25th Hour
25th Hour
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25th Hour

25th Hour

2h 15m
The 25th Hour depicts the last day of freedom for a young man before he begins serving a seven-year jail term for drug dealing. Prowling through the city until dawn with his two close male friends and his girlfriend, he is forced to re-examine his life and how he got himself into his predicament, which leads to a shocking, disturbing finale. (imdb)

25th Hour

2h 15m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 62.61% from 5340 total ratings

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Rated 19 Apr 2009
Movies like this are incredibly difficult to make well, and normally they end up being so horribly horribly boring (just some actors talking to each other and not really doing anything). That's why 25th hour is so amazing -- it somehow avoids the pitfalls of terrible navel-gazing dramas (ie. Babel, Lost in Translation) and instead keeps things interesting the entire time. So much nuance, so much to look at and listen to. Definitely Norton's best film.
Rated 27 Mar 2015
A list of scenes I've just barely watched less times than the final speech Brian Cox delivers in this film: the circular glass explosion from the first Matrix, Tom Atkins' speech from Night of the Creeps, any youtube clip of Good Will Hunting, Sharon Stone's chair swivel in Basic Instinct, the To The Pain speech from Princess Bride, Bill Murray's response to "Is this true?" in Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones dealing with getting shot. Scenes I've watched more: Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is just too all over the place as Lee tries to cram too many ideas into one movie, and subsequently fails to adequately develop any of them.
Rated 20 Jun 2022
There's a great scene near the end of Malcolm X where the hero floats through the streets and talks with people all while contemplating his life. This film is Spike Lee extending that moment for two hours. Credit goes to the actors for nailing the anger that comes with impending doom. It's also a faithful adaptation to the David Benioff novel, which itself resembles a screenplay. And the ending uses elegiac music and editing perfectly. A classic and one of the best films of the 21st century.
Rated 31 Jul 2014
Roger Ebert, in his review of Fargo: "movies like Fargo are the reason I love movies." I'm going to borrow that quote but replace Fargo with 25th Hour. This is both an impeccable snapshot of America at a cultural crossroads and a moving, poignant human drama. MartinTeller says there are too many ideas, but I think there's really just one: This is a movie about hindsight. Failure, loss, betrayal and wasted potential, in all their forms; and how the future is only clear when it's already too late.
Rated 22 Jul 2009
(after repeat viewings) A solid film about failure and regret, and the reminder of a life that could have been. Great script and the performances are strong across the board. One of Spike's best.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Before it spirals totally out of control at the end in a way that I don't even think Spike Lee intended, this is a tight, smart movie about three friends and the very different paths their lives have taken.
Rated 25 Jan 2007
One of Spike Lee's best movies (not saying much). Edward Norton's monologue is great and the rest of the cast is superb. Cool ending and PSH is awesome.
Rated 15 Jan 2007
Something about this movie has stuck with me ever since I watched it. It does a great job of creating a moody, subdued atmosphere - the resigned nature of Brogan and his ultimate fate is communicated through scenes of banal conversation, or unsuccessful attempts to have fun, and it really drew me in. Lee tries to cover a lot of ground, but mostly the focus is on Brogan and his regrets. But I still can't wholly put into words what I loved about this.
Rated 09 Jul 2019
Norton quietly drudges through a sentimental, yet bland and unaffecting main story only faintly echoing "The Last Detail", and Hoffman gets an inconsequential subplot that doesn't mesh and fades from memory by the film's bullshit ending. Many years later, David Benioff would co-author the ruination of whatever "Game of Thrones" had going for it. The seeds of his mediocrity are already evident in "The 25th Hour".
Rated 27 May 2018
Top badass moment? Aw, poor doggie. Fortunately, even drug dealers have a soft side and it certainly balances up all the bad press they get. I bet they’re all lentil eating, tree hugging vegans too. Selling drugs is just their way of punishing people for not being perfect, like they are. So anyway, who can tell me if all Americans get 24 hours to party before they go to jail? Edward Norton (the inventor of anti-virus software and the motorbike) does. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
This life came so close to never happening.
Rated 05 Sep 2009
My favorite novel all time. Best ending ever, both on film and on page. All the cast is great - it's just a personal favorite that I hope others enjoy as well.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A powerful story about friendship, relationships, family, and a score of other parts of the human drama. Acted masterfully with some really memorable scenes. It's hard to pick out who shines the most in this cast, as all of the major actors deliver.
