A Good Day to Die Hard
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A Good Day to Die Hard

1h 38m
John McClane travels to Russia to help out his seemingly wayward son, Jack, only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative working to prevent a nuclear-weapons heist, causing the father and son to team up against underworld forces. (imdb)
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A Good Day to Die Hard

1h 38m
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Avg Percentile 17.83% from 1776 total ratings

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Rated 11 Jun 2013
Remember when John McLane was just a regular cop, who could die at any moment during the Nakatomi Plaza heist? Now apparently he's James Bond and Superman rolled into one
Rated 14 Feb 2013
All thats left of the franchise are all the references to the original. It actually hurt to watch it at times. Seems like these days no one is able to make an action film with ambitions anymore...
Rated 08 Apr 2013
The Star Wars Holiday Special of the Die Hard franchise.
Rated 19 Feb 2013
Just doesn't get the job done. Nonsensical story, weak villains, unimaginative action scenes, no quotable lines. Let me put it this way: A Good Day to Die Hard is to Live Free or Die Hard as Die Hard 2 is to Die Hard.
Rated 29 Mar 2021
Im an idiot I haven't seen this since I was dragged screaming from the cinema and Sorry I stand corrected, two blocks of wood run around for 90 minutes. Die Hard is a classic this is a classic example of stupid dumb stupid bland garbage. They should've just pulled out another surprise Gruber sibling which is the key to this franchise.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
A few numbers from Wikipedia: John and his son manage to escape a total of three times during the film; I also counted 1 still-toxic nuclear power plant, 2 leaps into certain death, 37 raging explosions, 9000 flying bullets and 0 % logic.
Rated 20 Feb 2013
So half-assed it makes Live Free Or DIe Hard look half decent by comparison, which is no mean feat, so bravo, I guess... Willis seemed almost comatose throughout the entire miserable mess, but who can blame him with those lines he's being given.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
A poor excuse for an action film and an inexcusably awful Die Hard. The story is nonsense, which occasionally becomes bothersome during the endless string of poorly-shot action sequences, but as these non-characters stop to talk to each other it is so painful you'll wish they go back to shooting something nearly immediately. The villain(s) are a non-entity, Jai Courtney has all the charisma of a cinder block and the script is stunningly devoid of humour. A couple impressive shots, but it's BAD.
Rated 29 Aug 2013
Incompetent, soulless garbage. Let's pretend it was never made, shall we?
Rated 12 Feb 2013
There's just something horribly wrong when the Danish 1980's slang in the subtitles is the high point of a movie for me. The whole thing just seems completely irrelevant on all thinkable levels. The father-son angle is awful and I thought we all agreed the Joseph Gordon-Lewis did a great young Bruce Willis? Why is he not in the movie? Anywho: It has lots of big guns and shit gets blown up. But this Skip Woods guy needs to stop writing movies.
Rated 22 Feb 2013
If you go in expecting this to be the worst movie of the last ten years, then - and only then - you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
By the end of this movie you will want to die so hard.
Rated 30 Apr 2013
A Good Day To Die Hard is the fifth and sadly by the sounds of the rumour mill not the last in the Die Hard series. Bruce Willis returns as John McClane and is accompanied by weakly ushered in Jai Courtney. The pair shoot up the majority of Moscow and come up against an instantly forgettable group of villains. The pathetically lowered age rating make it unrecognisable of the original and the series has completely lost sight of its roots. The nonsensical car chase is the only thing I enjoyed.
Rated 27 Mar 2017
Sorry Skip, your repeated "I'm on vacation" one-liner doesn't cut it; John wasn't on vacation and if he really was such a reluctant hero he wouldn't have driven off bridges and over cars when he still had no idea what was going on. A protagonist has never been more annoying (the eye-rolling father-son dynamics don't help), nor a plot more generic and lazily written (hello cliche Russian villains-the carrot chewing scene is unbearable). The helicopter crash at the end looked pretty cool though.
Rated 19 Feb 2014
This shouldn't be.
