AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
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AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem

AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 34m
Warring alien and predator races descend on a small town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival. (imdb)

Directed by:

Colin Strause, Greg Strause


Dan O'Bannon, Shane Salerno


Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, AVP: Aliens vs. Predator Requiem, AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem





AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 34m
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Avg Percentile 16.81% from 2384 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 31 Dec 2014
I was the tech guy for the drama department in high school, and I'm almost positive we had better lead actors in our production of Guys & Dolls. I'm also pretty sure I lit the damn thing better than this movie, and I was running on exclusively Doritos and sexual frustration. I guess my point is me and the weird kid who wore Dragonforce t-shirts could've knocked this out of the park.
Rated 13 Apr 2017
They travel across an entire galaxy to fight in a small town's shit and piss.
Rated 15 Nov 2008
Better than the first film in almost every way, not that that's saying a lot. The film doesn't give in to the cliches of not brutally killing off characters just because they're helpless children or lead characters, so you're never quite sure what to expect. AVPR is a film that doesn't try to be more than it is, but succeeds at being what it is: fun and entertaining. At least the writers seem to understand the canon, though the storyline is merely a sparse afterthought.
Rated 17 May 2017
The follow-up sequel to the the disappointing gimmick film "AVP: Alien vs. Predator"(2004) is one of the best made for "Sy-Fy" channel movies...what? This wasn't made for TV? No. Actually "20th Century Fox" said make another one for less money, but this time don't try so hard. If you thought the first one was generic B-movie schlock you haven't seen the sequel. Although most people haven't seen the sequel either, since the majority of the movie is just shadows on screen running through the dark.
Rated 07 Feb 2012
Can we all agree that somewhere buried within two terrible movies is a decent idea for a movie. The idea of Predators taking on Aliens should be able to muster some interest, but it isn't anywhere to be found in this film.
Rated 22 Aug 2011
I could hardly make out what was going on for most of the time, which makes it hard to know how good its action scenes are. Everything else is superfluous, because this is a popcorn flick about aliens and predators doing battle. But since the action scenes are indiscernible, there isn't anything to take from this film, and no reason to watch it. And then there are the changes it makes to the existing continuity, or the logic problems that hamper it in addition to the lack of watchable action.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Rated 03 Feb 2016
A requiem for dead franchises, and delayed abortion of their chimeric offspring.
Rated 19 Sep 2010
If you have a predator and an alien-predator hybrid fighting you are always left wondering who punched who in the genitalia-shaped face. The right answer is to turn of the tv.
Rated 09 Mar 2010
I have to give it to the movie for playing it pretty straight. Fucking aliens are killing the shit out of things. Fucking predators are killing the shit out of things. They both try to kill the shit out of each other. And there are a bunch of shitty actors that run around in the middle of it and slowly die. It's not a good movie, but at least you know what you're going to get.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
The beginning where it showed the predator home planet and the preparations for the hunt was good but after that it all went to shit. Pretty abysmal but not quite bad enough for me to rage against it. There were still a few good scenes in this but overall it's hard to figure out how Hollywood managed to fuck this up so badly. This would have been a good idea if the terrible actors were given no screen time and it was done entirely in the point of view of the predator or aliens.
Rated 06 Apr 2015
About ten minutes in you can tell that the fundamental mistake this movie makes is to focus on the humans -- humans that are one-note archetypes with no depth or quality of performance. I know I said in my AvP review that "you shouldn't judge movies like this on performance", but when the movie FOCUSES PRIMARILY on human characters, you almost have to. The action is still fine and I appreciate the visual upgrades that came with the three years between movies. But, uh... yeah, it's not great.
Rated 21 Oct 2010
"Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem is literally shrouded in darkness, and the only explicable reason for this pitch-black visual schema is that the filmmakers understood it was better if no one could see the **** they were shooting." - Nick Schager
Rated 31 Jul 2010
Had little clue what was occurring at any point during the film, let alone the significance of anything that was occurring.
Rated 23 Apr 2010
Instead of a straight action flick like most of the previous Alien, Predator, and Alien/Predator combination films, this one is more gory high body-count horror. The writers also made the odd choice of repeatedly introducing sympathetic characters and then immediately killing them in horrible ways, rather than the usual custom of mostly killing evil or random characters. Overall it's too confusingly shot (the bad lighting doesn't help) and random to be very good, but it's no worse than AvP 1.