Rated 15 Jan 2007
Fantastic look into a drama filled day in the life. Captivating.
Rated 14 Oct 2021
+monologue +Brian Cox
Rated 07 Oct 2021
Оценка - 67 Общая - 62 Нарратив - 6 Сценарий - 8 Постановка - 6 Целостность - 5.5 Монтаж - 5 Выполнение своей цели - 6 Флоу - 5.5 Личное - 6.5 Атмосфера - 6.5 Эмоции - 5 Актерская игра - 6 Саундтрек - 6 Синематографи - 6 Визуал - 6.5 Звук - 5.5 Продакшн дизайн - 6.5 Костюмы - 7.5 Настроение - 1
Rated 09 Sep 2021
not sure why you'd watch New York, September 10th (cue the funereal strings, ALL of them) when you could be watching Oslo, August 31st or that other NY movie about anna paquin getting with her english teacher (that particular scene might be better in this movie i guess), both of which have the advantage of not being hideously overripe in every way. yall notice how the second monologue cleverly contrasts with the first, or how norton at the end is the dog at the beginning? sheeeeeeeeit
Rated 09 May 2021
Very hard to judge. Great idea, great characters, sparks of great screenplay, but sometimes it falls off in the uncanny valley of unnatural dialogs. It keeps it realistic for all its length, showing what the last hours as a free man can look like - the friends, the girlfriend, the father - but then it ends with a long anti-climatic dream sequence. Lee gets in his own way showing off with unneeded frenetic editing, but still gives his touch to a script that could have been filmed in a bland way.
Rated 03 Nov 2020
Very surprising movie from Spike Lee. My respect to him is back again. Supported by pretty good script from Benioff and talented actors, this movie had a all elements to be something great. But for me its a bit boring.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Prob the best of Spike's apolitical mainstream joints so far. Unsurprisingly, PSH stole the show.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
lee crafts a compelling story, conveniently confined in a day, to convey the whole lives of three friends, and the city that made them who they are. aside from the jittery editing, everything seems to click, the chemistry of the leads is good and lee manages to deliver what he intended to deliver. it's a raw, subdued ordeal and not a hollywood drama that one might expect.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
This isn't really a departure from the Norton typecast actor--the unlikely protagonist who's always trying to find the moral solution. No, this film definitely comes with a moral position. However, this is certainly the best script he's had to work with as well as one of the best performances he's given.
Rated 13 Nov 2017
BACK-FILLING WHOLE LOT OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR A LONG, LONG TIME -> Recall/Scores may be 20-30% off. Not at all offended, grateful actually, if anyone wants 2 drop me a cordial msg if think memory dulled a gem or gave a rosy tint to a clunker. IE. Tell me WHY I am wrong & what U think I should've scored. Love film chat/debate
Rated 17 Jul 2017
The greatest trick Spike Lee ever pulled, was making me expect a great reveal at the end of this film. Nonetheless, the ride was quite enjoyable.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
I wish this had a stronger more focused script - and maybe a bit better direction. Lee's style seems to be exaggerated here, with some weird editing choices. It doesn't feel like it had much focus, it had some fantastic scenes in it, but it could have been tighter. The story elements don't seem to be wrapped up and sometimes it even feels like it wanders a bit. It still has some excellent moments don't get me wrong, but could have been something even better.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
Horrible. Dragged on endlessly and was really boring.
Rated 11 May 2016
I find this a very overrated film. I think the acting is very strong but the story is meandering and self indulgent and a little bit ridiculous. There is something odd about a movie so focused on boo hooing a drug dealer living a posh life getting busted for drugs. Equally misplaced were his friends from childhood who seem completely disconnected from his life of crime. Amazing acting in a pointless film without direction
Rated 21 Sep 2015
A compelling and honest look at the themes of regret and consequence, Spike Lee presents us with a sobering account of the last 25 hours of freedom in the life of a young man, played brilliantly by Norton, who struggles to accept his fate while tying up loose ends in the final moments leading up to his incarceration. Not all the story elements cohere, and some of the editing choices are distracting, but the performances are great and Lee proves that he can function effectively against type.
Rated 23 Aug 2015
Better than expected.
