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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence is set in 2032, when the line between humans and machines has been blurred almost beyond distinction. Batou, a cyborg detective for the government's covert anti-terrorist unit, is investigating the case of a gynoid - a hyper-realistic female robot created specifically for sexual companionship - who malfunctions and slaughters her owner. (Go Fish Pictures)
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My Favorite Martian
A martian lands on Earth and makes friends with a reporter. (imdb)
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Electrick Children
Pregnant by music? Rachel, a young Mormon girl, believes in immaculate conception, while her fundamentally religious family regards her condition as an intolerable transgression. The search for the child's origins is a revelation for the 15-year-old. (imdb)
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Nuts in May
Nuts in May (1976) - Season 6, Episode 12
Play for Today - Season 6, Episode 12
A bourgeois couple take a camping trip into the country, only to find their tent neighbors unsatisfactory and distinctly crass. Tensions flare between campers in this mild mannered comedy on class.
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry finds himself selected as an underaged competitor in a dangerous multi-wizardary school competition. (imdb)
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Little White Lies
Despite a traumatic event, a group of friends decide to go ahead with their annual beach vacation. Their relationships, convictions, sense of guilt and friendship are sorely tested. They are finally forced to own up to the little white lies they've been telling each other. Pretenses become increasingly hard to keep up. Until the moment when the truth finally catches up with them all.
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A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE. (imdb)
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An Officer and a Gentleman
A young man must complete his work at a Navy Flight school to become an aviator, with the help of a tough gunnery sergeant and his new girlfriend. (imdb)
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The Comedy
Indifferent even to the prospects of inheriting his father's estate, Swanson has been insulated his whole life by the bubble of privilege. He and his hipster friends live in a tepid social paradise, a.k.a. Williamsburg, where their good fortune breeds indifference and recreational cruelty. They pacify their discontent with games of mock sincerity and irreverence, as though humor itself were dying and had nothing left to do but turn on itself. (mubi.com)
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Saints and Soldiers
A dramatic, intense and heroic WWII film about members of the Greatest Generation struggling to be both good men and good soldiers. (Excel Entertainment Group)
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