Rated 14 Feb 2013
The plot is terrible, the father-son stuff doesn't work, the dialog is occasionally cringe-worthy. Fortunately this film pulls it around by being short and action-packed enough, and actually developing some - genuinely - really fucking cool actions sequences towards the end. Not bad, but this franchise certainly doesn't have anything left in it now. To be honest, this is not Die Hard.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
The previous Die Hard films ranged from awesome to above average. This is the first one that is outright bad. The plot is a muddled, confusing mess with no clear villain and a majority of the dialogue consists of groan-inducing one-liners. I can't even say it's a passable action movie, as most of the destruction is unfollowable because of bad editing. Worst of all, John McClane feels like a side character as the bad guys take up most of the spotlight.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
I am a huge Die Hard fan! From the original Die Hard to the epic Live Free or Die Hard! But this wasn't Die Hard at all! The essence of Die Hard is Bruce Willis / John McClane's "Snarky old Bastard" personality. This film has Bruce Willis in it, that's about as close as it comes. It's a lot of scenic/aerial shot, a lot of explosions, some gun fighting, some running; but there's NO acting, NO dialog, NO plot, NO personality, NO Bruce Willis! I was horribly disappointed!
Rated 17 Feb 2013
an good action movie 10 out of 10
Rated 18 Feb 2013
It is like they didn't even try to make any sense in this one. It was just boring and pointless. I typically enjoy the Die Hard movies for the most part, but this was beyond disappointing. Brb, going to go chill out at Chernobyl with no protective gear, nbd right?
Rated 18 Feb 2013
I'm revising my original review. I hate this movie and everything it stands for.
Rated 27 Nov 2014
Written by Roderick Thorp. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Pop Quiz! Who says their catchphrase more times in ninety minutes: Dante in Clerks (I'm not even supposed to be here today!) or John McClane in Die Hard 5: Die Hard-On (I'm on vacation!)?
Rated 19 Mar 2013
"It's a Good Day to Die Hard - for the franchise!" In the first few minutes of A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth, loudest and the most wearisome part of the franchise, we meet Yuri Komarov (Sebastian Koch), a bespectacled gent with a shabby beard in high-alert confinement, playing chess with himself. He plays himself because apparently, it's what super-villains do.
Rated 19 Oct 2023
Bulletproof grandpa cosplays as a much loved character from a film franchise which hasn't been good for 20 years at least. Unrelentingly shite from start to finish.
Rated 01 Jun 2013
Al Powell Jr. should be about 25 by now. Couldn't John McClane have teamed up with him instead?
Rated 10 Jun 2013
This is a truly awful film. As a Die Hard film, it is a complete abomination and a destruction of a beloved character. As an action film, it is still awful. Terrible story, poor acting, horrible villains and absolutely no tension WHATSOEVER. Great looking visuals but this is MOST definitely not Die Hard
Rated 23 Jun 2013
It's a good day to wreck some Russian cars.
Rated 24 Jun 2013
Launches into action with no meaningful set-up, rhyme nor reason & continues that trend as Brucie & Jnr destroy Mozz-Cow & slaughter innocents with apparently no real cause? When not spewing one-liners the screenplay is truly terrible, & sounds even worse coming from an actor as clearly limited as Courtney. More is the shame that the character of McClane is completely lost in this empty, humourless movie. Will radiation poisioning kill McClane before the sixth film? We can but hope!
Rated 01 Jul 2013
bad movie
Rated 28 Jul 2013
"And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... rip you to pieces."
Rated 31 Jan 2014
The worst of the series and it felt like an episode of a TV show that is a cancelled after one episode. It didn't have the feel of DIE HARD movie at all, it's a disrespect to the others in the series and McClane takes 2nd seat to his son in this one.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
This series should have ended after the third film.
Rated 15 Feb 2013
Except for some good crashes (not the chase leading to them), it pretty awful. Save the money, and the time, and just watch the trailer. They didn't even use Beethoven's 9th like the trailer did except for about 15 seconds of a barely audible instrumental version at the very beginning. Why is Hollywood so scared to use the music they use to sell the movie in the previews--or any worthwhile music at all?
Rated 16 Feb 2013
A Good Day to Die Hard is technically the fifth movie in the Die Hard series, but it feels like a completely different action movie. John McClane isn't a normal, but badass cop thrown into crazy situations, he's just a bald version of Rambo thrown into crazy boring situations. The series loses its charm by making McClane an invulnerable superhero. His son is a horrible sidekick too. I don't want another Die Hard, I don't want to see how the series can get any worse.
