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Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 42m
Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of evil clowns. (imdb)


Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 42m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 25% from 222 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 16 Sep 2016
Malcolm McDowell was in Caligula , who the hell is impressed with him dressed as a Victorian cream puff? I watched that man sleep with a horse. Rob Zombie again proves he is a total hack joke. "Oh wow, Sherri Moon is there, and there's a Nazi thing, and woah colour filters and Kafka quotes heavy shit easy there Fellini"
Rated 12 Dec 2017
My score's the joke! Get it? In all seriousness though I did not enjoy this film.
Rated 27 Oct 2016
Well, it's pretty much The Running Man, but with the pumped up pro wrestlers in Gundam suits replaced by killer clowns with chainsaws and axes. Some cool casting choices (Richard Brake is particularly gross as Doom Head, plus Pee-Wee's girlfriend Dottie in the "squeaky voiced babydoll killer" role usually reserved for Sherri Moon), but there's a distinct overuse of shaky hand-held camera work and obnoxious strobe effects. Plus the ending is an absolute stinker.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Zombies best film (in my opinion) Loved the 70's music and Liked the kills Storyline ain't great but it kept me guessing Love her or hate her Sheri Moon Zombie plays crazy well ......And Gotta Say It "Mr. Doomhead" is a evocative "Baddie "
Rated 04 Nov 2016
While it's clear rob zombie is improving in terms of his ability to shoot visuals; his writing is worse than ever. Yes, I get that it's trying to be camp. Yes, I get that there's references. I don't care it's just shit.
Rated 20 Sep 2016
Anytime something interesting can happen, Zombie opts to travel the other route.
Rated 02 Sep 2016
31 is a terrible gorefest of a movie, one that presumably exists because director Rob Zombie is a big fan of The Running Man and his old movies, and thought mixing the two together would be another good project for which to cast his wife. It has lifeless characters we won't care about fighting for survival against villains who are more fun than they are, in repetitive action scenes lacking in suspense and atmosphere. But it has lots of gore, and Richard Brake's turn as Doom-Head is fun.
Rated 21 Jul 2018
I typically roll my eyes at those who complain of something being too fast or containing too much shakey-cam, but boy this Zombie film sure strains the constraints of this aesthetic. This is a shame because it is Zombie's aesthetics that typically draw me into his world. Without this strength the film has to rest on its characters, which are pretty forgettable here. I didn't hate it, but this is one of the most underwhelming of Zombie's films
Rated 19 Mar 2018
The most well shot direct to DVD garbage I've ever seen. Scenes are staged with teleporting characters and no thought to suspense or horror. Sheri Moon acting continues to be the scariest thing about his movies. Richard Brake performance is actually amazing and really good and I can't stress how surprising that is.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Worse than bad, it's **pedestrian**. Zombie has a 'type' for his movies, and this one just feels eminently phoned-in. Goes down a checklist and never deviates. Sad because we've seen what an unleashed Rob Zombie can do (the excellent Devil's Rejects)
Rated 15 Nov 2016
Zombie takes another stab at grostesque-carny horror that recalls many older films, including his own, without reinventing the wheel. He is the genre's equivalent of Tarantino: a collage artist who deals in personalised remixes. But unlike QT, he lacks wit and invention, so after the attention grabbing opening with Blake--whose character should have been expanded--it's all repetitive riffs and notes haphazardly thrown together, just like his music, only minus the fun.
Rated 24 Sep 2016
Like The Running Man mixed with Hostel mixed with House of 1,000 Corpses. Not bad, not great, just... Rob Zombie.
Rated 06 Jul 2023
Among Rob Zombie's strongest, "31" is immersive, constantly engaging and really visceral. Phillips and especially Brake are great; in fact, the latter gives one of the finest, most memorable performances in recent horror memory, and has got some delicious dialogue to work with to boot. It might not be very original, the finale is a little too drawn out, and the shaky cam is sometimes a little much in the action scenes, but you will be watching transfixed and on the edge of your seat throughout.
Rated 08 Sep 2022
Richard Brake is the only good thing about this and he turns up like fifteen minutes before the end.
Rated 06 Feb 2022
Zombie music choice > Tarantino music choice
Rated 17 Aug 2021
While Zombie might not have been able to deliver a decent horror movie since his debut, I still believe he's found his calling. I have some kind of blind faith that some day he's going to blow me away. I think his weakness is not getting another writer to collaborate with. "31" might be several orders of magnitude better than his last movie, but it's still kind of a shit show.
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 02 Nov 2020
Think of a very graphic Running Man. The problem I had with this one was that you really don't care enough about anyone to make it compelling. Not scary just gross.
Rated 28 Oct 2020
Rob Zombie'den korku fantazileri. Karavanda seyahat eden 1 grup, önlerine çıkan Halloween heykellerinde durur. Sapık ve manyaklarla dolu 1 evde, 5 kişi ölüm kalım savaşı verirler. Hostel ve Saw karıştırılmış. Tüm korku klişeleri de kullanırken fazla cesur da olunmamış. Tipik Halloween filmi. Ama kötülerinden. Filmin sonunda, ölmezsek ölelim denmiş. Boyu küçük işlevi büyük.
Rated 13 Apr 2020
Zombie's maddening close-ups have never been so beautifully used as in this freakshow game where a kidnapped circus crew must fight their way out of a hunting game led by a group of British sadistic "nobles" and executed by a gang of savage clowns. Zombie's handicam has also improved to the point it makes action scenes even more tasty and putrid. This might be his finest commentary on America's sick, twisted, vile, depraved, pervert imagery of violence and women. Start/final shots are pure bliss
Rated 12 Feb 2020
31 is a flawed film. In that the premise is a fun one and the clown characters are all a joy, even if they are only on screen very briefly. It is also brought down by a serious over-reliance on shaky cam. The biggest saving grace is Richard Brake as the psychotic Doom-Head.
Rated 15 Sep 2018
Zombie is such an edgelord but he's got his traeshthetic figured out. Richard Brake is always fun.
Rated 03 Jun 2018
Way way way too much shaky camera work. The rest of the film is pretty average, with average direction, acting and gore. Dialogue wasn't good but it was what you'd expect from Rob Zombie. Also felt that the movie was 20-30 minutes too long. The soundtrack was by far the best part of this film. It really irritated me how pathetic the protagonists were and the dumb shit that they did throughout. Not as bad as most people say but not great or even that good.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
It started off a bit promising but soon delved into such a tedious and boring mess that I pretty much gave up. Another disappointing film from Zombie with is a shame.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
Wanted to watch this on Halloween. Well saw it and now I'm going to watch "Bad Moms" instead. Scares me even more .... My opinion here :
Rated 02 Oct 2016
Brake as Doom-Head was good but all else was underwhelming. This was set in the 70s? I didn't realize slinky key-chains were about back then...
Rated 18 Sep 2016
Maybe the worst thing about this one is that it seemed like Zombie didn't care about what he was making. I honestly doubt there was a full script for this. The overall premise, while not original, isn't bad, and even sounds like it could be a lot of fun. But this movie wasn't fun, it was relentlessly bleak. I thought Richard Brake was pretty great. Some of the cinematography was good, but Zombie's direction was not. I didn't hate it, but I truly believe Zombie could've done better.
Rated 24 Apr 2016
Disappointingly terrible. Bad writing, shitty characters and a camera that doesn't let you see anything when stuff is going on. It feels like Zombie just going through the motions hoping it'll work out even if he doesn't feel it.


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