28 Weeks Later...
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28 Weeks Later...

1h 40m
28 Weeks Later, the follow up to 28 Days Later, picks up six months after the rage virus has annihilated the Mainland Britain. The U.S. Army declares that the war against infection has been won, and that the reconstruction of the country can begin. As the first wave of refugees return, a family is reunited, but one of them unwittingly carries a terrible secret. The virus is not yet dead, and this time, it is more dangerous than ever. (Fox Atomic)
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28 Weeks Later...

1h 40m
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Avg Percentile 45.44% from 7101 total ratings

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Rated 10 May 2007
This starts out well enough, but it turns into crap. I didn't expect a copy of the first film, but this lacks the strong sense of dread and despair, and I didn't care about the characters involved. There's a really silly part where a pack of infected are diced up by helicopter blades--this was amusing in GRINDHOUSE but not here. For me this wasn't much of a horror film, but more of an action movie that's pretends to have substance. Fuck this mess.
Rated 29 May 2007
It was easy to see why Boyle was willing to pass on the torch: Fresnadillo's direction is a perfect emulation of the original which helps to make this movie feel like a seamless continuation, rather than just a sequel. Unfortunately it lacks the substance of the original, if only because everything that can be said has already been said before. Great spooks, great visuals, likeable actors, but not amazing.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Imagine if there was an outbreak that made people turn into raging lunatics, raging so much that the camera couldn't follow the action and the only way to tell the story is through millisecond cut editing. I'd probably just avoid that story.
Rated 27 Apr 2008
unlike 28 days later..., this film is a bit more cut-and-dry in its moral questions. Instead of trying to show that we are our worst enemy, this film is more a grim attempt to disturb and question our military. At the same time, it is a bit too blatant and not nearly as effective as its predecessor.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
Surprisingly solid sequel. It ups the stakes, holds on to the tight atmosphere and brutal violence and creates just enough political and personal context to keep it all interesting. Doesn't have the vision or originality of the first one but it works well as an entertaining if slightly unambitious action/horror crowd pleaser.
Rated 12 Jun 2011
Did the people truly have the RAGE virus, or was it just epileptic seizures from all the flashing lights and shaky camera shots?
Rated 24 Jul 2013
Tedious zombie sequel, filmed and edited in a very annoying style, with thin characters, poor performances, and numerous moments of distinct implausibility. Only point of slight note is the propensity to kill off seeming main characters. If any political allegory is intended, whether to do with Iraq or anything else, it is completely uninteresting.
Rated 13 Jan 2015
Loses the sense of dread and immediacy of the first one. Started wrong with this, everyone is sitting around eating pasta with cutlery they save some Dickens orphan who starts shoveling in the pasta into his craw with both hands. THE FORK IS RIGHT THERE , this is the start of the infection it's only been about a month you don't lose yo manners unless you're some garbage peraeieruaehrugughughUGHGUHGUAHBGSAJSNGA
Rated 12 Aug 2011
The lukewarm reception surprises me, as this is only slightly worse than the first, if at all. In many ways, it reminds me of Aliens: the transition from low-key horror to something more high-octane, the inadequacy of the military to contain the threat, and the examination of family structures torn apart. It's exciting and visceral, and remarkably efficient as well.
Rated 03 Jun 2010
The opening was promising as we see a man being forced to abandon his children to a group of zombies or share their fate. had this movie been about this man's guilt it could have been something truly special, but instead it paints the man as an utter craven who must be punished. Add this to dumb military morality, silly "teh government are dicks" morality, stupid characters{especially those damn kids} and cheap scare and gore make it a rather subpar movie.
Rated 07 Jan 2011
one thing that isn't being mentioned is the opening scene in this film, which is arguably my favorite from any horror film. SPOILER i always feel an incredible rush of terror when i watch the father running down the hill towards the dock and a wave of zombies crests the ridge behind him, chasing him down. simply brilliant.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
While the first movie was distinctly British, this is simply an American movie set in England. Lacking everything that made the first one good and wasting some great actors on nothing, the only way this works is if you view it as a very dark comedy about how children are evil and stupid and will be the death of us all. Sorry, did I say comedy? I meant documentary.