Rated 05 Mar 2015
25th Hour is one of my preferred Spike Lee films, but he is a filmmaker who's work I struggle to enjoy. There are undeniable moments of brilliance and for the most part the overall look and feel of the film is impressive. But some of the editing in particular is dreadful and it took me out of the experience. Plot wise it's all over the place and it seems to just wander off with itself. But 25th Hour is elevated by the stellar performances of Norton, Seymour Hoffman, Pepper, Dawson & Cox.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
Well, it's hard out there for a man.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
The script is huge mess but captures a sense of impending doom and helplessness with striking power. In a way it's the ultimate post 9/11 movie.
Rated 30 Apr 2014
I thought this movie had one of the best endings I have seen. I also liked that it stayed quite true to the book.
Rated 07 Feb 2014
It's good up to a point. Then the writing gets in the way. The story is good, but some of the dialogue is over long and some of the dialogue feels like some pretentious short story look-at-how-unique-my-writing-is bullshit that isn't all that unique because it's used in many short stories. I don't not include the bathroom monologue which was great. Everything else was fantastic and made this movie well worth the watch.
Rated 25 Dec 2012
Spike Lee and Ed Norton at the top of their game. Amazing scene in the bathroom.
Rated 29 Apr 2012
The story is comprised of several subplots that have little to do with each other, other than they in a thematic sense deal with loss, longing, anger and despair. '25th hour' is extremely unfocused, which is somehow that strangely befitting for a post-9/11 movie. It is almost as if Spike Lee felt that he needed to say something, even though he wasn't ready to talk about it, and this makes for a strange but never irrelevant experience.
Rated 21 Dec 2011
Edward Norton gives another great performance in this film. Rosario Dawson and Phillip Seymour Hoffman are also great in this film. The story is good quality and the ending is interesting.
Rated 04 Sep 2011
Somehow successfully marries slick direction with serious post-9/11 content. There's at least a handful of really memorable scenes. UPDATE [15/2/19] This film has nothing but memorable scenes. It's fantastically written, acted, edited, and everything, and is a compelling watch for its 'last day' concept. Scenes like the one overlooking ground zero must have been so arresting to see when this was released.
Rated 09 May 2011
25th Hour is a succinct and moving film about consequence. The things we do have consequences, both good and bad. Every character has this realization at one moment or another, and its a gripping to see how each unfolds. Some brilliant scenes pepper a finely crafted film with knock out performances from the three leads.
Rated 19 Jan 2011
Nice Movie
Rated 31 Dec 2010
This deserves to be a lot more loved than it is. Edward Norton's first-person rant is astounding.
Rated 12 Oct 2010
Probably one of my top 3 favourite movies of all time. I saw it 7 or 8 years ago and I watched again last night. It's so powerful, Edward Norton is perfect, but all the cast is also amazing. I can't recommend this movie enough.
Rated 10 Oct 2010
Early in my second viewing I was sure I'd be downgrading this one significantly, as the unnaturalistic dialogue clashed with how I remembered the film. But it's all in service of an incredibly moving final act. It's not without its flaws; there are some questionable editing choices and I'm not totally on board with some of the performances, but the end result is a solid top-100 for me.
Rated 30 Sep 2010
The desert's for startin over...
Rated 30 Sep 2010
My favorite Spike Lee movie. I love when a movie with no expectations completely blows you away.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
Director Lee and writer Benioff often tend to push things to excess - in terms of story and dialogue as well as visually. It's a hit-or-miss affair and it works most of the times. There are some truly amazing moments: the scene at the mirror, the monologue from Brian Cox at the end and about everything involving Philip Seymour Hoffman. The characters are realistic and convincing, thanks to an outstanding ensemble cast: Norton, Hoffman and Pepper are all in top form.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
Script loses its way at times, but the whole thing is held together by the magnetic cast.
Rated 19 Aug 2010
Rated 10 Apr 2010
Found this Spike Lee joint to be highly engaging and well acted. Coherence in the story may jump around at times but its forgiven as at times everything ironically feels so well fitted.
Rated 28 Feb 2010
I don't like Spike Lee and I consider this his second worst movie (after Summer of Sam). The direction is terrible, the characters are obnoxious, and the story is cheesy and cliched. Also, Norton's monologue is one of the worst things I've ever had to sit through.