Rated 16 Mar 2010
Okay, so this movie doesn't do anything right, but lets focus on the things it does less wrong: First of all, it places the aliens WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE AT! *DING* Took you a movie to figure that one, eh? Secondly, it has a deliciously nasty scene in a maternity ward - that's points for memorable stuff! Sadly, it also has annoying people that you couldn't care less about, and it features the DUMBEST predator - nay! - Extra-Terrestrial to EVER visit Earth. And that's counting the Thermians!
Rated 10 Mar 2010
Rated 26 Jan 2010
Most annoying characters and stupid subplots that have nothing to do with the actual story. Where the first alien vs predator had something new and exciting, this one was boring and used to many stupid one-liners and bad action-moments. Not good and one of the most stupid solutions I've ever seen at the end of a movie.
Rated 09 May 2009
As a fan of the Alien series, one question: when did aliens start growing to full size in less than 30 minutes? As a fan of the Predator series, two questions: the predator in this film wasn't on Earth to hunt, so why did he follow the 'no weapon, no kill' code and why did he feel inclined to skin a body? And as a fan of reality, two questions: why doesn't anyone in a town big enough to have a power plant notice an alien ship crash in mid-day and why is it so easy to survive a heli crash?
Rated 06 Dec 2008
With human characters lacking any major kind of sensory apparatus, pitch black environments preventing any true coherence and teenagers in all the major roles, it really shows what a joke the series has become. Seeming to conform to the expectations of a teenage slasher flick, it does so while stripping the series of all tension and suspense, something to be ashamed of considering the Alien heritage. Another pile of steaming turd for both franchises. And of course, blame the fucking terrorists.
Rated 20 Jun 2008
Too many shitty humans, not enough alien ass kicking. The alien ass kicking that was there was filmed too close and without enough light. Boo. At least most of the humans died horribly.
Rated 29 Feb 2008
Throwaway characters, tired horror cliches and a bad ending: the Trifecta of shitty cinema. Slightly better than AvP but only slightly.
Rated 06 Feb 2008
Slightly better than the first but still not "good" by any means. The action is hard to follow due to the movie being so dark. Now this tone worked well in the original Alien because there was only one alien and you weren't meant to see it. This film has aliens galore and clearly one of it's selling points was how awesome the fights are. Sadly you can't seem them. To be honest though, this film wouldn't have been good even if you could see them.
Rated 29 Dec 2007
Requiem is undoubtedly better than the first, as it knows not to meander around the fact the audience doesn't want to see anything but Aliens and Predators tearing each other apart. Though it starts out a little on the slow side, when it finally picks up it really gets going. The action is great, and while the acting, story, editing, and every other technical aspect of the film flounders, AVP:R is still a wholly enjoyable experience. Don't expect gold, but expect to have some fun.
Rated 21 Aug 2022
I feel like I can’t hate the movie just because I’ve always wanted to see the xenomorphs on the loose on modern day earth, which this movie has. That said I’m not disagreeing with most of the rest of the reviews here either, it is pretty goddamn stupid lol
Rated 04 Dec 2021
I'm apparently going out on a limb till it breaks, but this works very well as a spin on a cheap and nasty B-pic; fast paced and even genuinely creepy at times, though once the Aliens take centre stage, we see far too much of them, dissipating the suspense from the early stages. Far from either of our titular heroes finest hours, but a marked improvement on its predecessor, with the added novelty of seeing Aliens on Earth (though the Predator gets surprisingly little look-in).
Rated 22 Sep 2021
I have only myself to blame.
Rated 20 Feb 2021
What if Aliens vs Predator was a slasher, but also so incredibly dark that you couldn't see anything? Speaking as someone who liked the first AvP, this has the feeling of a DTV sequel. Yes, the concept of Aliens and Predators on Earth is cool. But, that cool idea is like a QB throwing an easy pass to a WR, and having them drop it. That's a little sports reference, for ya. Feel free to look up what QB and WR mean if you don't know.
Rated 30 Sep 2020
Five minutes after the events of Alien vs Predator, a newly-born PredAlien hybrid causes a Predator ship to crash near a small American town. Aliens run rampant, forcing the town's populace – including an ex-con, his pizza boy brother and an army mom – to fight back, with a little help from a new arrival: a vengeful Predator…
Rated 27 Sep 2019
Holy Colorado, the bloody devastation brought upon this poor ol' small town with its sheriff and diner and high school pool.. two-thirds in, the power's out and everyone we've met is getting ripped apart. "See? No monsters." Damn. Say what you want about the rest of the film (the character writing is pretty weak and cheesy; that butt shot was definitely unnecessary), but the horror (not just from the monsters-see the climax), in its bold, unrelenting, and impartial nature, is quite effective.
Rated 05 Jun 2018