Rated 22 May 2018
More reviews here :
Rated 16 Feb 2015
I had to stop halfway through... A terrible waste of cars and time
Rated 16 Feb 2013
Certainly not the strongest entry in the Die Hard series, but offers a fair few entertaining action sequences, and great visual storytelling, with the film slowly morphing into cinematography reminiscent of the original. Bruce Willis makes an effort, sort of, more so than Jai Courtney. Plot is bland, nonsensical, and the violence is dull - but the carnage on screen entertains for 90 minutes. Certainly not the worst action film, but a very incoherent one.
Rated 29 Dec 2014
So unmemorable and boring that I cant even remember if I finished it.
Rated 19 Feb 2013
It does have solid action throughout. I don't know if I've ever seen more cars destroyed in any other movie. It may have set a record. The dialogue and plot are just OK, but any Die Hard movie is always a fun time.
Rated 20 Feb 2013
No nude scene? That's so not Thunder Gun
Rated 20 Feb 2013
Man, they're really milking the name cliches for all they're worth. I can't wait for Die Hard 6, Die Hardester.
Rated 22 Feb 2013
So the plot.... let's put it this way - If they had a paragraph of exposition at the beginning, they probably could have gone the first 30 minutes without a saying word.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
Rated 04 Mar 2013
a mindless action film. lots of shooting. lots of falling in slow motion. and the pathetic excuse for a story line makes no sense...
Rated 05 Mar 2013
Jai Courtney is so annoying that you can almost forget how tired Bruce Willis looks when going through the motions.
Rated 07 Mar 2013
Moore's 97-minute implosion stems from an anemic script by Skip Woods who seems to have written an entirely different protagonist, but simply swapped out a name for John McClane. Willis clearly isn't here to play his most famous character. He simply bobs around the international landscape taking a backseat to his son's attempts at executing a plan. None of what makes McClane the hero we love exists in this lazy cash-grab featuring a convoluted yet incredibly thin plot.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
What a boring, generic addition to the franchise. The one preceding this one was bad enough, but this is just a horribly dull action movie. They give you no reason to care about any of the characters, not like you cared for John McClane in the first three movies. Back then he was still a funny, relatable character who got hurt and worried and scared but in the last two movies he could really be replaced with any random action dude and it wouldn't change the movie any.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Worst Christmas movie ever?
Rated 29 Mar 2013
Fell asleep ...
Rated 06 Apr 2013
Thoroughly blah.
Rated 12 May 2013
It was bad, but I've seen much worse...
Rated 24 Apr 2020
Sad end to a good franchise.
Rated 18 May 2013
more like a bollywood action..
Rated 18 May 2013
Incoherent nonsense with absolutely none of the wit and charm of the earlier films. The dialogue is execrable, there's a ton of explosions but almost no tension, and Willis yawns his way to picking up his cheque. Shame on the makers of this cynical PoS.
Rated 19 May 2013
all those cars ruined for nothing... totally pathetic...
Rated 19 May 2013
By far the worst die hard - until now.
Rated 20 May 2013
Rated 06 Aug 2023
Given Willis’ recent health struggles, the nostalgia hound in me wants to at least give this a pass, but it’s such a flat, dull and inert attempt at an actioner, that it even undermines the fond memories of the great quadrilogy that preceded it – Willis and Courtney share no chemistry, the action scenes play out with no style, finesse or cohesion and five minutes after the film has ended, I can’t even remember who the primary villain was! A sad and sorry way to end Willis’ tenure on this series.
Rated 01 Dec 2016
Hollywood has gotten some fantastic mileage out of what was originally a Christmas/action hybrid, but unfortunately they've run out of any material worth watching. This one seems like a paltry attempt for McClane to make an exit from the series and pass the torch to his son, but it's so hackneyed that if Jai Courtney ever gets the spotlight, it'll be nearly impossible for him to recover the series from this poorly executed movie.
Rated 29 Oct 2014
Linear, 2D, OTT bullshit.
Rated 26 May 2013
People need to learn that relentless action doesn't mean that an action film is good, especially when it's as poorly shot and staged as it is in this film. The most boring and dull film I've seen in a long time.