Rated 11 Aug 2010
Although well shot and reasonably fast paced. 28 weeks later lacks the punch of the original, although the overall message delivered is quite refreshing.
Rated 19 May 2007
The opening was great: visceral, shocking, depressing horror reminiscent of the original. After that it grows less interesting because of its half-baked plot and silly character decisions.
Rated 23 May 2007
I almost instantly took to this film without really being able any specific reason why, but in honesty it's quite flawed. However despite being much more idiotic, bloated and contrived than it's predecessor but the familiar feelings of tension and dread still come across clearly. It trails off terribly towards the end as the action scenes deteriorate, ramping up into an increasingly brainless affair, but until then I found it quite entertaining.
Rated 25 May 2014
I quite liked the first sequence, known popularly as 'Don abandons Alice'. The effort to generate theme and narrative on its basis, however, is incoherent rather than interestingly ambiguous, and eventually silly. Some saw an effort at topical profundity. The film has signifiers inviting such a reading, but I don't think it has thought going on to give actual content to those who might wish to accept this invitation, ultimately making such gestures appear, if anything, cynical and opportunistic.
Rated 22 Jun 2007
not as good as the first one but definately a good sequel. Looking forward to 28 Months Later
Rated 03 Jun 2015
Oh, how I love running zombies and stupid people.
Rated 24 Jul 2007
Starts out well enough, then turns into a mixture of blair witch project and I-can't-choreograph-so-I-simply-shake-the-camera-till-the-audience-pukes combined with some of the most stupid millitary-in-action scenes I've ever seen. On top of that they completely rip apart the how-a-zombie-behaves they built so well in the first movie. Let's just hope there won't be another sequel.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
Not as good as the first but it's still miles ahead of any other (serious) zombie movie out at the time.
Rated 27 Aug 2007
This movie picks up where '28 Days Later' ended and after a brief introduction of what went on and happened after '28 days' the film starts off with probably their best scene in the film, very intense and exciting! Furthermore: the score was awesome, acting was quite good (Especially Robert Carlyle), story is a bit predictable. Better then the first movie i thought, this one is a bit faster with more action if i recall '28 Days Later' right, but lacks characterdevelopment. Worth seeing for sure.
Rated 06 Apr 2018
Shaky cam makes some of this unwatchable and it's hilarious how quick people turn to zombies. Much weaker than 28 Days Later.
Rated 04 Sep 2007
Starts to go downhill as soon as Robert Carlyle's character changes. Volume between characters talking and the zombies is huge which gets old fast. Relies on cheap scares that you can see a mile off.
Rated 25 Aug 2016
Bad script, bad editing, just uninspired in every way. Possibly the worst dad of all time.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
Starting with one of the best openings to a movie ever, the film only goes downhill from there. Overall, one of the better zombie films out there.
Rated 12 May 2012
Decent sequel -- not great, but the one with best opening sequence ever --, with some truly shocking moments and an incredibly tense climax. So terrifying that it leaves you exhausted with so much slaughter (of humans and infected people). It's also good because of its techniques, that build an absorbing atmosphere: when it ends, you just cannot believe that you are alive after all that visual mayhem.
Rated 28 Feb 2014
The film successfully continues in the tone of the first movie. The action keeps you at the edge of your seat and the generally good acting makes you feel for the characters. This is absolutely one of the better zombie movies.
Rated 02 Jul 2010
Surprisingly good sequel to 28 Days Later.
Rated 25 Jan 2008
A sequel worthwhile watching, but the typical rule still holds: The descendant is always worse than its previous one!
Rated 08 Feb 2008
On some level, I enjoyed it; the directing was okay, the premise not too bad, but then the movie gets full of stupidity. People making stupid decisions, stupid effects shots, stupid plot twists, and stupidly obvious foreshadowing. I really wanted to like it, it does some things fairly okay, and honestly don't think it detracts from the original, but it got way too silly much too often.