Lets start with the mini-rant for those who know what I'm talking about. Why would you watch a sequel movie when you didn't like the first, just so you can be a whiny nitpicking bitch. This film, while not quite as good as the first, is still an enjoyable flick. If they would have employed better actors it would have turned out even more enjoyable.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
terrible cast, barely-there lighting, boring dialogue and only serviceable effects desecrate two beloved sci-fi franchises.
Rated 21 May 2017
Money talks, and that's the only reason this ever got made. Taking two iconic franchises and throwing them in a teenage "slasher" movie is insulting to say the least. To make matters worse, the film is almost unwatchable, literally, because the movie is so dark, it's really hard to actually see any substance. The movie lacks any real reason to care about anyone and in the end holds no value, and the only thing it tries to create is AvP action sets, and disappoints in that. Truly terrible.
Rated 06 Nov 2015
Starting right where the last one left off, the Predalien causes a Predator ship to crashland near a small woodland town and the facehuggers onboard nearly turn the entire town. A lone Stealth Ops Predator is sent in to perform cover it up: blow the ship, kill the aliens, disintegrate the bodies with blue liquid, and silence witnesses. A bunch of characters are set up to be the ragtag group left at the end but you never give a shit about them.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
Horrendous, although if you've seen the first one, you pretty much know what you're getting into. This one just doesn't even have any good concepts behind it like the first one did in places. There is zero reason apart from studio greed for this movie to exist, as there is nothing in this movie that any fans of either franchise were clamoring for. Definitely give the AVP movies a miss.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
There's absolutely nothing positive to say about this. Tell me, Strause brothers: You have two legendary creatures with iconic traits, why do you insist on just making them bland monsters in a film that seems to have been written before the licence was aqcuired? BTW, why doesn't any character react to anything like normal people would? For instance, if I threw someones keys down a storm drain, would anyone go down in the sewer to try and find them in a river of feces? OK, but apart from you?
Rated 18 Aug 2014
AVP: Requiem makes it's predecessor look decent. The novelty of the idea wore of almost immediately first time around and this just feels like an even more desperate money spinner. I can't see how any fan of either the Alien or Predator franchises can say they enjoy these films. They're an insult to everybody associated with the first two Alien films and the original Predator. And the saddest thing is judging by form of the film industry today, you can't rule out the chances of an AVP3.
Rated 18 Nov 2013
So badly lit I briefly thought I had a problem with my TV.
Rated 19 Sep 2012
Unforgivable. Everything about this says it was some half-assed teen slasher script the studio had in their archives. They dusted off the script and gave it to some screenplay writer, who was faced with the unenviable task of trying to write Aliens and Predators into an existing story. Another steaming turd laid upon 2 once-proud franchises.
Rated 23 Jul 2012
This is a completely forgettable film. I felt like I knew a lot of the actors from some of my favorite TV shows like Reiko Aylesworth from 24 and Steven Pasquale from Rescue Me... but it really didn't help anything. I didn't care whether the characters lived through this attack or died. I felt like the predator wasn't really that intimidating and the new Alien/Predator hybrid was sort of neat but it didn't blow me away. The main thing this movie was missing was good one liners and Bill Paxton
Rated 28 Jun 2012
The predator should have used that disintegration potion on the final copy of the film.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
OK I haven't seen it, but watched the first. The point: no-one will fault me for knowing with supernatural certainty that this film is awful, no-one in the whole world. But I still gave it one more point than Aliens. Also: if you have the Aliens get to Earth, the big moral no-no in all of the Alien movies, then at least we should see some apocalyptic urban chaos involving the monster with the most complicated reproductive system in cinema but no sex life. Oct 2013: Saw it. Maternity ward!
Rated 17 Apr 2012
Do not watch this. EVER.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
An action film so contrived on plotting their alien encounters they've thrown sequences at the viewer and trying to see what sticks. Very incoherent, very little drama-- what essentially is a battle between one alien penis and another alien vagina is another unfortunate film wank. Better left unwatched.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Disappointing. Two fairly interesting sci-fi franchises and neither can help this film.
Rated 20 Jul 2010
Rated 18 Mar 2010
This should not qualify for a film.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
pregnant chicks amirite
Rated 04 Jul 2009
A stupid movie that achieves its only entertainment value through its incredible amount of pointless violence. It is of course better than the first one though.
Rated 28 Feb 2009