Rated 23 Feb 2010
I've waited patiently for Lee to knock another one out of the park, and he put it all together here in this study of loss (both on the micro --a man sees his potential snuffed due to his own mistakes, and macro --this is the first fiction film to directly address and live with 9/11) scale) and responsibility in present-day New York City.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
A great film that exceeds the novel upon which it is based.
Rated 09 Jun 2009
"Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent child's pants. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. And while you're at it, fuck JC! He got off easy! A day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity! Try seven years in fuckin Otisville, Jay!" ;]
Rated 27 Feb 2009
This film is all about mood. Lee beautifully weaves together the subdued atmosphere of post-9/11 NYC with the trepidation over Monty's imprisonment, at once looking backward and forward, everything shaded by melancholy. That Monty finds some glimmer of hope in his dim future mirrors the hope we find in NYC through the diverse population of the city. It's easy to point the finger of blame outward, but with the world in such an uncertain place, our best bet is to suck it up and persevere.
Rated 27 Jan 2009
"Yeah, fuck you, too. Fuck *me*? Fuck *you*, Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it. Fuck the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car - get a fucking job! Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores stinking up my day. Terrorists in fucking training. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! (...)" -in my top movie quotes top 10. GREAT MOVIE.1 word.Norton
Rated 15 Jul 2008
I liked nothing about this film. The direction is terrible. The script is terrible. The acting is terrible. The music is fucking baffling. Lord this film is cheesy. A pain to watch.
Rated 30 Dec 2007
Do I have to say I'm a Edward Norton-fan ? A film not like any other , where there are made 13 in a dozen. Spike Lee did a good job , some scene's will be remebered ( Fuck You-speech )
Rated 13 Nov 2007
Spike Lee's finest hour, a heartbreaking, powerful, moving, and riveting picture that packs a whallop. A devastastingly sad dilemma that ends in a night that will change the lives of all it affects. Edward Norton's finest most mature performance. Unforgettable.
Rated 21 Oct 2007
It's in my top-10 list of the best movies.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Amazing work all around. The movie looks phenomenal. Norton, Dawson and Cox all turn in great performances. Easily my favorite work from Spike Lee.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I like the movie a fair bit, but either you'll like the way it drags or you won't. I didn't, but I was still interested in the directing and the story.
Rated 02 May 2007
About as good an adaptation of a novel as I've ever seen, the film is bursting with regret and redemption just as the novel seethed with it. I really loved it.
Rated 20 Apr 2007
Ed Norton's always pretty awesome. It's well acted by basically everyone, especially Norton and Cox, and there really are some great little monologues in here. My only problem with it is that it's a bit all over the place, and kinda wanders around instead of staying focused.
Rated 07 Apr 2007
Spike Lee gets his groove back. Well-done drama about believable human beings that try to laugh in the face of impending doom
Rated 10 Jan 2007
Lee tries to do a lot of different things at the same time here, and opinions over whether he succeeds are, unsurprisingly, split. Personally I think the core of the movie is strong enough to keep the various strands reasonably well together, but there's no doubt that some restraint and focus would've gone a long way here. Could've been less preachy, also. Definitely worth seeing, though.
Rated 14 Sep 2024
The parts that are good are very, very good; notably, the cast, and the pendulum of stories swinging together. There were a few spots that really bugged me (seeing something three times via edits) which made me start to feel disconnected. It also seemed odd for a film that was very much headed to a wrap-it-all-up ending that it still managed to leave a lot untied.
Rated 17 Aug 2024
Alright movie, though it's about characters I find quite unlikable and unpleasant, which makes it harder to enjoy. One of my favorite soundtracks of all time.
Rated 22 Jul 2024
Askere ve maraşa gitmeden önce ben de aynı böyle hissetmiştim.
Rated 19 Dec 2023
Spike Lee has once again delivered my taste of good movie ... great actors as well as the scene compositions an absolutely good movie worth watching ..!!!
Rated 02 Dec 2023
It is the first movie that delved into a psychology of a to-be incarcerated criminal. Majority of the criminal personas are hard-core but this made me realise how much human we all are; That everyone's fears are so similar
Rated 30 May 2023
A very good, powerfully acted film with great performances all over the place, but it suffers a bit from both Lee's excesses and, more importantly, kind of aimless and kind of pointless subplots for side characters that never get resolved (Hoffman's subplot, for instance, never particularly goes anywhere). An interesting film. Everyone in it does well, including former NFL DT Tony Siragusa, who gives a surprisingly good performance.