Rated 26 May 2013
It's crap from start to finish.
Rated 28 May 2013
This is a pretty idiotic plot full of nonsense chases and plot devices. It still provides a surprising amount of fun when you accept this is all happening in a made up fantasy world.
Rated 01 Jun 2013
Yippee Ki-Nay. This Die Hard was not my favorite or even my second or third favorite. Granted, it had its entertainment value. The car chase scene where hundreds of vehicles were being smashed to bits was quite thrilling. Sadly I didn't like the guy who played McClane's son. He just didn't seem to fit in. Plus, the plot was so thin to a point that had me confused and I had to stop and ponder what the heck was going on to catch up. There were some good one-liners but not enough to save this film.
Rated 05 Jun 2023
Insane action sequences in which you can revel on your home theatres; just be mindful of neighbors; very impactful. Definitely a one time watch if not more. The McLane drama pulls it down from likability.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Rated 18 Aug 2014
Easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. Imagine a terrible low budget action film with uninteresting plot, forgettable characters and dull action. Now for no reason throw in John McClane in there, give him brutal dialogue and make him knowingly indestructible so we never have any sense of danger. Congratulations you have now watched this film in your head and won't have to waste your time with the real thing.
Rated 07 Jun 2013
1138: WTF!
Rated 09 Jun 2013
Bad Day for the Franchise. 1/100.
Rated 10 Jun 2013
Below decent action film, does not honor the quality action from the franchise.
Rated 28 Dec 2022
I don't remember John McClane being such a wanker.
Rated 05 Dec 2015
doesn't even feel like a die hard movie.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Worst Die Hard movie by a landslide.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Not as unwatchable as my score would suggest. The car chase scene has to be among the most epic of all time! So many cars were destroyed it becomes draw-dropping as only die-hard movies can do. Unfortunately the pacing is not as fast as other movies in this franchise. The biggest let-down for me was the lack of engagement with the story - it was terribly far-fetched even for Die Hard! Jai Courtney is a stand-out; as is the Moscow/Chernobyl backdrop.
Rated 29 Jun 2013
A few nice action scenes doesn't really cut it when the script and most of the cast are so awful.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
No story and no content, just Bruce Willis and 1000 guns and bullets.
Rated 08 Nov 2015
Works better as a parody of bad action movies than a Die Hard movie, or a movie in general. Makes the last Die Hard movie look like a masterpiece. Even the action scenes go on far too long and are as unimaginative and interminable as you can get. And the story is about some evil Russians who are just that, no interesting motivations or fun charismatic personalities here. Instead we get lots of awkward dialogue between Willis and Courtney. A completely phoned in effort from everyone involved.
Rated 18 Jul 2014
Live Free or Die Hard may have been PG-13, but it was still worth watching. If you want to see John McClane at his worst, then this is the movie for you to avoid. This franchise went from completely different to using too much of their old tricks. It stoops to the level of Jason Statham's "Parker" and Sylvester Stallone's "Bullet to the Head", both of which make their main actors look like pedestrians. With a title like "A Good Day To Die Hard", no wonder John McClane is ready for euthanization.
Rated 05 Jul 2013
I wanted so badly to enjoy this, but I actually found myself dozing off during the action sequences. McClane is very annoying while constantly reminding the viewer that he is supposed to be on vacation. All the points go towards the end scene, where the antagonist dies really hard.
Rated 12 Jul 2013
I am a die hard fanboy, but this was tough to watch. The dialogue at times was truly atrocious.
Rated 14 Jul 2013
High intensity chase scene through Moscow adds interest to an otherwise mediocre film.
Rated 14 Jul 2013
Some moments of entertainment, but overall it was just loud noise and lots of stuff exploding in a mostly nonsensical and not believable way. Let us not forget the armored car that cause cars to explode on impact, but can also outrun small cars and be meaningfully impacted by ramming with a small SUV. Or perhaps it was the helicopter battering ram that was the best. No, wait, it has to be the magical chemical that removes all radiation from a room instantaneously. OK, too much BS for one flick.
Rated 15 Jul 2013
I really enjoyed the action in this movie. Bruce Willis looked like he was about to die in real life in every scene and if reminded me he was on vacation one more time I would of died hard. The story line was hard to follow but the time of this movie was appreciated no need for another 2 + hour action movies.