The two main problems are, as many have mentioned, the lighting (which has been a problem with the entire Aliens series) and the fact that the Aliens and Predators had very little to do with the storyline. It could have been absolutely any invading race and the film wouldn't have changed at all. The Aliens and Predators have an identity, built up by the previous instalments, but here they were barely used beyond being the big scary monsters for the humans to run from.
Rated 17 Jan 2009
Darkest movie ever. No really, you can't see shit. Which is probably a good thing.
Rated 12 Jan 2009
My time is better spent not reviewing this.
Rated 01 Jan 2009
Massive improvement over the first AVP. Lots of aliens and people die. Plus, the Predator seems menacing in this one, unlike the first AVP.
Rated 06 Dec 2008
Whilst I can't disagree with a lot of the criticisms (unlikable human characters, poor lighting and editing... better than Bond QOS though!) I don't think it deserves all of the criticism it gets. Watched on a TV (smaller screen helps combat the poor editing) and in a fully darkened room to combat the poor lighting I can pretty easily follow the action 90% of the time and very gritty, gory action it is. So, for me, better than the first AVP if still far from up to the separate franchise movies.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
It was so dark I could hardly even see what was going on.
Rated 17 Jul 2008
Finally we see the Aliens attack the earth! Too bad the humans involved are such boring characters.
Rated 16 Jun 2008
Better than the last AVP by a long shot, but still poor.
Rated 26 Apr 2008
terrible, just terrible
Rated 12 Jan 2008
Who cares? Only plus, it had more gore than the last pile of crap.
Rated 29 Dec 2007
More grit and gore than the first AVP, but let down by a pathetic script, bad acting and a general lack of substance. And yet again, humans ... why do we need so many humans involved in a movie that's not supposed to be about them?
Rated 26 Dec 2007
The look of the picture has the nostalgic presence of the past 80s films making for a more recognizable film. But the editing and dark lighting fail to impress- when you can't tell what's happening onscreen, there's not much to root for. AVP-R steps closer to that hardcore beast of a movie that alien & predator fans dream of, but everything feels so rushed here, that without a plot, characters, explanation, and bad editing - these two legends may never see the light of a real revival for either.
Rated 01 Oct 2024
AVP2 is basically a slasher movie except it isn't boring because there are aliens. It's not nearly as good as AVP1, but you still get to see people get murdered in horrible ways, including a kid! Yay!
Rated 27 Aug 2024
Can't see shit! Would've been marginally better if the movie had the guts to stick with the bleak ending it seemed to be heading toward.
Rated 24 May 2024
Not bad if you want to look at a black screen and listen to alien noises for ninety minutes. This is what The Outwaters looks like to people who hate The Outwaters.
Rated 14 Apr 2024
Aliens vs. The Predator films are based on comics. Ok popcorn movie.
Rated 03 Aug 2023
A follow-up to its predecessor. I hardly remember anything about it except that it happened.
Rated 25 Sep 2022
It's so dark, you can't tell what's happening half the time. There are too many human characters and too many storylines going on all at once for this to have a coherent plot.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
One of the weakest entries of either franchise by far. It should be difficult to make a movie containing both Alien and Predator boring, but the Strause Brothers have managed it here.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
It's just mean and brutal in all the wrong ways -- Xenomorph infestation through savaging pregnant women, children and poor people's bodies, gore fest with nearly no sense of space and lighting, a bunch of nice practical effect we can barely see because the filmmakers can't shoot shit. Cheapest, cheesiest action horror of all time.
Rated 01 Jun 2021
What can I say? I only saw 50% of the movie.The other 50 were way too dark.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
This is not a good movie, but it's also nowhere near as bad as the critics say. It's not even the worst movie in the Alien/Predator franchises. Predator 2 is by far worse. At least aliens and a predator feature throughout the whole movie instead of just the second half. And yeah, you can't see shit half the time, but at least it's not painfully cringeworthy. It's basically a straight to DVD action movie adapted from a video game. If your expectations are sufficiently low it's even okay at times.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
#the first AVP at least felt like an alien movie despite the poor story but this one is just garbage. It is soooo...fucking stupid that it kinda offended me in so many ways... I can't even see a damn if the brightness was lowered to minimum ,it's so badly lit.
Rated 10 Mar 2020
Rated 17 Sep 2019
They tried, I guess.
Rated 08 Jun 2019
The first 3rd is ok w/ some humans who are far more interesting than the ones in the last film since the writer smartly makes sure to give at least the brothers their own sets of problems & goals. The younger brother's crush could be the seed for a John Hughes film, unfortunately the film deteriorates FAST, w/ the town inexplicably & abruptly falling under military jurisdiction. The fights are also often hard to see & the filmmakers think we care about certain characters dying, but we don't.
Rated 18 Dec 2018