Rated 20 Feb 2014
Someone once told me that there's no need to separate church and state, saying that only of their combined ashes can a new world be born. 28 Weeks Later thinks along the same lines. In it, the seed of the new hope has to "kill" her upbringing, i.e. everything she has grown to believe about society, in order to have a real chance at rebuilding. Despite having a different director, the movie is eerily similar to its predecessor, from the pseudo-realism right down to the messiness of the script.
Rated 26 May 2011
Has some weak points in terms of character development, but a lot of the individual scenes are very effectively executed. Strong tension and some interesting, if underdeveloped, moral quandaries.
Rated 05 Jan 2019
The first one is a masterpiece, so why does this sequel kinda suck. I guess the plot and tension are just not there, and when the movie thinks there is not enough happening it just throws a bomb at you. (instead of a zombie) Also, if the first movie suffered from one annoying child actor in a side role, this film has two deeply annoying child actors in central roles. In the end you wish the zombies would just eat us all.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
While 28 Weeks Later lacks the humanism that made 28 Days Later a classic, it's made up with fantastic atmosphere and punchy direction.
Rated 06 May 2008
Passes the time.
Rated 17 May 2008
definately not as good as the first, but still not a bad zombie romp. i have a grudge against this movie because it kills off robert carlyle.
Rated 20 May 2008
Somehow it was trying to be deeper than mindless action and gore. But that's really all it is once the virus returns. The "story" is just an excuse to bring more weapons and destruction into the action sequences. But it still did the mindless action fairly well.
Rated 04 Mar 2011
From '28 Days Later', a film building on some stunning cinematography and a great story, here we have a classic example of the ever crippling horror-movie spasm: let's make each and every character as stupid as possible and use that to frighten the audience. Like, why don't they put a guard with the wife that has the virus? Hmm! The producers seem to really believe making the same film one more time, just worse, would work out. Only positive thing is a tip-top Jeremy Renner. Again!
Rated 09 Jun 2008
Two simple steps to make this movie better: 1) Give Robert Carlyle a bigger part. 2) Include logic.
Rated 13 Jun 2008
There were many points at which I thought to myself, I would've done this differently, and it would've worked much better. It's slightly above average only for the cast and the music.
Rated 12 Oct 2023
Well, after stuff like The Last of Us and World War Z, it is a bit bland but for its time it is okay. I have fonder memories of the first movie, this one has some serious plot issues (that urge to make symmetries in stories with the remain family for example). But the main theme music was great, night vision scenes work wonderfully with the eye colors of Potts and the casting was great. Also finally, a guy that runs away from Zombies instead of being heroic... that was a breath of tepid air.
Rated 28 Nov 2013
Opens with a host of intriguing situations, alas none of which are satisfyingly developed, this flick deciding to go with the fast and furious approach of racing from scene to scene. Then the implausibilities start to rack up, eventually becoming so frequent and ludicrous you're physically laughing at the ridiculousness of it all (although the underground night vision sequence does test your patience). Still, at 90 minutes, you can't deny this is a well-directed, entertaining watch.
Rated 04 Mar 2011
Not a patch on the original but still manages to be one of the best contemporary "zombie"/outbreak films.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
It gets exponentially dumber the longer that it goes on but overall it's a better movie with better direction, better production values, and better actors than its predecessor.
Rated 11 Aug 2008
28 days and 28 weeks illustrate the fundamental difference between a good zombie film and an average zombie film. Days focused on character interaction, and the zombies served more as vehicles for the antagonists rather than the antagonists themselves. 28 weeks is a traditional "ZOMG zombies" slaughterfest. Still a good movie (the night vision scene was particularly very well done), it just could have been so many worlds better if it was closer in approach to the original.
Rated 21 Apr 2009
Really great movie. The opening scene was marvelous, exciting, fast, ... Actually just like the entire movie. Some scenes are really over the top, but actually that didn't bother me at all. It's a great and unpredictable story and there's a huge tension through the entire film I especially liked. Also the camerapoints that are used are awesome, the filming technique was great, and the acting was superb! I am Legend really doesn't match up with this one.