Rated 27 Jun 2022
This was the sixth movie I watched on June 16th, 2022. Don’t watch six movies in one day! I don’t care who you are. Anyway I got basically nothing out of this but I think that’s largely down to the source material and screenplay. And it’s much easier to blame one of the Game of Thrones guys than it is on Spike.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 09 Mar 2019
Rated 21 Aug 2016
An irritating mess. Lee spends the whole movie laboriously insisting that you feel sorry for this poor tragic hero who was just minding his own business when the evil DEA came and ruined his life, and I just recoiled at every turn. The more they tried to make him likeable and cool and innocent, the less I cared about him or his plight; if he had some shades of grey, if he wasn't such a persecuted martyr, maybe I would have given a shit, but god damn, they just kept dancing away at the pity party
Rated 31 Jul 2016
Rated 21 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★
Rated 05 Nov 2015
Most ridiculous line in a film in 2002......"I'm Irish, I can't get drunk".
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Rated 03 Dec 2014
(2nd viewing)
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Very solid movie nothing ground breaking though just great performances across the board especially Hoffman and norton.
Rated 10 Jul 2014
The closest Lee has gotten to melodrama, and he handles it very well. The development of the four principal characters is handled so well, and the performances so perfect, that I seamlessly had the realization in the middle of the movie that I feel like I've know these people long and personally as the camera glides and hovers around the settings with that Lee-esque integrated voyeurism (if that makes sense). A tiny flicker of hope and humanity in the face of confusion and dread.
Rated 25 May 2014
A crime drama with some pretty good PSH scenes.
Rated 24 May 2014
I wasn't a fan of the editing style. The final narration was incredibly repetitive and heavy-handed, and quite honestly almost ruined the mood for me. That and some very see-through dialogue at points got to be annoying. Everything else about 25th Hour though was fantastic!
Rated 03 Feb 2014
#14#, liked, oldies(2) }*{ #00s(e)#, story, reviews, cast
Rated 29 Dec 2013
Strange and uneven. Some memorable scenes. Some casting mistakes too. Liked it a lot though.
Rated 25 Dec 2013
An intelligent and well-acted film despite the usual Spike Lee excesses.
Rated 01 Dec 2013
Turned out to be a waste of time, honestly. Edward Norton sizzles but there's not much a thrill to the storyline. It comes across as mundane - typical story of a drug-dealer who really did not want to be one but just ended up becoming one.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
Rated 19 Aug 2013
My first Spike Lee joint, and it tasted horrible.
Rated 22 Jul 2013
As with every non-documentary Spike Lee film, about half good and half bad. Strong cast. Someone should've told Spike he did that bathroom monologue scene already in Do The Right Thing.
Rated 22 Apr 2013
(The Mirror Scene Rocks..!!)
Rated 07 Apr 2013
As a whole it's ok and mostly works but, like other Spike Lee films, the moralizing can be grating.
Rated 05 Apr 2013
Can be self-indulgent - that bathroom monologue - but it can also be brilliant. Messy and rewarding like what life is.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Preachy and empty.
Rated 22 Dec 2012
One of Spike Lee's best - an emotionally intimate film which can focus on a few moments in the lives of a few characters but also reflect on the nature of post-9/11 New York City and America without being too ambitious. Great performances matched by great direction and a fantastic, mournful score. I could go on for days but of note I find the ending monologue to be one of the best endings to a film I've seen in a long while - summarising and adding to the films themes while being a great scene.
Rated 21 Dec 2012
Everything about this film is colloquial and nuanced-from Norton's unchecked performance to Seymour Hoffman's apparent crippling and acute social anxiety. There was also a handful of unforgettable moments-ranging from Norton's rancorous monologue on the NY's state of society to the denouement wherein a hypothetical suggestion from Norton's father to book it for Canada and live happily ever-after was proposed. Very loose and restless editing bogged down the power this film might have had.
Rated 29 Oct 2012
God, what the hell was Lee thinking slathering such an odious musical score over this movie? Terribly overrated, one of Lee's worst. I actually liked Girl 6 better than this piece of crap.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 8 * Script : 7 * Directing, Aura : 7 * Ease of Viewing : 6 * Naked Eye : 6


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