Rated 13 Sep 2022
It's a couple steps back in the right direction from Live Free or Die Hard but it's also just kind of generic and dumb. I think the original Die Hard was just lightning in a bottle.
Rated 10 Dec 2018
They slap some generic family reunion tale to a generic Die Hard plotline which evokes more eyerolls than laughs. The action actually works and if it was played straight, it could probably still be a passable sequel. It gets so ridiculous at a certain point, and the obvious good vs. evil shtick gets tiresome. Might be time for old John McClane to be turning in his badge and saving us all the trouble.
Rated 29 Jun 2014
Rated 26 Jul 2013
Ridiculous. Unbelievable. A fucking riot. They're probably aiming for the "so bad it's good" category. Kinda sad, I remember how good the original Die Hard was.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
Somehow, Criticker hit this one on the nose. John McClane's catchphrase in this one is "I'm on vacation!" and, well, it feels like the whole thing is. Jai Courtney's the only tolerable thing, and he's not very good. Willis phoned it in big-time. No one else is worth a damn, whether it's the director who cuts every other second in action scenes or the writers who fail to string the "eh" action scenes with anything compelling. A surprisingly joyless experience.
Rated 06 Aug 2013
I enjoyed DH4 even though it was very different to the classic films, but this one has lost even more of that great DNA. This is entirely an action film, and there it excels, but DH was always about that cocky sense of humour and it feels so wrong without it. Bruce: remember the jokes! I'd love to see a DH6 but it has to be at least as good as DH4!
Rated 10 Aug 2013
Was this a 'Die Hard' movie, because I couldn't tell. Did not even come close to the charm and fun that the other movies have. The action was just boring, and I'm starting to get sick of how big and over the top the series is starting to become. The characters weren't even interesting this time around, including McClane. I mean come on, it's ok the first time, but I don't need to hear you complain that you are on vacation every 10 minutes.
Rated 15 Mar 2015
I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth. Die Hard is overall a really good series, and then they did this. A phoned in, poorly shot, and actually boring piece of garbage. It has some interesting scenes and Willis can do justice even when he is phoning a role in. But that's about it. Don't waste your time.
Rated 01 Mar 2015
maybe it would have been a better to call it a day and end the franchise. but you gotta hand it to the writers for the part where they spray some magic dust to make a radioactive nuclear silo (in pripyat no less) radiation-safe. next movie: mcclane cures cancer with his fart! can't wait.
Rated 27 Sep 2013
OK, I admit it: Haven't seen it. But following the law of diminishing returns from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to THIS. Adding what an arrogant douche Willis seems to have become in 2012 and just how scathingly bad reviewers and friends slammed this and I didn't feel obliged to waste the money to confirm just how bad it's meant to be. Also, seems like if I don't rank a few more bad movies all my rankings are skewed in Criticker. Problem is I go out of my way to AVOID watching bad movies
Rated 27 Sep 2013
[Extended Edition] - 'Die Hard 4', guess I was wrong about you. You're not such an asshole after all. *Preview*: #13#, exp-2*, hype, popcorn, 'pt1etc', B.Willis/4-2, R1.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
Fuck all y'all haters.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
While the 4th Die Hard was a terrible Die Hard film, it was an alright action movie. But this is total garbage.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
4+ worth experiencing :: they're going for whimper, not bang
Rated 09 Mar 2015
Okay, so I admit that this is actually the first of the Die Hard films I've sat down and watched from beginning to end. Maybe it's my fault that I didn't know what was happening for the first 30 or 40 minutes (in other words, half the film) and that I couldn't tell what the heroes were fighting for? Okay, it's not me, it's the tired, grating screenplay. There's a lot of falling in this one. The heroes fall through floors to escape exploding helicopters and gunfire. Too bad they made it.
Rated 02 Jul 2020
This was ok.
Rated 20 Jan 2014
Zeus's beard this is a wet fart of a film. It really doesn't feel like a DIe Hard film at all, McClane apparently now made of Adamantium. Weak script, weak action and Bruce Willis on especially not bothered form. 4 pointless may have had it's balls removed but my word, this proves it could have been worse.


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