Rated 18 Oct 2022
The opening is strong, despite a bit too much shakycam, and the setting and atmosphere of a deserted UK works well at the outset and throughout. It’s well paced, and compelling, even if it’s somewhat frustrating and a little nihilistic overall. Robert Carlyle is great value for money here…perhaps slightly less scary than Begbie in Trainspotting, though. A decent sequel, all things considered.
Rated 16 Nov 2008
My theory: during secret testing of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN lab in 2006, a huge black hole was generated which escaped and was made into the plot of this movie. So I started wanting everybody to die, most of all the damn brats that caused it all. Some of the setups are extremely nasty - am I the only one to associate the herding of people into the "bunker", then lights going out and Infected entering with the gas chamber at Auschwitz? Should a mere entertainment flick tread there?
Rated 19 Nov 2008
Most of the points go to the opening scenes. While the transition to a action movie made "weeks" a much weaker zombie movie compared to "days" its still worth a watch. Hopefully "months" will go back to its roots.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
Sure, it has many weak parts, but there's still some interesting stuff here. The first 10 minutes are simply perfect. Some nifty camera angles, the firebombing was intense, and some good, small moments that stood out. On the other hand it felt rushed and the US military seems to get more antagonist-time than the zombies.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Utterly retarded zombie-trash. The surviors constantly make one stupid descision after another and they aren't even supposed to be braindead. The 10 pity points are for the tense opening scene alone. A shame - "28 days later" was great
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Not as suspenseful as the first in the series but had more action and gore. Well done effects without being over the top and cheesy. Good ensemble cast with Byrne and Carlyle being standouts. Highly recommended!
Rated 12 Apr 2013
I give this sequel credit. While Danny Boyle's touch isn't in there, the film's directing still helps it move and never get boring, 28 Weeks later... Has plenty of zombie action and blood as promised and almost all of the characters are likable. While I loved the way 28 Days Later ended, this stands pretty solid on it's own.
Rated 12 May 2007
It's not as great as the first, but it's not as bad as you've heard either. Well, maybe it would be, but thanks to the incredible opening sequence and the soundtrack, it holds its own as an entertaining movie that falls short of the greatness its predecessor had.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Pretty much the same on a larger scale. Worth seeing for the highly disturbing massacre scene
Rated 21 Aug 2012
Entertaining for an unneeded sequel.
Rated 23 Sep 2011
#11#, story, 'pt 1', (casting).
Rated 22 Jan 2010
Impressively bleak! I preferred this to the first film, as it's more consistent throughout and doesn't lose it's way as much towards the end. Some stupid moments but they don't detract from the zombie onslaught.
Rated 18 Jul 2009
stupid screenplay stupid characters = crapfest
Rated 20 Jul 2007
15 - 20 Temmuz 07 (2)
Rated 30 Aug 2011
Has nothing on the original
Rated 05 Sep 2007
- recommended
Rated 06 Sep 2007
So-so sequel.
Rated 05 Mar 2014
I'm not sure what this movie wanted to accomplish. It starts off pretty much like 28 Days Later; serious, dark and suspenseful, but things get more and more ridiculous as the movie progresses. My suspension of disbelief was first challenged and later completely shattered by the events that happen throughout this movie. The tension that ran through the better part of the first movie is largely absent here. It definitely has its moments, especially in the first act, but it ultimately falls flat.
Rated 14 Sep 2010
Rated 12 Feb 2012
The first one was better, but this is still a decent zombie flick.
Rated 28 Oct 2007
I loved the first one. This sequal falls under the typical category most sequals do; they just don't live up to the original. The premise had great possibility but film fails miserably to go anywhere interesting or meaningful.
Rated 03 Nov 2007
I'm not convinced Fresnadillo had a complete understanding of how the Rage Virus works. I mean, moments of humanity from the infected? Did he even watch the first film? Also, why would they possibly want to leave this movie open for a sequel? Anything that you could do with infected in Paris you could do with infected in London. This entire movie they had the chance to play with the infected in a major city, and they blew it. I'm a huge fan of 28 days later, so this was a disappointment.
Rated 02 Mar 2014
I enjoyed where they went with it even if it is a bit of a let down from the first.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Disappointing sequel.