This movie picks up where the last movie left off, which was groan inducing when I saw it then. An alien infects a Predator and they land on earth. There are some people that have a story but it is terrible. The movie was constructed by people who wanted to make the most fucked up horror movie in existance and people who always wanted to make a Alien vs. Predator movie but don't know how to make a solid movie. Stay far away. This is terrible.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
Rated 07 Oct 2018
This is what happens when you ask two "fans" to make a movie "for fans".
Rated 20 Sep 2018
I've seen lots of movies that hate women. I've even managed to find some that hate men. AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem somehow manages to hate the entire human race. Unlike slashers where the victims are intentionally unlikable, the humans here are simultaneously supposed to be sympathetic yet are killed in increasing horrific (and admittedly, sometimes unintentionally hilarious) ways. The decent cinematography and solid effects feel like an in-joke when considering the script.
Rated 30 Jul 2018
Funny story actually - I also lost my keys after being beaten up by my love interest's boyfriend - soon to be ex - but it took me about 7-8 months to find them, not 30 minutes.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
Worst Alien- or Predator-related film. Essentially there's no script, therefore "AVPR" is a slow, dull, repetitive mishmash of uninteresting characters, filler sequences and the same basic action scenes over and over again. There are some redeeming qualities, e.g. two or three awesome deaths, but there's just no gravity to the clash of the two monsters. "AVPR" is not too bad for a second-rate monster movie but there's simply no comparison to even the weakest of the franchises' previous moments.
Rated 18 Apr 2017
This movie was better than expected; the action between the predator and the aliens was quite good and the plot between them very likeable for an Alien's fan. The humans on the other hand where absolutely terrible dragging the whole film down with stupid plot and acting, thankfully the story didn't have any contemplation to violence and blood to the whole spectrum of the city which was refreshing.
Rated 04 Mar 2017
Rated 12 Nov 2016
Rated 19 Jul 2016
Rated 17 Feb 2016
What I enjoy about both franchises is how each of their individual films are the same rudimentary premises interpreted as different styles of film by different directors. Here they go the route of exploitation b-movie about sci-fi monster killing people and each other. That's what we get is some nasty gore and especially mean-spirited violence (women and children!). It's not something that is ever, by definition, "good". But it's entertaining and succeeds on its own terms.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
Te best thing about it is that it made me appreciate AVP more. At least that one did two important things better. First this one is so dark it's hard to tell what's going on most of the time, in AVP at least there is some decently followable AVP action. Secondly the human "fodder"; In AVP the characters but are used effectively and with a clear purpose to introduce the Alien vs. Predator stand off, in this one we are stuck with some uninteresting town people with their irrelevant plotlines.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Twice in a row they somehow manage to fuck up a simple concept of two awesome monsters fighting it out. This is actually far worse than the 1st AVP, faling to pass even the basic schlock bar. I nominate "AVP: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem" for the most elegantly stupid title of the decade.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
* Casting, Acting : 3 * Script : 3 * Directing, Aura : 2 * Ease of Viewing : 3.5 * Naked Eye : 3
Rated 05 Jul 2014
For a concept that shoule have only been a short film, this sequel is unnecessary. It retains all of the horrendous problems that plagued the first film, only to lessen the entertainment value with worse acting and less relatable characters. Stupid and dialogue and dumber scenarios. Very little worked, but what did work was fun.
Rated 09 May 2014
This is one mindless film, but wow is it entertaining because of it.
Rated 06 Jun 2013
Get this DVD to the Choppah. The Wood choppah.
Rated 17 May 2013
they make out????
Rated 08 Oct 2012
An unconscionable piece of shit. OK, it gets a mere 10 points because its fun to look at the Aliens, but that's about it. Oh, and it must be pointed out...they did not fucking film this movie in Crested Butte! That town is NOT Crested Butte you fuckers!
Rated 27 Jun 2012
This movie appeals to the common denominator. No redeemable qualities, simply a money-making machine catering to the average American's base level of enjoyment. and it made $128 million. not bad.
Rated 02 Mar 2012
Annoying characters, horrible effects and even worse action than the original, and I thought that was a save and grace of it. This was a lame action film/tribute to the Aliens and the Predator franchise.
Rated 19 Aug 2011
Rated 25 Jan 2011
Sums up everything that's wrong with sequels today: people continue to make 'em!
Rated 20 Nov 2010
Enjoyability 5/25 Visuals 6/15 Audio 3/10 Acting 2/10 Story/Plot 5/25 Production Values 2/10 Intuitiveness/Ambitiousness 0/5 Bonus 0/10
Rated 01 Oct 2010
I'm an Alien fanboy, alright! I'll pay good money to see an Alien taking a crap for two hours, which is slightly worse than this film.

Cast & Info

Directed by:

Colin Strause, Greg Strause


Dan O'Bannon, Shane Salerno


Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, AVP: Aliens vs. Predator Requiem, AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem






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