestasjoner og godt manus gjør at jeg setter veldig pris på denne filmen. Treffer en sårhet ikke så mange filmer fra denne perioden gjør.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
What a great script, the dialog was exemplary. Didn't think I would like this movie based on the subject, I was wrong.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
A bit long for its own good IMO, but this film is worth watching for Bette Davis and Anne Baxter. There's some good supporting performances too. I liked the ending also.
Rated 22 Jan 2014
Smart, sophisticated, and devastatingly funny, All About Eve is a Hollywood classic that only improves with age.
Rated 20 Jan 2014
It's all about the characters, how they interact and a intriguing story, that for me is a great movie, and here is done very well.
Rated 09 Jan 2014
Rated 02 Dec 2013
Mankiewicz sure can write. But boy, is this long. It doesn't help much that none of the characters are very likable, and that the whole thing, as deliciously witty as it is, is also rather heavy-handedly smug and cynical and melodramatic at the same time. Also, Bette Davis looks like a sad Boston terrier...
Rated 16 Oct 2013
don't get the fuss
Rated 11 Oct 2013
A great movie about power and posturing.
Rated 22 May 2013
The script is pretty much perfection, and that final act caught me off-guard so many times each of which was breathtaking. The coda is brutal and incredibly fitting: the cycle will just keep on repeating itself. Rising to fame isn't easy, after all.
Rated 22 Mar 2013
Mankiewicz directs an amazing ensemble cast in this hypnotic, mesmerizingly well-written chronicle about the decay of famous and the rise of anonymous, that starts and ends in this cyclical savage business wilderness of people trying to be other people.
Rated 03 Mar 2013
It could have been better.
Rated 01 Feb 2013
this is a movie about the cruel world of theatre and the thirst of fame. the movie has no additional scenes, all the sequences are in the right place. the script was written with insight to the theme. but this is the actors that made it extraordinary real.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Closed and static staging, witty script, fantastic acting - all about the theatre. A film of it's time but still classy and a must see.
Rated 11 Dec 2012
It took me a while to get into it, but I really enjoyed it by the end. All of the characters were well-written and fleshed out. Particularly impressive to have 3 multidimensional women in a film from 1950. Not a movie I'd recommend to a casual movie fan, but definitely something any film lover should see.
Rated 21 Nov 2012
Soapy frivolous plot. Yuck. Still, i enjoyed George Sanders' calculated smugness. And Bette Davis, man. She's priceless, but what else is new?
Rated 20 Nov 2012
what an overblown bunch of tory bullshit. if you ever want to get a kid to hate ~The Theatre~ forever, show them this movie. it's a well made picture and Bette Davis is spectacular, but come on.
Rated 09 Nov 2012
Close to if not the single greatest script of all time. Intensely dramatic and extremely funny when it wants to be with great performances all around - especially from Bette Davis whose turn as an aging star is probably the best of her career. Plus, any film that gives George Sanders significant screen time automatically goes up by about 10 points. Absolutely amazing movie.
Rated 02 Sep 2012
It has no ulterior motive beyond saying that the theater is a fiercely competitive place, and quite wonderful. The meanings for Sunset Blvd. are vastly more alarming. They even suggest that you might not want to be a great actress. All About Eve can see no other goal in sight as bright or commanding. This is very much the theater before Kazan and the Actors Studio, but there was a theater then - and may be again. All About Eve is modest, self-contained, and brilliant.


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