Rated 14 Jan 2016
Sadly nowhere as good as 28 days later. Whole story with the father is just ridiculous. Best thing about this movie is that the reuse some of the soundtrack from the first.
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Rated 02 Jan 2008
After a superb opening scene the film rapidly looses momentum & the plot.
Rated 02 Jan 2008
a BIG drop from the first. Not a waste of a rental, but a let-down.
Rated 23 Feb 2018
Rated 16 Sep 2012
Not as good as its predecessor, but I like the approach to the aftermath of the zombie apocolapse.
Rated 10 Feb 2008
Rated 17 Nov 2009
Not as good as the first, but definitely holds its own in the genre.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 29 Mar 2008
Not quite the original, but still very well done. Would have likely been better had Boyle come back to direct the sequel. The idea behind it is very well thought out, and carrries on the ideas of the first quite well. Fast paced, intense, and by far one of the best zombie movies ever.
Rated 17 Jun 2024
You can see that they tried very hard to make it poetic, but the obvious effort kind of breaks the narrative's spell. Despite this, it succeeds in maintaining a realistic atmosphere, which helps you connect with the characters. Also, even though it failed, I kinda appreciated the poetic narrative.
Rated 15 May 2011
Starts off pretty good, but as soon as hell starts break loose - after the intense beginning - the plot just goes downhill. Okay, but doesn't compare to the original.
Rated 01 Jun 2009
Just Horrible. Rage Virus? Really? A Rage Virus? That's your gimmick?
Rated 21 Mar 2009
" not just because of its visual and thematic resonance with current global traumas, but because it grips you on an emotional level."
Rated 04 Feb 2024
Aside from the fact this has one of the most insane casts for a horror entry, 28 Weeks Later does feel more mainstream in many aspects of its presentation. The film loses its grainy & unfocused flair and opts for a cleaner, but somehow less coherent, scope. The narrative is less engaging because it’s of its simplicity, leaving less to be answered. It also, manages to once again, create sequences that pull you out at times. However, its prologue is something special, and this isn’t bad, per se.
Rated 12 Feb 2012
The Americanization of this movie ruined it for me.
Rated 18 Mar 2009
Falls far short of the benchmark set by 28 Days Later, but not a horrible film. It suffers from poor character development and straying too far from what made its predecessor a great film.
Rated 27 Jun 2008
Rated 08 Nov 2009
Wizualnie to fajny film, szkoda tylko, ze rezyser nie do konca wiedzial jak to jeszcze dobrze skleic z fabula...
Rated 23 Sep 2008
Much more thriller
Rated 12 Jan 2016
Hot stylish zombie action. Fast zombies!
Rated 28 Apr 2010
Although I think the fact the father could think fairly logically after being infected is just a cheap way to make suspense (unless I'm missing something here), I still enjoy the rest of the movie. It's scary, hits a right on atmosphere, has great music, and some chilling and memorable scenes.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Not as strong as the first but for a zombie sequel movie it's pretty good.
Rated 29 Nov 2008
After ingenious "28 days latter", this crap?
Rated 04 Sep 2022
One of my favorite openings to a movie, but everything after the first couple minutes fails to live up to the ton of how it starts
Rated 18 May 2013
Excellent follow-up to 28 Days later. A thrilling and intense watch. Some of the gore and action scenes are so over the top that they are comical but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The soundtrack is excellent and I loved the frequent abandoned city air-shots. Acting is solid and the film generally stays away from clichés. The chase in the opening scene is amazing. This film is a great entertaining experience, would have been even better if the plot was better developed.
Rated 04 Feb 2011
For the first hour of this film I thought this was better then the first.Then it turned into a typical Hollywood horroraction blood bath that I found cliched and boring.That being said this film does have it's moments,especially the opening scene and the scene in the clinic room.
Rated 26 Apr 2010
The only thing that was worth watching in the movie was the totally stranded streets of London and the whole city getting fired up. Apart from that this movie is quite disappointing compared to the original.
Rated 17 Jan 2009
Really dumb writing and I hated the pacing, great fx though.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Another one they should have left off the sequel.


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